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Senior High School


Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


The development of a child’s well-being begins at home with certainty. It eventuates with

an open and honest communication between the parent and the child which actively illustrates

the algorithm of parental involvement along with the construction of disciplinary guidelines.

Correspondingly, the child has the ability to mimic the movements of their parents which will

eventually result in the process of structuralizing the child’s character that involves the child’s

little steps towards the improvement of their cognitive abilities in conjunction with their

behavioral structure. As believed by Kallivayalil and Thomas (2019), the predeterminations

being observed by the child in their household environment often carries weight on how their

point of perspective discerns the world.

The behavior of a child is often influenced attributable to the determinants in the certain

social backgrounds they grow up with. Numerous of these factors are exterior to the family

which involves the psychological and psychosocial well-being of a child. In the past several

decades, the stability of a family has played a rudimentary role in influencing the behavior of a

child towards numerous societal factors along with the fulfillment of academic achievement.

However, the constancy of a family has been widely observed to be altered due to the variety of

environmental determiners which engenders the instability of a family structure. This appears as

a more straightforward problem to the majority of researches in the field as the instability of a

family illustrates the failure to provide cordial and cohesive support to the children. Having that

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stated, major scholarly papers questioned if the instability of a family will eventually be a

provocative foundation of a child’s unproductive response academically. Most of the research in

the academic field aimed at solving this problem.

Background of the Study

Family instability defines as the changes of parents’ residential and romantic partnership.

This includes marriage and parental separation. It is believed that family instability has a

negative influence. This associates with social maladjustments, including changes of the

children’s behavior such as aggression towards peers, parents and teachers (Briggs et al., 2019).

The academic performance of the child is influenced by the interplay of the individual’s family

background, school attended and the environment they grow. Specifically, the family is one of

the majors who shape their children’s behavior and attitudes towards the school through

provision of learning opportunities. According to the research studies that have been conducted,

it shows that academic performance is significantly influenced by their family background

(Hassan, 2016).

The COVID-19 pandemic spread fast throughout the world on which it results from the

cessation and changes to people’s daily activities and lifestyle. As a result of the enforced

control, policies, and restrictions affect the extraordinary amounts of widespread radical reform

in people's lifestyles. According to the previous studies that have been conducted, the virus

known as COVID-19 not only is a medical issue but also affects the socioeconomic problems

and conflicts in a family. Due to the families lack of awareness on how to cope with this abrupt

lifestyle that disrupted economy, education, connections, and also included the whole family's

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life, it triggers panic and anxiety among each family member (Addati et al., 2018; Ahmed et al.,


Since the spread of COVID-19 pandemic has come, a lot has changed in a family’s life.

There is a lot of family that is experiencing unexpected devastating stresses and negative

spillover consequences as a result of the strict restriction, isolation and social distancing. There

are families that are experiencing instability, enduring tensions and even divorce. On the other

hand, some of the families use this pandemic as an opportunity to build a strong relationship

towards each other (Ahmed et al., 2020).

According to Liu (2020) the educational and store establishments are closed during the

pandemic. Since the children and the staff are needed to stay at home, all family members are

settled down together at the same time. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it brought a high-

pressure containment climate. It also caused financial stress and problems which resulted in

parental conflicts in a certain community.

Among low income families, COVID-19 has been extensive in cases. Accordingly, it

results in a great impact to the family’s anxiety ratio in consideration of having threats to their

health and well-being. Due to the protocols which involves staying at home, the rate of social

isolation increases which influences the distress level experienced by the parents and children.

Moreover, the children’s scenarios in their usual day have changed by having a physical and

social distance from their friends. It imposes that the parent and the children will have more

interaction inside the household (Kalil et al., 2020). However, if the household is unstable,

specifically in the time of pandemic, the circumstance may affect the children’s well-being.

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For school children, the circumstance serves as a contributing factor that has the

possibility to alarm the children’s learning and adjustment considering the discontinuation of

schools and learning interruptions (Kuhfeld et al., 2020). However, the quantity and quality of

the interaction between the parent and the child at home bears the extensive effects to the

children (Kalil et al., 2020).

Furthermore, family instability has been the major focus of the researchers in the current

domain. Several recent studies have mainly concluded that instability in a family possesses a

direct impact to academic achievement of the student. As suggested by Irankunda et al. (2018), a

child’s lack of self-motivation, self-efficacy, and self-determination is dependent on the

instability of union amongst the parent and the child, including the dissolutions in the family.

Consequently, this variation of union instability triggers numerous behavioral problems of a

child towards the social environment such as insecurity, anxiety, and aggressiveness (Karberg &

Cabrera, 2017). The process will eventually be visible in the academic performance of a child. In

the study of Hassan (2016), the instability of a family bears a considerable impact to the school

attendance of a student which negatively points in the direction of the academic attainment

predominantly to adolescents.

However, only few studies have shown a determined conclusion regarding the factors

that influence the instability in a family. In accordance with the study of Härkönen et al. (2017),

majority of the researchers have found a small quantity of factors that serves as the determinants

of the stress between the children and the parents. These factors are mainly associated with

family transitions, family conflict, changes in economic resources, and parenting styles. The

study also indicates the family transitions encompasses parental separation. Although these

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findings are established, a variety of questions are still unanswered regarding the subject matter

regarding direct impact of the determinants to the academic behavior of a child.

Research conducted by Bernardi and Boertain (2016) in the United Kingdom showed that

children who have divorced parents were less likely to continue full-time upper secondary school

even if they are not affected with the separation of their parents. Based on this observation, that

parental separation may affect the children’s educational decision making rather than their

academic performance (Häkönen et al., 2017). However, the heterogeneous effects to the family

and its transitions has rarely been studied directly. There has been less previous evidence to the

effects of growing family-based variability to the children who have divorced parents. This

family-based variability includes extended family, single parent family, grandparent family and

step family.

The first goal of this study focuses on two problems. Firstly, to address what are the

causes of family instability in accordance with the previous studies. Along with it, to identify

what are the different impacts of determinants towards the students’ academic behavior. This

study also directs on identifying the most common indicator of family instability. The aim here is

to investigate how family instability impacts the behavioral structure of the students

academically among Grade 12 STEM students of Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. This study will

be conducted to contribute an unconventional comprehension to the existing body of knowledge

by determining the provocative forces of changes in the academic behavior of a student within

the family. With this aim in mind, in this paper we present are the indicators on the students’

changed academic behavior that are incorporated with family instability.

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Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to identify the impact of family instability to the academic behavior of

Grade 12 STEM students of Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. This study will apply a qualitative

approach to accumulate data which will answer the following questions:

1. How does family instability impact the academic behavior of Grade 12 STEM students of

Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. according to their:

1.1. Age

1.2. Gender

2. How may the family instability be described in terms of:

2.1. Parental Conflict

2.2. Parental Separation

2.3. Uninvolved Parenting

2.4. Family Variability

2.5. Economic Affliction

3. How family-based variability influences family instability towards the academic behavior of

Grade 12 STEM students of Marian College of Baliuag, Inc.?

4. What are the indicators of changes in the academic behavior of Grade 12 STEM students of

Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. related to family instability?

5. What is the most common determinant of family instability among Grade 12 STEM students

of Marian College of Baliuag, Inc.?

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Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable


Figure 1.0 Family instability as a factor influencing academic behavior.

The study aims to investigate, know and understand the impact of family instability to the

academic behavior of Grade 12 STEM students of Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. The

independent variable is the family instability. This study will examine and demonstrate how the

instability of a family is associated and impacted by the particular factors which involve parental

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conflict, parental separation, uninvolved parenting, family variability, and economic affliction on

which it impacts the dependent variable. The dependent variable is the behavioral structure of the

students in accordance with determinants of family instability in terms of academics. This figure

will serve as the map and guide in realizing the study’s objectives.

Significance of the Study

The generalization of this present study would be a great contribution to the vast

knowledge with regards to the impact of family instability to the academic behavior of the

students. The vital results of this investigation could be highly significant and beneficial to the

various sectors as follows:

The Students

This study may provide knowledge to the students in the context of the factors provoking

family instability that may impact the students’ academic behavior. The particulars in this study

may serve as familial coping mechanisms that may prevail upon the academic behavior for the

cognitive enhancement and discipline to progress in the society.

The Parents

The main recipients of this study are not the students alone, but the parents as well. The

outcomes of this study may contribute to the apprehension of the parents pertaining to the factors

that may stimulate the instability of a family in the household. The figures that will be generated

from this study may be used to determine certain schemes inside a household that will be useful

to progress the children’s cognitive perspective that would make them an operative individual in

the society.

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The Teachers

The results of this study may grant the teachers a new perspective regarding the impacts

of family to the students’ academic behavior. This study is conceivable to be a guide to the

teachers to understand the sources of changes in the academic behavior of the students in relation

to family instability.

The Researchers

The outcome of the study is beneficial to both present researchers and future researchers.

The specifics that will be presented in this study may be used as reference to assess the

credibility of other related findings by providing backgrounds and overviews with regards to the

factors that may prompt family instability and its impact to the students’ academic behavior.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The general aim of this study is to seek for the impact of family instability to the

academic behavior of a student. This study mainly consisted of Grade 12 STEM students of

Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. located in San Jose, Baliuag, Bulacan who experienced family

instability, regardless of their age and gender. The research sample is composed of a population

of seventy-eight (78) Grade 12 STEM students of Marian College of Baliuag, Inc.

The research will only be limited in the particular strand of Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in the 12th Grade of Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. in

the academic year 2020-2021. This study will not cover any respondents outside the

aforementioned institution, strand, grade level, and the determined criterion.

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Definition of Terms

The family instability is said to possess a direct impact on the behavior of a student

academically. To further understand the contents of this paper, the key terms are presented and

elaborated operationally.

Academic performance – the measure of the students’ knowledge and achievement towards the

academic field. It is the learning outcomes beneath different subjects and courses observed by

their respective teachers. 

Economic affliction – the economic hardship. It is the state of having difficulties and struggles

in terms of money which is associated with job instability, unemployment and decreasing


Family variability – the changes in a family's structure. These variabilities include married,

divorced, nuclear family, extended family, grandparent family, single parent family, and blended


Heterogeneous effects – refers to the diverse provocative factor as an effect.

Household schemes – refers to the plans, organization and arrangements of a family inside the


Instability – the state of being unstable.  

Parental conflict – defined as the disagreements, misunderstandings, and problems between the


 Parental separation – the breakdown of a parent's relationship due to parental conflicts which

may lead to divorce. 

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Transition – refers to the changeovers, transformation, and alteration in the structure of a family

by having an additional or diminished family member.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

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Family Instability

The family instability and complexity holds an important area in the research field. The

study has gotten a lot of attention recently from the researchers. According to Perkins (2017), the

findings demonstrated and expanded the definition of family instability which includes every

individual who is present in the children’s household. This expanded concept further turns the

emphasis away from family dysfunction and toward household uncertainty, which best captures

the developments in children's developmental environments especially those who are exposed to

it (Perkins, 2017).

The constant change in the residential and romantic partnership of the parents including

both marriage and divorce are all examples of family instability. The family instability is

emerging. As it increases, it can have a negative impact on the behavioral structure and

functioning of the children’s unpredictability. It can also affect household income of the family

and the status of their parent’s relationship. The low income household and higher household

income are being compared between married and unmarried partners. It is stated that the families

which have unmarried parents are more likely to have a low income and often experience family


While on the other hand, the married partner in a family has higher income. They are less

likely and not often experience family instability. Aggression towards their parents, teachers and

peers are the social maladjustment of the child which is linked from being unstable in a family.

Based on this study, the unstable family was not correlated with the social competence of the

child, but in terms of their aggression. The amount of quality resources which the parents under

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an unstable family provides, either time and incomes are affected. As a result, it can impact the

children’s development and behavior (Briggs et al., 2019).

In the study of Coe and Parade (2019), it is suggested that the disruptive events occurring

throughout the family affects the children. This event disrupts and weakens the cohesiveness and

consistency of a family which is usually resulting in family instability. It is shown that there is a

negative effect when the children’s exposure to the economic indicators of family instability

increased. It may put the child at risk in terms of development with their behavioral and

psychological difficulties attributable to its disruptive nature in the lives of the children and its

families. Thus, the instability of a family possesses a distinct and general on inhibiting the

healthy development of children. Furthermore, there is a lot of growing evidence which states

that the children’s susceptibility to the risk of instability increases during the first five years of

their children’s life (Coe et al., 2018; Coe & Parade, 2019).

According to recent studies, it shows that children who are much exposed to household

instability are caused by their families rather than their parents (Perkins, 2017; Wang & Raley,

2019). There are changes in household composition. This changes includes a grandparent who

moves into the house of a family, coming of newborn sibling or changes in residential of a

family. The changes of the household may have brought stress, anxiety and disturbance which

are similar to maternal union transitions. It states that there is a constant change to the children

when a part of a family or adult moves out of the house. It may reduce the supervision or may

sometimes have lack of attention towards the child in which it affects the support that the child

may receive. While on the other hand, bringing new people into the house may also affect the

children. The amount of attention that the children may receive might take away from them.

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Furthermore, an individual who moves out and leaves the household may have interpreted and

connected as a sign of household conflicts and overcrowding which proceeds to poor child

development and well-being (Perkins, 2018; Raley et al., 2018; Wang & Raley, 2019). Hence, it

is observed that a constant change in the household may affect the child. It may be disruptive and

stressful for the child which leads to a negative impact on their educational field (Wang & Raley,


The rate of family instability is continuously increasing. As it increased, the general

portrayal of the partners that have both low and high conflicts on dissolving families is also

continuously changing. Increasingly more of the low-conflict families split up. The negative

consequences of the separation are experienced all the more oftentimes. The negative outcomes

exceeded the positive and the generally negative impact gets more grounded therefore (Kreidl et

al., 2017).

According to Hassan (2016), factors which affect and influence the family’s structure are

not always and often clear. Even though it is universally recognized that family contributes to the

effects towards the school and educational success of the children. Furthermore, different

research findings and studies shows that it is not clearly specified that both interactions in the

family and the academic performance of the child’s family background are self-sufficient.

Family interaction has an importance in terms of associating with the child’s motivation and

achievement in the education field.

From the previous study that has been conducted, the results show that the children who

are beneath stable family and parents who are present in the house are more likely to be taken

care of and may be better in socializing with others rather than those children under family

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instability. Children beneath unstable families may gain negative impact from their parents

which affects their academic performance and social development. Child’s psychological

security regarding the family instability influences the relationship between the family instability

and children’s security about parenting, according to the study that the previous researchers

conducted (Hassan, 2016).

Moreover, different research studies focused on family instability’s transitions which are

involved in the parents’ changes, alteration and transformation of the family structure and in the

children who are exposed with the compositions in household changes. It states that the changes

in a family’s environment may affect the child’s educational performance especially those who

are more exposed to it. Several researches on family instability defined instability as the changes

in the co-resident or residing together in the same residence (Perkins, 2017).

Based on different related literatures, family instability can impact the children’s

behavioral structure and their academic performance on which that is being studied on this

research. Instability in a family is affected either both ways, negatively and positively. Different

literature shows that it also may affect the child’s adjustment to its environment. Parental conflict

and separation of the parents may be the indicators of having an unstable family. This may lead

to failure and may affect the child’s learning capabilities and behavioral structure in terms of

educational field.

Theoretical Perspectives on the subject of Family Instability

Previous studies on the underside boundaries of family instability and academic behavior

are predominantly capitalized on theoretical inferences from existing literatures related to this

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field of study which are mainly concentrated to the determinants of family instability. Given the

prevalence of several factors challenging the stability of a family, the concluded statements of

early studies regarding its impacts to the students’ academic behavior were clearly feasible

enough with the theoretical mechanisms as the foundations.

Dr. Murray Bowen, a psychiatrist and a researcher, established the Family Systems

Theory with the perspective as a theory regarding human behavior to further illustrate the

complexity of the family relationship. The theory perceives the family as an emotional unit that

shares a sagacious and absolute connection to each one specifically with the emotional being. Dr.

Bowen stated that it is a nature of feeling to the members of the family to feel apart or

dissociated with each other. A family may vary in the terms of interdependence and in limited

extent only. This certain instance actively illustrates the deep sentiment of the family member.

Furthermore, this theory suggests that a well-functioning family possesses a deep attachment and

reactivity which results in the proactive schemes of a family (1978).

Along with it, the connectedness of a family is a profound algorithm by having a

sensitivity among the members’ actions, thoughts, and emotional response inside the household.

This indicates that the family fulfills the function of providing the support, encouragement, and

attention to supply the emotional necessities of each member. This theory specified as well that

the emotional sense inside a household greatly impacts the sensibility of each and every family

member. As the tension arises inside the household, it may affect the vulnerability degree of the

family’s unity and teamwork, alongside the anxious and stressful family connectedness, which

may trigger a proportion of obstructions. This occurrence characterizes the idea of Dr. Bowen

concerning reciprocal interaction.

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Referring to the views of Fomby and Cherlin (2007), the Instability Effects have a

theoretical perspective which suggests a certain idea that each respective transitions and

movements into and outside a household whether it is brought on by the parents, partners, as well

as the stepparents will result to an extensive emotional and mental stress specifically to the

biological parent and children. Accordingly, the circumstances undertaken will have an utter

impact with the child’s well-being. The constant transitions of family structure taking place in a

distinct household holds such oppressive impact to a child’s nature which can be considered as

least significant rather than a family moving from a different household to another in a persistent

manner. The transitions in a family structure associated with an entrance of a stepparent in a

household is often misconceived as an advantageous process to enhance the child’s cognitive

thinking given the reason that a well-grown adult will interact with the child.

Moreover, changes in the household nature often emerges new household schemes that

will be brought into contact with the child, resulting in a partial adjustment. With an added

stepparent in a single household, the attention of the biological parent directed to the child is

possible to be lessened. These actions will eventually be provocative factors to the child’s stress

and emotional response. It is determined that the instability effects in a family bear the potential

to diminish the quality of school performance along with the academic engagements and

cognitive accomplishments.

Linda George’s (1989) Social Stress Theory that was postulated in the late 1980’s is

conjured with reference to the changes in the structure of a family upon several factors which

involves socio-economic status, parental resources, and time which subsequently provokes the

stress inside the household and will eventually impact the child’s cognitive and emotional

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processes. Additionally, the household guidelines and rules established within a family have

relevance as a causal factor to the child’s cognition. It involves the mental processes and

engagements to acquire knowledge. This theory also stated that the certain changes in the family

structure culminates in the language, memory, perception, and thought of a child. These factors

will by and by mold the child’s mental thinking and perspective on society. This actively

illustrates that the child’s accumulated knowledge in the childhood through cognitive processes

will be visible in the child’s interaction towards the environment through years (Hassan, 2016).

Academic Behavior

A recent study by Kirkpatrick (2019) concluded that the students’ behavior is complex

with respect to academic performance. Academic behavior refers to the actions and mechanisms

being applied by a student in the classroom to be able achieve a persistent manner in attaining an

excellent academic performance. Previous studies have suggested that it has the capability to

impact numerous educational factors such as working habits, organization skills, collaboration,

and communication. The academic performance is the measurement of the school outcome of a

student regarding the achievement in school, with a particular time range, given the existing

instructions from a teacher with a rightful intention. To determine the student’s academic

performance, the mental level of the students is being evaluated through different ways such as

observations, tests, and examinations. Moreover, it can be estimated in the home environment

and learning skills of any students (Said et al., 2018). According to Kremer et al. (2016), the

academic performance and the behavioral problems of a child has the appearance of being

negatively connected.

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In the framework of literature, several have directed study in higher education regarding

academic behavior. Having that stated, the accumulated knowledge from the studies in colleges

and universities concerning behavioral phenomena possesses the ability to serve as a guide to

study the student’s behavior in the primary and secondary schools (Kassarnig et al., 2018).

Kremer et al. (2016) suggested a further study to analyze the covariance of behavioral problems

and academic performance to identify which of the factors between the problems in behavior and

academic performance has the ability to dominantly drive each other as bi-directional


The behavior of a student towards academic performance may be provoked upon several

factors. The mechanisms of a student’s performance in academics which involve the learning

schemes are highly affected by few reasons. The encouragement level of a student in the matter

of completion of school works can be greatly impacted by having depression (Kirkpatrick,

2019). The study also found out that the academic status of a student is lower compared with

other performing peers. Moreover, the happiness of a student has a rudimentary role in the

participation and performance within a classroom setting. The students’ encouragement as well

as the involvement in the enhancement of the students’ behavioral structure in the academic,

social, and emotional dimensions are the responsibilities of a teacher in the students’ characters.

However, a teacher’s mental health does not involve complete guidance on the mechanisms of

how a student behaves or performs.

According to Kirkpatrick (2019), the student’s life outside of school where they

experience and observe various things in a certain environment such as home holds a huge

indication of changes in the student’s behavior. Kassarnig et al. (2018) similarly found that

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academic performance shares a substantial dependency on personality and social environment.

Additionally, many unperceivable circumstances occurring in the student’s household carries the

ability to stimulate the student’s academic discouragement. The results from the study conducted

by Kremer et al. (2016) concluded that the personal behavior of a child is highly associated with

parents rather than the observed reports with teachers. The study also found that in home

environments, the child’s emotional foundation and cognitive encouragement are often

stimulated depending on the mother and child interaction.

A more comprehensive description can be found in the study of Said et al. (2018). It is

suggested that the parents’ influence on the student’s academic achievement is perceivable on

how the parents engage and interact with the child in academic matters. In addition, the parent’s

academic socialization possesses a huge bearing in the student’s interest, skills, reading habits,

behavior, and several more. This actively illustrates that the parents have a substantial role in the

child’s academic socialization. For instance, the parents are responsible for the child’s linguistic

learning in their young age which will gain fulfillment in the child’s academic expectations.

When the students have the feeling of being secured, connected, and respected, this will impact

their behavior making the academic goals easy to achieve. Eventually, this will propagate in the

social, emotional, ethical, and educational environment of the student that will establish a

sufficient cultivation for learning and participating freely, as well with their well-being.

The consequential skills needed by the adolescent students should be provided by their

parents for them to modify the environment they are in along with the consistent adaptation of

the students in the constant changes in the physical, emotional, mental, and social determinants

(Garcia & Santiago, 2017; Belle, 2017). Furthermore, the conventional guidance of the parents

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ensures the child’s academic socialization. This assiduously elucidates that the necessity of the

parents’ participation in the child’s social and academic performance is existent. The student’s

household environment and the support from the family possesses an essential role in the social

and academic performance of students. For this given circumstance, the environment of a student

has to be suitable enough to enhance the social and academic performance (Said et al., 2018).

Concerning the misbehavior of the students towards academic performance, Adegboyega

et al. (2017) as well as Belle (2017) presented an adequate conclusion from their study. They

indicated that the parental attachment has an impact in the student’s behavior as indicated in the

attachment theory. For this reason, the child may propagate the lack of positive behavior when

the teachers and the child have developed an unhealthy relationship, alongside with the

accumulation of negative bonds, especially between the parents and the child.

A large number of existing studies in the broader literature have examined the several

provocative factors of the students’ academic misbehavior inside a household. In accord with the

study of Khaliq et al. (2016) and Belle (2017), the students’ academic performance and behavior

maintains an average positive covariance from the income, status, or occupation of the parents.

Accordingly, Sonali (2016) recognized that a greater academic stress often shares a relevance to

the students from low socio-economic status. Likewise, with the comparison to those with high

socio-economic status, the students under the lower socio-economic level hold more behavioral

problems. The students’ self-esteem is being developed in the aid of the academic participation

of the parents which is found to maintain a concrete sense of efficacy. The circumstance will

subsequently result in a less disruptive behavior (Garcia & Santiago, 2017; Masabo et al., 2017;

Belle, 2017).

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Parental Conflict

Parental conflict is an everyday part of a relationship and in one’s own circle of relative’s

lifestyles. Some battle is unfavorable however now no longer all, it relies upon on how the battle

started out or started. Conflict can variety in severity from constructive to unfavorable, all of the

manner to home violence and abuse in its maximum extreme form. Aggression, non-verbal

battle, or the "silent treatment" are all unfavourable battle behaviors that positioned a child's

intellectual fitness and long-time period lifestyles potentialities at risk (Early Intervention

Foundation, 2021).

As claimed by Härkönen et al. (2017), parental conflict is frequently cited as an omitted

variable that can jeopardize causal claims. Be that as it may, this is not self-evident if the

partition followed an expansion in parental conflict, because the family climate may have kept

on demolishing had the guardians not been isolated. Having that stated, an increase in parental

conflict is frequently an inborn piece of the parental separation measure.

The child has the possibility to respond to parental conflict, parental intimate partner

violence, and/or unfair disparagement of one parent by determining with the aid of using some

heightened behavioral, cognitive, affective, or physical symptoms as an implication from the

causal factors of parental relationship distress (Bernet et al., 2016).

This was successfully established as described by Harold et al. (2017) wherein their study

specified that conflict between parents holds an impact on children, despite the fact that the

degrees of discord do now no longer always involve bodily or verbal violence, however despite

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the fact that represent persistent environmental adversity that affecting children's mental health

and cognitive development.

Furthermore, a child in the scenario with parents having an argument in their household

from time to time, it bears the possibility to be a provocative factor that may negatively affect

their cognitive performance concerning their studies (Härkönen et al., 2017).

Parental Separation

Parental separation is a potentially stressful occurrence to the children regardless of their

age. The child develops functional or coping structures that enable them to continue its

development to cope with the ordeals. On the other hand, this ordeal causes behavioral

disturbances, emotional problems and difficulties in school. The severity of this pain would be

determined by a number of factors including the age of the child, their level of growth,

disposition, family history, extent of parental dispute and the consistency of the parent-child

relationship after the parents are separated. Parental Separation could be a traumatic experience

and process for a child. But it is also considered to be just a temporary phase that the child will

overcome by making adjustments to its new reality and environment (Aabbassi & Benali, 2021).

According to Wami et al. (2021), children are less likely to reach their fullest potential in

the academic field when the child is experiencing and growing up in a dysfunctional household.

While on the other hand, a child will be more likely to mature in the fullest and discover other

qualities especially in academics that contribute to the achievements in their life if they are living

in a stable and cohesive household. However, there are a number of factors and results which are

mixed according to previous studies. The type of cognitive skills is studied, it shows that the

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duration of time after their parents separated and the gender and age of the child will contribute

to its effects.

Based on the studies, the students are well cared for when they are in intact families.

Their fees on the school, clean and enough uniforms, and materials in reading and writing are

well organized and managed. As a result, this will help to build their morale, boost their

confidence, and they will alleviate their concerns about their academics. They can focus on

concentrating in their academics which is resulting in boosted academic performance. While on

the other hand, a child whose living in dysfunctional homes are brood and may partake in

negative thinking. As a result, they may be distracted from their studies (Mawi et al., 2021).

Based on the study that Mawi et al. (2021) conducted, it is found that a child is more

likely to be mischievous, unruly, naughty, rebellious and defiant if their parents are separated.

Furthermore, other research found that children who only have a single parent are more likely to

be involved in trafficking than a child who grows up in two parent families in a household that is

stable. According to their study, the majority of their respondents concluded that whose parents

are separated are more likely to be depressed, deal with rejection, feel alienation, misery,

financial distress and they found themselves in precarious situations. The dysfunctional

household families are more likely to be violent and fostered out than those children who are in

stable families and parents are not separated.

Parental separation entails negative consequences as well in different familial factors. In

the study of Bernardi and Boertien (2016), they suggested that with highly educated parents

undergo separation, it entirely bears an extensive impact on the child’s psychological well-being

in a negative way. Furthermore, the parental separation will subsequently be a huge contributing

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factor to the reduction in income which is highly consequential from children with high

economic backgrounds negatively. They also found that even the separation of parents did not

affect their grades in school, the children of a divorce parents seem to have no possibility to

proceed in upper secondary education full-time (Härkönen et al., 2017).

Parenting Styles

Sanchez (2017) claimed that parenting is difficult but a rewarding job. It is viewed like a

daunting job which lasts for a lifetime. Parenting was associated with ensuring the growth and

development of their offspring. It is defined as promoting a healthy lifestyle and wellness in

children. It is also the one who is responsible to shape and promote the dignity and integrity of

their children. Parenting is the behavior and action which nurtures and encourages growth and

development. It also serves as protection and support to those who are vulnerable.

Different literatures and studies have proved that behavioral structure of a child towards

academic performance may be affected by the parenting styles. The way in which the parents

treated their child may leave a deep impact on their attitudes.

Furthermore, it is suggested that parenting style is often the pattern of the parent in taking

care of the child which has influenced their development. There are four kinds of parenting. It

includes authoritarian parenting, authoritative parenting, permissive parenting and uninvolved

parenting. But the main focus on this study in terms of parenting is on uninvolved parenting.

Uninvolved parenting is also known as neglect parenting. Sanchez (2017) defined that

uninvolved parenting is the circumstance where parents who support the basic and physical

needs of their child but not in their emotional and psychological needs. It is being neglected.

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Parents who are in uninvolved parenting are more likely not too strict with their child. They are

not leaving any comments or set punishment for their child whenever it did something a mistake

or wrong. They are not imposing rules and defining limits for their kids. They may not support

their child and may fail to recognize their child’s behavioral traits.

Based on the study that Sanchez (2017) conducted, it results that in terms of personal,

social and family, the parenting styles have high significance for the student-respondents. It also

states that the academic performance is highly related to the parenting style and scheme of their

parents. There are previous research and studies that have been conducted towards parenting

style. According to Zahed Zahedani et al. (2016), their initial findings show that parental

participation, autonomy and comfort of their parents to their offspring are the important

predictors of academic achievement of the child. Furthermore, it is said that strict parenting style

and the child’s academic achievement are connected to each other. However, strict parenting

style has a positive association with the child’s career path according to the findings.

Rauf and Ahmed (2017) conducted a study regarding parenting style towards the

academic performance of their children. The study shows that there is a negative impact which is

considered as a major impact to the school performance of the children because of coercive

parenting that their parents are showing. Furthermore, the parenting styles and its effects on

children’s diverse outcomes must have an action and raise awareness. In addition, there is a

chance that the parental style can interfere with other factors on which it affects the student


Based on different literatures, parenting style is the way on how the parents’ guide the

development of their offspring. It is often associated with authoritarian, authoritative, permissive

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and neglectful parenting. The neglectful parenting or known as the uninvolved parenting may be

the indicator of family instability. When the family instability is being experienced by the child

and the parenting strategy of the parent is neglectful, it may affect the behavior and school

performance of their offspring.

Family Variability

Family variability is all about the difference in the family structure. The variation of the

family structure may include the several types of family structures such as extended family,

blended family, family dissolution, nuclear family, single-parent family, step family, grandparent

family, and childless family (Blessing, 2020).

In the study of Chen et al. (2017), they suggested that with the new family members

being added and diminished in a household, the composition of the household changed

dramatically. As the focal women's lives progressed, they experienced life events which involved

the loss of a spouse, the birth of grandchildren into the household, the death of parents, and

children or grandchildren moving in and out of the house, which was reflected in alteration in

living mechanisms.

Additionally, the negative mental health effects of extended periods of co-residence with

grandchildren may also be due to financial constraints. With more people in the household, there

may be fewer resources available for each person. With grandchildren moving out of the

house there may be an increase in family resources per capita, thereby providing health benefits.

Due to financial problems it can affect the child or the student mentally because they will be

thinking about their financial status along with how they can provide their tuition for school.

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Aside from capacity function strain, the terrible intellectual fitness consequences of

prolonged intervals of co-house with grandchildren will also be because of economic constraints.

With additional family members within the household, there can be fewer sources to be had for

every member. With grandchildren shifting out of the house there can be a growth in their own

circle of relatives sources per capita, thereby resulting to less financial benefits (Chen et al.,


Moreover, in the qualitative study carried out by Irankunda et al. (2018) to determine the

effects of child-upbringing in a blended household, it is suggested that in comparison with

traditional households, the child-upbringing in blended families is conceivably much more

complex. Conflicting emotions, demanding situations of acceptance, rejection, ambiguity of

identity, and negative parent-children relationships turn out to be the factors contributing to the

complexity of a blended household.

The authors bring some information about the background of the problem. In the study

conducted by Egalite (2016), it is discovered that children who develop up unstable, properly-

resourced households have sizeable benefits over their peers who do now no longer, in keeping

with the findings of quasi-experimental studies as properly as not usual sense, together with get

admission to higher colleges and different educational services. Rules that prioritize schooling

have the capacity to interrupt the cycle of monetary downside and make certain that children

born into poverty now no longer pass over out over the dreams of the majority of Americans.

Family Transition

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A ‘family' according to the ABS, is “a community of two or more people who are related

by blood, marriage (registered or de facto), adoption, step-parenting, or fostering, and who

typically live together in the same household” (2018).

According to Chen et al. (2017), the family transitions like divorce and remarriage are

complex processes. Unsurprisingly, there is a lot of academic discussion on what triggers what

and which elements of family life are most important for the well-being of children and adults

going through major life changes. Students in the remarried and single parent groups were more

likely to appear depressed, unhappy and be troubled by concerns and worries than those in the

parents-stay-married category. In terms of child's educational trajectories and life course results,

the family plays a vital role in mobility and the replication of inequality. Children who have

lived in a single-parent household for an extended period of time will be academically impaired,

with detrimental repercussions for successful adulthood transitions.

As has been previously reported in the literature, Mofoka (2016) distinguished that the

students from deprived backgrounds experience difficulties once creating a transition from their

backgrounds into a difficult and numerous multicultural education establishments environment.

It appeals to their disadvantaged backgrounds; these students are affected with monumental

money challenges that have adverse impacts on their educational performance. With this

happening, it suggests solid support structures to assist them create changes to fulfill the stress of

upper education. 

The study of Chen et al. (2017) indicates that if people just look at the effects of

transitioning into and out of a simple classification of multigenerational vs. extended family life,

they will not find any evidence of a correlation between depressive symptoms and these changes.

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When people looked at shifts in family structure and family positions filled by family members,

however, they discovered that some of the transitions were extremely significant for mental

wellbeing, while others were not.

Moreover, the study discovered that losing a partner had a negative effect on

psychological well-being, at least in the short term, which was consistent with the general

literature. It also highlights the context-specific nature of family transitions' mental health

effects, demonstrating that transitioning to an absent partner, as well as the addition and

subtraction of grandchildren, have studied to possess significant effects on mental health (Chen

et al., 2017).

Economic Affliction

An individual has a financial problem if they are experiencing financial difficulties that

cause them to be distressed and find it difficult to pay their bills. Financial difficulties can range

from a lack of income and excessive spending to being in debt and having no savings. People

may be confronted with such problems as a result of economic factors outside they control, but

others may arise as a result of their financial activities, relationships, or emergencies. People

have many options for coping with a financial crisis, and they can also take steps to avoid those

that are within their control (Donohoe, 2019).

In a recent study conducted by Härkönen et al. (2017), they show that some of the

variation in results is due to methodological choices, but their main conclusion is that the

negative effect of parental separation on educational choices is stronger for children whose father

has a high socioeconomic status. The higher financial losses are a crucial aspect of the reason,

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and means that the consequences for outcomes that are less sensitive to financial resources could

be different. For children from higher socioeconomic backgrounds, the loss of income associated

with parental separation is greater and has more negative consequences (Bernardi & Boertien,


Every person, particularly students who are experiencing financial difficulties, has the

idea that they are dealing with a financial problem. Some students have chosen to stop their

studies, and work in order to provide a means of income for their families and to meet their

educational needs, such as purchasing school supplies and purchasing materials for projects, so

that they do not struggle every day due to a lack of funds. Financial difficulties are a major issue

in people’s lives, especially when it comes to education. Money is important because it allows

people to purchase anything they need such as school supplies, payments, and all other school-

related expenditures.

For instance, if one is a scholarship recipient, they will also need money for doing tasks

and obligations. People do not have the ability to buy anything if they do not have money, and

this is the biggest problem in any school. As a result, many students have stopped going to

classes. Lack the financial means to pay tuition and must pay for items such as photocopies,

books, and test papers, among other things. Every student affected by poverty suffers more, they

must make sacrifices to stop their studies and find a source of income, like find work for their


Bernardi and Boertien (2016) observed that subsequent to separation, socio-economically

advantaged families have the appearance of possessing a much greater economic resources in

comparison with more disadvantaged families. This clearly indicates that the proportion of

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economic resources before parental separation plays a rudiment role in the consummated amount

of economic resources after the separation. The study specified that the deficiencies in economic

capital of a family has a significant part in the academic performance of children, specifically

those under the socio-economically disadvantaged families.

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Chapter 3

Methodology of the Study

Methods and Techniques Used

The researchers will conduct qualitative research to know and determine the impact of

family instability to the academic behavior of Grade 12 STEM students of Marian College of

Baliuag, Inc. in the A.Y. 2020-2021. This qualitative research uses languages, data and an

interpretative naturalistic approach to understand the concepts, opinions, and experience of the

participants to gather in-depth insight for this study (Bhandari, 2020). Moreover, the researchers

will perform a phenomenological form of qualitative research by addressing description with the

narratives and experiences of the respondents. The approach will be reflected to entirely illustrate

the established options in the data collection and analysis.

Respondents of the Study

This study aims to identify the impact of family instability to the academic behavior of a

student. The Grade 12 STEM students of Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. in the A.Y. 2020-2021

will be chosen for this study in order to understand the impact of family instability in their

academic behavior. Moreover, this study will disregard the age and gender of the participants as

a criterion.

As the study will utilize a non-probability sampling, the researchers will use a purposive

sampling method. Accordingly, this study will employ the respondent selection by applying the

purposive criterion sampling strategy. The purposive criterion sampling strategy is used by

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selecting the participants with a particular criterion of importance (Patton, 2001). The purposive

sampling process will be performed to the entire population of seventy-eight (78) Grade 12

STEM students of Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. in the A.Y. 2020-2021. The population will

be including the section of Grade 12-Dalton with twenty-four (24) students, Grade 12-Mendel

with twenty-eight (28) students, and Grade 12-Newton with twenty-six (26) students. The

population will be given a consent letter and the respondents will choose and select which

situations they are experiencing in relation to the instability of a family in terms of parental

conflict, parental separation, uninvolved parenting, family variability, and economic affliction

which serves as the main criterion of this study. After selecting, the respondents will proceed to

the agreements stating that they answered the form with all honesty and truthfully by selecting

yes or no. After filling out the agreements, they will submit the form. The researchers will utilize

the respondents by choosing only those students who are experiencing instability in a family and

agreed to be part of the study.

Moreover, the criteria will consist of Grade 12 students from the strand of Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) who are enrolled in Marian College of

Baliuag, Inc. in the A.Y. 2020-2021. The chosen respondents will be included in this study and

will serve as the subject.

Instrument of the Study

The researchers will use a survey questionnaire tool to collect, measure and analyze data

that is related to the subject. It encompasses any measurement and procedures involved in asking

questions to the respondents. This study will use free-answer questionnaires that consist of open-

“The Impact of Family Instability to the Academic Behavior of Grade 12 STEM Students of Marian
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ended questions to be answered on essay type using a survey administration software called

Google Forms. The researchers will be formulating fifteen (15) survey questions that share

relevance to the study. It contains a systematically compiled and organized series of questions to

obtain information that will provide and serve as insight to the nature of the problem under the


Data Gathering Procedure

An authorization letter will be given to the principal of the Senior High School

Department of Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. to be informed about the study to be conducted in

the selected department. After the principal's approval, the researchers will proceed on

determining the sample size of the population. The researchers will be creating a chat group

together with the selected participants in each section where the participants will be given a

consent letter to be informed regarding the purpose of the study and will be asked whether they

are willing to participate or not using a survey administration software. The researchers will

ensure that no participants will be forced to participate in the stay and will guarantee the

participant's confidentiality.

The participants will be selected through a purposive sampling technique to determine the

sample size of the respondents in each section of the preferred grade level and strand by allowing

the population to identify the indicators of family instability they are experiencing, regardless of

their age and gender. However, the participants who will make a response that a) they are not

experiencing any determinant of family instability and b) they disagree to be part of the study

will be restricted from the second section of the form. The selected participants in the selected

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sample size will advance to the second section of the form. The survey form will be composed of

the name, grade, section, age, and gender of the participant.

Correspondingly, the fifteen (15) survey questions presented in the questionnaire will be

answered determined by the participants’ experience and perspective. The time range will be

settled to approximately 30 to 45 minutes which will give the participants a sufficient amount of

time to discuss their answers to finish the given questions. Once completed, the researchers will

verify that the participants have finished the survey form by requesting an image capture of the

display in the screen or monitor of the participants’ device with the use of screen-shot. At the end

of the data gathering, the researchers will be expressing gratitude to the participants for their

cooperation. Subsequent to the data collection, the researchers will proceed to the data

analyzation process.

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

The researchers will use a qualitative data analysis to identify, examine and interpret

patterns and themes. The data gathered from the Grade 12 STEM students in Marian College of

Baliuag Inc. will be analyzed using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) in order to

understand and analyze the experiences and views of the subject in relation to the impact of

family instability towards academic behavior. The statements of the respondents will be analyzed

to present themes in a cohesive manner.

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education & professionalism, 4(3), 130–134.

“The Impact of Family Instability to the Academic Behavior of Grade 12 STEM Students of Marian
College of Baliuag, Inc.” 41
Senior High School

Appendix A

Permission Letter

March 19, 2021


Asst. Principal, Senior High School
Marian College of Baliuag, Inc.
908 Gil Carlos St., San Jose, Baliuag, Bulacan


The undersigned are currently working on their research paper entitled “THE IMPACT
STUDENTS OF MARIAN COLLEGE OF BALIUAG, INC.” to fulfill the requirements for
their subject Practical Research I. With this regard, we would like to ask your permission to
allow us to conduct an online survey in your department to the selected students of Grade 12
STEM on March 22, 2021. This would help us to gather necessary data for our study. Attached
herewith is the questionnaire for your checking and evaluation.

Hoping for your favorable response on this matter.

Respectfully yours,

_______________________________ _______________________________
John Paul M. Bautista Jenelle Day C. Delos Reyes

_______________________________ _______________________________
Charles Richard Gamido Mary Jane DS. Maon

Dave Harold B. Santiago

“The Impact of Family Instability to the Academic Behavior of Grade 12 STEM Students of Marian
College of Baliuag, Inc.” 42
Senior High School

Noted by:

Felicidad L. Magtalas, LPT Ken Lordian S. Derla

Research Teacher RDU Officer

Approved by:

Ma. Catherina I. Reyes, LPT

Asst. Principal, Senior High School

“The Impact of Family Instability to the Academic Behavior of Grade 12 STEM Students of Marian
College of Baliuag, Inc.” 43
Senior High School

Appendix B

Instruments of the Study

March 22, 2021

Dear student,

As a partial fulfillment of our requirements in Practical Research I, researchers are

permitted to gather data using a questionnaire with Grade 12 STEM students of Marian College
OF BALIUAG, INC.”. In connection with this, the researchers would like to request for your
help to supply necessary data by providing an honest response. The researchers are currently
looking for Grade 12 STEM students who have experienced or experiencing a stimulus of family
instability. Kindly answer the following questions. Please rest assured that your answer will be
treated with utmost confidentiality.

If you have experienced or currently experiencing one of the indicated factors below,
please mark the circle according to your answer.

o Parents that are separated

o Parents oftentimes dealing with arguments or conflicts
o Problems with the strategy that your parents are using to raise you
o A family member moved inside or outside your household
o A stepparent or step-sibling inside your household
o A financial hardship within your household

Your time and effort are integral aspects of our study. We are hoping for your cooperation!

Sincerely yours,

The Researchers

“The Impact of Family Instability to the Academic Behavior of Grade 12 STEM Students of Marian
College of Baliuag, Inc.” 44
Senior High School

Reply Slip

Reminder: This is not compulsory. You may refuse to participate or withdraw your
participation at any point. Please mark the circle according to your answer. The identity of the
participants will remain confidential with only the researchers.

o Yes, I am willing to participate in your study

o No, I do not want to be part of your study
Participant' signature over written name

“The Impact of Family Instability to the Academic Behavior of Grade 12 STEM Students of Marian
College of Baliuag, Inc.” 45
Senior High School

Appendix B

Instruments of the Study



Name (Optional): Age:

Grade & Section: Gender:

1. How do you describe your relationship with your family these days?

2. In your own perspective, how can you define family instability?

3. Have you ever experienced a scenario of an unstable family? State in what way.

4. Regarding the previous question, how do you feel towards having an unstable family?

5. Do your parents currently live together, married, or separated?

6. What kind of family structure do you have? (e.g., extended family, blended family,

nuclear family, single-parent family, step family, grandparent family)

7. How often do your parents have a conflict? How do you react with those situations?

“The Impact of Family Instability to the Academic Behavior of Grade 12 STEM Students of Marian
College of Baliuag, Inc.” 46
Senior High School

8. Do your parents support your emotional and psychological needs? How?

9. Relating to the previous question, do you think emotional support from your parents is

relevant on how you behave academically? By what means?

10. In what manner does your parents’ parenting style influence your academic behavior?

11. Do you have an existing stepparent or stepsibling inside your household? How is your

relationship with them?

12. Corresponding to the previous question, does having a stepparent or stepsibling inside

your household influence your behavior in school? In what state?

13. When was the last time a family member was added or left your household? How did you

adjust with the scenario?

14. Has your family experienced a financial hardship or changes in economic resources in the

midst of the pandemic? How does it reflect in your response in school?

15. Does your behavior in school gain an impact from these family-related factors? To what


“The Impact of Family Instability to the Academic Behavior of Grade 12 STEM Students of Marian
College of Baliuag, Inc.” 47

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