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“Chicken Pandemic D'Geprek”

Arranged by:
Fathiya Rizki Ramadhani
NIM. 215030107111056
English Language
Class D


1.1 Background

Today, chicken geprek has become a dish that is in great demand by the public, both children, young
people, and the elderly, especially during the pandemic, many people are lazy to cook, and tend to
order food more often through online applications. With us here, ideas and innovations come up by
taking this food a little out of the box. We plan to add mozzarella cheese topping to add to the taste
of the food.

1.2 Organizational Structure

1. Owner: Fathiya
2. Finance: Rizki
3. Marketing: Rama, Dhani
4. Production : Aura

1.3 Identity Business

Company name : Chicken Pandemic D'Geprek

Motto : "The spicy is great! "
Business fields : Food Production
Target : General public

1.4 Goal
- Adding the taste of regional specialties
- Make it easier for consumers during the pandemic to get food
- Create job opportunities for people who have lost their jobs

1.5 Benefits
Benefit :
- Unlock the field profession
- Creating new culinary innovations

2.1 SWOT Analysis

1. Strength : unique menu, easy to find ingredients, location

2. Weakness : the place is still new, lack of employees

3. Opportunities : Only with low capital can start

business well.
4. Threats : Lots of competition, easy to imitate menu

2.2 STP analysis

Marketing is done in a shophouse on jl.danau ranau
marketing target is directed at young people with low prices and a good location for coffe and chill
Telak is on jl.danau ranau which is close to housing, roads and schools area

2.3 Analysis of 4Ps (Product, Place, Price, Promotion)

Memu chicken geprek is unique with different toppings such as mozzarella, a secret chili sauce.
The place is on jl.danau ranau close to housing, markets and also several schools including junior high, high
school, and also vocational school
at a price of Rp. 26,000 you get geprek chicken with mozzarella topping and also rice
Promotion on social media with a discount if you follow

3.1 MAN:

3.2 Machine: not using machine

3.3 Money:
Equipment Price
storefront IDR. 1,850,000
Big pan IDR. 400,000
Stove and gas IDR. 300,000
Panspice grinder IDR. 165,000
Spatula IDR. 260,000
Pan IDR. 75,000
Additional equipment IDR. 180,000
total IDR. 3,230,000

Depreciation IDR. 3,230,000/3 month = IDR 1,077,000

Employees 5 x IDR 500,000 = IDR 2,500,000
Depreciation= IDR. 1,077,000
total IDR 3,577,000

Price Variable Cost

Chicken meat IDR. 30.000 x 30 IDR. 900,000
Seasoning + Sambal IDR. 20,000 x30 IDR. 600,000
fresh vegetables IDR. 10,000 x30 IDR. 300,000
Cooking oil IDR. 22,000 x 30 IDR. 660,000
LPG gas IDR. 24,000 x 4 IDR. 96,000
Rice 10kg IDR. 115,000 x 10 IDR. 1.150.00
Total Variable Cost IDR 3,706,000
Total Operating Cost
Fixed costs + variable costs = IDR 3,577,000+ IDR 3,706,000 = IDR 7,283,000
Total cost : Total production = IDR 7.283.000: 400 = IDR 18,200
Price Selling:
COGS + Expected profit = IDR 18,200+ IDR 6,800 = IDR 25,000

3.4 Method:
Product: Mozzarella Geprek Chicken
Ingredients and Seasoning:
200 grams of chicken meat, or 1 piece of chicken breast, then wash thoroughly
Mozarella cheese
¼ tsp salt
2 cloves of garlic
¼ tsp pepper powder
½ tsp finely chopped or grated ginger
1 tbsp lime juice
2 chicken eggs
Ingredients for Flour:
1 pack of packaged seasoning flour
5 tbsp wheat flour
½ tsp pepper powder
Ingredients for Sambal
Cayenne pepper, according to taste
2 curly red chilies
2 cloves of garlic
Salt additional to taste
Sugar, additional to taste

How to make:
-Make Crispy Flour Chicken:
1. Prepare the spices to process the chicken, puree the garlic and ginger.
2. Beat the eggs then add a little salt.
3. Coat the cleaned chicken with lime juice and add a little
4. Let stand for about 1 minute. Then cut the chicken to the appropriate thickness
with taste.
5. After that, mix the mashed garlic and ginger into the processed chicken
and let stand about 30 minutes for the marinade process.
6. You can put it in the refrigerator for a more perfect marinade and texture
the chicken is more juicy.
7. While waiting, you can prepare the seasoning flour dough. Add seasoning flour,
½ground pepper and 5 tablespoons flour. Stir well.
8. Then, in a different bowl, beat the 2 eggs that have been prepared earlier.
9. When the marinade is complete, remove the chicken from the refrigerator and coat the chicken
with the batter
flour that has been made by rolling it into flour.
10. Then, dip in the beaten egg earlier. Then, smear it again with
flour dough.
11. Repeat to dip in egg and coat with flour until the thickness of flour
the outside of the chicken according to the wishes and tastes.
12. Prepare a frying pan and cooking oil for frying the chicken.
13. Make sure the oil is really hot, then add the greased chicken
flour and eggs.
14. Fry the chicken over medium heat. Remove and drain when browned.
-Make Spicy Sous:
1. Prepare a pestle, then add all the ingredients to make the prepared chili
prepared above except hot oil.
2. Puree the spices to make the sauce, then pour hot oil over the chili. Stir
until evenly.
3. Now you can take the chicken flour and geprek over the chili using a pestle.
4. Sprinkle the mozzarella cheese that has been cut into small pieces.
5. After that, use a blow torch to heat the mozzarella cheese until it melts.
If you don't have one, use a non-stick fryer. The method is as follows:
Place the cheese in the skillet without using the oil. Then close the pan.
Turn on the stove over low heat for 3-5 minutes.
6. Done, mozzarella cheese geprek chicken without oven is ready to be served.

3.5 Material
-Container wrapping (packaging)
3.6 Market
-do promotions by giving discounts
-make promotions through brochures
-the target market is millennial children


5.1 Conclusion
We know all our strengths and weaknesses, so we try to re-correct our shortcomings, and improve our
innovation and work power

5.2 Suggestions
Don't be easily satisfied with the results we get, keep working harder and keep it.

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