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ltrrnooucrtofl .. .l iloucilcr{T. 14
After Action Report (3); Background(4); Illegal Moves (14); Facing(14);lirrning (15).
The Rules(4).

H o l t tT o P L A Yr H l s o A l t c . . . . . . . . .
frtAstilcsHooTlt{G. 16
Targeting(16); Line of Sight (16); Fire Arcs
Th€ Map (5); The Playing Pieces(5); Tirrns (18); Firing with the Storm Bolter (18);
(6); That's the Gamel (7). Overwatch Fire (19);Jams (19);Move and
Fire Bolte$ (20); Firing with Flamers(20).
R C A O Yf O R P I A Y . . . . . . . . .
Components(8); Counters(8); The Map (8);
The Models (8). c l o s E A s s A u t T. . . . 22
rwho may Engagein Close Assault(22);
T U R TS C O U C f l G E . , , . . How to Conduct Close Assaults(22).
Marine Player'sTtrrn (9); StealerPlayer's
1|rn (9). 8L|PS.. .
Blip Movement (23); Examining Blips (23);
THC TIiICR. Blip Conversion(23)i Flamer Hits on Blips
How to Us€the Timer (9): Losiog (24);Runningout of Stealers(24);Blip
Commanders(9); First Time Players(9). Entri Areas(25).

THC ACTIOil PHASC. 10 ooons. 26

Activation (10);Action Points (lO); Action
Door Counters(26); Opening and Closing
Points Table(10).
Doors (26); Firing at Closed Doors (26);
Poltrrs. CloseAssaulton ClosedDoors (26).
r|Antt{ccommAr{o 11
Gaining Command Points (11); Spending
Command Points (11). SUiIIIARY Of PLAY. 21

Tbis /atebooh bes been ,tesigned to auou eas! storage i4 d eanes uo/ksbop rinS bin.let Renore tbe
staptesJrcm tbe booh an.l sepaldte the pa8es, tben crt dou, tbe cerfteloLl line oJe4.b sbeet and pun.h


MhagingDirecror, T.;mKirbyiDesiSn
srudioMan.ger: vrn2SerAlanM.rret, Ai Dredor John
CREOITS Bhnch€ i Publications Matige.: PhilG!lhgher; Print Buvet, Stsr lti.Co*an. Edirori2l suP€r'isori simon For!.n
ProdudionSup.dGor, Tony Conellr Minhtur€sCo ordin.ror Phil Lsis: rssisanr to Desia. \12n4.r Piul C;ftn
Geme Deslgn: Richard Heuiwell Gmphic D€siAn: Mtk C6v.n, Erlan G€orge, Bil Seda* i.k: D.si8n.r D- .loP.F l{,t. Btunton C'z.c D:t a
Robin Dews, Richzrd Halliwell, J€nis Johnson. Seln }lbrcmfl. Pru I Vurph! R,.l P'.dLt \'a.l !{,il'!u rltr
Mdtttosr M.terl4l & Edtttng, Paul Murpht rvasict! PhotoSraphy: Colstonr Anisttlllunato6 Tonv r.u2t1 ha Br^I.d cn chrL rn! tqtr-r
Modcls Dcstg!,Jes coodwin & Bob N2ismnir David Gzlhgher, Richtd Hod8*inson. Dai.en r{flh6-. lrik \r<r- C'ELt'F Id! b. Itt
covcr Art: Geiry Gm.e Copplesrone, Coli. Di$n,Jes GDodwin Bob Olld alt P.6 ll lth iab D-<LF.r f- td
Naismith, lohn Thornrhwlite, D1r..{nd65i Tvpc<ri.a DEn Dutr !t4.i D h DE b r- ls-d.
s.udio Ass^un.: AIzn Bdde6or; Finkhcd Anrss tixr B.E Dra ch-n tr- lt-it*. \_ffi rkt6.
wayne Englxnd& David Grll2gher s-tr
Dave Lund, Tonv osborne Divrd Olirer \ict h Rkhrrd |:r{!. aiea6 .rd.lFEi AdminBrdion:
Ir|.ftrr lustBttotu: E( Dav€ A'drs$. sDsrn Budon. Herher Ni.hohon
+ John Blar.h., .tltw.trc Engl2nd,
E Dlid Gallaghe,r, A Jes6oodwin. lo,ooo, i-D Rol.pla) Hobbl G@ .ttd t* c.tu *t thsboP 444 Cthdel Mlniatula
spac. Htlh, Varhammq
3i PeteKnirton. f,i lan Mille.. otned bt GaM s@ ta S{8. HttL.adatt itsMiated imdgel are.oPrligbt
krq6 art dltTraa.rurEt
rnd@ K6in w,lker
@ sroe rrpp'n A t%9 caner lvorE bop Ltd Au Rigbk nerd
So,.. Hult l!r..lo. modcl: lonr Cortrell
rsBN:l a69a9369 l
T.s.l.add,^dvtcc: sreph€f, adrn' Dea. aas. Glrv
Bu.klc', chrnriafl chrpmln, Grrcth cl.r*e. Dlvid REF:OOlll.i PRODUCT
Enin8lon, Ch.isF€ls(rd. N€tlG.ibb.n, Domld }jigetq
Palr lrchnd, Iln JoblinS,Davidjoflrs, M.tIr. K,v. P.E Mm( Nick Cam.s \Ibrkhop lft
Srul( Rry.K€vinSc2rdifi.ld.Srcpbensnnh, Mike Camesvb.kshop Ltd .
. sinon Tzylorscdn v'illcock5.J2so.lroolle Chsron sr€ct, Hilhop, Esrnood. l,lll B€nso. .^rdE ant'more.
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- lFilet1327.90
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i Analysis: rt" op"rationwas s completefailure.while the objective
- Purye of enemy vessel by Blood Angels Chaptet Legiones was easily fsach€d, Marin€s were un6ble to hold, 6nd were very nearly
Astaftes. Thitd Phase - 2 154 989 M4l, srid coodinates 7a/54/23 annihilatedifl counterattack,lf not forthe promptand courageousactions
thtough 80/55/23 lsee stategic nap; File M55.7ag). olthe woundedMaines andsuppon staff, fie assaultvesselscouldeasily
(See also: File 1209.4-1209.47 First Phase - Ship actions against
enemy vessel;File 13O4&l3O5.l Second Phase - Boading enemy Combat losses have be€n sxtremely heavy.Of one-hundredMarines in
vessel; 1305.22-1305.67 Thid mase - Expanding bndgeheads and the initial forces, twelve rsmain h€althy. Without substantial
linking assaultcrcft.) reinforcements,fu(her off€nsive operations ars impossible- in fact, I
cannot guaranteeto hold the ground we've got now.
ll cunent lossfatio estiriaiss ars corect, a Marinewillkill3.S Genestealers
,: Operation before dying himself. lt is impossibleto dstelmine whsther this ratio is
Objectives: E x p a n db r i d s € h e a dt o e s r a b l i s h high
enough,as the numbefof f€servesandreinforcemsntrateofthe aliens
jumping-off point lor linal assault on command and sngine ssctions of
is unknown. Thus a war of attrition is extremelvuncertainand dscidsdlv
h a m
s h i p ;c o n t r o l c o m m u n i c a t i o n s c o r r i d o r s t o p e r a l i e r
n e i n f o r c e m e n t o f
areas under att6ck.
The Maines have bs€n showing th€ir usual degre€of compst€nce and
* Forces Employed: Bemnantsof LegionAstartes BloodAngels c o ! f a g e i n b a t t l € - i f a n y t h i n g ,t h e y a r e a l m o s t a o of a n a t i c a li n t h € i r
T e l m i n a t i o nC o m o a n v o n e - h u n d r e dM a r i n e su n d e rt h e c o m m a n do f persecutionol the fighl, liercely unwilling 1o fetfeat even in the face of
Brorher-CaptainMsntags. (Notethat becauseof proximityto engines,no overwhelmingodds. Such an attitude is to be commended lndar most
he6w weaoons were iss!ed,) circumstanc€s,but with the recent decimation of our forces and the
apparentinexhaustibilityof the enemy's numbers,each Marine'sdeath
t Action: b.ings us closer to disaster.

1 5 . O 0 . O 5J A s s a u l tl a u n c h e d .O b i e c t i v e sr e a c h e dw i t h l i t t l e o r n o * TaCtiCS: Our tactics, splittins the Marinesinto tactical units of five

o o o o s i t i o nN
. o casualties. men -a S€rgsani,a Flam€rMarine,andthree stom boltsr-armedMarines
'ssem to be working as well as might be hoped,giventhe overwhelming
1 5 . 1 0 . 0 0t P e r i m e t e rs e c u r e d . P u r g e o f a r e a s w i r h i n p e r i m e t e r
comm€nced, Marines using Flamersto burn out alien concentrations. numeica I superiorityof the enemy,the impossibilityof employinghe6vy
weaDonsand the extremelv difficult combat terrain.

15.13.00 J Aliens rsported massing on edge of p€rim€tsr. Squads Stom boltsrs ar€ reasonablyetfsctive againstthe ali€ns,assumingthat
divened from purgeto reintorcepickets.Purgecontinuedat slowsrpace. the Marinecan hit histarget beforeit reacheshim - a dubiousproposition
Fsw additionalcasualties. albest, Marinesfindit uselulto syslematicallydestroyany possiblecover,
particularlvdoors, to incrsasethsir fir€'corridor.Overwatch fire tactics
15.15,OO J A l i e a s l a u n c h c o u n t e r a t t 6 c ka g a i n s tc o r i d o r i u n c t i o n
7Al54l23l l1i desTtoyingtwoSquads,breakingthrough perifieter. Enemy
casualtiesunknown, pr€sumedheavy. Flafiers have provenquite usefulin the battle againstthe aliens,asthey
can wipe out a largenumberofthe enemybeforehe is within attack range
15.'l7.OO) Marineslaunchpincer attackfrom adjacentsectorstoseal However,we have only enough flamers to equip each Squad with one,
and the enemy are becoming adept at outflanking the sole llamer and
15.19.35 J Pincsr attack rspulssd. Ali€ns wid€n brsach, infiltrating hitting him trom the rear lf more llamers were available- approximately
sectors 78/55/21 and 74154122.Matines in sector 78/55/22 encircl€d. twice as many as we have now - I believethat the balancewould swing

15.20.00 J Marines orderedto tall back and sstablishnew defensive

. eavy casualties repo.ted during
l i n e a t 7 8 1 5 4 1 2 1 - 7 8 1 5 4 1 2 7H Ouitepossibly,the Sensoriumisthe best weaponarthe Marines'disposal,
allowingthem to determinethelocationof the 6nemy b€forethsy launch
the must be noted, however,thatthe ali€nsseemto
15.2O.43 ) Captain Mentage killsd lsading brsak'out attempt from be aware of our location at all times,
sector 78155/22. Fifteen Marines lost during break-out;three suruivors
reach defensiveline at 79155/2!. Hand-to-handb6ttle 6g6instthe monsters is inadvisabl€.Ths aliensare
much tasterthan we are,6nd,signilicantlysrronger:more often th6n not,
15.22.30-t Delensivelineestablished.Heavypressurealongentarelronl, they ar€ more than a match €vsn for a Marinein full Tsminator almour.
Operationalreserv€{twenty heavily-wo!ndedMsrines,assortedsupport
staff andnon-essentialship'sDersonnel)orderedto bolsterdefensivelina * SUmmary: W s a r e l o s i n g .A f t s r t h s i n i t i a l s u c c e s s s so f t h e
15.25.00) llarin€s repulseheavy6ssault 6longentire line,Casualties invasion,w€ dramaticallyundsrsstimat€dthe fighting skill and numb€rs
ofthesn€mv. Without reinforcem€nts.w€ shouldeitheradmit dsfeat and
withdraw orchoosemuch morelimitedobjectivesandextsndthsproisctsd
15.32.45) Feserveserriveai defensiveline.Defensiveline stabili2ed. timescale for the reduction of the vessel-Even that will not ouarantee

* Marine Casualties: Twoofficerskilled,threemissing and

pr€sumsd missingandpresumed The BloodAngelsCompanyhas been decimaled,and is in rcaldanger
dead.EightMarineskilled;twenty-eight of
a man, th€ surviving Marines (myself
st6fl 6ndnon-essential killed. being wipsd out in its €ntifety. Togive
included)are extremely loath to up the fight. Death is, of coufse
infinitely preferableto dishonour
* Enemy Casualties: seventy-twoconlirmedkilledjone-
iftv-threeorcb.bles. I havereportedthe situationto High Command,and await lurther orders.

lllay the blessingsof the EternalEmperorfall upon you.

The Genestealers are a raceof alienswho seekto conauer
the travel in huge,ancieot. nearly der;lict
vessels,commonly known as spacehulks, until th€y find
a suitableplanet to colonize
A victim of the Stealert.uly suffers a fate wolse than death.
Iniected with the Stealer'segg, the victim becomes an
unknowing carrier of the Stealer'sDNA pattein, and his
children are bom asGenesteale$.Thes€ turn.
infect other humans.until the entire planet is takenover
The Empe.orofHuman Spacehasrecentlybecomeaware
of the Stealersactivities and is taking immediatestepsto
isolateand stamp out the attack - but at a terrible price _
rhe Emperor's tnquisitors ruthlessly sterilize raintedplanets.
wiping out their populationstothe last man. womin. and
Though rhus far t00o/oeffective in sroppinqrhe soreadof
rhe Stealersbeyond the infected planiis, t-hissoiution is
not without its dfawbacks.In additionto the obviousloss
of life aod resources,if newsofthe scorchedearth Dolicv
spreads.local governmentsmay naturallybecomereticent
about telling the Imperium that they havebeen infiltrated.
making the job ofcrushing the inwsion all rhat much more
difficult. Therefore,grearefforts arebeing madeto search
out the invading vesselsand attack and desiroy them before
rhey have a chance to infect arry more planets.
Enter the SpaceMarines.
Space Hulk chronicles the assault upon one of the giant
vesselsby a Company of SpaceMarinesfrom the Biood
Angels Chapter of rhe Legiones Astattes. One player takes
the part of the SpaceMarines,the toughestwairiors ofthe
Imperium, and the other plays the Genestealers,terrible
alien in detsfrom another galaxy. The fight is to rhe death. THE RUTES
The firsr thing )ou havero do r,oplay Space Hult is read
theserules.Thry aren r parricularly long or difficutt, and
we ve included Iots of diagramsand examplesto help
explain rhe more compticatedideas.Don r tryio memorize
rnrsDooXon the lirsrgo: all you reall) needro beginplay
is a grasp of how rhings work - you can look up thi
particulaEas vou needduring the gane
The fi6r secrion of rhe rules. entitled Hou to pl.q Tbis
Gamq ptovides an ol.en'ie* of the entire game. Once
you vf rcad lhar. vou ll havea good undentandingof what
the variousrulesm€chanic5 aremeantto accomplishand
how they fit in the overall scheme.

The Missions
Once )'ou have read the rules and assembledthe Dieces.
you are-read]ro begin play.At rhispoinr, you wiil ha\'e
to d,ecidewhich of the Mlssions.appe^ringin the Mlssioo
al|_dBackgrou[d book, you wiJh to play. The Missions
tell how to arEnge the boardsto recreatea section of the
spacehulk, where the men and atiensbegin play, when
and wherereinforcemefts (ifany) affiye, and whit you neeO
to do to win. EachMissionis different from the rest; each
presentsits own unique challenge.

W_e've included six Missionswith the game,and once you,ve

playedfor a bit and havea feel for w-hatmakesa balanced,
exciting gam€of Space Hulk, you can easih.createyour
own.-ln addition. Wbite Dwarf, cames Workshop.s
monrhly gamesmagazine.periodicall\ publishesniw
Space Hulk missions.
In space Hulk, one player takesthe role of the spaceMarines,fanaticalwarrio$ dedicatedto the destruction of the
enemies of the Emperor of all Human Space,equipped with awesome weaponry and massiveTeminator armour; and
the other player takesthe roll of the Genestealers,
fast, vicious, and super-humanlysnong alien creatures.The game
takesplace aboard a massivederelict vesselknown as a spacehulk, in which the aliens are invading Human Space.

Entry Areas
THC iIAP As you'll notice from the diagram above, a number of
corridors lead off the map.In the Missions,certainofthese
corridors are desigoatedStealerEntry A/e6s, which m€ans
that tlre Genestealerscan useth€m to bring reinforcements
into play.


The map of Space Hulk is variable - it may be set up in The Marines
different ways to represent different areaswithin the huge Depending upon the Mission, the Marine player has one
vessel.Eachof the six Missionsprovided in Space Hulk or two squadsofSpaceMarioesunderhis command.Each
gives a differcnt map set-up.
Squadcontains five Marines: one Sergeant,one Flamer
Marine.and three Marines.Eachofthe Marinesis dressed
Sectlons in lbminator armour, a powerful €r<oskeleton
which makes
The individual piecesthat make up the maps are called him much stronger than a normal human and able to
corridor and room sections. T\eft edges are cut so they withstand the most hostile environment. EachMarine is
iotedock with eachother and won't slip apart in the heat also equipp€d with a mighty power glove.
of the game.The sectionsalso have a game function, in
that they determine the area of effect of Marine flamer Madne Sergeaots
attacks(describedin more detail below).
These are the commanders of the
Squares Squads.They are particularly powerful
in hand-to-hand (or hand-to-claw)
Each map sectioo is divided into squar€s.No more than combat with the Genestealers. Loss of
one piece rxry ever occupy a singe square, and a piece the Sergeantswill effect the amount of
cannot move through an occupied square.This meansthat time the Marine playei has to complete
they cannot passeach other in the c|amped, one square- his turn (see below). The Marine
wide corridors of the spacehulk - so if lour Flamer Marine Sergeants arearmed with stormbolters.
is at the back of the Squad, and you want him to burn out
the concentration of Genestealerslurking ahead, first Flamer Marhe s
you've got to get everybody out of the way!
These Marines are armed with six-shot
'heavy flamers. Heavy flamers afe
powerful weapons which fill entire
The Missionstell 'ou where to placedoor counterson the corridor or room sectionswith flames,
map. Door counters repres€nt the airlocks and blast-doors possibly destroying any or all
dotting the huge vessel.Both sidescan open or closeth€ Genestealers within.
doors, Howe!€4 since Genestealerslike to lurk out of sight
behind the doors and pounce upon unwary Madnes, smart
Marines oftenblow the doors right out ofthe walls instead
of using the simple opening m€chanism, thus denying their
opponents a place to hide. Madnes
The SpaceMarinesare armed with storm
Interestinglt the doors no longer serve their original bolters. Extremely effective against
purpose as airlocks. The ship has been hit by so many individual Genestealersat long r-f,nge,a
asteroids during its ageslong royage through space,that Marine is in real trouble if a Stealer gets
all ofthe atmospherewithin hasleak€d out. somehow, the within clawing distance!
Genestealersare able to survive in the hard vacuum. The
SpaceMarines, protected by their Terminator arlnour, ale
similarly unaffected - but drey die horibly iftheir suits ar€
ltot! T0PtAvrHNoAilE
The Genestealers
The cenestealerplayer hasa virtually unlimited number
Space Hulk is played in turns - a Madne player's turn,
of Steale$ under his command. Though he usually gets
only a few at thebeginning oftheMission, more and more followed by a Genestealerplayer's tu!n. The turns are
reinforcementsarrive as the game progresrs. further divided into a number of smaller parts, called
pbases. Specific things happen irl each phase,and it is
important that yon do them in the proper older, at the
Bltps proper time.
rvhen first brought into play, the Stealer
player's forces appear asBllp counters. In gameterminology,the ordei ofturns and phaseswithin
Blip counters represent one, two, or a game is called the sequenceof phry. Spaee lJulk'6
three Genestealersmoving about the sequenceof play is as follows:
corridors of the Space
Marine player is not surc how many
alieosh€ is facing until one of his Madnes
seesa Blip, orthe Stealerplayerchooses
to 'convert' the Blip (usually because
those St€al€$ are about to attack).

When the Stealerplayer is ready to
att4ck,orwhen a Marines€esa Blip, the
Sequence of Play
Blip counteris turned overto show how Marine Player's Ttrrn
many stea.lersart there. At that point, the
counter is removed from the board, and set Tlmer Phase: The Marine playe! is under time
replaced with Genestealermodels. pressure.Becausedre Genestealers areso much fasterthan
Tkenty stealermodels areprovided with humans,the Marine sergeantsmust think and act fast, or
Space Hulk, so that's the maximum theirsquad is dead.To simulat€this, theMarine playerhas
number that the stealer player can have only three minutes to move his pieces. To make matters
in play at any one tim€. However, the evenworse, if a Marine Sergeantis everkilled, the Marine
Stealerplayer can reuse killed Stealer player has even /ess time to make his move!
models - and there will prottably be a lot In the SetTimer Phase,the Stealerplayer announcesthe
of dead Stealersby the end of the game! beginning of the Marine player'sturn. From then on, he
k€eps track of the passageof time on a stopwatch or
Genesteale6haveno long-rangeweaponry - in fact, they
don't useweapons at all. Thsy attack by ruflning up to their wristEatch; once three minutes have passed,the Marine
opponent and doing something nasty to him with their bar€ player's turn is over
claws. This is risky, considering the awesome firepower Commaod Phase: During this phase,the Marine player
of the Marines, bvt if thq can get close, the Stealersare ramdorr y a 6omlru1nd countei 'jJumb€rtdfrom one
exlremely lethal in close assaultcombat. to six, to find out how m ny Command Por'rdshe has.The
Marine player usesCommand Points (also called CPs)to
have his Marinesperform exceptionalfeats.
The Marine player keepsthe number of command Points
he hassecretftom the Genestealerplayer until the Endphase
at the end of rhe Genesr€alerplayer's turn.
Action Phase: Thjs is when the Marinesmove,fire, open
and close doors, and perform other actions. A t]utn
repres€ntsa very short period of time - five to ten seconds
- and a Marine can only do so much in that time. Thus,
each action rhe Marine might take is assignedan Action
Point (AP)Cost,and eachMariflehas4 Action Points(APs)
per turn.
For e$ampl4 a Maine must pqt 2 Ah to rnoueorw sqr.are
bacbwar^ and 1 AP tofire a storm boltex Duringa turn,
be could fire his bolter four tirnes or moae backuards 2
squares,or vnue b.7chw.7r^ one squ4re bis bolter
tulce - be could perforrn .|ny Actions be wisbed. in an!
order, .ts long as be dldn't spmd more tban 4 APs,
In addition, the Marin€ player can spend some or all of
the Command Pointshe gained during the Corffnand Phase
to have Marines perfom actions toalling more than 4 APs.
Following is a list ofthe actionsthe Marinescan perform:
Move: The Maline movesto an empty adiacentsquare.The
AP cost varies depending upo[ whether he is moving
forward or backwards.
Thr[: The Marine turns while stayingin the samesquare.
ll0l[ T0?tAvTHlsoAllE
Fire Bolterr The Marine fires at a target in front of him. Opetr of Close Door: The Marine may open o! close a
The Marine can't fire through other models and he can't door if he is facing towards it.
fire if the target is to the side or behind him. when a Marine
Close Assault: This is an act of desperationfor a Space
fires a bolter, the Marine player rolls two dice: ifeither of
Marine,sinceheis quite likely to come out much the worse
the dice turns up 6 or the Marinerolls double6s,the target - ie, dead - from the battle. In closeassaultcombat, each
is destroyed and removed from the map. If the Marine
side rolls one or more dice, and the highest individual dice-
repeatedly fires at the same target, he gets a sustained fire
roll wins. A SpaceMarineor Flam€rMarine lolls one dice,
bonus, and his chanceofhitting increases- on the second
a Marine Sergeantrolls one dice and adds one to the roll,
shot he needsto roll a 5 or 6 on either dice, and on the
and a cenestealer rclls tbree dice ^nd picks the highest !oll.
lhird and subsequent shotsh€ needs[o roll a 4. 5. ot 6.
The loser is destroyedand removedfrom play; a tie has
Move and Flfe Bolter: The Marine morr'esone squareand no effect.
fires a bolter at a taiget. He doesn't get a sustainedfire bo[us
The Marineplayer'sturn endswhen he hascompletedhis
if he is moving and firing.
moveJof time runs out.
Set Overwatch: When the Marineplayer ex?ectsa hord€
of Genestealersto come nmpaging down a,hallway ^t ^ Genestealer's Ttrfn
Marine, he may put the Marine into Ooenaatch ,node. This Blessedwith remarkably efficient nervous systems,
is indicat€d by placing an overwatch marker by the model. Genestealersthink and act much fasterthan Humans do.
In overwatch, the Marine fires at anything that moves in Therefore,in Space Hulk, the Genestealerplayer is not
the StealerAction Phase(provided he can seeit). He doesn't under time pressureto complete his moye. The timer is
get a sustainedfire bonus for Ovefwatch. Flame(Marines not used during the Genestealerplayer's turn.
cannot be put in Overwatch, only Marines with storm
bolters. Stealer Reltrforcement Phas€
= During this phase,the Genesteale!player takesa number
Overwatch is usually quit€ effective, even without the
sustainedfire bonus,but therearerisks.If the Mafineplaye! of Blip coufters, usually one, two, or three per turn, as
rolls doubles,the Marine'sbolterjamsandbecomesunable determined by the Mission.He looks at them to find out
to fire, leavingtheMarine quit€ helplessuntil he can clear how many Stealersthey r€present,and theo placesthem
the jam. face-downinStealerentryareas.Stealersin entry arcasdo
not haveto move onto the board immediately aftei entering
Cl€arJam: A Marine with a jammed bolt€r can clear the play; they may lurk in the entry areasfor as long as the
weapon and make it ready to fire once again.Jamsoccur Stealerplayer wishes. Steale$ in entry areascannot be
only when the Marine player rolls doubles during harmed in any wry by the space Marines.
ouerwatcb. They never occur during any other kind of
bolter fire. Stealer Actlol Phase
Flr€ Flamer: Flamer Marines fire their flameN at entire The Genestealerplayer moveshis Genestealers and Blips
board sections,not individual tar8ets.The Marin€ player in much the sameway asthe Marine player moves Marines.
rolls a dice for each piece in the section - Stealersand However, Genestealershave 6 APs, two more than the
Marines. The piece is destroyedon a rcll of 2-6. Marines.Also,some actionscost different amountsofAPs
for Geoestealersand Blips, and some actions are prohibited
In addition, flamer fire blocks passag€through corridors for Blips - most importantly, Blips cannot attack.
and rooms for the next Stealerplayer's turn. A Flamer
marker is placed in a burning corridor section to denote Since they have no weapons, Genestealersare quite
that it may not be entered; it is removed in the next l'ulnerable to the Marines' firepcMr'erDuring the gamq thsy
Endphase. often stayjust out of sight of the Marines, waiting until thsy
haveenough reinforcementsto attack in pave assaults.Even
w Flamer Marines carry limited arnrnunition; after six flamer
shots they're out of juice for the rest of the game.
these tactics are not necessarilygoing to b€ successful,
especiallyifthe Marineplayer hassavedsomeCommand
Points to useto mov/ down huge oumbefs of the offushing
Stealers.However.ifa Stealersurvivesthe fire and reaches
the Marines,he is quite likely to destrcy one or more of
them in Clos€ Assault combat.
The Stealerplayer'stun endsonce he hasfinishedmoving
his pieces.

The playerscheckto seeif either sidehaswon. If[ot, the
gamecontinues. The Marine plapr shows the Stealerplayer
the CPcounter he drew, to prove that he didn't spend more
cPs than he had available.and Flamer mark€ls aod
overwatch counters are taken off the maD.


In a nutshell, that's how you play Space Hulk. The
following rules provide sp€cific details, but now you have
a good overview of the game. Keep it in mind as you are
reading,so that you havean idea on how each.ule fits in
the framework of the game.

1. First decide who is going to play the Genestealers
who isgoiflgtoplay the SpaceMarines, thenpick aMission NTPORTAITT!
fiom the six provided in the Mlsslon and Background You need a wdstwatch or clockwith asecond handto Dlav
book. Space Hulkt (See p9 for details.)

2. Setup the map according to the Mission instructions.

3. Take out one or two Marine Squads (as l)€r the Folces THE iIAP
section of th€ Mission),and s€tasidesix Flam€rcounters The terms corridor and room ate \sed interchangeably
for each Flamer Marine in ptay. throuShout these rules; there is no diffefence betweefl
4 . 'Ihke the six Command counters and place them in a cup; corridors and rooms except that rooms are wider than
takethe Blipcounters,turnthem face-down,shufflethem, corridors.
and place them in the box top. Placethe stealer models
within easyreach of the St€alerplaye!.
5 . The cenestealerplayer deplo's his starting forces (if any),
then the Marine player placeshis forces,at the locations Space Hulk comeswith two complete Marine Squads,each
allowed accoiding to t}re Deplolmsnt section of th€ coftaininS a Marine Sergeant,Flamer Marine, and three
Mission. SpaceMarines. In addition, twenty Genestealersare
6. The Stealerplays sarts the tirner; the Marine player pulls ?t:.,'
a Cornmand counter; and play begins.
Assembllng the Models
Before you can begin play, a small amount of assemblyis
comPoilEtrrs required.First,removeall ofthe modelsfrom their sprues,
preferably with a sharp knife. Don't t'im off the tabs on
You can find a complete Iisting of the components of Spac€ the bottom of the models; theseare glued into the slotta
Hulk on the back of the box. basesso that the models will stand upright. Attach rhe
Genestealers' extraarmsto their torsos,usingagood plastic
glue. clue flamer guns over t ro of the Marines' stofm
bolters and right hands. (Don't throw away the extra
COUITTERS flamets;you may want to conveft othef Mafinesto Flamer

Slott4 Bas€s
Thirty-two Slotta basesare provided in Spac€ Hulk,
twenty-four black, four red and four grey. Glue the
Genesteal€rsand two of the SpaceMarines to the black
bases,putting the two extra basesto the side. Glue three
SpaceMarinesandone FlamerMarineto thefedbases,and
three SpaceMarines and one Flamer Maline to the grey
When you arefinished,you will havetwenty Genestealers @
on black bases,and two complete SpaceMarin€ Squads.
A complete Squad contains: three SpaceMarines and a
Flamer counter. Door counter. FlamerMarinewith the samecoloured basesion€ Marine
Sergeanton a black base.

Patnttng the Models

Though it is not necessaryto play and enioy Space Eulk,
we recommendthat you paint the models.The sidepanels
ofthebox bottom contain aguide ro painting the models;
GamesWorkshopprovides a wid€ variety of colours and
paint-brusheswhich are specially designed for cames
and Citadelminiatures.For tips on painting,see
Blip counter. C.A.T.counter. .workshop's
Whtte Duarf, Games monthly gaming
m sazine.

overwatch fire/Bolter
Cofiunand Point counter.
Space Hulk is played in tums. Each game begins with a Marine player's turn, which is followed by a Stealer player's
turn. Play altemates between the two for the duration of th€ game.
Each turn is further divided into phases. Tb make sure that everything is done propedy, follow the ecrct sequence
shown below.

1. Set Tlmer Phase 1, Stealer Reinforcement Phas€
Stealer plzyet announcesthe beginning of the Maiine The stealer player takesany reinforcement Blips he is due
Player's tufir and starts the tim€r (see below). that turn and placesthem in Stealerentry areas(seep25).

2. Command Phase 2. Stealer Actlons Phase

The Ma.ine player takes a Command Point counter at The Stealerplayef activatesany or all of his pieces. He may
iandom to find out how many command Points he has(see
move his Blips or conrert them into Stealer models, and
he may move andlor alose assault with any or all of his
Stealers(seeplo). The Marine player may spend Command
Points to move. fire. and/or close assaultwith his Marines

i. Endphase
3. Madn€ Actions Phase During this phase, rous record-keeping tasks are taken
care oi The Steele(player rcmoves Flamer and Olzerw?tch
The Marine player gets to acti te and movq fire, close
couffers; the Marine player reveals the CorDmand Point
assault and/or put into Overwatch his Marines (see p10).
couffer drawn that turn; and the players check to see if
Once the Marine player has finished (or runs out of time ; either side haswon. If not, the SEalerplayer startsthe timer
seebelov.), it is the Stealerplayer's turn. and announcesthe b€ginning of a nsw Marine player tum.

G€nestealersare fast - much faster than humans. A turn of Space Hulk r€presents just a few seconds of real time;
fof the SpaceM2.tines,surviyal dep€ndsupon theif corDmandermaking split-seconddecisions.Therc's no time to cal.efully
weigh all the options. Act fast, or you'r€ dead. We simulate this in the game by putting the Marine player under time
To play Space Hult, you need some kind of timer. A stopwatch is perfect; iust about any watch or clock with a second
hand is flne, as well.


The Marine player has iust three minuteE to complete his When e Squrd's S€rgeantis killed, one of the remaining
turn. When the Steal€r player has finished ,ls turn, he Marlnes takes over. Th€ new commander is less
begi$ timinS the Marine player, Once thrce minutes have experl€nced, and probably won't be as decisive as the
passed, the SpaceMarin€ player's tum ends immediatety 'When
Sergeanthe ls replacing. this happens in the game,
(except that he may roll for the outcome of on€ fire or the Marhe player getse!"enlesstime to complerc his move!
assault combat he announced b€fore time sas up).
You lose thirry seconds of time for each of your Sergeants
killed (or not in play to begn with). Therefore, if you've
During the Marine Player's turn, the Stealer player got ooly one Serg€antin play, you haye only two minutes
announces the passageof time, calling off each minute as and thirty seconds to make your move; if both are gone,
it passes,and then counting dos'n the last minute in fiifteen- you haYeiust two minuteE.
second intervals - for sxamplg "Oha!, begln. You baue
tbree mlnubs,.. tuo minutes.,, orre mlnute.. f.trt!-flue
seconds,.. tHrtJ) semnds . , flfreert s@onds.. . tlme's upl " FIRST-TftT€PTAYCBS
Novice Marine pla'€rs get four minutes per tum instead
cam€ Note This is a lot of fun, especially wh€ar your of three. (They sdll lose thirty seconds of time for each
oppon€nt ls dlthering during a crltical turn! commander killed.)

During your Action Phase,you move and fight with your pieces.You move and fight with your piecesone at a time,
completing one piece'smove before you sEtrtanother's.When you are moving or fighting with a piece, it is said to
be the actiae piece.
In your Action Phase,yorl may actia.rte some,none, or all of your pieces.You never ,4re to activatea piece: it may
sit there doing nothing for as long asyou want - of as long as your opponent lets it survivel

Youmay actiruteyour piecesin any ord€r you choos€,but
each piece may be activatedonly once per turn, and you
may activate only one piece at a time. Once you have
finished with one pieceand activatedanother,you cannot ACTIO|{SPO||ITS ALtOllrAt{CE
activate the previous piece until your next turn.
Space Marines
ACTIOil POIIITS (APs) 4 APs per Activation Phase
Vtren activated, each piece receives a numlj€t of Action Genestealers and Bllps
Points (APs\,q/hich you spend ao have that piece movq 6 APs Der ActiYation Phase
fight, or perform other actions. The piece can do any
actions it can afford; it may perform all different actions
or the sameaction oyer and over.You don't haveto spend
all ofa piece'savailableAR during a tufn, but any leftover
APsai€ lost when you activateanothetpiece or your turn
Spac€ Madqes recelve 4 Als
Genestealers and Bllps recelve 6 APs
The AP costsof actions rq)resentsthe amount of time it
takesfor apiece to pedormthat action.AP costsarelisted
on th€ following table.


'IftheStealer makes two 90 o turns in a row' he's leally

making one l80o turo, and must pay I AP to do so.

It is tbe Marine plaJtef's Action Pbase. He actirates

a Marine, who can nou spend 4 APs. The Marlne
moues loruard and fires (l AP), misses, moDes
forlllard and fires again (1 AP), misses again, mooes
foruard and. fires a third tirne (1 AP), tbis time
bitting and destroling tbe Stealer (and bauing spent
ct total of 3 APs to do so). Heating a sigb of felief,
the Marine plaler actiuates anotber Space Marine.
Tbefirst Matine can't be actiu.lte.l until tbe Maine
plaler's next tuln; bis leftoaer AP is u.tsted.
Marine Squadssent into the spacehulk art in consant cofirmunication with a command centre back on the assault
vessel.Eachsquad is under the command of a Lieutenant, who monitors lbrminator progiess via small camens mounted
on the Squad'shelmets, integratingtheir movement within that of the entite assaultteam.
TheseLieutenantsare often quite helpful in combat,urging the Marineson to gteatereffofts, pointing out advancing
Stealersthat d:leMarioes might not have seen, offering tactical suggestions,and so forth. In Space Hulk, the Lieutenants
are represented by Cotnnand Points (CPs).
have no CPs;oflly the Marine player gets them.

At the start of the game, take the six Command Point Iftou spent tuo CPsto baue a Marine fire bisfiame4
counters and place them in an opaque containe! such as lou rooul.l turn tbe Comrnand Dice so tb.rt it
a cup. During the Command Pbase,p\ll one ofthese out sboued 2 and place it on top of the Comr/rand Point
of the cup to find out how many Command Points you get countex If, latet in tbe tum, lou spent anothet,
to spend during that turn and the following Genesrealer point, Jtou uould tben turn tbe .lice to 3.
player's turn.
After you haye drawn a Command counte! look at it and
place it face-down in front of you. Playing Tlp: Sincethemaximum number ofcPs you can
receiveis slx, if you spend six CPsduring )our turn, the
The CPs must be spent during your turn or the next Stealer player will knov/ that you don't have any left to
Genestederplayer's tum; you may not s,rvethem until youf spend during his turn. However,if you spend, say,two
following tum. Any CPsleft ovef after the Stealerplayer's dufing your turn, he can't be sure if tbat's becausethat's
tufn are lost. all you had to spend, or becauseyou'rc savingthe cPs to
Importatrtl Don't tell the Stealei player how many hit him later!
Command Points you have until the Endphase!

Command Points xre exactly like Action Points, except that
you can spend them on any of your Mafines, active or
inactivg and you can spend them during your Action Phase
and the Stealer plaJ'ef b Action Phase.

TheMarifle plaJ)er bas drau.)n a 4 Comrnand Point

counter He spend 4 CPs an! time during bis
or tbe follouing Stealer tu/n to baue bls pleces
pelfornt extra a.tions costing up to 4 APs: a Marlne
could Moue Fortua.fds e Sboot Jour times, two
Marlnes coud eacb nake Fl/lrner sbob, one Marine
could Sboot and tblee otbers coud Moue Foruard-t
a squqre, and so foftb.

Keeplng Track of Comrnand Points

You Have Spent
Though you shouldn't tell the Stealerplayer hov/ many total
CPsyou receiyedduring tie Command Phase,you must
tell him how many you are spending asyou spend them,
As you spend CPs,you ke€p track of the number you have
spent with one of the dice. \vhen you haven't spent any
CPs,put the dice off to one side; when you spend one or
more CPs,turn thedice'sfaceto show the total points you
have spent 2nd place it on top of the Command Point
counter. Ifyou spend more points later on, simply turn the
dice to show the new total.
Reveallng the Command Countef Spendlng Command Points Dudng
You rcveal the Conunand Point counter to the Stea.lerplay€r the Stealef's Actlon Phas€
duringthe Endphase.Ifyouspentmore CPSthan you had, You canspend CPson aMarine during the St€alerplayer's
you lose immediaie ly. ActionPhase;howeae4you maydo so only ifiout Marine
After you have rev€aledthe Command Point counter, place seesa Steal€rperform an action. (This tepresentsyour
it back in the cup with the oth€r counters. Lieutenant seeing the movement through the Matine's
Spendlng CPs Durlng Your Actlon Phas€ To seea Stealer,your Marine must have a Line of Sight (LOS)
During the lilarine Action Phase,you can spend CPson any to the Stealer.Line of sight is explained in detail in the
Marine in any way you wish. In fact, you can sp€nd CPs M.rrine Shooting section of the rules; for nov/, all you need
on one Marine while another is active; the active Marine to know is that the Stealer must be in front or to the side
does not becomeinactiye as a result. You can also spend ofthe Marine, and there can't be anything betq/eenthe two
CPsin combination with Action Points (thus,you can sp€nd models blocking the Marine'sview
1 CP and I AP to have an active Marine Derform a 2 AP In addition, you can spend CPs on a Marj're only afier a
acrronJ. Stealerin his LOShaspedormed an action. Clhatis, ifthe
Stealerjust sands there and doesnothing for its entfe tum,
the Marine LieuterEnt won't pay any attention to it. ) If the
Stealer'saction takesit out of your Marine'sLOS(it closes
Example of Speodlng CPs Duting Ma ne's a door in the Marine'sfaceor stepsatound a corner), you
Actlon Phase can't spend CPs on that Marine
Finally, during the Stealerplayer's Action Phase,you may
spend CPs only to have one Marine p€rform one single
^ction at time. You c4z spend 2 Ck to have a Marine
= a
perform a"2 AP actioo, like firing a flame! but you cannot
spend 2 CPsto have a Marine fire twice The Stealerplayer
is alwaysallowed to p€rfotm another action before you can
spend mofe CPs.
This rule is in effect even if more than one Marine seesa
Stealerperform atraction: you can spendCPsonly to have
one of them perform one action. If the Stealerthen
subsequentlyperforms other actioos,you can spend Cps
on the sameMarine asbefore,or on another Marine with
LOS to the Stealer
To spend CR dufing the Stealerplayer'sturn, wait umil
a Stealer performs an action in one of your Marine,s LOS,
then simply announce that you are sp€nding Cps on that
Marine. After you haye finished, the Stealerplayer resumes
his move (until you interrupr again).

lloruto ecadthr Cmmplr

Spc lhrlnr
fhnrr lthrlnr 0rndrdrr
* *

I ugisr *
Sllp 0oor Solt r Shot flrmrr Shot
Tbe Marine plater bas tu)o Command Points.
Exehpl€s of play, Ute the ore to the left, 2ppe.r rhroughout
Neitber oftbe tuo Marines shoun bas beenactiuated thtu boot.
!et. He uisbes toflame tbe tuo Stealersalound tbe Ia th€ text, pareothestzed lctters refer you to sp€c tc p|rts
cor'rret, but the Marine is in tbe ua! of bis Flamel ofrh€ dtagrams. For cxample, h ahe dtagr.m to thc left, the
Marine. He spends 1 CP to rnoue tbe Marine into lext says "H€ sperds one CP to move thc M.rtn€ tdro the
the si.le corridol (A), tben Actiuates tbe Flamer stde cortdor (A)." The '(A)' referc to rh€ A h a ctrcrc h rh€
dlag..m above the text.
Ma.rine, ubo ,nouesdown the corridor (2 APs) an.l
turns to face tbe Stealers(1 AP) (8, C, and D). Tbe Thc 'ghosdy' ngures ln thc dlagrams show where models
bcgh, or spaces thc modcb pa-ssthrough, durtog rhc acttoo
Flamer Marine bas only I AP remaining, and it dkpl.ycd tn th€ dtagf1m. Thc hcaekr nSurcs show whcr€
costs 2 APs to Jlire a lhzme4 so tbe Marine plaler ttr€ models erd up. For €xrEpl€, ln th€ top dlagrlD ro rhe
spends bis last CP and tbe AP to baue tbe Marine left, the Splce rl2rh€ st2rtcd lo thc space dtrcctry abovc
ttrc Flam€r Mafln€r he moved otre spac€ dl.gon [y up .rxd
fire bisJlamer, to.tstlng tbe Stealers(E). TbeMarine to trr€ rtght.
pl.4tenna! nou Actirate tbe Marine in tbe side
corridor; tbeMarine uill baue itsfull complement St..l8ht affows ladlc.rc th.t the model h.s moyed ro the
sp.ce thc .rrow polnts to, cure€d .rro''s rhrt th€ model
of 4 APs turncd 90' or tSOo h the ep.ce.
Exzmples of Spending CPs Duriag Stezler's
ktlon Phese

It is tbe Stealel pl.aler's Actlon Phase. Tbe Mqrine

pl.aler bas 3 CPslejt; caugbt latber stupidllfacing
in tbe wrong direction, the M4rine is .tbout to get
.lttackedfrom tbe side W.7n angry Genestealer Tbe
Stealar moues touards tbe Maline (A).
TbeMarlne bas a line ofsigbt to the rnoulng Stealer,
so the Maline phyer rt4! spend CPs on bin. The
Marine pl.ayer spends a CP to tur'rr tbe Maine to
face its attacher (B) Ae tur.'t s because tbe Marine
can'tfife at a Stealer coning a.tbiflfrom tbe side).
Sincetbe Marine pla)/er cannot spend an! more CPs
until tbe Ste.ller plawr perlorms .lnotber Action,
be uatcbes belplessl! as tbe Stealer firouesforuard
..gain (C) - nou he's rlgbt next to tbe Marine! AJtel
the Stealef'smooe,tbeMartne plaJgt' inter-raptsonce
more Qnd spends anotber CP to take a sbot at tbe
adaancing Stealer (D); tbe Ebot rnlsses.T|te Stealer
.7ttr7cksthe Marine lrtrclose assault; tJ the M..rine
suruiaes (unlikel!!), tbe Marlne plater c.1n usebis
l^st CP to try to blou awa! the Stealet once ,nore.

Since tbe Marlne cannot see tbe Stealer after it

perfon .s its Action (scuttling doun tbe corridar),
tbe Marine plaler ma! ttot spend CPs on tbat
The corridor sections of the map are divided into squares.A piece can move into any adjacent empty squ?lre,includtng
empty diagonaly-adiacent squares(though seebelow) - if, of course,its player pays the APs.It is usuilly more expensiv;
to move backwards than forwards.
Note that you pay APs for each square you move a piece. If, for example, you wished to move your Marine Sergeant
four squares forwards, you would haye to pay 4APs to do so.

Nrhen a piece is moving, it keeps its current facing (see

below); you must pay APs for a rurn action to changea FACIITG
piece's facing.

Illegal Moves INCORRECT
You cannot move a pieceinto a squarecontaininganother
piece, a closeddoor, or through a wall. In addition, you
carurot move a piece into an empty diagonally-adiacent
square if both intervening squares are occupied by other
Diecesand/or corners.

When models are on the board, each must be placed so

that its front bces one of the sidesof the squarcupon which
it sands, asshown below: A model's facing haseffects upon
its movement, fire and close assault,and ability to open
and closedoors (seevarioussections).Blip counte$ need
never worry about facing.

How Facing Aflects Movement

Your models pay different amounts of APs to move in
different directions, depending upon their facing.
a A model pays I AP to move to any of its three fJont
a A model pays 2 APs to move to any of its three rear
a A Stealermodel pays2 APsto move to its side squares;
a Marine model cannot move directly sideways at all
(though extremely powerful, Terminator armour is
somewharclumsy - its leg arliculators don't allow much
laterel movement).
a A Blip has no facing. It may moye in any direction at
a cost of I AP.
All oJ tbe moues sbuutn are illegal. Rememberthat models keep their current facing v/hen
moving. Turning is a separ.ateaction from movement.
MARnE Pr-ArrR's TURN I Marinesarmedwith Boltersonly canOverwatch.Marine
I TimerPhase mustbe in Overwatchmodeto Overwatchflre.
2 CommandPointsPhase 2 Marine Overwatchfires during Stcalcrplayer'sAction
3 Marine Action Phase Phase.Fires againstany target who performs an Action
in Marine'sLOS, fire arc, and within 12 squares.Fire
takesplacectrl action.
I ReinforcementPhase 3 Marineplayerrolls two dice.If eitherdice turnsup '6',
2 StealerAction Phase targetis destroyed.If Marine playcr rolls doubles,
3 Endphasc Marine'sBoltcrjoms.(Tum overOverwatchmarker.)
4 RemoveOvcrwatchmarkersin EndDhasc.


1 MarineplayerdrawsCP counterduringCommandPoint
Tuilt{ FtAitEB SUilitARY
Phase. I FlamerMarine flamesentire corridor or room section.
2 CPs, like APs, are spent to have Marinesperform Onesquareof sectionmustbc in Marine'sfire arc,LOS,
Actions. I CP can be spentto performa I AP action;1 andwitiin 12 squaresof Marine.Marinecannottargeta
CP can be combined with 1 AP to Derform a 2 AP corridorsectionif the squarecontainsa closeddoor
action,or 2 CPscanbe spcnrro perform2 AP actions. 2 FlamerMarine automaticallyhits section.PlaceFlaner
3 Marineplayercan spendCPson MarinesduringMarine markerin square.
ActionPhasein any way he wishes. 3 Closeddoorsblock effectsof Flamerhits. Pieceson
4 Marine player can spendCPs during StealerAction othersideof doorsnot effected.Openand closcddoors
Phase.CPscan be spentonly on Marineswith LOS to themselves arenot effected.
Active Stealer.Marines can perform one Action at a 4 Marineplayerrolls a dice for eachaffectedpiece.Roll
time; Stealerplaycr getsto performat leastone action oncefor eachBlip, not for eachStealerit represcnts.
beforeMarineplayercanagainspendCPs. a roll of '2' or higher,pieceis destroyed.
5 RevealCP chit at Endphaso. 5 No piecescanenterflamingcorridor.Survivingpiecesin
6 RemoveFlamermarkersin Endphase.
I Targetmustbo in fire arcandLOS. CLOSEASSAUTTSUMMARY
2 PayAPs.
1 StealersandMarinesonly cancloseassaulqBlips cannot
3 Roll two dice.Targetdestroyedif eitherturnsup '6'.
close assault.To assault,target must be in assaulting
piece'sfront square,nar front diagonal,sidc, or rear
2 Attackeronly playsAPs;defenderdocsnot pay any Aps
1 Applies only if Marine ffcs bolter repeatedlyat same to defend.
target.To receivebonus,Marine cannotperform any
Action other than Fire Bolter; if Marine is attackcdin Attacker and dcfenderroll dice. Genestealersroll three
dice and pick highest;Marine Sergeantsroll one dice
tum ends,bonusis lost. andadd +1; Marinesand FlamerMarinesroll one dice.
Highestdiceroll wins.
2 On secondandsubsequent sustained fire attacks,number
If attackerwins,defenderis removed.If tie, no cffect.If
neededto hit is reduced:
defenderwins, attackcris removed(unlcssdefenderis
SustainedFire Number Neededto Hit not facinga acker).
(Roll number
If defenderis not facing attacker,defcndcrcannothurt
on either dice
athcker. If tie or dcfenderwins, defendercan turn to
First Shot 6
faceattackerar no AP cost.
SecondShot 5 or 6
ThirdShot 4,5, or 6
Fourti andSubsequent Shots 3, 4, 5, or 6
Space Marines
4 APs per Activation Phase
Genestealers and Bltps
6 APs per Activation Phase

Move Backwards
I square

Move Backwards &

Fire Bolter

* If the Stealer makes two 90 turns in a row, he's really

making one 180o turn, and must pay I AP to do so.
MARnDPLAYER,S TURN I Marinesarmedwith Boltcrsonly canOverwatch.Marine
I TimerPhase mustbe in Overwatchmodeio Overwatchfuc.
2 CommandPointsPhase 2 Marine Overwatchfires during Stealerplayer'sAction
3 MarineActionPhase Phase.Fircs againstany targetwho performsan Action
in Marine'sLOS, fire arc, and within 12 squares.Fire
ul(esplaccaf cr action.
I ReinforcementPhase
3 Marineplayerrolls two dice.If eitier dice tums up ,6'.
2 StealerActionPhase l a r g e ti s d e s t r o y c dl f. M a r i n ep l a y c r r o l l s d o u b l e s ,
3 Endphase Marine'sBolter-jdms. (Tum overOverwatchmarker.)
4 RemoveOvcrwatchmarkersin Endnhase.
1 MarineplayerdrawsCP counterduringCommandpoint
Phase. 1 Flamer Marine flames entire corridor or room section.
2 CPs, like APs, are spent to have Marines Derform One squareof section must be in Marine's fire arc. LOS.
Actions.I CP can be spentlo pcrforma I Ap icLion;I and within l2 squaresof Marinc. Marine cannot tarqet a
CP can be combinedwith I AP to Derforma 2 Ap corridor scction if the squarcconlains a closeddoor.
action,or 2 CPscanbe spcnLto perform2 Ap actions. 2 Flamer Marine automatically hits section. place Flamer
3 MarineplayercanspendCPson MarinesdurinqMarine marker in squffe.
AclionPhasein ary wayhe wishes. 3 Closed doors block effects of Flamcr hirs. pieces on
4 Marine player can spendCPs during StealerAction other sidc of dools not effected. Open and closed doors
Phase.CPscan be spentonly on Marineswith LOS to thcmselves are no[ ctfccled.
Actiye Stealer.Marines can perform one Action at a ,l Marine player rolls a dice for each affected Diece.Roll
time; Stealerplayer gets to pgrformat leastone action once for cach Blip, nor for cach Stcalerit rcpiesens.On
beforeMarineplayercanagainspendCps. a roll of'2' or higher,piece is desroyed.
5 Keveat Lr cnlt at L.ndDhasc. 5 No pieccs can enrr flaming corridor. Surviving picces in
flaming corridors move freely.
6 Remove Flamer markersin Endohase.
I Targetmustbe in fire arcandLOS.
2 PayAPs.
ctosE ruisAutTsumitAnY
StealersandMarinesonly car closeassault;BliDscannot
desfoyedif eitier tumsup ,6,.
3 Roll two dice.Target.
closcasslult.To assault.targetmusl be in assaultine
piccc'sfronl square.notfrOntdiagonal.side,or rei
Attackeronly playsAPs; defenderdoesnot pay any Aps
Applies only if Marine fires bolrer repeatedlyat same
target.To receivebonus,Marine cannotDerformanv
Aclion orherrhanFbe Boller;if Marineii attackedin Attackerand dcfenderroll dice. Genestealers roll three
closeassaultcombat,anotherMarineperformsactionor dice and pick highest;Marine Sergeantsroll one dice
turn cnds,bonusis lost. andadd +1; MarinesandFlamerMarinesrolt one dice.
Highestdiceroll wins.
On secondandsubsequent sustained fire attacks,number
neededto hit is reducad: If attackerwins,defenderis removed.If tie. no effect.If
defcnderwins.altackeris removed(unlcssdcfendcris
Sustained Fire NumberNeededto Hit notfacinga acker).
(Roll number
If defendcris not facing attacker,defendercannothurt
on either dice
6 attacker.If tie or defenderwins, dcfendercan turn to
SecondShot 5 or 6 faceattackerat no AP cost.
ThirdShot 4,5, or 6
FouflhandSubsequent Shol.s 3, 4, 5, or 6
Space Marines
4 APs per Activation Phase
Genestealers and Blips
6 APs per Activation Phase

Move Backwards
I square

Move Backwards &

Fire Bolter

*If the Stealermakestwo 90o turns in a row, he'sreally

making one 180o turn, and must pay I AP to do so.
Tirrning Example of Turning
You may expend APs to tznz a modal - thzr is, to change
its facing by 90 . or 180. whflc nrying itr tle samesquar!.
a A SpaceMarine pays I Ap ro tl|l8 90 " ; 2 AIt to turn 1gOo.
a A Genestealerpays0 APsto tufl 90.; I Aproru.n 1g0..
(Note that a Stealercannot make two 90" tums in a row
for free; it would have to pay the I A? cost for makins a
I80" rurn.)
a Blips haye no facing; they never tum.

Tbe SpaceMa ne pals I Ap to mo.'e fonoard to

hefront diagonal squareI A ): it pa)/sanotber I Ap
to tum 90" to face doun tbe ball (B); it maJl spend
its lemaining 2 APs to blou auay tbe Stealel doun
the ball

TbeSpaceMarifle h..sfoolisbl! neglecte.l to go into

Oueruatcb nodq so tbe neulyactixated Steatel
(uitb 6 APs) decides to go and k/tt him. It ,nakes
a90" turn forfree (OAp)(A), moresforurald (j Ap)
(B), turr,s 90" egdinfolfree (OAp)(C) rips tbe beaA
offoftbe SpaceMarine (1 Ap)(D), turn;90. apain
(0 AP) (E), moDesback doun tbe batt tbrce s;aces
B Aps)(F_H), thm exper\dsitstast ! Ap tumin; 180.

Marines are armed with the very best weaponry in the Imperium. The storm bolter, the spaceMarines' standardfirearm,
fires small, high-velocity bolts with explosive tips, capableof blasting through eight inches of plasteelas though it
were tissuegaper.The healT flamer fir€s jets of volatile chemicalswhich explode violently, filling the targetareawith
burning flames. Few creatures stand a chance against this awesome fifepower.

The Genestealeris one of them.

The term targetinglefers to a Marine'sability to (A) seea
tatget,and (B)bring his wsapon to bearon it . If the Marine
can do both, he can fire at the target. Basically,a Marine
can seetO the front and sides;he may bring his weapon
to bear only on rargets in front of him.
In most cases,a Marine will be firing his storm bolter at
an individual Stealeror door, in which casehe must be able
to target the Stealer or door. \When a Flamer Madne fires Line of Stght
a flame! howevet he is shooting at an entire corridor or
room section. To hit it, he must be able to t^get an! o e Marines don't have eyes(or camer:rmounts) in the back
of their heads. They can see only targets that are in front
of the squaresin that section. or to the sideof them. However,asthey areequippedwith
In gameterms, in order for a Marine to be able to seea t4rget, sophisticatedvision-enhancementequipment built into
he must haye a line o/s8 t (LOS) to the arget; in oider theh lbrminator armour, thsy can seeforunlimited distance
for him to be able to bring his weapon to bear, the target (provided there's nothing in the way).
must be within his ,?re arc

Playlng Note: Since Genestealers don't carry weapons,

they don't shoot at things far away, and thus neyer have
to worry about fire arcs or LOS - except, of course, they
will probably worry a lot abolJ.tstzyingout ofthe Marines'
Tbe Marine can see lhe unsbaded squares.
fiie arcs and LOS...

Blocklog Los
If there is a model, wall, corner, door, of burning square
(seebelow) between the Marine and his target, the LOS is

Judgtng Dtagonal LIOS

It's simple enough to iudge LOSif the taqet is direcdy down
a line of squaresfrom the Marine - if something occupies
a squarebetw€en the Marine and the target, the LOS is
blocked. Howwer, if the target is on a diagonal from the
Marine, it's a little more work. Lay a piece of string or a
ruler ftom the centreof the Marine'ssquareto the centre
of the target's square: if the line passeso\ -r a square
conaining somethingwhich blocks, the LOSis blocked.
If the line passesdirectly between tvr'o squares,LOS is
blocked onfy if botb sqlu rcs are blocked.
Exanples of Line of Sight

(A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) are ex.zmplesof diagonal

LOS. (A) and. (B) are not bloched becauseonl! one
- LOSOPEN oJ tbe squares is blocked u,bere tbel pass dlrectll
behaeen tuo squ.7res.(C) ls blocked because botb
squares bloched, one b! tbe comer afl.l one b!
----- LOSBLOCKED tbe Marine (D) and (E) are bloched becausethe LOS
passes directl! througb a blocked squafe.




Marinesfire their storm bolte$ at Genestealers or closed
doors. When a Maline fires a storm bolter at a target,roll
two dice: ifa 6 is rolled on eithe! or both dice, the target
is destroyedand iemoved from the board.

Storm bolters haye unlimited range. They may fire at any
target that is within the Marine's fire arc and LOS (but see
Ouentatcb Fire, next page).

Sustalned Ffue
In sustainedfire, a Marine is firing rep€atedlyat a single
target, allowing a sophisticated targeting computer in his
Terminator armour to adjust his aim. The computer is
effectiye or y if the Marine staysstill and concentc esupon
hitting the taryet;ifhe movesorceasesfiring, the targeting
computer losesthe target and he must rely on his own skill.
Fire Arcs If a sationary Marine misseswith his first shot, the score
SpaceMarinescan fire only at targetsin front of them - required to destroy the targ€t goes down on the second
that is, that are in theh flre arcs. If a targetis ourside rhe and subsequentshots (provided he doesn't move). On each
Marine'sfire a!c, he must turn before he can fire at it. The round ofsusained fire, the scorerequiredto hit lhe target
following diagnm shows the Space Marines' fire arc. goes down by one:

Score Requlred to Hit:

Fi6t Shot: 6
LOS Second Shot: 5 or 6 on either dice
and Third Shot: 4, 5 or 6 on eithe! dice
FIRE Fourth or Morel 3, 4, 5 ot 6 on either dice
A Marine receives the sustained fire bonus only if he
continuously fires at the arget: ifhe moyes,movesand fires
LOS (seebelow), opensa doo! fights a round ofClose Assault
combat, switches targets, or does anything else, or if
only another Marine is activatedor the Action Phaseends. he
loses any susained fire bonus.
Remember that the Marine must pay I AP lot each shot.
Marinesdo get the sustainedfire bonusduring the Steale(
playe!'sActioo Phase,if the Marineplayer expendsCPsto
Playtrg Note for the cenestealer Player: \t/hen
attacking the SpaceMarines, you'll have to pay close have the Maline fire at a Stealermore than once asit moves
attention to the Marines' fire arcsand LOS.The best way within his fire arc. Note that any susained ffie bonus that
to atack a SpaceMarine is to hit him from the rear (the Marine buitt up during the previous Marine player's Action
dark shaded spacesin the diagram above),becausethe Phaseis lost; he startsagainfrom scratch(that is, he needs
Marin€ can't s€eyou there, and thus the Marin€ player can't to roll a 6 to hit the Stealeron the first shot. a 5 or 6 on
spend any CPs on the Marine under att4ck. the second,etc).
The next best way to gei at the Marine is to hit him from M{ines d.onot get the sustained fire bonus for Overwatch
the side (the lighter-shadedsquares).Though he can see fire (seebelow).
you , you aren t in his fire afc, and at least the Marine player
will have to spend CPsto tum the Marine to faceyou before
he spends them to blow you away - and he might run out.
If you've got to come at him ftom the front (the white Duting the Marine plaler's turn, the Marine spen^
squares),chancesare,you'll losea couple of Stealefsin the bis last AP to Jire at a He needs to roll a 6
assault. You'd better havetwo or three (or mote!) Stealers on either die to bit: be rolls a 1 and 5 an.l tbe sbot
within attack range wh€n you make your move. misses. He expends a CP andfires again, tbis time
rolling a 4 and 5. As be receioes a sustained Jtire
Playlng Not€ for the Marloe Player: Keep your back bonus for firing on tbe same ta.rget for tuo shots
to the wall! Put !.ulnerable Malines into Overwatch (see in a row, tbis tirne tbe 5 rcll is good enougb to bit
below), and, if you can, sate a CP or two for the Genestealer and kill the Stealer
turn'iustin case'
Overwatch Fire Ove applng Ovcrwatcl
In Overwatch mod€, the Matine is firing off tapid buEts If two or more Marines have Overwatch on the sam€
at anything that moves. Heisn't taking dre time to carefully space(s),they all fire at any stealer who takes an action in
aim his weapon; he's just shooting as quickly as he can. the space.Note that sven if the first shot you roll kills the
target,you still must roll for th€other Marines,asin reality
A Marine armed with a storm bolter may 80 irro Overwatch they would fire simultaneously- and there'salaays a chance
mode at a cost of2 APs.Placean Overwatchcounter next a Marine'sbolter will jam...
to his model.
How OYerwatch Works A Marine in Overwatch is firing o.tremely quickly. Actually,
At no AP cost, the Marineautomatica.llyfires at any action he's firing faster than his bolter is designed for and there's
in his fire arc (assuming he has an LOS to the target, of a chance his weapon will jam. If a Marine in oyerwatch
course) within 12squares.Overwatch fire takesplace only rolls doubleswhen firing at a target,his bolter is iammed.
during the Steal€rplayer'sturn. 0f the Martne rolls double 6, he ki s his taqet, but the bolter
Since the Marine is not concentrating his fire on a specific iams after th€ killing shot. ) Flip the Overwatch fire counter
target, but attempting to cover an entire area,he never gets to its Jammed side.
a sustained fire bonus during Ovefwatch: he must always
roll a 6 on either of his two dice to hit the target. Effects of Jams
A Marine with a iammed bolter loseshis Overwatch. In
Playlng Note: Ofcourse, if theMarine is Overwatch firing addition, h€ may not fire his weapon until he dears the jam.
at a Stealerwho is advancing dqwn a coffidor at him, he'll
get to shoot at it for no AP cost eachtime the Stealermoves, cleartng
Ja|nmed Boltcrs
which more than makesuD for the lack of Susainedfire To clear his weapon, the Marine must pay I AP (you can
bonus. usecPs to do tiis, following the nomal rules for etqending
CPs).The Marine may then fire as normal.
'?t t:

If the Marine ta-kesany action, he losesthe Overwatch. Also,

ifthe Marineis attackedinClose Assaultcombat. he loses
th€ Overwatch. The Marine can voluntarily go out of
Overwatch at any time, for no CP cost. The Marine
automatically goes out of Overwatch at the Endphase
(though you may, of course, put him back into Oyerwatch
during your next turn).

Marines in Oyerwatch fire only at targetswithin 12spaces.
lphen counting the range, count ffom the q)ace in front
of the Marioe to the space the target enters.

Tbe Space Maline bas Ooeruatcb fire doun tbe

cor'ridor Tbe Genestealermouesfonoard. a sPace, Botb Marines are in Oueru.ttcb mode. Tbe Ste.rlet
.lrauingfiref'ornthe Marine (A) Ihe Marlne pkryer ,noues fonaard a spa.ce (A); since tbis is in botb
rolk a 3 and 5; the sbot misses. Tbe Stealel rnooes Matines'fire alc 6nd LOS, and isuitbin 12 squares
for&afd. once ,nore (B); this sbot..lso ,nisses. of tbem, botb fire at the approacbinS alien. Thefirst
Decid.ingnot to pless bis htck arryfurthet, tbe Steal.ef Marine's sbot is 6 an l 6 - hilling tbe Stealer, and
plalel stops moting tbe Stealer under fire, and unfortunqtel!, jamming bis ueapon as uelL The
instead ,nooestbe BIip acrosstbe corTidor (C). Since second Marilte's sbot is 3 afld 3 - bisweapon is ako
tbe Steal.erblocks the Maline's LOS,the Marir.e does jammed! If thele are arrJ/ ,nore Stealers d.oun tbe
not get an Orefioattb sbot at tbe Blip. corridor, tbe Marines could be in Jfor a bad da!...
Move and Flre Bolters FIBII{G II'ITH FIAiIERS
The Marines can move and firc their boltels simultaneously,
paying either one or two APs to do so (dependingupon Unlike storm bolters, which are fired at specific targets,
Flamer Marines fire their flamers at entirc room or corridor
the direction they are moving; seeAP Chart). The fire is
sections, filling them with flame and possibly killing
handled exactly like standard fire combat, e)(ceptthat the
everything in them.
Marines receive no sustained fire bonus for firing whilst
moving; any previous bonusesare lost. You don't haveto roll to s€eif the FlamerMarine hits his
For purposes of targeting, the fire takes place from the target; as long as one spaceof the section is within th€
Madne'sfi(e arc,Los, and is within range(seebelow), the
squarethe Marinemoyestoi ifhe movesto a squarewhere
he cannot seethe talget or the target isn't in his fire arc, shot hits automatically.
he cannot firc at that tarset. A Flamer Marine can target a square containing a model;
he can't target a square containing a closed door.

Flamershav€a maximum rangeof 12squares:at leastone
squareof the target section must be 12 or fewer squares
from the Flamer Marine.Count ffom the souarein front
of the Marine to the arget square..

Examoles of Move attd Flte

Effects of Flamer Hits
A Marine paJ/s1 AP and executesa moueforward Flamers effect entire map sections (except g/rts blocked
andfire action. Tbefire misses,so the Mariflepafs by clos€ddoors; seebelow).v'hen aflam€r hits a section,
another AP and fires once morq tbis tirne, ubile place a Flame marker in the middle of the section, bumin8
standing still. SincetbeMarine3 firstfire uas p.1/t side up Roll a die for eachmodel or Blip within that section;
ofa moueand fire action, beSetsno sustainedfire the piece is destroyed on a roll of 2 or higher
bonus:hestillnee^ a 6to bit tbeStealer.If bemisses
.tgain and fires qnotber shot utitbout ,norinq, be In addition to kilting lots of Stealers,flamer hits ma.kethe
tl,ould. get tbe sustained fire bonus for firing tuice flamingsectionsimpassable;piecescannotenter a section
in a roo ot the same talget uitbout mouins. which has taken a flamer hit until aft€r the Flame marker
is removed in the Endphase.Surviving pieces within the
section can move about lieely, but no others may enter.

As the hit fills the entire section with smokeand flames,

Marines may not trace LOS througb a squarein a burning
sectiott. Aua'ine m4! tface a LOS to a target within but
on the edge of a buroing section, as long asthere are no
burning squaresbetween him and the target.

This Matine's backutards moae takes tbe Steal.erout

of bis LOS;tbereforebe cannot move and shoot at Gamlng Note: A Flamer Marine may sometimesfind it
tbe monster useful to fke at an empty map section, to keep Stealersfrom
entering it.
tAstilt $t00Ttil0
Multlple Flamer lllts
You can fire a flamef at a corridor section more than once
during a tufn (if, sat one or mo.e Stealerssurvive the first
hit). Simply pay the APs,place the additional marker, and
roll to see if the Stealerssurvir.e.

Flamer Amm 'rlltloo

A Flemer Marine can carry enough 'flamer ,uice' for six
shots - which is v*ry there are six Flame countets for each
flamer. When a Marine fires a flamer, make sure that vou
usethe correct Flamemarker to rDarkthe buming corriior:
when he is out of Flamer marters, the Marine is out of
ammo and may not fire for the rest of the game.
Unfortunately, Flamer Marines do not cxrry backup
weapons. Once they've run out of flamer iuice, they've got
to use their bare hands...

Flamers and Doors Flam€r Self-Destf uctlon

Flamers do not destroy or shoot through dosed doors. A FlamerMarine m4y!at a cost of I AP,deliberatelycause
Thus, tf the only Equareof a sedion a Flamef,Marfutecan his flamer to seu-destrucrviolently, destrolng all pieces
seecontains a closed doo! he cannot shoot at that section. and doors in the rction. The Marine must have at least
Alsq if a section which takes a flamer hlt has any closed one round of flamer ammunition left in order to self-
doors ln it, the squares beyond the closed doors are destruct.
unaffected. fapiece foolisl y opens a door into a burning After the Marine self-destructs, remoye 4// models and
corridor whtle occupying a non-buming squarcln the same doors in the corridor section, and place a Flame marker
corridor, the flemes immediately fill the newly-rwealed as usual.
squares. The Marine player rolls to seewhether the new
Yictims are destro)'ed. Note: Thts is the only q/ay a Flamer Marine may flame the
cofrldor section he ls in.
Pieces in dtfferent coridor setions mry open or close
doo$ leeding to bumtng coridor secttonsfr€ely; however,
they may never enter burning comidor sections.
Removhg Flamer Markers
During the Endphase,the Stealerplayer r€moves4rl Flame
Exanplc of Flamet 'llts aod Doors markers on th€ bsrrd.


TtteMa.rineflrss hislarrrer
his at tbe adl.tcent corrid.or
section. Hls shot tbleatens
tb, tuo Ste@Ie^.,but tbefire
cannot dam4ge tbe Stealer beblnd the closed doox
TbeMarine pIaW?r ,'olls
r a dlefor eacb tatget, gefting
a 1 and 6, n isstng
tg one
o Stealer and killtng tbe otbex
Tbe su/01 .)onn*!a! moue in tbe buntlng cortldor
freery; if tbe dooror ln tbe corrldor ls opened' tbe
jla.mes flll tbqt sectlon
sel of tbe cortldol and tbe
Marine plqler rolls
rol to see lf tbe new oicttm is
destroJ/ed. If not,
,t, lt too ,nay nTouea.round.tbe
cor'rtdor fteeu.
?.3 ft,

Closeassaultis hand-to-handcombat betweenStealerand Marine.Sincethe Stealershave no weapons,this is the only
way that th€y may damagethe SpaceMarines.Despite the SpaceMarines'fanasdc Terminator armour and mighty
power glove, the Stealersare faster and stronger than their opponents.A Stealeris more than a match for a Marine
in close assault.


lt{ ctosE AssAutT If the assaultrolls are tied, th€ combat hasno effect. The
attacker may, of cours€,initiate another round of close
Any SpaceMarine or Genestealermay atack in close assault; assault,if he pays the AP cost.
Blips nevercloseassault.Marineswith iammedbolterscan
close assaultwithout perrrlty.
Pasing ln Close Assault
A piece can close assaultif its targetis in its front square. Ifa piece is attacked from the side or rear,it cannot actually
Piecesmay not assaulttargds in their froDt diagonal squares, damageits attacke!: all it can hope to do is fend off the
side squares,or rear squares. attackeruntilit hasa chanceto turn around and facehim.
Yotr nevet hcaueto closeassault.You can completely ignore Ifa defenderwho is not facinghis attackerlosesthe attack,
a model in an adiacentsquareif you wish and a Marine he is remov€dasusual.Ifthe result is a tie or the defender
can fire at a Stealerinan adjacentsquarewithout penalty. wins the dice-roll, he may turn to facehis attackerat no
AP cost.

Exantple of Effects of Facing itt Close Assault


Tbe Genestealer close assaults tbe Marine Serpeant

from tbe rear The Space Ma ne u)ins tbe combat.
so be turns to face his attacker (Since tbe Marilxe
HoltrTo cotlDucr L'asn'tfacing bis attacker. the Stealer is unbarrned.)

closE ,utsAutTs Tbe Genestealer pals anotber AP to attack again;

tbis time, if tbe Marine Sergeant uins, tbe Stealer
The attackerpaysthe APs;the targetdoesnot hav€ to pay is destrqted. *_:,,r-,::.r'.r I
any APs to defend against the assault. The attacker and
defender each roll one or more dice; the highest individual
dice-rcll wins. The loser of a close assaultis destroyed.
a Stealers roll 3 dlce ln cloae assault and plck the
a Madnes and Flamer Madnes roll 1 dlce.
a Madne Serg€anta roll one dlce and add + 1 to th€h

Examples of Close Assault

A Genestealer close ^ssaults a Space Marine: tbe
Stealel rolls 2, 3, and anotbel 3; tbe Space Marine
rolls a 4. Since tbe Marlne's roll is bigber tban afl!
of tbe Stea lel's rolls, tbe Marifle uins and tbe Stealer
is .lestroled.

A Stealer attachs a Marine Selgeant. Tbe Stealer's

hiSbest roll is a 6; luchil!, tbe Sergeant also rolls .r
6. Sincehe adds + I to bis roll, he wins.
In Space Hulk, th€ Marin€sare on unfamiliar territory, facing unknown odds. The assaultyessels'deepradar has
given them someidea of the layout of the spacehulk, but it isn't ableto tell them how many steale$ arelurking within.
To combat this problem, Marinesare equipped with Sensoriums,or life-detectors.when the Marinesare inside the
hulk, the Sensoriumsconstantly scanth€ suffounding corridols of the vesselfor alien life-forms, showing concentrations
of life as dots ofl a video display (earningthe Steal€rsthe nickname 'blips'). The machinesaren't v€ry precis€,being
unable to tell whether a life-form readingcomesfiom one Stealer,or two or three moving dose together.Thus, until
a Marine actually sgesa Blip, he won't know exactly how many Stealersare th€re.
Stealersare blought into play asBltps: counters which represent one, two, or three Stealers.The Stealerplayer moves
thesecountersalound the rnap,face-down,until he wishesto convert them to models,or until a Marinegainsan LOS
to the Blip.
When Activated, a Blip counter has6 APs,just like a Stealer Howsver, Blip counters expend their APsoflIy on movement
and ope[ing and closing doors: they can never attack.


Blips move in much the samefashion asother pieces,except The Stealerplayer is'freeto examinehis Blips - that is, pick
"'* them up and seehovr'many Stealersthey represent - at any
e a Blips have no facing. They moye in any direction at a
time. The Marine player caDnot exrmine Blip counters until
they ar€ to be converted.
cost of I AP; they neYe(turn.
a Blips cannot move into a Marine's siSht: if you
accidentallymove a Blip into a Marines LOS,the Marine
playerpoints this out, and you must return the Blip to the
last squarein which it was out of the Marine'sLOs. That
Blip's mov€ immediatelyends:it may not do anything for
the rest of the curent Phase.
a Blips cannat move nex:tto a Marinq even if the Marine
is facing another direction and has no LOS to the Blip.
There are two ways in which a Blip converts into Stealers:
voluntary conversion - when the Stealer player converts
the Blip - and involuntary coN'e$ion - when the Marine
player converts the Blip.

Voluntafy Conversion
The Stealerplayer can convert aBlip counterinto Stealers
only during his Action Phase.He converts the BIip irlttead
o/Activating the Blip; if the Blip hasperlotmed 6n)/ action
* that Action Phase,he may not conyert it.
Newly-conv€fted Stea.lers
canbe ActivaEd asnorma.lduring
that Action Phase;each hasits full complement of6 APs.

Invol'ntary Converslon
Marines causeinvolunary conversion when they gain LOS
to a Blip. ln involuntary conve$ion, the Marlne playet
converts the Blip to steal€rs, not the stealer player
If a Marine gainsan LOSto a BIip during the Stealelp klw's
turn (if for instance, he uses CPs to blow away a model
which was blocking LOS),this is involuntary conversion
and the Marine convertsthe Blip. If the Blip has not yet
been activated that Phasg then all of the newly-placed
Stealermodelsc4l, be activatedasnormal. If the BLiphas
alr€ady been activated, than the Stealerscannot be
Rememberthat a Blip cannot move into a Marine'sLOS;
however, the st€aler player can move a stealer which was
blocking a Marine'sLOS,allowing the Marine to gain LOS
to the Blip. This would be involuntary conveEion and the
Marine player would place the Steal ers
How to Corrveft Example of Bnp Cotwf'r'lon
T|rn the Blip counter over to reved the number of stealers
it represents.R€move the counter from play and place the
appropriate number of Steal€rs on the map. Place the
Stealersso that on€ Stealeroccupies the square v/here the u'r$i$\
Blip stood, and any r€maining Stealersare placed in empty
squafes adjacent to that model.
In voluntary conversion, the Stcaler player cannot place
his Stealersin a Marine's LOS; in involuntary conversion,
the Marine player can place the Stealersin or out of LOS
as he wishes.
If there aren't enough available squaresto place all of the
Stealers, the excess Stealersare tost,
After the Stealersare placed on the map, t}re StealerplaW
gives the Stealersany facing he wishes, even if it was
involuntary conversion and the Marine player placed the

The Stealcr runs touards the Mafine, who is ln
Ouerua.tcb n ode. The Marlne playel rolb a 6 and
a 2; the Stea.leris destro),ed. Tl\e Marlne now bas
a.n LOS to tbe Blip; lt ls revealed to be a 2 Steoler
Blip. TbeMarlne plaw places the ,nodels, and tbe
Stealer plaJ,er J.acestbern as be ulsbes. (If tbe Bllp
infi'ont moees,tbeMarTne geban Ouenaatchattach
ogainst it,)

If the Blip marher ls conuerted, one n odel must be

pl.^ced ln tbe square wbere tbe Blip counter stood,
tbe others ma! be plq.ced. in an! of tbe sbaded FLAmESH|TS Oil SuPS
sauanes, Like Stealers,Blip counters in corridor of room sections
hit by flamers are destroyed on a roll of 2 + . The Marine
play€r rolls only once for the Blip counter, even if it
replesents two or morc Stealefs.


In the unlikely event that there are a lot of Stealerson the
Tbe Marlfle basjust opened tbe d.oor,gaining LOS map and not anough l€ft to convert a Blb, all a.cessStsalers
to the Blip countel beblnd it, ublch is a.i countex are lost. However, killed Stealers cofl be immediately
Since tbls k lnvoluntery conuerslon, tbe Marlne recycled back into playr if you had only three models
plarel pl4ces the Stealers- not that lt mahes much available, you could convert e Blip into the three models,
dtfference tn tbls partlculor place He places one rush them forward and get them all killed, use those same
Stealer in the space uhele the Blip counter stood., models to convert another Blip, rush them forwatd and
and anotber ln the onl! empt! adlacent spa.ce get them all kllled, etc, etc.
rerna.inlng - tbe doorwa!. Slnce tbefe's no roornfor
plaw tbe?r
it, tbe tblrd Stealer ls lost. Tbe
faces tbe Stealers tawards the Marlne. (Note that as
tbe rreul|'-placed Sbalers blach LOt the Bllp counter
dourt tbe balluay is not conusrbd,)

Blips enter play ^t en ry arcas: off-map areasright next
to corridots leading off the ed8e of the map. During rhe
Steale( Reinforcement Phase,t2ke your reinforcing Blips
f(om the box top at mndom, look at tlrcm, and then place
them at one or moie Stealerentry ar€as.You can have up
to three Blips in the sameentry area at any one time; you
must place additional Blips at other areas.A BIip pays 1
AP to move from an entry area to the adiacent corridor
Place the Blips so that it is obvious which entry area they
are in; that is, place them right n€xt to the coridor leading
off of the map. If there's ever any question asto which entry
aieathe Blips occupy, because,for instaflce,tb€y arc equally
close to two or more coridois leading off ofthe map, roll
dice to see which they ar€ in.
Once at an entry area,Blips may not mo!€ to different entry
areas:they must either move onto the rnap, or lurk where
they are. The tbree Bllps uere brought into pla! tbis tunt;
since tbe FlamefMarine is six spaces du.q,, from
Lurklng tbesquare laading to tbe enry afea, tbe Blips cannot
Blips or stealers in entry arcascannot be attacked by the mooe onto tbe map thls tum.
Marines. Entry arsasmay not be shot at by flamels (though
the corridor section leading to the entry area can be fired
at asnofmal). Blips in entry areasdo not hale to enter the
map when they arrive; they may lurk off-board, completely
safe from harm, for as lon8 as the Stealer player wishes.
LOS does not extend into entry areas;thus, Blips there are
never sublect to involuntary conversion.

Mardatory Lurklng
If a Space Marine is six or fewer squaresaway from the
squarc ncxt to the entry area, Stealeo or Blips cannot enter
the map on tlte turn they are placed: they must lurk for
at least one tum. On the next tum, however, they may enter
as normal. count by the shortest possible route, ignoring
faeing, doors, flames, intervening models or Blips.
If a Blip or Stealer was a.lreadylurking in the entry area
when the Marine moved to q/ithin six spaces,it can enter
play immediately. It does not have to lurk an additional
turn becausethe Marine showed up - he'll iust have to take
his chances.
Importatr& Blips are never forced to lurk for more than
one tldrlJ! They can aluqys move on the second
subsequentturns (though they don't have to move if
they don't want to).

Stealers rn Entry Areas

The Stealer player can convert Blips to Stealer models in
entry areas.The Stealer models may also lurk, and must
do so if their Blip arriyed this turn and a SgaceMarine is
six or fewer squarcs away. A maximum of three Stealer
models may lurk at any one entry area, in addition to the
three Blips.
If a Marine occupiesthe squar€dir€ctly adjaceff to the entry
area, stealers who are not forced to lurk can attack him
from the entry ar€ain close assaultcombat, at the sandard
AP cost.

Movlng Off-Board
Once entercd onto the map, Stea.lersor Blips may not move
off board.
Example of Stealcrs ln Entry Areas

This tunt, the Stealerpl4ler connerts tbe BLp, wblcb

is a 3 Stealprs Blip, Stealer A attachs tbe Marirre,
Tbe Maline moued adjacent to tbe entry areq last Iasing ,nlserabb/. Stealel B then attack' tling tbe
turn. During bis Deplqlrrrent Phase, tbe Stealer first round of close a.ssault combat, but uinning
plarer placed a BW at tbe entry area; since tbe tbe second. Cbittering in trlumpb, it uses its
Ma.rlne u4"t uell wttbln six squ4/esfrom tbe space ren &ining 4 APs ta ,noue four squares as sboton.
(zero squares aua.!, to be preclse), tbe Blip was Tbe Stealer pl.alet tben actiuates Ste@lefC. Slnce
folced to lurb. Tltis turtt, the Marlne someubat It has not been engaged in tbe battlq lt bas its fu
unulseb/ staJEd wbere lt uas. The BUp utasfree to 6 APs; it gingerly stepsot)et tbe srnouldefing ptle
lurh or not, 4t tbe Steolcl pleased, of wet ,netal and n ooes sitcsquare'

The space hulk is littered with itis-style airlock doors. The doors' most importalt game-function is that they block
LOS and the effects of flamer hits; stealers are often found skulking behind dosed doors, awaiting the right moment
to open them up and spring out on rmwary Marines.

ooon coutlTcBs frRil{o ATcrosEDooons

The doors in the space hulk are represented by door A Marine ca! firc his storm bolter at a closed door ilr an
counters. Each Mission tells where to set up doors. When attempt to destroy it. This is handled exacdy like standard
th€ door is closed, place it in the middle of the squar€. ffrcr that is, a 6 is neededto destruy the door, and the Marine
When it is opened, place it to one slde of the square it receivesthe bonus for Sustainedfu€. Ov€rwatdr fire is nevsr
occupies when closed. If the door is destroyed, remoye used against doors. A Matitre caflnot fjfe at an open door.
the count€r altogeth€r.
Flamer shots have no effect on closed doors (but self-
d€structing Flamers will destroy all open or closed doors
OOORS ir that corridor section).
A piece may open or close a door if the door is in one of
its front squares.A Blip may open or close a door if it is
adiacent to the doof including diagonaly adiacent. The
pl€ce simply e'rpends the appropriate APs (the Stealer or
Marine press€sthe button) and the counter is moyed.
A Door cannot be closed if a model or BliD is in its wav.
Open Doors
Squareswhich conain open doors are treated sxactly as
normal empty squares. CLOSCASSAUTT
Closed Doors
Piecesmay never entef squareswhich contain closed doo$.
oil cLosEDoooRs
Both GenesEalers and Marines may make close assault
In addition, LOSdoesnot passthrough squareswith closed
attacks against closed doors; eadr side needs to roll a 6 to
be successful, The Marines roll one dice as usual (the
closed doors contain the effects of flamer shots, as sargeant's close assault bonus of +1 does count); the
otrpase21. cenestealers roll three and cormt the highest roll.

MARINE PI-AYER'S TURN 1 Marines armed with Bolters only can Overwatch. Marine
1 TimerPhase must be in Overwatch mode to Overwatch fire.
2 CommandPointsPhase 2 Marine Overwatch fires during Stealer player's Action
Phase.Fires against any target who performs an Action
3 MarineActionPhase
in Marine's LOS, fire arc, and within 12 squares.Fire
STEALERPLAYER'S TURN takes place af er action.
I ReinforcementPhase '6',
3 Marine player rolls two dice. If eitier dice tums up
2 SrealerActionPhase target is destroyed. If Marine player rolls doubles,
3 Endphase Marine's Bolter jams. (.T1rmover Overwatch marker.)
,l Remove Overwatch markersin Endohase.

coililAilD POil{T SUilitABY

I MarineplayerdrawsCP counterduringCommandPoint
Tllilil FtAitER suililARY
Phase. 1 FlamerMarine flamesentire corridor or room section.
2 CPs, like APs, are spent to have Marinesperform Onesquareof sectionmustbe in Marine'sfire arc,LOS,
Actions.1 CP can be spentio porforma I AP action;I andwithin 12 squaresof Marine.Marinecannottargeta
CP can be combined with 1 AP to perform a 2 AP corridorsectionif thesquarecontainsa closeddoor.
action,or 2 CPscanbe spentto perform2 AP actions. 2 FlamerMarine automaticallyhits section.PlaceFlamer
3 Marineplayercan spendCPson MarinesduringMarinc markerin square.
ActionPhasein any way he wishcs. 3 Closeddoors block effects of Flamer hits. Pieceson
4 Marine player can spendCPs during StealerAction othersideof doorsnot cffected.Opcnand closcddoors
Phase.CPs can be spsntonly on Marineswith LOS !o themselvcs arenot effected.
Active Stealer Madnes can perform one Action at a 4 Marineplayerrolls a dice for eachaffcctedpiece.Roll
time; Stealerplayer getsto performat leastone action oncefor eachBlip, not for eachStcalerit represenfs.
beforeMarineplayercanagainspendCPs. a roll of'2' or higher,pieceis destroyed.
5 RevealCP chit at Endphase. 5 No piecescanenterflamingcorridor.Survivingpiecesin
flamingcoridors movefreely.
6 Remove Flamermarkcrsin Endphase.
8oITCB SUititARr
I Targetmustbe in fire arcandLOS. ctosE AssAuLTsuitilARY
2 PayAPs.
'6'. I SfealersandMadnesonly cancloseassault;Blipscannot
3 Roll two dice.Target.
desfoyedif eithertumsup
close assault.To assault,target must be in assaulting
piece'sfront square,.r?ot fronr diagonal,side,or rear
2 Attackcronly playsAPs;defenderdoesnot pay any APs
1 Applies only if Marine fires bolter repeatedlyat same to defend.
kfget. To receivebonus, Marine cannotperform any
3 Attackerand defenderroll dice. Genestealers roll three
Action other than Fire Bolter; if Marine is attackedin
dice and pick highest;Marine Sergeantsroll one dice
andadd +1; MarinesandFlamerMarinesroll one dice.
turn ends.bonusis lost. Highestdiceroll wins.
2 On secondandsubsequent sustained fire attacks,number
4 If athckerwins,defenderis removed.If tie, no effect.If
needed!o hit is reduced:
defenderwins, attackcris removed(unlessdefendcris
Sustained Fire Number Needed to Hit not facingattacker).
(Roll number
5 If defendcris not facing attacker,dcfcndercannothun
on either dice
m attacker.If tie or defenderwins, dcfcndcrcan turn to
faceattackerat no AP cost.
Second Shot 5 or 6
Third Shot 4, 5, or 6
FourthandSubscqucnt Shots 3, 4, 5, or 6
Space Marines
4 APs per Activation Phase
Genestealers and Blips
6 APs per Activation Phase

Move Backwards&
Fire Bolter

"If the Stealermakestwo 9Ooturns in a row, he'sreally

making one 180o turn, and must pay 1 AP to do so.

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