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Complete all receipt processing

2.Import invoices

run payables open interface Import

review exceptions report and resolve

EDI inbound

invoices from external systems

3.Import and process expense reports

expense report export

4.Interface adjustments to supplier invoices to payables (if using PA

Accounts Receivable period close
What is Recurring Journals?
Answers: Recurring journals uses for that
entries which we entered or reported
every month. With the Help of Recurring
Journals, we don’t need to enter these
manually every month but instead off
system will do this automatically
Three Recurring Journals

Skeleton Journal Entries: Skeleton entries affect the

same accounts each period, but have different posting amounts.

Standard Recurring Journal

Entries: Standard recurring journal entries use the same accounts and
amounts each period.
Recurring Journal Formula
Entries: Formula entries use formulas to calculate journal amounts that
vary from period to period.

What is Revaluation in General Ledger ?

Answers : We use Revaluation for the Foreign currency amounts.  This helps to evaluate
the exact amount of Liability and revenue for the period During Month End or unrealized
gain/loss amount which occurred due to foreign exchange rate fluctuations.
Revaluation happens on the account level. We can choose for which account we need to
run the Revaluation. For Example, My Total Liability as per my GL account is 2 Lakh in
which many of the invoices are foreign currency. So system has fetch the exchange rate as
per the Invoice Date and calculate the Liability but in actual this Liability is Wrong
because if now I have to pay this Invoice I have to pay with the Current Exchange rate so
that is the same thing Revaluation process does in the General Leger In which It create the
Revaluation Journal based on the Current Exchange rate for the difference of the exchange
rate price and evaluate the final Profit and Loss so by this way , we do have right figures in
the hand about liability and the revenue . Revaluation only do for GL accounts.  
Revaluation process runs during the period end. This process creates the Journal Entry that
either Increase or decrease the functional currency amount for that GL account. In the
Revolution Process also, this unrealized gain/loss Journal will be auto revered during the
beginning of the next period. So, this makes the revaluation process completes.

What is Translation in general Ledger ?

Answers :  If you have an Requirment to prepares the Financial ratings in other currency
from your functional Leger currency then translation is the best option for this. This helps
to convert your GL balances from your Functional Currency to any other currency. The
Good part of the Translation is this, you can do the translation for your Actual and
Budgeted GL Balances.
Oracle has given the Translation Program to convert the Balances to create financial
reporting’s. You need to run this Program once your GL Period has been end.

Difference between Translation and

Revaluation in General Ledger?
Answers : Revaluation is used to find the unrealized gain/loss amount which occurred due
to foreign exchange rate fluctuations. This only happens for the Foreign Currency

but on the Other Hand  Translation is totally

different, this is used to convert the Prepared the GL balances in to Other
Currency. The helps to prepare the Financials GL reporting’s in other currency from your
functional Leger currency. Revaluation happen during the month end but translation
happed after Period end activities. Both Revaluation and Translation happens for GL

Manual Journal Entry: – Most

Common Journal entry to create the
Basic GL journal Accounting
Reverse Journal Entry: – This Journal
entry related to the reversal of the
Original Manual Journal entry.  We can
Post, the Reverse Journal in the Current
Open Month or in the Future Opening
Periods too.
Recurring Journal entries: – This type
of Journal Entries crested only once but it
automatically repeats for each
Accounting Period or Month as per the
Mass allocation: –Mass Allocations are
journal entries that utilize a single journal
entry formula to allocate balances across
a group of cost centers, departments,
divisions or other segments;
What is Balancing segment in the Chart
of accounts?
Balancing Segment is one of the Import part of the chart of Accounts or Accounting
Flexfield. In Oracle Accounting Flexfield is the combination of Multiple segments values.
Each Segment values represent the one of the characteristics of the Chart of Account like
(Company, Location, Cost Center, Department, Sub Account, Project like many). But in
these GL segments combination we should have one Segment which could be act like
Balancing Segments.
Balancing Segments helps to ensure that all journal entries balance for each value of the
balancing segment and to ensure that entries that impact more than one balancing segment
use the appropriate intercompany Account. Balancing Segments helps to make balancing
the GL journals. We can define only one balancing segment for a one chart of account. It
is best practice for the balancing segment to equate to company so that the debits and
credits in the General Ledger balance by company.

What is Natural Account in Chart of

account and What Is the Purpose of
this ?
Answers : Natural Account is one of the Important segment of the accounting Flexfield.
No char of Account or Accounting KFF can design without using the Natural Account
Type. We have to enable one of the Chart of accounts(KFF) segments to Natural
Natural Account Segment Type represent the Type of accounts Values in the Natural
Account Segments (Like Asset, Expense, Liability, Revenue, Ownership). Only one
natural account segment can be defined in a chart of accounts.

What are the Ledger Components in GL?
Answers : Ledger consists of 4C’s. 4 C’s are.
1.Chart of Accounts: Chart of Account is the Accounting Flex Field attached to this
2.Calendar: – Ledger Financial Year will be based on this Calendar.
3.Currency: – Ledger Functional currency. GL reporting will be based on this Currency.
Based on this System Determines the foreign Currency in the Leger.
4.Accounting Method: – This determine the Costing method of this Ledger more about
Inventory. Two Costing Methods (Standard Cost and Average cost).

Approved: This receipt has been approved for automatic receipt creation. This
status is only valid for automatic receipts.
Confirmed: The customer has approved the application of this receipt and their
account balances have been updated within Receivables. This status is only valid for
automatic receipts.
Remitted: This receipt has been remitted. This status is valid for both automatic and
manually entered receipts.
Cleared: The payment of this receipt was transferred to your bank account and the
bank statement has been reconciled within Receivables. This status is valid for both
automatic and manually entered receipts.
Reversed: This receipt has been reversed. You can reverse a receipt when your
customer stops payment on a receipt, if a receipt comes from an account with non-
sufficient funds or if you want to re-enter and reapply it in Receivables. You can
reverse cash receipts and miscellaneous transactions
The Multi Org structure in Oracle consists of following organizations

 Business Group or HR Business Group

 Ledger
 Legal Entity or GRE
 Operating Unit
 Inventory Organization

A business group is the top level in multi org structure

Business Group holds the employee information
Oracle HR resides at this level of MultiOrg structure.

Formerly called Set of Book in R11i. Ledger is an accounting book.

There are 4C’s concepts in Ledger.

 Chart of Account (Particulars of Goods)

 Currency (Amount)
 Calendar (Date)
 Subledger Accounting Convention (Cash / Accrual)

Oracle General Ledger resides at this level.


Legal Entity definition by book is any company which is reporting to Government

Oracle says anything can be your legal entity. Your manufacturing plant can be your legal
entity, your departments can be your legal entity. Your inventory can be your legal entity. A
legal entity is the one for which you want a Balance Sheet and Income statement.

Operating Unit (OU) comes under a ledger with a legal context. 

The purpose of an operating unit is to segregate or separate subledger transactions
Oracle Payables, Purchasing, Receivables, Order Management resides at this level of

Inventory Organization is last or the lowest level of MultiOrg structure. Inventory

organization refers to any kind storage of item, finished goods and raw materials, etc. This
storage can be Warehouse, Floors, Cabinets, Drawers, or a logical store which don’t exists
Master Item Inventory Org, Inventory Organization and Sub-Inventory Org.
Master item inventory stores the every information of item or the definition of item. It does
not store the information of location that item is placed or the quantity of item available.
Inventory Organization is same as the Master but it has the costing definition, locator
information, and types of item it can store. Each Inventory organization should have at least
one Sub Inventory Organization. There can be multiple sub inventories under one Inventory
Organization. Costing method can also be defined at sub inventory level.

Oracle Inventory, Manufacturing, Warehouse Management, Enterprise Asset Management

resides at this level.

1.Question 21. What Is Encumbrance?

Answer :
It is a process of Reservation of funds for anticipated expenditure from a
budget. Encumbrance integrates GL, Purchasing and Payables modules.

1.Question 23. How Many Types Of Budgets Are There?

Answer :
Two Types:
o Expenditure Budgets
o Revenue Budgets.
1.Question 24. What Are Spot Rate, Corporate Rate, Transaction Calendar
And Accounting Calendar?
Answer :
Spot Rate: An exchange rate which you enter to perform conversion based
on the rate on a specific date. It applies to the immediate delivery of
Corporate Rate: An Exchange rate that we define to standardize rates for
our company. This rate is the standard market rate determined by the
senior financial management for use through out the organization.
User Rate: Conversion rate that is defined by the user.
EMU Fixed Rate: An exchange rate that is provided automatically by the
General Ledger while entering journals. It uses a foreign currency that has a
fixed relationship with the euro.
Transaction Calendar: Defines the business days and holidays for any
Accounting Calendar: Defines different types of calendars namely Fiscal,
Federal Fiscal, Month etc.

1.Question 25. What Is Security Rule?

Answer :
Security Rules are defined to control the access of a flexfield segment
value (Financial information) at a responsibility level.

2.Question 26. What Are Cross Validation & Adi?

Answer :
CVS – Cross validate segments – Allows only valid code combinations.

ADI – Allow dynamic inserts. – Allows any code combination irrespective

of validity.

ADI would prevail if both of CVS and ADI are checked.

1.Question 27. What Is Translation?

Answer :
Translation is a process used to convert functional currency to other
reporting currencies at the account balances level.

1.Question 28. What Is Revaluation?

Answer :
It is process used to revalue assets and liabilities denominated in foreign
currency into functional currency based on period end exchange rate we
specify. Unrealized gains/losses are resulted because of exchange rate
fluctuations which are recorded in unrealized gain/loss account in GL.

2.Question 29. What Is Fsg (financial Statement Generator)?

Answer :
Financial statement generator feature helps us to generate reports such as
balance sheets and income statements with out programming. It also
provides a high degree of control on the rows, columns, contents and
calculations on the report. Different components such as row set, column
set, content set, row order, display set have to be defined before a
statement is generated, of which row set and column set are mandatory.

3.Question 30. What Is Consolidation?

Answer :
Consolidation is a period-end process of combining the financial results of
separate business subsidiaries with the parent company to form a single
combined statement of financial results.

4.Question 31. At What Level General Ledger Data Is Secured?

Answer :
GL data is secured at Set of Book level. Subledger module data is secured
at Responsibility level (i.e., at Operating Unit Level).

5.Question 32. Difference Between Primary Ledger And Secondary Ledger In

R12 ?
Answer :
Primary ledger: The primary ledger acts as the primary accounting
Secondary Leger: Secondary ledgers represent the primary ledger's
accounting data in another accounting representation that differs in one or
more of the following ways: 
o chart of accounts
o accounting calendar/period type combination
o currency
o subledger accounting method
o ledger processing options
Use secondary ledgers for supplementary purposes, such as consolidation,
statutory reporting, or adjustments for one or more legal entities within the
same accounting setup. For example, use a primary ledger for corporate
accounting purposes that uses the corporate chart of accounts and
subledger accounting method, and use a secondary ledger for statutory
reporting purposes that uses the statutory chart of accounts and subledger
accounting method. This allows you to maintain both a corporate and
statutory representation of the same legal entity's transactions in parallel. 

Assign one or more secondary ledgers to each primary ledger for an

accounting setup. 

The secondary ledgers assigned can only perform the accounting for the
legal entities within the same accounting setup. 

6.Question 33. In The Multi‐org Structure, At What Level Does Gl Operate?

Answer :
General Ledger operates at SOB level.

1.Question 34. What Are The Various Statuses Of Gl Periods? And In Which
Table This Information Is Stored?
Answer :
The statuses of GL periods are are below:

o Open
o Closed
o Future ‐ Entry
o Permanently Closed
o Never Opened
The information is maintained in GL_PERIOD_STATUSES.

2.Question 35. If Journal Approval Flag Is Checked While Defining Set Of

Books (sob) Then All Journals Will Necessarily Require Approval. Is This
Statement Correct?
Answer :
In addition to enabling Journal Approval flag at SOB level; Require Journal
Approval flag at Journal Sources level for journals to require approval.

3.Question 36. Does Gl Support Accrual Or Cash System Of Accounting?

Answer :
GL is a central repository and all the journal entries from sub‐ledger flow to
GL. And there is no option to specify which method of accounting is
allowed. So, such an option is available only at sub‐ledger level; at GL level,
users are free to entry either type of entries. Hence, we can say that GL
supports both methods of accounting.

1.Question 37. Journal Can Be Entered Only In Open Periods. Is This

Statement Correct?
Answer :
No, journals can be entered both in Open and Future‐Entry periods.
However, journals can be posted only in Open periods.

2.Question 38. Can A Gl Period Be Opened After The Period Is Being Closed?
Can The Period Be Opened After The Closure Of Financial Year?
Answer :
Yes, a GL period can be opened any time after it is closed; even after
financial year is closed (though not recommended). However, once a
period is permanently closed it cannot be re‐opened.

3.Question 39. What Happens When The Posted Journal Are Changed?
Answer :
Posted Journal cannot be modified. They can only be reversed.

4.Question 40. What Is The Difference Between Revaluation And Translation?

Answer :
Revaluation is used to determine the position of foreign currency debtors,
creditors etc at the end of month; and it created revaluation journal entries.

While Traslation is a functionality used to convert all balances including

functional currency (say INR) balances in a given foreign currency (USD).
Then, Trial Balance in that currency(USD) can be generated. It is used
whenof a subsidiary or branch (INR) are required to be merged with
another company reporting in different currency (USD).

1.Question 41. What Is The Meaning Of Retained Earning? Where The

Retained Earning Account Given?
Answer :
Retained Earnings represent the undistributed profits of a company i.e.
profits retained. The retained earning account is a mandatory account to be
given at the time of defining Set of Books (SOB).

2.Question 42. Can The Gl Period Be Closed When There Are Unposted
Journals In The Period? What Error Will It Give?
Answer :
Unlike AP and AR, where period cannot be closed unless all transactions
are processed; GL period can be closed even if there are unposted journals.
So, it gives no error as such.

1.Question 43. What Are The Maximum Number Of Period That Can Be Open
In Gl?
Answer :
There is no limit on number of periods that can be concurrently open GL;
however, it is advised to keep the number of GL Open periods to minimum.

2.Question 44. What Are The Key Tables Of Gl Module?

Answer :
The tables that store the information of GL journals are ‐ GL_JE_BATCHES ‐
GL_JE_HEADERS ‐ GL_JE_LINES While the summary of balances is stored
in GL_BALANCES. And the GL interface table is GL_INTERFACE.

3.Question 45. What Is The Difference Fsg Report And D2k Report?
Answer :
Financial Statement Generator (FSG) is a functionality GL which can used
to develop financial reports based on data in GL only (i.e. sub‐ledger details
cannot be displayed in the report) and FSG reports can be developed by
functional users. However, to develop a D2K report knowledge of table
structures and SQL (may be even PL/SQL) would be required. And using
D2K report can be build for any module or extract data from multiple
modules based on user requirement.

4.Question 46. What Are The Various Type Of Balances Supported By Gl?
Answer :
Oracle GL supports three type are balances which are:

o Actual
o Encumbrance
o Budger
5.Question 47. What Are The Various Type Of Accounts In Gl? And At What
Point Is The Type Of Account Identified? And Explain The Nature Of
Answer :
Five type of accounts are maintained in GL

o Expense (E)
o Revenue (R)
o Asset (A)
o Liabiltiy (L)
o Owner's Equity (O)
While defining the Natual Account segment values, in the segment qualifier
we specify the nature of account. The type of account for a Code
combination is stored in GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS
Expense and Revenue accounts represent expenses/losses and
Revenues/Gains respectively. And these accounts have a ZERO balance at
the start of the year. This point has to be taken care of while developing
reports where Opening Balance is calculated rather than using

Owner's Equity represent Share Capital and includes retained earnings and
reserves, if any. Owner's Equity along with Asset and Liability Balances are
carried forward at the end of year.

6.Question 48. Explain The Concepts Of Ptd, Ytd, Qtd And Pjtd In Gl?
Answer :
All the below are various ways of calculating balances and each indicate
the starting point since when the balance is calculated

PTD ‐ Period To date (i.e. from the start of period till date)
YTD ‐ Year to date
QTD ‐ Quater to Date
PJTD ‐ Project to Date (i.e. from the start of the project and it can span
multiple years)
7.Question 49. What Is A Funding Budget? And What Is Its Purpose?
Answer :
A funding budget is a budget for which 'Require Budget Journals' check
box is checked. Funding budget can be used to control expenses if
budgeting control is enabled at Set of Books (SOB) level.

8.Question 50. What Is The Maximum Number Of Periods Allowed In A Year

While Defining Gl Calendar? Can You Two Periods In Gl Calendar Overlap?
Answer :
GL calander allows for 1 to 366 periods per year. And two periods cannot
overlap unless one of them is an adjustment period.

4) What are the different types of Journals in General Ledger ?


1. Functional Currency Jv: This Journal, we enter Local Currency transaction purpose.
2. Foreign Currency Jv: this Journal, we enter other than local currency transaction
purpose...before we define exchange rates

3.Suspense Jv: this Journal, whenever debit is not equal to credit that time, we enable in set of
books window Suspense button, then it works otherwise it's not working

4.Tax Jv: this Journal, calculate taxation of Purchased items

5.Reverse Jv: this Journal whenever we enter recurring journal, at the time of we using..We
have two is Debit to Credit and second one is sign (+ to -)

6.Recurring Jv :this one is We define one template, we use Periodically, these are 3 types
1.Standard 2.Skeleton 3.Formula

7.Mass Allocation Jv :Set of Expenses or Set of Revenue allocate different parts using
Formula A*B/C
A is Total Cost Pool..B is Usage Factor...C is Total Usage Factor...

8. Batch JV: Group of Journal we enter at a time, We Define Control Amount

9. Stat JV: This JV we have one side of Amount either debit or Credit.....

Direct Tax Rate Determination

Determine Place to Supply

Determine Tax Applicability

Determine Tax Registration

Determine Tax Status

Determine Tax Rate

Determine Taxable Basis

Calculate Tax Amounts

Determine Tax Recovery Rate

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