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Describe and explain the FUNCTION of social media and other online platforms in the

expression of self – what role does it play in building your sense of self?

- Social media is the social interaction of people around the world through electronic devices

such as computers, cellphones, tablets and others that can share your photos, music, activities,

likes and dislikes, videos and much more you can think of. The internet has become a big part of

our lives. It has helped students like me in doing our homework or in research. It expanded my

vocabulary using the internet by watching youtube, or using google. It also enables

communication with friends and relatives. Also, posting of pictures and videos. Social media

provide us a way for self-expression, it made social media a conduct for self-expression,

especially for us millennials. Also, it can be seen as the reason why despite the gaps of social

media still it enables us to continue to grow because now we feel comfortable with social media

and it is hard to minimize because it became an important tool for survival of us people. For we

could not live without interaction and that was made more easy and convenient through social

media and other online platforms.

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