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Volume : 3

Issue : 43
E Mail :

When a seed is planted it sprouts into a plant and slowly spreads its branches
growing into a tree. It shelters all animals, birds and humans regardless of the
species. As part of their process of healing, the survivor group of the Human
Rights Office decided to go beyond themselves to reach out to the war-torn
areas in the North.

The exposure at Nedunkerney in Vauvniya District was an indelible

experience to our survivor group. The people they visited had so much to
share, especially about their traumatic experiences. But the language
difference set a barrier in communicating with the people. After the
language problems at Nedunkeney the suggestion of the survivors was
to train a committed Tamil speaking group to listen to the people to
ease their pain and suffering.

The suggestion was

presented at the Human Rights Workshop in September 2012 at Galaha
Retreat House. The priests of the Mannar diocese gave a hearing, took up the
challenge and cooperated fully. Thereby 15 Youth of Mannar and Vauvniya were
sent to Lewella Fatima Retreat House Kandy to be trained as “Befrienders”.

The workshop on “Befrienders” was conducted by a psychological counselor

and a therapist from Mannar. The expertise she had gathered in the midst of
the war, working with the war survivors is invaluable and this fact greatly enriched the workshop.

It will be a 15 day workshop consisting of three parts. The first part of the
workshop was held in Kandy - Lewella Fatima Retreat House from the 3rd to
the 8th of November 2012. The other two parts will be continued in the year
2013. The workshop consisted of input sessions, group work, personal
reflection, games and relaxation exercises.

The participants were open in their sharing and were bold enough to go
through a process of inner healing. Saying “Good Bye” to the unfinished
business was a very emotional experience where the participants grieved over their losses. A sense of relief and a general tone
of joy prevailed as they achieved the much desired closure.

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