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Volume : 3

Issue : 19
E Mail : nandmana@sltnet.lk

December 02nd was an indelible day for the

Human rights Office Kandy and the people
of Rattota. It was also a great day
especially to the staff and the students of
Tamil Maha Vidyalaya in Rattota for one of
her students after receiving a historical
judgment for her rape case, the triumph
was celebrated at Rattota Pradeshiya Sabha hall in commemorating the International Human Rights Day 2012.

Around 10.00 am a group of more

than 350 participants The principal,
students of Tamil Maha Vidyalaya in
Rattota, the Pradeshiya Sabha
members, the parents and the civil
society leaders, police officers, with
the Human Rights office director
Rev. Fr. Nandana Manatunga, the staff, the support group and the well wishers joined a protest march from
Hindu College to the Pradeshiya Sabha. They carried posters “Protect your Children” “Fight against Child
abuse” giving awareness to the people around the cause of the public rally.
After the lighting of the traditional oil lamp the director of the Human
Rights Office gave an insight to the meaning and the cause of the
public rally. He stated that among several cases reported from this
particular school on rape and child abuse, this particular case serves
as a model for all
the victims. The
inaction of the
police of Rattota
was the main reason for the denial of justice for the victims,
he said. Fr Nandana accused the police for corruption and for
their lethargic attitude when such cases were reported from
the same school in Rattota. It was due to the timely
interventions that this rape case saw the light of the day and Fr. Nandana offered his gratitude to the parents
of the victims and all those assisted them to seek Justice. He further said that while preventing child abuse and
cases of rape, it is the responsibility of the parents of the victims to break the silence and fight for Justice. It
was an eye opener to people of Rattota as many were not
aware of the judgment. People in and around Rattota are a
simple folk mostly from working in tea plantations, taking
care of the survival of their families.

After the introductory talk of the Director of the Human

Rights Office, the lawyer Mr. S.P. Pathmadakshan who
pursued the rape case of Divya elaborated the process of
the legal procedure of the case. He explained the legal
process that led to the conviction of the perpetrator. They expressed their gratitude for the Human Rights
Office for all the hard work it had undertaken to rehabilitate the survivor and to pursue the legal matters for a
fair trial.

The principal of Tamil Maha Vidyalaya in Rattota, Pradeshiya Sabha members, a

police officer spoke at the public rally. Their main thrust was to educate the
people to fight against child abuse, rape and Torture.

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