How Do You See The Future of Our Planet

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-How do you see the future of our planet?

From my point of view I consider that we live in a culture of consumerism where people think that
the most important thing is to have the smartest phone, the highest-end electronic device, but
few are those who care about what is causing the evil use of technology, the impact it is leaving on
the earth is so great that not even technology itself could solve it if it is not possible to change and
control its misuse over time, the excessive exploitation of natural resources, subject to the
environment that it is producing an increasingly accelerated deterioration of its quality and its
capacity to sustain life.

Technology is a great help in many fields and factors are also part of the problem in ecosystems,
since when we talk about technology we talk about machinery and devices that are often not
environmentally friendly, if not quite the opposite.

Air pollution has been produced by harmful amounts of gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon
monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide and methane used mainly since the industrial revolution, to
burn fuel, factories, power plants and vehicles that cause an impact highly negative on the health
of humans and other people including the impact of global warming since all these cause an
increase in global temperature.

As natural resources are depleted, another negative impact is generated on the environment since
they are being consumed faster with the use of technology and if they are not renewable they will
not be able to be replaced, the depletion of rivers, deforestation, the extraction of fuels, these are
caused by mining and agriculture.

I want to emphasize that with the arrival of technology, the quality of life of many people has
improved, the world economy has improved, and it has offered great benefits for the industry, but
my biggest concern is the way it is being used, the misuse that is being given by large companies
and multinationals without taking into account the damage it is causing on the planet. On a daily
basis we can see how global warming is affecting our environment without any type of control, the
entities in charge of regulating its use are not being fully competent for its control, the
indiscriminate felling of trees, the exploitation of rivers, the use of chemicals. and machinery every
day is seriously affecting our resources and ecosystems. I hope that this request can be taken into
account for the well-being of all and that a global call can be made to raise awareness, and that all
measures are taken to breathe easy, from putting pressure on politicians and companies to
changing our own habits Together, we can reduce pollution and turn around the misuse of
technology so that it continues to be of great help to the world economy and the quality of life.

- How to mitigate the environmental damage?

we can take actions that can help and favor the environment such as:

promote ecological awareness, Instead of driving a car, walking or riding a bicycle, opt for

electric cars since they are free of toxic emissions, Recycling is one of the easiest and most

accessible things we can do for the environment, Save the use water properly, avoid the use

of chemicals, buy products at the farmers market or grocery stores as they will be products

with less contamination because they are transported shorter distances than products often

found in chain stores

Regulatory entities such as the United Nations, the environmental police must take

part and be more regulated at the time of penalizing those companies or multinationals

dedicated to the excessive use of technology and its misuse, since they are the competent

entities to regulate said practices that read to all human beings and the planet.

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