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NAME: Abdul, Sherene M.


DATE: 11/19/2021

1. Brainstorm and come up with a list of common Filipino Values. Consider the strength and
weaknesses of these.

2. Imagine that you are a legislator. What rules or laws that currently prohibit certain acts or
practices would you want to amend or repeal? Also, are there certain acts or practices currently
permitted by the law that you would want to prohibit? Think of this on the level of your school,
your city, and the nation.

3. Comment on this statement “what I believe must be true if I feel very strongly about it”


1. Mill proposes that “higher” pleasures are those preferred by the majority of people. Do you
agree that this is a good way of distinguishing between higher and lower pleasures? Can a well-
informed majority prefer higher pleasures?

2. Do you agree that happiness is the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain, and that all
actions are directed toward pleasure?

3. Is it justifiable to build a basketball court because there are basketball fans, than to build a
hospital because there are fewer sick people?

4. When is it justifiable to torture suspected criminals?

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