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EDCI 633

Personal Education Philosophy

Julie Weems

A student’s role in the classroom is to be prepared and responsible for his/her own learning and

acquisition of knowledge. Therefore, students are intellectually and emotionally ready to learn new skills

and gain this knowledge. Active participation is required to be a successful learner. Prior knowledge or

experience is to be used in the active learning process. Information or instruction is given, and the

student is able to take it and complete and coordinate tasks that show understanding and growth. The

student wants to learn and his/her effort in the classroom will demonstrate this want. The child is

engaged in the content being taught, and is able to communicate and work well with teachers and


A teacher has multiple roles in the classroom. First, a teacher must thoroughly know the

material being presented, and have the skill to present that information using differentiated instruction.

This will allow the teacher to create interesting, engaging lessons that stimulate the students, as well as

reach all ability levels. He/she can answer questions and work with the students on a level the students

will understand. A teacher is a motivator and engages students using thought provoking material that

requires critical thinking. A teacher uses a variety of assessments that allow the students a chance to

demonstrate their academic growth. A teacher also has a responsibility to shape his/her students into

adults that have compassion for their fellow man and the world in which they live.

Students are educated in the core subjects, such as Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, History

and Language Arts, as well as have the option to take elective courses. To develop human beings who

will be contributing members of society, who will be charitable, tolerant, and empathetic, instruction
also includes health and nutrition, environmental studies, basic life skills, values education and the arts

—such as literature studies, drama, and music education.

Information is presented in a variety of ways. An educator facilitates instruction by lecture, an

assigned reading, or a topic, and then opens the class up to discussions. Students speak freely and there

is no censorship of questions, answers, or thoughts and opinions. Learning is taking place in a safe

environment where the students feel respected and valued. After the material is presented, continued

learning takes place in the form of hands-on, creative lessons that demonstrate these concepts—this

continued learning may include field trips and experiments. The students are responsible for

demonstrating the knowledge they gained from each lesson through written evaluations and


Education is a means to develop free-thinking individuals with a foundation of academic

knowledge that extends to living and contributing in a democratic society. By enriching the mind and

soul, students can lead productive lives that bring about change through compassion for others and the


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