Ellen: Changing Sounds in 2dgamekit

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Character sounds can be changed by opening the Ellen prefab and
editing the sound source scripts.

Go to Project>Prefabs and double-click on Ellen

Go to the Hierarchy tab, and click on FootStepSource

This will allow you to change the Footstep sounds. In the inspector
you will see an Audio Source with no audio clip. DO NOT
CHANGE THIS. The clip that is played is determined by the
Random Audio Player Script below:

Make sure the Clips submenu is expanded.

Here you can set the Size, which is the number of different files the
script can draw from and play at random. If you only have one
footstep sound you can set it to 1, if you have multiple ones you
can set it to however many you have.

Click the circle next to the audio file name to change the audio file.
There is also a Randomize Pitch function, which if it is enabled
will randomize the playback speed of the files. This means each
time the audio plays it will be a slightly different pitch. The pitch
range controls how much it can randomize the playback speed. A
setting of 0.5 means that it could playback the audio file at
anywhere between 0.5 (half) speed to 1.5 times the original speed.
If you set this number too high, like to 0.8 for example, it will be
more noticeable and result in some sounds being played back very
slowly. I recommend a value of 0 to 0.3.
Once you are done with the footsteps you can also change the
sounds the same way for Ellen’s Landing (hitting the ground after
a jump), Voice (short vocal sounds), MeleeAttack (swinging the
staff), and RangedAttack (shooting the laser).

The enemies also have sounds that can be changed. Go to

Project>Prefabs>Enemies and double-click the Chomper or

Just like Ellen the enemy characters use randomizing scripts for
audio files.
Clicking on the AttackSource will allow you to change the sounds
this enemy makes when attacking. As with Ellen’s sounds, these
are controlled by a Random Audio Player Script.

Change the elements here, not in the Audio Source above.

You can also change the DeathSource and FootstepSource


The Spitter’s sounds can be changed in the same way.


The game music and background ambience can be modified by

going to Project>Prefabs>Audio and double clicking
Now you can change the Music and Ambience in the Inspector
There are elements in the individual game zones which play
sounds. Go to Project>Scenes

Zone1 to Zone5 are the different areas of the first level of the
game. Double click Zone1.
In the Hierarchy there should be two assets at the bottom called
These are the tutorial elements that tell you how to play the game
when you stand next to them. Click on an Infopost and you can
swap out the voice-over audioclip that goes with the text.

Click on the other InfoPost for the other voice-over AudioSource.

Zone3 also has an Infopoint, but this one is accessed elsewhere.

Go to Project>Scenes and double-click Zone3.

Click on WeaponPickup in the Hierarchy

The inspector will show the AudioSource for the audio that plays
with the text when you pick up the weapon.
Clicking WeaponAudioSource in the Hierarchy will also allow
you to change the sound effect that plays when you pick up the

There are several other Prefabs which play audio.

Go to Project>Prefabs>Interactables

Double-click the PushableBox prefab. The Inspector will show the

script that plays sounds for the box when it is being pushed
You can change the Starting Push Clip, Loop Push Clip, and
End Push Clip.

The DestructableColumn prefab also has an AudioClip. Double

click it and then click the DestructableColumn_Whole asset in
the Hierarchy.
Here you can change the AudioClip that plays when a column is

The HealthPickup, PressurePad, ReusableSwitch and

SingleUseSwitch prefabs all have simple AudioSources that you
can change the clips for.

Double-click Prefabs>Utilities>SplashSoundPlayer to change

the sound that plays when something falls in the acid. This uses a
Random Audio Player script just like Ellen and the Enemies.

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