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Yellow Highlight – Suggestions

Red Provisions – New Provisions

Ordinance No. _____

Series of 2022



By authority of Sections 16 and 458 of Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the
Local Government Code of 1991, be it ordained by the Sangguniang Panlungsod in
regular assembled that:



SECTION 1. Title. This ordinance shall be known as the “Halal Hub Ordinance” of
Cotabato City

SECTION 2. Declaration of State Policy. It is the policy of the state to protect the
interests of the consumer, promote the general welfare and establish standards of conduct
for business and industry. Toward this end, it shall be the duty of the city;

A. To recommend the measures to be taken on the use of the word “Halal” in food
labelling and other activities;

B. To provide guidelines applicable to the use of the term halal and equivalent terms
as defined in the General Standards of labeling of pre-packed foods, including its
use in trademarks, brand names and business names and;

C. To supplement the Consumers Act of the Philippine and Codex General

Guidelines on Claims and not to supersede any prohibition contained therein.

SECTION 3. Definition of Terms- For purposes of this Ordinance, the following terms
shall be understood as herein defined.

A. Halal Food means food permitted under the Islamic Law and shall fulfill the
following conditions:

A.1. Must not consist of or contain anything which is considered to be haram

or unlawful according to the Islamic Law

A.2. Has not been prepared, processed, transported or stored using any
appliance or facility that was not free from anything haram or unlawful
according to Islamic Law and is placed or displayed in an area exclusively for
Halal Foods; and

A.3. In the course of preparation, processing, transportation or storage, has not

been in direct contact with any food that fails to satisfy A.1 and A.2 above.

B. Notwithstanding Section 3.A above

B.1. Halal foods can be prepared, processed or stored in halal facilities,
separate from where non-halal foods are produced provided that necessary
measures are taken to prevent any contact between halal and non-halal foods.
Grocery or store owners must provide a specific location for halal certified
products in their respective establishments.(Suggested that there must be
dedicated utensils, facilities, and other equipment for halal products)

B.2. Halal food can be prepared, processed, transported or stored using

facilities which have been previously observed according to Islamic
requirements. (Suggested to include the “Special Lanes” on the payment
counter, weighing scale, cutting section and etc.)

C. Business Establishments refer to all stores, groceries, restaurants, fastfood chain,

food stalls, eateries, bakeries, canteen in school, meat stalls and function halls selling
and serving foods and beverages

D. Halal certifying board refers to any board duly authorized / recognized under
Islamic laws to certify food or drinks as halal, be it international, national or local.

E. Halal logo means a word or words, name title, symbol emblem used as an
advertisement, sign, label or otherwise either in Arabic or English text for the
purpose of enabling the public to distinguish the business or products.

F. Halal Activities means any pursuit, hobby or endeavour which are permissible
under Islamic Law.

G. Sales promotion refers to techniques purely intended to increase the sales,

patronage using the Halal Logo.


Section 4. Halal Term. The term halal may be used for foods which are considered
lawful. Under the Islamic Law, all sources of food are lawful except the following
sources, including their products and derivatives which are considered unlawful;

A. Food of Animal Origin. Such as pigs and boars, dogs, snakes and monkeys;
carnivorous animals with claws and fangs such as lions, tigers, bears and other
similar animals; birds of prey with claws such as eagles, vultures and other similar
birds; pests such as rats, centipedes, scorpions and other similar animals; animals
forbidden to be killed in Islam i.e,. ants, bees and woodpecker birds; animals which
are considered repulsive generally like lice, flies, maggots and other similar
animals; animals that live both on land and in water such as frogs, crocodiles and
other similar animals; mules and domestic donkeys; all poisonous and hazardous
aquatic animals; any other animals not slaughtered according to Islamic Law.

B. Food of Plant Origin. Intoxicating and hazardous plants except where the toxin
or hazard can be eliminated during processing

C. Drink and other intoxicating chemicals. Alcoholic drinks and all forms of
intoxicating chemicals and hazardous drinks.

D. Food additives. All food additives derived from paragraph a,b, and c
Section 5. Slaughtering. All lawful land animals should be slaughtered in compliance
with rules laid down in the Codex Recommended Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh
meant and the following requirements:

1. The person should be Muslim who is mentally sound and knowledgeable of the
Islamic slaughtering procedures.

2. The animal to be slaughtered should be lawful according to Islamic law.

3. The animal to be slaughtered should be alive or deemed to be alive at the time of


4. The phrase “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah) should be invoked immediately
before the slaughter of each animal.

5. The slaughtering device should be sharp and should not be lifted off the animal
during the slaughter act.

6. The slaughter act should sever the trachea, esophagus, and main arteries and veins
of the neck region.

Section 6. Preparation, Processing, Packaging, Transportation and Storage. All

foods should be prepared, processed, packaged, transported and stored in such a manner
that it complies with Section 3: A.1, A.2, and A.3 above.

Section 7. Additional Labeling Requirements.

A. When a business establishment and foods are certified halal by halal certifying
board, the word “halal” or equivalent terms should appear on the label.

B. Claims on Halal should not be used in ways which could give rise to doubt about
the safety of similar food or claims that halal foods are nutritionally superior to, or
healthier than other foods.


Section 8. Coverage. All business establishments shall secure halal logo (of the
certifying board that certifies the business establishment) before serving halal foods. This
ordinance shall cover all establishments using halal logo such as restaurants, fast food
chains, food stalls, eateries, bakeries, canteens in school, meat stalls and function halls
serving halal food and beverages within the territorial jurisdiction of Cotabato City.

Section 9. Implementing Agencies. This ordinance shall be enforced by:

(Widen the specific function of different concern agencies)

1. The Halal Joint Inspection Team is hereby created adding to their original functions as
the City Joint Inspection Team which shall implement the provision of this ordinance:

A. City Public Safety Office shall head the Joint inspection team

B. Business Permit and Licensing Office shall blacklist the erring establishments and
collect the appropriate payment for the penalties

C. City Health Office with respect to food, drugs, substance and sanitation.
-Shall do regular monthly/ quarterly visitation to the business establishments for
the proper certification of food, drugs, substance and sanitation

D. City Veterinarian Office with respect to products related to meat.

To uphold / impose the National Meat Inspection Services Standards on the
products that enters and exiting the city

E. City Agriculture Office with respect to products related to agriculture

Require the necessary permits or documents required by the Department of

F. City Trade and Industry with respect to other products not specified above.
Shall hear the complaint of the appropriate consumers group

G. Certifying Boards
Should have accreditation permit from the accrediting agencies of the National

H. Consumers Group
The group should be accredited by the Sangguniang Panlungsod

2. The City Halal Division is hereby created which shall be tasked with the

1. To craft and formulate the implementing rules and regulations for this

2. To recommend to the Sangguniang Panlungsod necessary amendments or

provisions to attain the purpose of this ordinance;

3.Perform other function related to Halal Ordinance;


Section 10. Duties and Responsibilities. The proprieties or the management of business
establishments shall, before selling or serving halal foods in their establishment, observe
the following:

A. To acquire halal (certification)from any recognized halal certifying board.

B. To display halal logo (of the Certifying body) in front of business establishments
and in sales promotions.

C. To display the necessary documents within their premises, pertaining to the halal
accreditation acquired from any halal certifying board.

D. To observe proper sanitation in food handling, preparations and storage

E. To avoid using kitchen wares and utensils that has been identified in Section 4 of
this Ordinance.

F. To refrain from mixing products and derivative identified in Section 4 of this


Section 11. Punishable Acts. The following are acts are prohibited and penalized

1. Any establishment purporting to be Halal accredited;

2. Any establishment which is Halal accredited but does not continue with the condition
for its accreditation;
3. Placing any Halal Logo or Sign without any proper accreditation;


Section 12. Penalties. The proprietor / manager of business establishments or any person
whether ambulant vendor or not, who violated any provisions of Section 7 of this
Ordinance shall be penalized by:

A. First offense: A warning or a fine not less than 500.00 but not more than 1,000.00 at
the discretion of the court and/or suspension of business operation for 1 month;

B. Second offense: Fine not less than 1,000.00 but not more than 2,000.00 at the
discretion of the court and/or suspension of business operation for 2 months;

C. Third Offense: Fine not less than 2,000.00 but not more than 5,000.00 at the
discretion of the court and/or revocation of authority to operate and business registration.

Suggested to include the process of penalization and appeal


Section 13. Repealing Clause - All ordinances, local orders or issuance s or parts thereof
which are inconsistent with this Ordinance are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

Section 14. Separability Clause - should any of the provision of this Ordinance be
declared inoperative by a competent court for being inconsistent with the constitution or
the law, the other unaffected provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and

Section 15. Effectivity Clause - This ordinance shall take effect fifteen (15) days from
the date of its publication in a newspaper of local circulation and its posting for three
consecutive weeks at conspicuous place on the City hall.


I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the above - quoted Ordinance.

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