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Information listing created by : Agung Nugroho

Date : 22/07/2019 8:03:36
Current work part : E:\Kuliah\Praktek\Project Mold ID Card
Landscape\assy mold landscape.prt
Node name : asus-pc
Measurement Mass Properties

Displayed Mass Property Values

Volume = 11128.376477993 mm^3
Area = 14986.941679408 mm^2
Mass = 0.011684795 kg
Weight = 0.114588801 N
Outside measurement = 91.000000000, 68.000000000,
4.200000000 mm
Radius of Gyration = 34.802129300 mm
Centroid = -0.870497617, 51.109937471,
-14.244940800 mm

Detailed Mass Properties
Analysis calculated using accuracy of 0.990000000
Information Units kg - mm

Density = 0.000001050
Volume = 11128.376477993
Area = 14986.941679408
Mass = 0.011684795

First Moments
Mx, My, Mz = -0.010171586, 0.597209157, -0.166449217

Center of Mass
Xcbar, Ycbar, Zcbar = -0.870497617, 51.109937471, -14.244940800

Moments of Inertia (WCS)

Ix, Iy, Iz = 38.029695238, 11.447032951, 44.634716822

Moments of Inertia (Centroidal)

Ixc, Iyc, Izc = 5.135313308, 9.067119362, 14.102539797

Moments of Inertia (Spherical)

I = 14.152486234

Products of Inertia (WCS)

Iyz, Ixz, Ixy = -8.474261199, 0.134572557, -0.511664157

Products of Inertia (Centroidal)

Iyzc, Ixzc, Ixyc = 0.032947891, -0.010321090, 0.008204991

Radii of Gyration (WCS)

Rx, Ry, Rz = 57.049372018, 31.299392779, 61.805316900

Radii of Gyration (Centroidal)

Rxc, Ryc, Rzc = 20.963940493, 27.856343692, 34.740663821

Radii of Gyration (Spherical)

R = 34.802129300

Principal Axes (Direction vectors relative to the WCS)

Xp(X), Xp(Y), Xp(Z) = 0.001156940, -0.006544670, 0.999977914
Yp(X), Yp(Y), Yp(Z) = -0.002079281, 0.999976406, 0.006547066
Zp(X), Zp(Y), Zp(Z) = -0.999997169, -0.002086810, 0.001143305

Principal Moments
I1, I2, I3 = 14.102767376, 9.066920627, 5.135284464

Error Estimates

Volume = 0.000691009
Area = 0.000051855
Mass = 0.000000001
Moments of Inertia (Spherical) = 0.000008211
Center of Mass = 0.000000095, 0.000000133, 0.000000086
Moments of Inertia (WCS) = 0.000010388, 0.000001482, 0.000012808
Products of Inertia (WCS) = 0.000003517, 0.000001738, 0.000002713

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