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Materials Today: Proceedings 45 (2021) 6369–6371

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A study report on carbon sequestration by using Hempcrete

Vinay Kumar G a, Ravi Ramadoss a,⇑, Rampradheep G.S b
SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu, India
Kongu Engineering College, Department of Civil Engineering, Tamil Nadu, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Usage of energy efficient materials and zero carbon emission materials have become a latest trend in con-
Received 25 October 2020 struction industry many of these materials include agriculture and industrial residue one among those
Accepted 3 November 2020 materials are hempcrete. Hempcrete is a new building material consists of two major components they
Available online 27 February 2021
are hemp shiv and lime-based binders. A woody core of cannabis sativa plant chopped into small particles
is called as hemp shiv, lime-based binders are made by mixing of binders which has high content of
Keywords: hydrated lime which may include natural hydraulic lime, pozzolans, cements etc. hempcrete cannot be
Energy efficient materials
used as load a load bearing wall structure due to its poor compressive strength but it has good thermal
Carbon emission
and insulation properties which can be used as filling material with structural frame and as insulation
Hempcrete material for existing walls, roofs, and floors. Hempcrete can be made as monolithic walls by arranging
Carbon sequestration form work with desired thickness or precast blocks, prefabricated wall panel this paper emphasizes about
fundamental properties of hempcrete in different aspects and their performance.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Mechanical, Electronics and Computer Engineering 2020: Materials Science.

1. Introduction By differing the blend plan, hemp-lime materials may likewise

be utilized in denser or lighter composites for floor protection
Hempcrete lime is a current development material. The composite and rooftop protection a few investigations have indicated that
material joins quickly developing inexhaustible and carbon seques- hemp-lime has great warm and acoustic protection properties.
trating plant-based totals (hemp shiv) with a lime-based cover to The lightweight hemp-lime assimilates sound, hosing transmission
shape a lightweight material that is fit to different development appli- through dividers and different components.
cations, including strong dividers, rooftop protection, and under-floor It likewise gives a creative method of meeting the undeniably
protection and as a major aspect of the timber-surrounded structure rigid warm protection necessities of the Building Regulations.
[1]. It likewise offers great warm and acoustic execution and the The carbon sequestration and capacity limit of hemp-lime is a huge
capacity to manage inward relative stickiness through hygroscopic advantage of the material.
material conduct, adding to more beneficial structure spaces and giv- Hempcrete is a bio-total based common (low-sway) envelope
ing compelling warm mass [2] Table 1 Table 2. and a protection framework. It is a composite material made out
A lightweight hempcrete-lime composite is framed by blending of hemp shiv (hurd), lime cover, and water. Hemp dividers can
hempcrete shiv and a lime-based fastener [3]. The lime ties the have a few unmistakable points of interest including vitality effec-
hemp totals together, invigorating the material unobtrusive basic tive execution, feasible OBC standard, superb degree of air tight-
and solidness. Lime likewise shields the shiv from natural rot, ness and low warm crossing over, recyclable and delivered
mostly through its capacity to wick water away from the hemp utilizing sustainable sources, high dampness buffering, great exe-
shiv and its high alkalinity, just as giving fundamental impervious- cution imperviousness to fire, high acoustic execution, high tough-
ness to fire [4]. Hempcrete lime can be utilized to shape strong ness and high carbon sequestration [5].
non-load-bearing boards, commonly as a major aspect of timber It’s warm properties are subject to the materials contributed,
or other confined structures. blend extents, measure of water utilized, the level of porosity,
and the last thickness. Hempcrete has a conductivity of 0.076–
0.11 W/mK when blended in with a gentle to direct pressure-
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Ramadoss).
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics and Computer Engineering 2020:
Materials Science.
Vinay Kumar G, R. Ramadoss and R. G.S Materials Today: Proceedings 45 (2021) 6369–6371

Table 1 property it has a wide variety of applications. pH in hydrated lime

Properties of hemp. remains for a long time due to this it protects hemp from allowing
S. No Properties Values in the growth of fungus and bacterial attack and biological decay.
1 Specific Gravity (G/Mm ) 1.5
2 Moisture Absorption (%) 9.40 ± 0.53 4. Methodology of the study
3 Water Absorption (%) 85–105
4 Tensile Strength (MPa) 900
Hempcrete cannot be made as a load bearing wall structure so it
5 Modulus Of Elasticity (Gpa) 34
6 Bulk Density (kg/m3) 115 is framed to a monolithic wall structure or prefabricated wall panel
due to its poor compressive strength but hempcrete is used as good
Table 2 sound insulation material and it absorbs high amount of carbon
Chemical composition of Hemp. compared to other plant based materials so this study is about
investigating the carbon sequestrated and other parameters by
S. No Chemical Values
preparing prefabricated wall panels as shown in Fig. 1a and precast
1 Cellulose 50–60%
bricks as shown in Fig. 1b and using them in the slums to find the
2 Hemicelluloses 15–20%
3 Lignin 20–30%,
results according to the Indian climatic conditions.
4 Pectin 4–5%
5. Fundamental parameters
driven lime comprising of  85% hydrated lime and  15% mud or
pozzolans [6]. 5.1. Compressive strength

2. Scope Compressive strength is a major parameter that is considered

for every construction material it reflects the resistance offered
This paper aims to quantify the total carbon sequestration by the object without changing its shape or form without undergo-
achieved by lime hemp concrete through its biogenic and non- ing failure under compressive loading [10]. Various researches
biogenic components. It’s a known fact that hemp concrete stores have different versions on the compressive strength of hemp
carbon within itself through photosynthesis undertaken via the though hemp is a natural product we cannot ensure the exact
hemp plant; and carbonation is undertaken by the lime primarily strength it may vary from one to another due to many parameters
based binder. For this purpose the methodology adopted is to man- like type of hemp, type of binder used, the proportion of binder
ufacture few test cubes according to the mix design derived from used, etc [11]. In this paper, we will conduct an experimental
the studied literature and perform compressive strength, flexural approach to study the compressive strength of Hempcrete by using
strength, and thermal properties, acoustic properties, reaction to various mix proportion combinations if required we will add
fire test along with that we also perform X-Ray Diffractometric test admixtures to achieve strength.
to estimate the amount of carbon sequestrated and CHN Elemental
analysis to know the amount of carbon dioxide already captured by 5.2. Flexural strength
the hemp shives through photosynthesis.
Flexural strength is defined as the ability to resist the bending
stress from various literature studies it was found that hemp con-
3. Materials used & its properties
crete is good at taking flexural stress in some literature it also says
that the flexural strength increases by increasing the amount of
3.1. Hempcrete
binder content [12]. By performing the experimental study, we
can justify them
Cannabis sativa is the botanical name of hemp; hemp is one of
the oldest cultivated plants from 8000 B.C for various industrial
5.3. Thermal properties
purposes including the construction industry it creates high eco-
nomic value for farmers by steady sustainable production though
To design an energy-efficient building a designer should have
hemp is the by-product of the stem which are chopped in size of
an idea about the thermal properties of the materials used in the
1–2.5 CMS [7]. Hemp has a highly porous structure with a high
capillary capacity which can be observed inside the hemp stem
due to this it absorbs more water say like 10 times of its weight
it requires more water for mixing and maintaining workability [8].

3.2. Binder characteristics

The lime-based binder is used as a binding agent the major rea-

son for choosing lime as the binder is it is easily available and com-
patible with hemp rather than cement also it has a property of
carbonation [9]; lime can be classified as four types they are:

1. Quick lime.
2. Fat lime.
3. Slaked lime.
4. Hydraulic lime.

Among the four types of lime, we choose hydraulic lime because

it has a quick initial setting time and it has high compressive
strength than any other lime and it is lighter in weight due to this Fig. 1a. Hempcrete as monolithic wall panel.

Vinay Kumar G, R. Ramadoss and R. G.S Materials Today: Proceedings 45 (2021) 6369–6371

foreign countries like Australia, Canada, Russia, etc very few

research is done on the Indian climatic conditions so based on this
paper and keeping all parameters into considerations from previ-
ous literature we will conduct an experimental study on the key
parameters and find suitable solutions.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-

cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.


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5.7. CHN Elemental analysis Further Reading

[1] K. Srividhya, A. Mohan, M. Tholkapiyan, A. Arunraj, Earth quake disaster

CHN Elemental Analysis is performed to know the amount of
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[1] the very few researchers adopted this method but this gives [2] P. Tronet, T. Lecompte, V. Picandet, C. Baley, Study of lime hemp concrete (LHC)
– mix design, casting Process and mechanical behavior, Cem. Concr. Compos.
us the exact amount of carbon sequestrated.
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[3] H. Bedlivá, N. Isaacs, Hempcrete – an environmentally friendly material?, Adv
6. Conclusion Mater. Res. 1041 (2014) 83–86,
[4] Goasdoue, M. (2017). The Australian Hempcrete
Technologists. [online] Available at:http://www.
In this paper the researchers are trying to study feasibility of
hempcrete according to Indian climatic condition though many lit-
eratures available on hempcrete which are suitable according to


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