Hyung/ My Annoying Brother

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Choose a story you have read or a movie/telenovela you have watched.

Use the matrix

below to relate the characters to Piaget’s stages of Cognitive development:
A. Write a brief summary of the story. Don’t forget to include the title.
Goo Doo Sik was a swindler and was imprisoned for years, he badly wanted to
go out of jail, so he used his little brother, Goo Doo Young, as a reason for his parole
to be granted. Goo Doo Young, was a judo athlete, but stopped because he met an
accident during the match and became blind. Goo Doo Sik and Goo Do Young are
step brothers but Goo Doo Sik ran away from home because he had a
misunderstanding with his Step Mom. After the parole was granted, he reunited with
Goo Doo Young whom he has not seen for the past 15 years, he only found out the
he was already blind because of a newspaper article. They didn’t like each other.
Goo Doo Sik was only there to fulfill his responsibility and will eventually leave Goo
Doo Young once a year has passed. Goo Doo Sik also tried to get all the savings
that their parents saved for them by making Goo Doo Young sign documents, whom
Goo doo young thought was for their parent’s columbarium, but it wasn’t. He
succeeded with his plan and bought a car and partied every day, but he did not
forget about Goo Doo Young, he pampered him with good things. They became
close again and became inseparable but sadly Goo Doo Sik, found out that he has
cancer and has only 6 months to live, he was devastated, he wanted to kill himself
instead but, he was more worried about his little brother. He didn’t want to live him
and watch him go back to his dark room and stop living again. So, he showed him
again the path to judo, he convinced him to join the Paralympics, and Goo Doo
Young, although hesitant, was convinced and wanted to join again. Goo Doo Sik,
asked Lee Soo Hyun, Goo Doo Young’s trainer, to watch over him and help him
cope up when he’s gone. While Goo Doo Young went to Brazil to compete, Goo Doo
Sik was in the hospital watching him compete, even though he was hurting. Before
the match begins, Lee Soo Hyun, told Goo Doo Young about his brother’s condition,
he was hurt, he wanted to go back to Seoul to see his brother and be with him, he
tried to, but remembered that what he was doing is for his brother, and so he
continued on with the match. Goo Doo Young won. He kneeled and shouted
“HYUNG” (big brother) countless times, not minding about what the people around
him was thinking. He was just shouting and crying that word. Goo Doo Sik saw his
little brother bawling while calling for him in the television, Goo Doo Sik was sobbing
because of the pain inflicted by his illness and the pain that was caused by the knife
stabbing his heart, seeing his brother bawling in front of him. After that, Goo doo
young went home. Goo Doo Sik left him a voice record to help him live and for Goo
Doo young not to miss him a lot.
B. Write the Character and the Piagetian Connection

Character Description Piagetian Connection

Goo Doo Young is already in Stage 4:
Formal Operational Stage, although he
had a hard time at first because of his
parent’s death and his accident, he still
managed to think logically and go back
to his normal life, with the help of his
Goo Doo Young brother. Also, after the death of his
brother, he didn’t go back to his gloomy
life instead he became a more positive
person, because he knows that his
brother is with him, not by his side but in
his heart. He already knows how to
think logically and has reasoning.
Other Characters Same with Goo Doo Young, Goo Doo
Sik is already in Stage 4: Formal
Operational Stage also, he is
reasonable and thinks logically. For
Goo Doo Sik example, the time when he already
wanted to bump his car into the bridge
to kill himself, he did not do it because
he thought about his brother who is
blind, he worried more about him, so he
stopped what he was doing, instead, he
went home and fixed their home to
make Doo Young more comfortable and

C. Give example of an incident to illustrate Id, Ego and Superego Freudian Concept.

The big brother, Goo Doo Sik, had already planned of going back home to get all
the money their parents saved for them and leave his little brother behind without
anything after finishing a year of parole responsibility, he used his little brother, Goo
Doo Young, as an excuse to get a parole, he told them that he will take care of his
little brother as he was now blind because of an accident during his judo match. After
being released from prison, he lived with his little brother, he tricked him into signing
a document that will transfer all the money to him. He bought a car and went to
parties, but he also pampered his little brother with things. Without knowing it he
started to care for his little brother more and was bugged with guilt for trying to take
advantage of his brother’s disability. Soon, he found out that he only has 6 months to
live. He did everything to make his little brother’s life comfortable, he even pushed
him to do judo again, and so his little brother did.

D. Which has a stronger impact in the development of a child, the Nature or the
In this movie, nurture was more influential in the development of Goo Do
Young, he was an athlete full of hope and enthusiasm but, his world fell apart when
his parents died, and had an accident and became blind, his world crumbled, he
stopped judo, and never went out of the house again. He became an introvert, he
didn’t want to talk to anybody, even his trainer who stayed with him during his dark
times. He’s always mad compared to when he was not blind. A spark of change
happened in his development when his big brother whom he never saw or heard of
for so many years went home and tried to invade his then gloomy world, he was not
ready for the change, but, as the time passed by, he was slowly getting used to his
brother’s presence and started to open up to him more. He felt secured again, he felt
the comfort that he had already forgotten. His big brother convinced him to play judo
again in the Paralympics, at first, he was hesitant but, he trusted him, his big brother
gave him the confidence that he once lost. Sadly, his big brother died but left a lot of
memories with him, that kept him alive and, he never went back to that gloomy world
again, instead, he continued with a positive mindset because he knows that his big
brother is happy when he is happy and well.

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