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American Journal of Infection Control 45 (2017) 1308-11

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

American Journal of Infection Control American Journal of

Infection Control

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. a j i c j o u r n a l . o r g

Major Article

Contact tracing with a real-time location system: A case study of

increasing relative effectiveness in an emergency department
Thomas R. Hellmich MD a,b, Casey M. Clements MD, PhD a,b, Nibras El-Sherif MBBS b,c,
Kalyan S. Pasupathy PhD b,c, David M. Nestler MD, MS a,b, Andy Boggust MD a,
Vickie K. Ernste DNP, RN a, Gomathi Marisamy BS d, Kyle R. Koenig BS c,
M. Susan Hallbeck PhD, CPE, PE b,c,d,*
a Department of Emergency Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
b Robert D. and Patricia E. Kern Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
c Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Departments of Surgery and Critical Care Systems, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

Key Words: Background: Contact tracing is the systematic method of identifying individuals potentially exposed to
Infectious disease infectious diseases. Electronic medical record (EMR) use for contact tracing is time-consuming and may
Pertussis miss exposed individuals. Real-time location systems (RTLSs) may improve contact identification. There-
fore, the relative effectiveness of these 2 contact tracing methodologies were evaluated.
Methods: During a pertussis outbreak in the United States, a retrospective case study was conducted
between June 14 and August 31, 2016, to identify the contacts of confirmed pertussis cases, using EMR
and RTLS data in the emergency department of a tertiary care medical center. Descriptive statistics and
a paired t test (α = 0.05) were performed to compare contacts identified by EMR versus RTLS, as was cor-
relation between pertussis patient length of stay and the number of potential contacts.
Results: Nine cases of pertussis presented to the emergency department during the identified time period.
RTLS doubled the potential exposure list (P < .01). Length of stay had significant positive correlation with
contacts identified by RTLS (ρ = 0.79; P = .01) but not with EMR (ρ = 0.43; P = .25).
Conclusions: RTLS doubled the potential pertussis exposures beyond EMR-based contact identification.
Thus, RTLS may be a valuable addition to the practice of contact tracing and infectious disease monitoring.
© 2017 Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier
Inc. All rights reserved.

Contact tracing is a critical strategy required for timely preven- health care workers and vulnerable patients (eg, infants and
tion and control of infectious disease outbreaks. 1,2 However, comorbid patients) at risk.7 This transmission may cause signifi-
conventional contact tracing methods are time-consuming and can cant health complications, especially for vulnerable patients, and
miss a significant number of potential exposures.3,4 Medical record increase morbidity and mortality.7 Failure to adequately trace in-
review and staff interview methods fail to capture all potentially fectious disease contacts disrupts routine health care services8 and
exposed individuals because of incomplete or missing documen- results in substantial cost for health care systems.9,10 Current contact
tation and recall bias.5,6 Failure to identify persons in contact with tracing methodologies for contagious diseases are imperfect, and
infected patients increases the risk of transmission, placing many new technological interventions should be investigated to identi-
fy close contacts in a timely, efficient, and exhaustive manner to
prevent subsequent transmission to other patients and health care
workers for effective outbreak management.
* Address correspondence to M. Susan Hallbeck, PhD, CPE, PE, Robert D. and Patricia
E. Kern Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery, Mayo Clinic, Division of Health Advances in technology have made tracking individuals possi-
Care Policy and Research, Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, 200 ble and increasingly affordable using several types of real-time
First St SW, Rochester, MN 55905. location system (RTLS). One such RTLS uses radiofrequency iden-
E-mail address: (M.S. Hallbeck). tification (RFID) tracking. RFID has been used in a variety of settings
Supported by funds from the Mayo Clinic Robert D. and Patricia E. Kern Center
for the Science of Health Care Delivery and contributions from the Mayo Clinic ED-
such as schools11,12 and academic conferences13,14 to facilitate and
Clinical Engineering Learning Lab. accelerate the process of understanding face-to-face contact, human
Conflicts of interest: None to report. interactions, and social networks accurately and efficiently within

0196-6553/© 2017 Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
T.R. Hellmich et al. / American Journal of Infection Control 45 (2017) 1308-11 1309

Table 1
Nine pertussis cases and potential exposure identified by electronic medical record (EMR) and real-time location system (RTLS)

Emergency No. by EMR No. by RTLS Total Increase

department length No. by EMR No. by RTLS (but not (but not unique above EMR
Case No. Age, y of stay, min review review RTLS) EMR) contacts only, %
1 1.6 91 4 8 2 6 10 150.0
2 18 152 5 9 1 5 10 100.0
3 11 144 7 9 1 3 10 42.9
4 2.1 68 5 8 2 5 10 100.0
5 17 121 5 5 1 1 6 20.0
6 17 62 3 3 0 0 3 0
7 9 288 5 10 2 7 12 140.0
8 2.8 287 5 14 2 11 16 220.0
9 8 294 6 11 2 7 13 116.7
Total 45 77 13 45 90
Average 9.6 94 5.0 8.6 1.4 5.0 10.0 100

a very short time. In health care settings, RFID has been used to study Subsequently, a list of possible pertussis exposures was gener-
the role of patient-health care worker networks and face-to-face ated using a novel RTLS event mapping program that identified
contact frequency and duration in the disease transmission process15 patients and staff, their colocations, and movements over time and
and to identify the most and least connected health care workers space. It took <5 minutes to generate each of these RTLS data queries.
with patients.16 Because pertussis is spread through droplet respiratory secre-
To date, no study has compared RTLS with the standard meth- tions, possible exposures were limited to colocation in ED exam
odology of chart review for contact tracing. In this case study, we rooms or triage areas where droplet exposures are most likely.
describe a relative effectiveness comparison of contact tracing Hallway and waiting room colocation were excluded from the anal-
between current state (chart review) and RTLS tracking for con- ysis because they were not considered likely to result in face-to-
firmed pertussis cases in an emergency department (ED). face exposure. All possible exposures, identified through RTLS or
EMR review, were offered standard pertussis exposure prophylaxis.
We compared the number of possible exposures identified by
Our RTLS system (Quake Global, Inc, San Diego, CA) utilizes 194 EMR, the number of possible exposures identified by RTLS, and the
in-ceiling, passive RFID readers with 734 antennas, covering 212 lo- roles of the health care staff that came in contact with confirmed
cations in a 54,450 sq ft ED and radiology (supporting ED services) pertussis cases. Descriptive statistics and paired t tests were used
department space. The RTLS, driven by this RFID infrastructure, was to compare the number of contacts and the role of those identi-
in operation and reliable for 6 months before data collection. Core fied by EMR and RTLS, with α = 0.05. In addition, a Pearson product-
ED staff wore RFID-enabled employee identification tags. In addi- moment correlation between the length of stay (LOS) and the
tion to physicians and nurses, staff including respiratory therapists number of contacts identified by each methodology was performed.
and registration personnel had RFID-enabled badges. However, some
ancillary staff serving the ED (eg, medical students and radiology RESULTS
technicians) did not have RFID-enabled identification tags during
the time of this study. Nine patients eventually diagnosed with pertussis presented to
the ED during our identified time period, with patient ages ranging
Study protocol from 1.6-18 years (mean, 9.6 years). The average LOS was 94 minutes
(range, 62 to 294 minutes; standard deviation = 96.6).
During an outbreak of pertussis in the Midwest region of the When combining all 9 cases, EMR review (alone) identified 45
United States, a retrospective case study was conducted to identi- potential contacts (Table 1 and Fig 1). Thirteen health care workers
fy possible contacts of 9 confirmed, successive pertussis cases were identified in the EMR but not identified by RTLS, including 2
between June 14 and August 31, 2016. Our study was performed physicians, 6 triage nurses, 1 discharge nurse, 1 scribe, 1 urology
in the ED of a large tertiary medical center with an annual volume technician, 1 radiology technician, and 1 medical student. RTLS alone
of approximately 74,000 patient encounters. We used both tradi- identified 77 contacts, of whom 45 were additional new contacts
tional electronic medical record (EMR)-based contact identification not identified from the EMR. Table 2 shows the roles of the health
and RTLS-generated data. All pertussis cases were diagnosed 1-2 care staff identified by RTLS but not by EMR review. RTLS identi-
days after the ED visit and reported to institutional infection control fied twice as many possible contact cases as those identified by EMR
services. None of these 9 patients were admitted to the hospital. review (P < .01) increasing the number of potential contacts above
Per existing contact tracing protocol, a list of possible expo- those identified by the EMR from an average of 5 contacts per case
sures for each pertussis patient was generated after review of the to an average of 10 contacts per case (Fig 1 and Table 1).
EMR. Nurse leadership in coordination with hospital infection control,
using current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guide- DISCUSSION
lines, conducted this review. Possible disease exposure included any
health care worker whose role placed them in face-to-face contact In this study, RTLS doubled the number of potential pertussis
with the index patient in the exam room or triage area. The EMR exposures identified beyond the conventional methods of EMR-
identified any health care workers who documented their interac- based contact identification, suggesting that RTLS may be more
tions with patients. effective than traditional EMR review alone. RTLS-generated data
1310 T.R. Hellmich et al. / American Journal of Infection Control 45 (2017) 1308-11

Table 2
Health care staff additionally identified as potentially exposed by real-time location system

Role Case No. Total, n Total additional staff identified, %

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Physician 1 1 2 4.4
Nurse 2 3 1 2 2 4 2 16 35.6
Pharmacist 1 1 2.2
Respiratory care 1 1 1 3 6.7
Care team assistant 2 2 1 1 3 9 20.0
Registration 1 1 1 2 1 6 13.3
Phlebotomist 2 2 4.4
Child life specialist 1 1 1 2 1 6 13.3
Total 6 5 3 5 1 0 7 11 7 45 100

NOTE. Case numbers 7, 8, and 9 had the longest length of stay (4:48, 4:47, and 4:90 min, respectively) and also had the largest number of additionally identified staff by
RTLS (7, 11, and 7, respectively) (Table 2). Length of stay had significant positive correlation with the total unique contacts (ρ = 0.78; P = .01). When further examined by
identification method, length of stay had significant positive correlation with the total contact number identified by RTLS (ρ = 0.79; P = .01) but length of stay was not sig-
nificantly correlated with the total contact number identified by EMR review (ρ = 0.43; P = .25).

the rooming process and their RTLS antenna was moved to in-
crease probabilities of registering in the future. Two physicians were
missed, 1 whose badge had an RFID chip that was not being read
correctly by the RTLS, and the other was a resident physician who
was not wearing the correct RFID-enabled badge. There was not a
clear explanation why 1 discharge nurse was not picked up in the
query. Further expansion of RIFD-enabled badges and analysis of
system outliers is needed to ensure overall RTLS system integrity.
Although the cost of the RTLS system can be justifiable in large
urban EDs with diverse patient populations, some might argue
against such high cost in small community EDs that are less likely
to develop major infectious disease outbreaks. However, diseases
like pertussis are increasingly reemerging in cycles every 3-5 years
Fig 1. Electronic medical record (EMR) versus real-time location system (RTLS) in
despite the high rate of vaccination,19 and lack of vaccination is an
identifying pertussis contacts. increasing concern.20 In other studies, nosocomial pertussis out-
breaks resulted in substantial cost to hospitals, even when the
number of pertussis cases was low.9,10 Also, contact tracing is only
can be a valuable adjunct to identify additional potential disease 1 method to justify the cost of RTLS, and some smaller communi-
exposures, especially health care staff who are not principal care- ty EDs may also attain a reasonable return on investment using
takers and/or those in supporting ED roles. metrics such as reducing asset shrinkage.21
RTLS appears to be of greater benefit when patients have longer Limitations to our study include, but are not limited to, a small
ED LOS. We showed statistically significant positive correlation with sample size. We tested only 1 ED, and focused on 1 specific disease,
ED LOS and RTLS-identified contacts, but not with EMR-identified which makes it less generalizable. Also, this study did not include
contacts. The literature has shown that the LOS of contagious pa- the mitigating effect of personal protective equipment use by health
tients in hospital settings increases the potential for nosocomial care staff members for exposure to pertussis-diagnosed patients, and
spread of contagious diseases,17,18 but no study has looked into the did not take the cost of using each contact tracing method into
correlation between LOS and number of identified contacts using account. Further multicenter comparative studies of infectious dis-
different contact tracing methodologies. Our finding may be due to eases using contact tracing between the RTLS and EMR, with larger
the fact that patients with longer LOS interact with more health care sample sizes and with focus on more than 1 disease, are needed
providers during their stay. to confirm our findings and cost-effectiveness and allow for more
In addition to the increased identification of exposed health care generalizability.
staff, RTLS also saves time and resources in identifying potential ex-
posures due to rapidity and can quantify exposure duration. In this
study, RTLS data query took, on average, <5 minutes to generate a CONCLUSIONS
list of possible exposures and unlike chart review gave duration of
exposure. Time to complete standard chart review was not specif- RTLS identified more potential contacts with pertussis-diagnosed
ically measured, but was estimated to be 30-60 minutes per patient patients than EMR-based chart review. Although RTLS is not mature
EMR. Other studies have found that the use of chart review in contact enough a technology to entirely replace standard chart review, this
tracing is time-consuming.3 The objective data provided by RTLS case study illustrates how an evolving technology can accelerate the
reduced the need to further verify and interview staff docu- process of active screening and facilitate timely cessation in the chain
mented within the chart to identify additional potential exposures. of transmission of infectious diseases. RTLS can be an important tool
In addition, RTLS may also reduce the effect of recall bias and need for infection control programs, especially in tertiary care medical
to contact health care staff, who must also rely on memory, in an systems with higher acuity and complex, vulnerable patients. Such
effort to identify potential exposures. hospitals are relied upon to care for patients with rare, high-risk,
The RTLS system failed to identify 13 health care workers who contagious diseases like measles, tuberculosis, and emerging in-
were documented in the medical record. Four were representa- fections such as Ebola virus disease, severe acute respiratory
tives of staff categories that had not been equipped with RFID- syndrome, or Middle East respiratory syndrome. Notably, several
enabled badges, and 6 were triage nurses who provided care before high-risk emerging infections are transmitted by airborne spread
T.R. Hellmich et al. / American Journal of Infection Control 45 (2017) 1308-11 1311

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