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-What is Japanese Culture Like?

Japanese culture is a set of values that places importance on social harmony

and hard work. Until the 10th century, Japanese culture was similar to Chinese
culture, but the rise of the samurai in the Heian Period and isolation during the
Edo Period changed the rules of society. In general, the culture was influenced
by the local Shinto religion (Shinto or Shintoism is a religion originating in
Japan, sometimes considered the indigenous religion of Japan), Buddhism,
Confucianism, and limited natural resources.
Although the Japanese way of life has recently become Westernized, the
Japanese still do their best to preserve their rich cultural heritage by practicing
the tea ceremony, wearing kimonos, and studying traditional arts and crafts
from early childhood.

-Japan’s Customs and Traditions

Since harmony is very important in Japan, there are many customs, traditions
and etiquette rules to create social bonding between people. Some of the
interesting traditions that surprise foreigners are:
 Taking off shoes when entering someone’s house
 Wearing a mask when sick
 Not shaking hands and not hugging when meeting with loved ones
 Bowing 45 degrees to show respect
 Making the slurping sound when eating noodles
 Symbolically washing hands when entering a shrine
 Wearing slippers when using the restroom
 Decorate one’s house with dolls for the annual “girls day” and decorate
the house with the samurai figure for the annual “boys day”
 Throwing beans at people who dressed as demons during the
“setsubun” festival
 Eating a special meal called “osechi” during the new year’s day
 Bathing in the evening rather than in the morning
 Participating in the firework festivals or bon odori festivals during the
summer by wearing a yukata.
You can find out hundreds of Japanese customs and the rules of the
etiquette here.
- Some Basics of Japanese Culture
Japanese people always display modesty and humility. People often bow to
convey the message: “I am not above you. I respect you.” Bowing longer with
a higher degree of angle means more respect.
Additionally, Japanese people have two religions at the same time: they are
both Buddhist and Shintoist. When a Japanese baby is born, the ceremony is
held in the Shinto shrine and when someone dies the ceremony takes place in
a Buddhist temple.
Lastly, in Japan, people are obsessed with hygiene: they take off their shoes
when entering someone’s house and take a bath almost everyday. Many
foreigners are surprised that there are no trash cans in public areas but
everywhere is still clean.

- Festivals in Japanese Culture

There are relatively a higher number of festivals in Japan compared to other
countries because Japanese religions are related to celebrating the harvest
seasons and seasonal changes.
Each of the 47 Japanese prefectures has a different festival which usually
takes place in the summer. Locals usually participate in these festivals by
wearing a yukata and sandals. The most famous Japanese festivals are:

 Gion Festival in Kyoto. The largest parade in Japan which started in the
800’s when there was an epidemic similar to the Coronavirus.
 Awa Odori Festival in Tokushima. A Dance festival held during the
Obon-Week (the week when the spirits of the deceased are believed to
visit the world).
 Nebuta Festival in Aomori. A festival dedicated to ancient warriors in
Northern Japan.
-Holidays and Celebrations in Japanese Culture
If you look at the Japanese calendar, you would notice that there is a major
cultural celebration almost every month. Japanese people like celebrating
seasonal changes to show their appreciation of new beginnings. The three
most important celebrations in Japan are:
1) The new year’s day. Japanese people visit a shrine after the midnight on
Dec 31 to make a wish.
2) Cherry blossom celebrations in April. It is a custom to have a picnic under
the cherry trees.
3) The Obon Holiday in August. Japanese people visit their hometown to
commemorate the spirits of those who passed away.
- Clothing in Japanese Culture – Kimono
Traditionally, Japanese people wear a one-piece garment called kimono which
emerged during the Heian Period (794-1185). Kimono is made out of silk and
each motif has a meaning. Cranes represent longevity; pine-trees represent the
new year; the Chrysanthemum flower represents the imperial family. The
summer kimono is called “yukata” and the wedding kimono is called
Kimonos usually have long sleeves for wind to pass through and cool down
the body. While children wear kimono with bright colors and flower designs,
the elderly wear simple kimonos with simple motifs. Nowadays, Japanese
people wear Western clothes at work and school but prefer kimono for social
occasions and ceremonies.
- Arts in Japanese Culture
Japanese arts can be traced back to the indigenous populations who roamed
the main island thousands of years ago. The pottery vessels made by the
“Jomon” 12,000 years ago are considered as the oldest in the world. Later, the
Japanese arts were influenced by Buddhism and Chinese culture. The earliest
forms of Buddhist statues and monochrome paintings at temples show
resemblance to the Chinese arts. However, many unique forms of art, such as
ikebana, ukiyo-e and kabuki, started emerging when the influence of China
started diminishing after the rise of the samurai class in the 10th century.

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