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Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answers on space provided before each number.

____1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of vocal music of Mindanao?

A. throaty sound B. fixed rhythm C. melismatic singing D. uses tremolo
____2. In Islamic music, the vocal aspect must overpower the instrumental. What does the given statement mean?
A. Same volume for instrumental and vocal parts
B. More emphasis on the vocal parts than the instrumental part.
C. Musical accompaniment is required. D. A full band must sing the song.
____3. Why is Mindanao music different from Luzon and Visayas folksongs?
A. Because the Spaniards were not able to penetrate Mindanao during their era.
B. Because Mindanao has a different set of instruments for their songs
C. Because most recording companies are situated in Luzon and Visayas.
D. Because their way of life is different.
____4. Aside from rituals, which of the following is the other purpose of Islamic music?
A. sports B. entertainment C. education D. birthdays
____5. The Paggabang are songs accompanied by a gabbang and byula. These songs are also said to be less serious in nature. What Islamic music
tradition speaks of these practices?
A. The melismatic style of singing.
B. The vocal aspect must overpower the instrument.
C. The delicate patterns of melody and rhythm.
D. Songs for rituals must be sung in acapella while those for entertainment requires a musical instrument.
____6. Why is singing important to Islamic music?
A. Because it is a form of expression of ideas. B. Because the singers can do their vocal exhibitions.
C.Because it is like talking to Allah. D.Because they lack musical instruments.
____7. Islamic vocal music requires improvisation. How must a singer apply this characteristic when singing their native songs?
A. The singer must always sing the original tune. B. The singer must always rely on the musical piece.
C.The singer’s voice must be versatile. D.The singer can also be a composer.
____8. Which of the following characteristics is present in the vocal music of Islamic Mindanao?
A. the use of tremolo in singing. B. the time signature.
C. a fixed ending for songs. D. the observance of the instrumental accompaniment
____9. What do you mean by Tausug?
A. Moro people B. People of Mindanao C. Muslim people D. People of the current
_____10. The music of Mindanao has not changed for a very long time. What character traits does this show?
A. The people of Mindanao are not open for changes. B. The people of Mindanao are only patronizing what is from them.
C. The people of Mindanao value their culture and tradition. D. The people of Mindanao are not open-minded people.
______11. What kind of song is the Pangantin?
A. funeral B. baptism C. birthday D. wedding
______12. Which of the following songs can be accompanied by a musical instrument?
A. Lugu B. langkit C. pangantin D. baat
______13. Which of the following songs is usually performed by women in Mindanao?
A. Lugu B. baat C. langan batabata D. sindil
______14. Which of the following terms is used for epic legends?
A. Baat B. pangantin C. kissa D. sindil
_____15. Which of the following songs is characterized by high vocal tension, slow tempo long and sustained notes and melismatic and tremolo
A. Pangantin B. langkit C. kissa D. lugu
_____16. What kind of percussion instrument is the kulintang?
A. Drum B. gongs in a row C. hanged gong D. large gong
_____17. What kind of instrument is gandang?
A. drum B. gong C. flute D. hegalong
_____18. What is the other term for agung of the Tausug people?
A. bebendir B. tungallan C. kudyapi D. gandingan
_____19. Which of the following refers to a pair of four slim gongs?
A. bebendir B. tungallan C. kudyapi D. gandingan
_____20. Who among the following groups of people uses a sarimanok-shaped kulintang stand?
A. Tausug B. Maguindanaoan C. Maranao D. Indonesian

____21. Why do Islam communities have kulintang instrument even if they have nothing to do with Islam?
A. Because this instrument is a product of adaptation of different cultures.
B. Because Muslim traders used this instrument to get access to the tribes in Sulu.
C. Because the Sulu people bought this instrument from traders.
D. Because this is a beautiful instrument which suits the house of a Datu.
____22. Which of the following is the main role of the Kulintang ensemble?
A. It provides rhythm for the music. B. It provides tempo for the music.
C. It provides melody for the music. D. It provides color for the music.
_____23. Which of the following does the term “talking gongs” mean?
A. The instruments can be understood by humans. B. The instrument’s sound is like a radio.
C. The instrument’s rhythmic pattern mimics the chant of our ancestors. D. The instrument can talk.
_____24. What mode of playing kulintang will you use in a wedding ceremony?
A. tagunggo B. binalig C. tidtu D. sirong
_____25. Which of the following is more appealing for the youth?
A. binalig B. sirong C. tagunggo D.sinulog a minuna
_____26. Why do women traditionally play the kulintang?
A. Because the women can dance while playing the instrument.
B. Because the sound is associated with some of the characteristics of a woman.
C. Because there are more women in the community
D. Because the kulintang beaters are fragile that only a woman can hold it better.
_____27. How did the Kulintang arrive in the Philippines?
A. The Muslim traders brought it to our ancestors. B. It is a product of a barter system.
C. It is a gift from the prophet Mohammad. D. Our ancestors bought it.
____28. Why does the kulintang can only be seen in Mindanao?
A. The Spaniards associated the instrument to Islam. B. Mindanao is rich with brass and copper.
C. There are more women players in Mindanao. D. This instrument is heavy and difficult to transport.
____29. Why do Mindanao gongs differ from the gongs of Cordillera?
A. Because the material is a mixture of different metals. B. Because the beaters have beautiful designs.
C. Because it is embossed while the Cordillera’s gongs are flat. D. Because it is cheaper in price.
____30. Which of the following statement is TRUE about the Kulintang ensemble?
A. Only Muslims can play the Kulintang. B. The Spaniards introduced this instrument to us.
C. Muslim traders brought this instrument to the natives of Mindanao.
D. The manner of playing this instrument today is very different from the old manner of playing.

Directions: Fill each blank with the correct answer. Write your answer on the blank.
_______________1. A traditional dance which demonstrates the various ways of wearing a malong and its uses.
_______________2. Sacred cloth which is exchanged during marriages and used as a cover during births.
_______________3. The traditional tight-fitting trousers made of a Yakan fabric characterized by its vertical stripes design.
_______________4. Sequin-like capiz shells used to give a distinct design and color to their clothes.
_______________5. Most common material used by the ethnolinguistic groups in Mindanao for weaving cloth.
_______________6. A process of dyeing the fabric in which the yarns have been tie-dyed before weaving.
_______________7. A square cloth used by the Yakan women as a head cover or as belt.
_______________8. The common color tones found in a Bagobo's t'nalak.
_______________9. The common color tones found in a t'boli's t'nalak.
_______________10. They are known as “People of the Lake

Directions: Match Column A with the correct answer in Column B. Write only the letter of your answer on the blank.
Column A Column B
______1. The legendary bird of the Maranao which is said to be a
symbol of good fortune. b. Kandit
______2. It came from an old Malayan word which means carve or c. Manik tegiyas
"ukit" in Filipino. d. Okir
______3. It serves as protection from spears and knives during e. hilot
combat and may be fastened around the trousers. f. Kulintang
______4. It is a bamboo container for the paraphernalia used in g. pegupaan
chewing betel nut. h.Suwatl mimotis
______5. A heavy brass belt commonly worn by T'boli i. Pis and Kandit
women during festivals. j. Lutuan

a. Sarimanok
______6. A wooden comb with seed beads hanging from it. It is
worn toward the back of the head.
______7. An instrument that consists of a row of small brass or
bronze gongs horizontally laid upon a wooden rack.
______8. A charmed necklace or bracelet made from fruits and
flowers beaded together to protect them from illness.
______9. A small bronze box with engravings carried at the waist
______10. It is hand-woven head cloth and 15-meter belt or sash
which serves as protection from spears or knives

Direction: Read the statements carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if it is not.
__________ 1. Barriers in exercising and becoming more active are personal and vary individually.
__________ 2. Exercise for a healthy lifestyle should be done at most three times a week.
__________ 3. Physical fitness is a personal responsibility.
__________ 4. Physical inactivity may increase the risk of certain cancers.
__________ 5. Lack of physical activity can contribute to feelings of anxiety and depression.

Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of your answer from the given choices.
_____1. Which of the following does not define good mental health?
a. A person with sense of balance. b. Friendly
c. A person that cannot be able to help his/her own community d. A person that can realize his/her own potential
____2. Which factor affecting mental health that refers to the traits acquired from parents to offspring?
a. heredity b. environment c. personality d. physical illness
____3. Healthy mind leads to _________________?
a. depression b. successful business c. good mental health d. illness
____4. What do factor affect mental health defines that individual with recurrent illness are at high risk of mental illness like depression?
a. physical illness b. environment c. heredity d. biochemical factor
____5. Which is unhealthful to do?
a. Befriend with neighbors. b. Have self-care. c. Be confident with yourself.
d. Hide your illness as you may cause problem with your family.
Direction: Read the following situations. Identify whether they are causes or effects of stress. Write the word Cause or Effect in the blank
_______1. You are almost hit by a car
_______2. You ran fast away from a furious thief.
_______3. Your house is burning
_______4. You are lonely because your house was totally burned.
_______5. You were able to escape from the burning house.
_______6. Your friend told you that your mother was rushed to the hospital because of heart attack
_______7. You passed by a dark street.
_______8. You saw an angry dog.
_______9. You fainted when a car almost hit you.
_______10. You are weak because you lose energy after running away from a mad dog while passing the dark street.


Prepared by:
MAPEH Teacher

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