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11/7/2017 Rare description of 9 Forms of Devi Durga by Lord Krishna | Setuu Hanuman

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िहं दी म पढ़

Rare description of 9 Forms of Devi Durga by

Lord Krishna

[Context for those readers who are new to Setuu : Lord Hanuman is immortal. He has always been in visible
communication with sages meditating in jungles, but it is for the rst time in Kaliyuga that His Leelas has reached
mainstream society.  Below mentioned incidence was told by Lord Hanuman some months ago to Mathangs when He
came to meet them. This incidence is part of Lord Hanuman’s Kaliyuga Leelas which are being deciphered by Setuu
Masters. These Leelas contain the supreme knowledge in its purest form- the knowledge which had disappeared from
ancient texts like Vedas and Puranas, in course of misinterpretations and mistranslations done in last many


In Mahabharata war, when both sides of the army had arrived in the land of Kurukshetra, My Lord (Lord Vishnu in
Krishna form) told me, “Hanuman, Pandavas have always su ered in their lives. Their past life Karmas have always
given them sorrows and pain. As I can see, they are going to get defeated in this war also because of their past life
Karmas. This war is now not a war of Pandavas. It is war for welfare of entire mankind. Therefore, their entire
existence need to be puri ed so that they can get rid of bad luck and win this war. In order to purify their existence,
we need to perform NavDurga Pooja for them before the war”

In the Pooja, Lord Krishna had told all attendees as to how Devi Durga takes 9 forms to purify entire existence of a

He told:

When there are impurities in water, we purify it by distillation (process of evaporation and condensation of water).
Similarly Devi Durga can absorb entire existence of an individual and release it back in puri ed form. 1/4
11/7/2017 Rare description of 9 Forms of Devi Durga by Lord Krishna | Setuu Hanuman

Existence (life) of an individual spans in 3 dimensions of Time: past, present and future. Devi Durga takes her rst 3
forms (Shailaputri, BrahmCharini and ChandraGhanta) to purify past of a person. She takes her next 3 forms
(Kushmanda, SkandMata and Katyayini) to purify present of a person. She takes her last 3 forms (KaalRatri,
MahaGauri and SidhiDatri) to purify future of a person. Thus entire existence of a person gets puri ed.

Puri cation of Past:

Our past is made up of mainly three things:

(1) The memories we have about outside world: Whatever we have experienced in past, we have memories of that.
But Devi Durga in her ShailPutri form has no memories, just the way a Shail (rock) has no memories. Instead, she acts
as puri er of memories of devotees. Bad memories like memories of hurt, deception etc bring bad luck to a person.
Therefore they must be ltered o .

(2) The impressions we leave on outside world: Every activity which we have done in past, we have left an impression
of that on the outside world. If we have done good deeds, even if nobody watched us doing that, the universe has
watched it and has impression of it. If we have done bad deeds, even if nobody watched us doing that, the universe
has watched it and has impression of it. Devi Durga in her BrahmaCharini form is fully detached from outside world.
She doesn’t leave any impression of her existence on the outside world. Instead she acts as puri er of impressions
left by us on outside world. Impressions of bad deeds bring bad luck to us, therefore they needs to be ltered o .

(3) Our nature: We all have unique nature. Two di erent people react to a situation in two di erent ways. Our nature
is governed by our moon sign (Raashi). Devi Durga in her ChandraGhanta form is not governed by the moon. Her only
nature is to purify our nature.

Puri cation of Present:

Our present is made up of 3 things:

(1) The information being bombarded on us : We are receiving information from outside world in various forms - rays
of light show us the colors and forms of objects; waves of sounds tells us voice of objects; ow of smell give us odor of
objects and so on. This information a ects the way we are. Therefore, it must be puri ed. Devi Kushmanda acts like
black hole (Kushmanda) of negative information. She absorbs all the negative information being projected on us.

(2) All the information being processed by our senses: Sometimes we get good information but our senses perceive it
wrongly. For instance, somebody gives a good advice but we refuse to take it due to the prejudices hold by our senses
about that person. [As the saying goes, everything looks yellow to jaundiced eye.] Therefore our skill to sense the
information must be puri ed. Devi Durga in her SkandaMata form puri es that skill (Skanda).

(3) Temperament at present moment: Temperament can be classi ed in terms of animal forms also. For example,
sometimes we are calm like a cow, sometimes we are restless like a cat, sometimes we are feeling free like a bird,
sometimes we feel submissive like a dog, and sometimes we feel aggressive like a bull and so on. Devi Durga in her
Katyayini form puri es our temperament.

Puri cation of future:

Future is made of three things: 2/4
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(1) Fears about future: Fears about future a ect the way we are and bring bad luck. Therefore they must be puri ed.
Devi Durga in her KaalRatri form acts like absorbent of our unfounded fears.

(2) Fantasy and dreams about future: If we dwell too much in fantasies and dreams, it a ects our fortunes. Devi Durga
in her MahaGauri form puri es our dreams.

(3) Pending results of work we have done: Sometimes we do all the work perfectly but when time comes to get the
results, things go wrong. Therefore the results of the work we have done must be puri ed. Devi Durga in her
SiddhiDatri form puri es that part of our future.

 [Setuu’s Note : In ancient times, knowledge was important part of a Pooja. These days, chanting of shlokas has been
reduced to mere symbolism. Pooja without knowledge can give temporary peace of mind but it doesn’t give desired
results. Many generations before us have died in confusion and ignorance. Our generation is lucky that we have got
the supreme knowledge in its purest form from Lord Hanuman Himself. Read chapters of Lord Hanuman’s Leelas to
make your Poojas successful.]

Chapter 1 : The immortal Lord Hanuman arrives

Chapter 2 : Hunting Honey with the immortal Lord Hanuman
Chapter 3 : The immortal Lord Hanuman in the web of Time
Chapter 4 : The immortal Lord Hanuman’s visit to VishnuLoka
Chapter 5 : The immortal Lord Hanuman teaches how to y out of body
Chapter 6 : The history and mystery of 33 Crore Surrahs revealed by the immortal Lord Hanuman
Chapter 7 : Is that the Sun or a fruit? Reveals the immortal Lord Hanuman
Chapter 8 : Makardhwaja was not His son, reveals the immortal Lord Hanuman
Chapter 9 : Secret of RamaSetu revealed by the immortal Lord Hanuman
Chapter 10 : The secret of Existence: how a woman can give birth to as many as 60,000 children
Chapter 11 : The secret of desire ful lment revealed by the immortal Lord Hanuman
Chapter 12 : Descent of Goddess Ganga to the MaanavLoka
Chapter 13 : The immortal Lord Hanuman reveals secret of Shiv Linga and the idol of Tirupathi
Chapter 14 : What is reality? The immortal Lord Hanuman explores
Chapter 15 : Lord Krishna's point of view of Krishna-Sudama Leela (The secret of relativity)
Chapter 16 : Birth of Lord Ram in Maanavloka: the full story revealed by the immortal Lord Hanuman
Chapter 17 : Attaining Godhood: The full story of Devi Renuka (Yellamma) revealed by the immortal Lord
Chapter 18 : Rise of Vishwamitra : The Kaamdhenu Puzzle and Trishanku’s Universe explained by the immortal
Lord Hanuman
Chapter 19 : Lord Hanuman talks about King HarishaChandra and the Moksha Yajna
Chapter 20 : Shiva Yoga by young Lord Ram in Tadaka’s forest
Chapter 21 : The immortal Lord Hanuman talks about Shiva’s bow and sacri ces of Devi Lakshmi in her Sita
Chapter 22 : A mind free of judgment: the story of Ahalya told by the immortal Lord Hanuman
Chapter 23 : The immortal Lord Hanuman talks about the marriage of Lord Ram and Devi Sita
Chapter 24 : Lord Hanuman’s battle against Maya with the weapon of supreme knowledge on Karma, Destiny,
Freewill, Inner World
Chapter 25 : When Asurrahs entered the palace of Ayodhya
Chapter 26 : When Lord Ram lost a battle to win the war
Chapter 27 : Lord Hanuman explains the mystery of Lord Ram’s Ayodhya Leela
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