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CHAPTER III: Science, Technology, and Society and the Human Condition


Directions: Answer the questions and Activities based on the topic discussed and understanding.

1. Is our reverence of science justified? Explain.

Answer. Yes. Our reverence of science is justified. People believe , make us and rely on science . also , we
filipino evolve from listening to superstitious belief to modern day by when we believe most of the things
explained by science .science is a well -known respected truth seeing way of knowing things.

2. Were we successful so far in trying to tie down technology with what we conceive as human flourishing?

Answer. Yes . many labor – saving inventions that are by product of science and technology have been greatly
added to human flourishing .though human flourishing may be subjective to different opinions, so we can all say
that even fire which is technology makes betterment in our lives .from sterilizing things to cooking our foods, fire
has been the root of technology and has been important to humans for survival purposes.

3. What do you think constitutes human flourishing?

Answer. A human beings flourishing requires the rational use of his individual abilities , and virtues in the pursuit
of his freely and rational chosen values and goals. I personally think that , when we experience different
situations and we take action upon it and if that action is proper we are flourishing . human flourishing
encompassed the uniqueness ,dignity ,diversity , freedom, happiness, and holistic well being of the individual
within the larger family ,community and the population .most of us have this goal of making a better life for our
children or the youth . the eagerness to make things that will make life easier and convenient for next generation
must be the key to human flouring.

4. What would have happened to humankind if technology did not exist?

Answer. Probably human may have very small scale population and worst case scenarios is extinction ,human
race is delicate due to our short lifespan .we may adapt to some changes in our nature but it doesn’t guarantee
survival . animals have stronger survival instinct specially in the wild . I am watching one of the anime which
greatly affects my answer regarding this question . the title of the anime is doctor stone, where science and
technology has been erased due to unknown occurrence that made all people in earth stone.
Life without technology wouldn't be functional or enjoyable for most of us. Keep the world running by
getting into IT. Imagine this: You wake up one day in a world without technology – all the computers on the
planet just disappeared. ... Power, gas and water are public utilities run by massive computer systems

5. Do you agree with Martin Heidegger in his idea that technology should only be seen as one of the
approaches in perceiving truth?

Answer. I don’t agree with martin Heidegger . I may respect the man perseverance in making that
idea and publishing it but technology was never one of the approaches in perceiving the truth
.technology is ,neutral in the sense that it merely provides ;options and it does not compel anyone to

take up options .we choose whether or not to use every new technology and how . we have potential
for the goods and ill in how we choose to use it and how will affects us.

6. What are other possible approaches we should consider?

Answer. As I ve mention mentioned in my answer in number 5 , we must approach technology as neutral .we
humans have choices on how we use and see technology . we rely and use it the way we like . not the other way
around. In instance , a technology :dynamite . it was created and then use for blasting rocks and drilling tunnels
in 1886 for faster building of canals .but later on ,it was used for civil wars and today by illegal man to get fishes
in bodies of water .

7. Have you ever measured using science, the truth and the good?
Answer. It is true that technology offered us one compelling notion of the truth and the good , we should be
staunch in our resolve if we want to know the real one.

The aim of science is to build true and accurate knowledge about how the world works. The word
"truth" is sometimes used to refer to spiritual truths or other topics that science cannot investigate. To
be interested in scientific truth, one doesn't have to reject other sources of meaning

8. What is Falsification Theory?

Answer. The Falsification Principle, proposed by Karl Popper, is a way of demarcating science from
non-science. It suggests that for a theory to be considered scientific it must be able to be tested and
conceivably proven false. For example, the hypothesis that "all swans are white," can be falsified by
observing a black swan.
Abstract. “Falsification” is to be understood as the refutation of statements, and in contrast,
“verification” refers to statements that are shown to be true. The goal of science is to create knowledge
by identifying true statements as true (verified) and false statements as false (falsified)

9. What it is like to have technology in before a common era?

Answer. According to research stone tool s are the first known technological invention made by human , and so
we can say that technology before a common era is used already to make life easier .it said that through
observations and endless experiment by human that occurs thousands of years ago.

10. Is technology really matters to you?

Answer. It is an essential tool that we cannot avoid, it plays an important part in the majority of our lives
Technology essentially harnesses the tools, technologies and strategies used to help us solve problems and
simply make our lives better and easier to live in some way.
Answer. Yes absolutely . we are in the era where technology is not just used to make life convenient and easier
but also to discover and study species and events that is beyond understanding., technology has profoundly
shaped society , the economy and the environment .technology has cause many environmental and social
problems but it also keys to addressing environmental degradation , climate change food scarcity , waste
,management and other pressing global changes.


Do the Activities below.

1. State a brief history or discovery that brought about the invention or discovery of the things stated
below. State their contributions in our scientific development

a. Gravity f. Benzene Ring

b. Telescope g. Large Hadron Collider

C. Processed Food h. Guns

a. Gravity

d. Microscope i. Internet

e. Radio j. Cell phones

2. Brainstorming. Try to determine the possible alternatives to growth and development. List down
several ways to promote sustainable living and start a mini-campaign advocating the method of your

3. Create a comic . Try to imagine the world without technology, How do you think your day-to-day life
would be like? Do this by illustrating a scenario where a certain technological innovation does not
exist. Below are examples you could use:

a. Watch

b. Phone

C. Light bulbs

d. Cars

e. Printing Press

f. Electricity



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