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Match entries from RTM to Test Scenarios, test cases, Defect report
s blank
Module Scenario ID Scenario Name
Students Enquiry Form SC_001 Submitting the form

SC_002 Submitting the form with invalid


SC_003 Without filling non mandatory


SC_004 Clicking cancel button

Scenario Description Requirement id
User should be entered all the details with a valid data in the respective RC_010
field and the system should be displayed the message, "Successfully
Submitted" in the next page
The system should be displayed the appropriate error message in the RC_001
error page RC_002

User should be entered all the mandatory details with a valid data in the RC_010
respective field and the system should be displayed the message,
"Successfully Submitted" in the next page
The entered details should be erased in thr current page RC_011
Test Scenario ID Test case id
SC_001 TC_001

SC_002 TC_002















SC_003 TC_019

SC_004 TC_020
Test case description Prerequisites
To check the system displays the message
"Successfully Submitted" in the next page when the
user submits the form with valid data

To check the Name Text box can be accepted only less

than 30 characters in length
To check the Name Text box can't be accepted more
than 30 characters in length
To check the Name Textbox can be accepted only
Alphabetic values
To check the Gender field can't be selected more than
one button

To check the selected Date of Birth from the list box in

DD-Month-Year format

To check the Email Text box can be accepted a valid

Email format

To check the Email Text box can't be accepted a invalid

Email format

To check the Phone Text box can be accepted

numerical values

To check the Phone Text box can be accepted only

numerical values

To check the City Text box can be accepted only less

than 30 characters in length
To check the City Text box can't be accepted more
than 30 characters in length

To check the Pincode Text box can be accepted the

numerical values

To check the Pincode Text box can be accepted only

the numerical values

To check the Pincode Text box can be accepted only 6

digit numeric value

To check the "Interested in" list box can be contained

the current values available in the database

To check the Comments Text box can be accepted only

500 characters
To check the system displays the appropriate error
message in the error page when the data is invalid

To check the system displays the message

"Successfully Submitted" when the user submits the
form without fills the non mandatory fields

To check the entered data can be deleted by clicking

"CANCEL" button
Steps to execute
Enter a valid name in tha Name Text box
Select a Gender
Select the Date of Birth
Enter a valid Email ID
Enter a valid STD code with Landline number
Enter a valid pincode
Select a Interested in course
Enter a comment
Click on the "SUBMIT" button

Enter a name in Alphabets with the length of less than 30

Enter a name in Alphabets with the length of more than 30
Enter a name in Alphanumeric values

Enter a valid name in tha Name Text box

Select the Male radio button
Select the Female radio button
Enter a valid name in tha Name Text box
Select a Gender
Select the date of birth in the respected list box
Enter a valid name in tha Name Text box
Select a Gender
Select the Date of Birth
Enter a valid Email ID

Enter a valid name in tha Name Text box

Select a Gender
Select the Date of Birth
Enter a invalid Email ID

Enter a valid name in tha Name Text box

Select a Gender
Select the Date of Birth
Enter a valid Email ID
Enter a valid STD code with Landline number

Enter a valid name in tha Name Text box

Select a Gender
Select the Date of Birth
Enter a valid Email ID
Enter a Alphanumeric values in Phone field

Enter a valid name in tha Name Text box

Select a Gender
Select the Date of Birth
Enter a valid Email ID
Enter a valid STD code with Landline number
Enter a city in Alphabets with the length of less than 30 characters
Enter a valid name in tha Name Text box
Select a Gender
Select the Date of Birth
Enter a valid Email ID
Enter a valid STD code with Landline number
Enter a city in Alphabets with the length of more than 30 characters

Enter a valid name in tha Name Text box

Select a Gender
Select the Date of Birth
Enter a valid Email ID
Enter a valid STD code with Landline number
Enter a 6 digits numeric value

Enter a valid name in tha Name Text box

Select a Gender
Select the Date of Birth
Enter a valid Email ID
Enter a valid STD code with Landline number
Enter a Alphanumeric value

Enter a valid name in tha Name Text box

Select a Gender
Select the Date of Birth
Enter a valid Email ID
Enter a valid STD code with Landline number
Enter a numerical value with more than 6 digits

Enter a valid name in tha Name Text box

Select a Gender
Select the Date of Birth
Enter a valid Email ID
Enter a valid STD code with Landline number
Enter a valid pincode
Click on the "Interested in" list box

Enter a valid name in tha Name Text box

Select a Gender
Select the Date of Birth
Enter a valid Email ID
Enter a valid STD code with Landline number
Enter a valid pincode
Select a Interested in course
Enter a paragraph with more than 500 characters in Comments Text
Enter a valid name in tha Name Text box
Select the Gender
Select the Date of Birth
Enter a valid Email ID
Enter a valid STD code with Landline number
Select a Interested in course
Enter a comment
Click on the "SUBMIT" button

Enter a valid name in tha Name Text box

Select a Gender
Select the Date of Birth
Enter a valid STD code with Landline number
Enter a valid pincode
Click on the "SUBMIT" button

Enter a valid name in tha Name Text box

Select a Gender
Select the Date of Birth
Enter a valid Email ID
Enter a valid STD code with Landline number
Enter a valid pincode
Select a Interested in course
Enter a comment
Click on the "CANCEL" button
Expected results Actual results

The system should be displayed the message

"Successfully Submitted" in the next page

The Name Text box filled with the entered name

The Name Text box filled with the entered name of
first 30 characters
The Name Text box should be accepted only the
Alphabets for 30 characters

The Gender field should be selected the Female


The selected date of birth should be shown in the

Date of Birth field in DD-Month-Year format

The Email Text box should be accepted the Email ID

The Email Text box shouldn't be accepted the Email

ID Same as expected result

The Phone Text box should be filled with the

entered number Same as expected result

The Phone Text box shouldn't be accepted the

entered value Same as expected result

The City Text box should be filled with the entered

city of first 30 characters Same as expected result
The CIty Text box should be filled with the entered
city of first 30 characters Same as expected result

The entered numerical value should be filled in the

Pincode Text box Same as expected result

The Pincode Text box shouldn't be accepted the

entered value Same as expected result

The Pincode Text box shouldn't be accepted the

entered value Same as expected result

The "Interested in" list box should be contained the The "Interested in" list box is not containing the
current values available in the database current values available in the database

The Comments Text box should contain only the first

500 charaters of the paragraph Same as expected result
The system should be displayed the appropriate The system is not displayed the appropriate
error message in the error page error message in the error page

The system should be displayed the message

"Successfully Submitted" in the next page Same as expected result

All the entered data should be erased in the current

page. No data is erased in the current page
Pass/Fail Defect id Remarks








Fail D_002

Fail D_001


Fail D_003
Serial no. Defect id Description
1 D_001 On clicking the "Submit" button without entering
any value in the "Phone" field, no error message got
displayed. Expected
output : The system should be displayed the
appropriate error message in the erroe page.
Actual output : No error message got displayed by
the system.

2 D_002 User clicks on "Interested in" list box and it is blank

without any value.
Expected output : The "Interest in" list box should
be shown the current values available in the
Actual output : The "Interested in" list box is blank
without any value.

3 D_003 user fills all the details and clicks on "CANCEL"

button then the system does not erase the filled
Expected output : The entered data should be
Actaul output : The system does not erase the filled
Reproducible (yes/no) Steps to reproduce Severity
yes Enter a valid name in the Name Text box medium
Select the Gender
Select the Date of Birth field
Click on "Submit" button

yes Enter a valid name in the Name Text box medium

Select the Gender
Select the Date of Birth field
Enter a valid Landline number in Phone Text box
Click on "Interested in" list box

yes Enter a valid name in the Name Text box medium

Select the Gender
Select the Date of Birth field
Enter a valid Landline number in Phone Text box
Click on "Cancel" button
Priority Reported by Reported date Status Remarks
medium Velmurugan K 12/25/2020

medium Velmurugan K 12/25/2020

High Velmurugan K 12/25/2020

Serial no Requirement id Requirment description Test scenario id
1 RC_001 Name should be a Text box and it can be accepted only SC_002
Alphabetic values of Maximum 30 characters length

2 RC_002 Gender should be radio button and the available SC_002

values should be male and female
3 RC_003 Date of Birth should be list box and it should be in DD- SC_002
Month-Year format
4 RC_004 Email should be a Text box and it must be in a valid SC_002
5 RC_005 phone should be a list box and it can be accepted only SC_002
numeric values of valid STD code with landline number

6 RC_006 City should be a Text box and it can be accepted SC_002

maxinmum of 30 alphabetic values
7 RC_007 Pincode should be a Text box and it can be accepted SC_002
only numeric values of 6 digits

8 RC_008 Interested in should be a list box and it can be SC_002

contained the current values available in the database

9 RC_009 Comments should be a Text box and it can be accepted SC_002

alphanumeric values of maximum 500 characters

10 RC_010 SUBMIT should be a button. It should be displayed the SC_002

message "Successfully Submitted" in the next page SC_001
when the system validates the data successfully and it SC_003
should be displayed the appropriate error message in
the error page when the data invalid

11 RC_011 CANCEL should be a button. The user if after filling in SC_004

the details in the current page , clicks this button, all
the data should be erased
Test case id Defect id



TC_016 D_002


TC_018 D_001

TC_020 D_003

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