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Yasine Tawfeek

Animal Cells Summary

An animal cell is a complicated and marvellous feet of biological engineering. Every part of an animal

cell plays a specific and vital role in the cell. Roles vary from organelles that excrete waste to parts of the cell

that “pack” proteins and enzymes. All these features play a very important role in the cell, and I will be

talking about each part. Apart from being the largest kingdom in taxonomy, Kingdom Animalia has some

intrinsic traits only to them. Kingdom Animalia does not contain any organisms that have cells walls.

Organisms of kingdom Animalia have a border like structure, Cell membrane, which allows it to be flexible

unlike the rigid cell wall of plants. Also Kingdom Animalia is the only kingdom that use muscles in order to

move. This traits is only shown by the kingdom Animalia. Also animal cells are heterotrophic meaning that

they are unable to make their own food and need to “digest” some thing in order to get energy. Animal cells,

like plants fungi and protists, are Eukaryotes meaning that they have a true nucleus. The nucleus is an

example of a cell organelles. Other examples of the most important organelles that are contained in the

animal cell include: The Cell membrane, which filters Forgien substances and lets out waste as well as keep

the cell intact and together and acts like a barrier for the cell; The Cytoplasm, which contains water and

nutrients for the cell and transport them all over the cell it also contains the Cytoskeleton which reinforces

the cell; The smooth ER, which contain enzymes which create lipids and also acts like the storing part of

the cell it also ions for muscle movement and for the cell and also detoxifies substance in the cell; the

Ribosomes which turn amino acids into Polyeptides; The Golgi apparatus, which acts like the messenger of

the cell where it “packages” and sends nutrients and other stuff to other parts of the cell it also turn proteins

in hormones and combines proteins and carbs to create molecules. The Lysosomes, which act like the

recycling part of the cell, it aids cell digestion and stores enzymes filters waste before leaving. The nucleus,

which stores the DNA of the cell, which act like the instruction manual for the cell, also directs cell

movement and actions; the Mitochondria, which preforms cell respiration and also turns energy in apt, it is


also most commonly known as the power house of the cell. As you can see, the animal cell is a very

complicated and elaborate system. All these features are all caused through many millions of years of

evolution and many organelles are not originally from the animal cell. For instance the Mitochondria was a

bacteria like organism which then became part of the animal cell.

Plant Cell Summary

Plant cells are eukaryotes, meaning that they have a true nucleus, unlike prokaryotes which don’t have

a nucleus and are far less complex and smaller in size. Plant cells have evolved over millions of years. Plants

have evolved to have rigid cell walls that keep the cell intact and protect it. It is what also makes plants tough

and stiff, unlike the flimsy animal cell. But with this rigidness comes some downsides. Because the plant cell

is so tough and the cell wall is not malleable, organisms of Kingdom Plantae are unable to move. But that is

no problem for the plant cell. Because the plant can’t move, it cannot go hunt for food and eat other

organisms, so the plant cell found away to make its own food while staying put, pretty cheeky if you ask me.

So the plant cell has what is called chloroplasts, which turn sunlight into food and nutrients using water and

the components. This chloroplast is what also gives the plants it intrinsic green colour. Also the plant cell is

also able to stacked up on one another to make very long trees and other plants. Plant cells also have what is

called a vacuole which acts like the storing container for water and other minerals. Also because of how

plants digest and how little energy they need, plants are not very nutritious. This means that herbivores, like

cows need to eat a lot of it in order to receive the needed calories to basically not die. Also even if we ate a

large amount of the same plants as herbivores we will still be unable to get enough calories to live. We would

need very elaborate and specific digestive systems that where Able to digest the portions of the plant cell.

Also because of the rigid cell wall of the plant cell, they have become very well protected, even more so than

animal cells. They are able to keep a stiff shape. Plant cells also contain some basic organelles like the animal

cells. Some of which include: the cell membrane, just behind the cell wall; the mitochondria, the

powerhouse of the cell; the nucleus, which stores genetic information and directs cell moment and


processes; Ribosomes; Golgi apparatus, which detoxes cells and waste in the cells and acts like the storage

unit of the cell. As you can see the plant cell has evolved to become very similar to the animal cell and they

share many traits which have evolved over millions of years


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