IX Chem Practice Paper 1

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(Two hours)
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.

This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper.

The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers

Section I is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section l.

The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets[}

SECTIONI (40 Marks)

Attempt all questions from this Section

Question 1

(a With reference to the modern periodic table, fill in the blanks with

appropriate words given within the brackets.

(i) The number of electrons in the valence shell of an atom represents its

(group/ period)
(ii) elements are present on the right side of the periodic table.

(metallic/ non-metallic)
(ii) The number of elements in period 1 is (two/ eight)
(iv) Modern Periodic Table has Broups.(eight/ elghteen)
(v) Halogens are placed in group (17/18)

This Paper consists of 8 printed pages.

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(b) Choose the correct answer from the options given below 5
(i) The gas which has a rotten egg smell s:
A. Hydrogen Sulphide

B. Ammonia

C. Sulphur dioxide

D. Nitrogen dioxide

() The absolute temperature that corresponds to 26°C Is:

A. 247 K

B. 226 K

C. 299 K

D. 326 K

(ii) The valency of Sulphur in SO3 is:

A. Two

B. Three

C. Four

D. Six

(iv) MOH is the formula of the hydroxide of a metal M. The formula of its
sulphate is:

B. M(S0a)2

o. Ma(SOa)s

(v) Which of the following propertles for hydrogen is true?

A. It does not combine with halogens.

B. Its combustion is not exothermic.

C. It is a monoatomic element.

D. It is the lightest element.

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(c) (i) Write the chemical formula of the following substances:

1. Caustic potash

2. Quick lime

3. Blue vitriol

(i) State the type of bond present in:

1. Carbon tetrachloride

2. Calcium chloride

(d) Write one significant observation for each of the following: 5

() Action of heat on ammonium chloride.

() Action of dilute sulphuric acid on zinc carbonate.

(ii) Copper oxide is reduced by hydrogen.

(iv) Anhydrous calcium chloride is exposed to air for sometime.

(v) Sodium carbonate solution is added to calcium chloride solution.

Write balanced chemical equations for each of the following:

(i)Reaction of nitrogen and hydrogen.

(i) Action of dilute sulphuric acid on potassium hydroxide.

(ii) Action of cold water on sodium.

(iv) Reaction of iron and copper sulphate solution.

Action of sodium hydroxide solution on zinc.


() (0) Define the following: 51

1. Deliquescence

2. Catalyst

3. Absolute zero

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Give for each of the following:

(i) reasons

1. Greenhouse gases cause global warming

2. Oxldes of nitrogen cause acid raln.

Give one example of each of the following: 5

i) An efflorescent substance.

(i) A liquid dehydrating agent.

(ii) A solid hygroscopic substance.

(iv) A non-metallic reducingagent

(v) An acid radical of valency one.

(h) Match Column A with Column B. 5

Column A Column B

| A. Most active metal.

(i) Zinc

(ii) Iron B. Has no reaction with dilute acid.

C. Reacts with cold water forming|
ii) Copper
milky solution.

(iv) Potassium D. Amphoteric metal.

() Calcium E. Has valencies of 2 and 3.

SECTION I (40 Marks)

Attempt any four questions from this

Question 2

(a) (i) What is hard water? 31

(i) Write a balanced equation for removal of temporary

i) Write one disadvantage of hard water.

NH20 522 4

(b) () What is meant by relative molecular welght? 13

(ii) Calculate the molecular weight of Na2CO3.10H20
(Na 23; O =16; C 12; H = 1]

(c) Classify the following as combination; Displacement; Decomposition and 14)

Double Decomposition Reactions:

(i) Zn+2HCI ZnClh + H2

(ii) 4Na+O2 2Na20

(ii) NaCl+ AgNO3 AgCI + NaNO3

(iv) 4HNO34NO2 +2H20+OO2


(a) An atom of an element X has 3 electrons in its third-shel. [3]

i) State its electronic configuration.

(i) State the number of protons in one atom of X.

(i) If the mass number of X is 27, how many neutrons are present in one

atom of X.

(b) Draw the orbit structure for the formation of:

(i) Magnesium chloride

(ii) Chlorine molecule

[H=1, 0 =8, Mg= 12, Cl 17]

(c) Name the following:

(i) An alkali metal in period 3.

(i) A halogen in period 2.

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Ri) The noble gas with three thellt

) The non metal of period 3 which has valency 2.


a () Name a gas that is formed by the action of ultra violet rays of

the sun on (3

() Name the substance which causes permanent hardness in water

increases rapidly with rise of

(i) Name a salt, the solubility of which


(b) () Define Charles' Law. 3

(i) What is meant by standard temperature and pressure?

lc) () Express 775 Kin Celsiusscale. 4]

The volume of a of gas in a container is 100 mi at 760 mm

(i) given mass a

pressure. Calculate the pressure at

which the gas would occupya
volume of 80 ml, temperature remaining constant.

Question 5

Write a balanced chemical equation for the following word equations (3
(i) Iron +Chlorine Iron(lll)chloride
Potassium Chlorate Potassium Chloride +Oxygen
Potassium nitrate lodine+
(ii) Potassium lodide + Nitrogen dioxide +

nitric oxide

(b) Give reasons for the following: 131

(i) Lead is not used with acids to prepare hydrogen gas in the laboratory.

(i) Non-metals form negative ions.

i ) The physical properties of isotopes are different.

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(c) ) Name the industrial method by which Hydrogen can be prepared on a [4]
large scale.

() Give the two relevant equations involved in the above method.

(i) How is carbon dioxide removed from the mixture of carbon dioxide and


Question 6

(a) Identify the substance underlined: 3

i) Ametal carbonate which does not decompose on heating.

(ii) A dilute acid which cannot be used for the laboratory preparation of

(ii) Ametal nitrate which produces a brown gas on heating and the residue
is yellow when hot, white when cold.

(b) Balance the following equations: [3

(i) PbO+NHa Pb +Ha0+N2
(i) CaHsOH +O2 CcO2 + Ha0
(ii) Fe+O2 FesOs

(c) Complete the following table which relates to the action of acid on salts: 4
Salt reacting with Confirmatory test of
Gas evolved
dilute acid the gas

Sodium sulphite (ii)

2. Iron() sulphide (ili) (iv)

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Questlon 7

Complete the table.

No. of No. of Electronlc
Element Mass No.
No. electrons neutrons conflguratlon

Potasslum 39 19 (0) (1) (i)

(b) State the colour of: 13

The resldue when hydrated copper sulphate crystals are heated.

(i) The flame when flame test ls performed with potassium nitrate.
() The residue when lead nitrate is decomposed on heating

(c) Write the formula of the following: [41

(0) Bromine molecule

(i) Ammonium dichromate

(il) Sulphite radical

(iv) Ammonium ion

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