Snack Bar Service 'And Attitude: A Public Joust: Part Two

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Part Two

Snack Bar Service 'And Attitude: A Public Joust

Ed. Note: This is the second of a student and faculty members of But not *everyone shares the and Ernie fZmylinski, were going to be a big difference in
two-part series dealing with the the Mercyhurst community, one negativity. Mike Milligan, a specific with their indictments. attitudes of those who treat the
Mercyhurst snack bar. This week feeling appeared to rise above all senior elementary land special Citing* the attitudes of the position as a profession and those
we look at the service and at- others in their: opinion of the education major, remarked "For workers as being cold and un- who treat it as a part-time job."
titude aspects of the operation HRMA-run facility. That feeling what I buy at the union, the prices caring, both stated that they
and the community's reaction to was one of discontentment. are fine and the service is no wished the ! ladies? currently He went further in explaining
problem." Senior accounting working for the college food this point by saying "A student's
^ "I think they've set themselves major Bob Tobin joined Milligan service, were running the snack primary purpose is to study.
, by Linda First \ up as a fast-food type of service in his feelings toward the snack bar again. "These people give Therefore it's? reasonable to
without the personnel or bar saying "I feel they have a you the impression that they're assume that ^a :part-time job
"For the time and effort the techniques to handle it in that
HRMA students put into} the good menu and the people that doing you a favor," stated would take on secondary im-
fashion," commented Dr. George work there are cooperative in my Zmylinski in reference to the portance, whereas the snackbar
snack bar, it's too bad they aren't Garrelts^ off the Theology
more efficient." | dealing with them.'' i > *1rtH| current snack bar employees.;"-C was of primary importance to the
department. *& $ ladies/'
Responding to comments, such
as this one by senior en- Others were more direct in Snack bar supporters such as
vironmental studies major Craig their comments. Expressing In an interview with Keith
Milligan and Tobin turned out to Stating that the short-order
Brooks, The Merciad decided to dismay over, the service of the be exceptions rather than theCrouse, manager of KC Foods nature of the snack bar makes it
investigate service and attitude snack bar, senior accounting rule, however, as customers and former manager of the food a difficult position for anyone to
factors that may be influencing major Bill Cain said "I feel like service that was in charge of the
continued to find fault-with the step into, Crouse felt nonetheless
student and faculty reaction to mailing in my order before I student food vendors. |snack bar, The Merciad was told that the snack bar is a learning
the snack bar. J $••*'* come down because it takes so that comments about^ service experience for the HRMA which
In interviews with numerous long to get just a cup of coffee." Two students, GaryfJohnson were} not i surprising. "There's the customers are paying for.

a student


MSG Solicit Muscular Dystrophy

a »i
Funds Through Battle The Reps
The student government voted interest, that both Conklin and MSG during the last meeting, will
to pit the female representatives Miller are required to replace the put the letter together. I ".'-:•: •
against the male reps in a contest money if it is lost or stolen, and j "We want the administration
to solicit funds for the Muscular that MSG has the option of taking to know that it is a problem, and
Dystrophy Association at the the money back if any misuse is that we are aware of it," said
February 25 meeting. j discovered. Kosarsky. * •>
The body decided against last The government voted to send I The body spent considerable
weeks proposal of asking the men a letter, in regard to what they time brainstorming on how to
nd* women athletic teams to feel is poor library security, to help build retention at the 'Hurst.
collect money. The government the proper authorities. History
contest will use the same format representative Tim Kosarsky,
as was proposed at the February who brought the subject before Continued on page 3
22 meeting, with each vote
costing a pre designated amount
of money. The contest is
scheduled to begin Spring Term.
College Senate Votes To
| "From my own < perception,"
concluded Vice-president JoAnn
Alexander, "I like this idea
Change Graduation Requirements
better."! T Calling for changes in program. Citing the fact that this
j . In other action, the MSG ap- graduation requirements,* the requirement did not accomodate
proved the contract agreement Mercyhurst College Senate met those majors with 45 or more
concerning the $50 credit based Monday to alter requisites required credits, the Senate
loan for a change bank in currently listed in the catalog. voted to change the item to read Bob Meyers shows his mastery in the art of illusion at the Ma gic
McAuley. J The first item of business in- that students would have to have Show held last Friday.
The contract, made to Bob volved a reformation of the completed one-half of the total
Conklin and Bruce Miller, requirement calling for com- credits in the major rather than
stipulates that the money be pletion of 45 credit hours, in- the number 15 currently listed.
cluding at least 15 in the major Dealing with the subject of
returned May 1, 1980 without
withdrawal from a course, the
Senate voted to reduce the alio ted
MSG To Solicit Response
WINTER 1980 ] seven-week period to six. It was
stated that students withdrawing To Calendar Proposal
FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE in8this period wouldlhave the
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5,1980 course deleted from their On Monday and Tuesday she said.
Classes that Meet ' *Agj Final Exam Time academic record. Mercyhurst students will have an Voicing a | need for student
s>; It was added that students who
opportunity to voice their feelings response, Alexander went on to
MWF -4:00-5:20 P.M. %pH^4:00P.M. wish to withdraw after the start
about the proposed 4-3-3 calendar say that the MSG is interested in
MW -4:00-5:20 P.M. J4:00P.M. change as the Mercyhurst
of the term would have to receive collecting some "concrete data".
MW -6:00-7:50 P.M. 6:00 P.M. the permission oft the divisionStudent Government will conduct While the government has not
MW -8:00-9:50 P.M. i8:00P.M. chairperson and the dean. a student survey in front of the decided what route they will take
registrar's office.
Students granted permission will \. once |they have collected the
THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1980 receive oiWP (passing) or WF The survey, which was information, Alexander felt that
Classes that Meet 1 Finald Exam Time (failing) for the course. suggested to the student bodies such as the Academic
TTH- 8:00-10:20 A.M. 8:30 A.M. government by Dr< Jean Lavin,
Stepping up the grade average Policies Committee, the College
TTH -10:30 -12:20 P.M. 10:30 A.M. will enable the student govern-
for course overloads, the Senate Senate and the President's
TTH- 1:00- 2:50P.M. v 1:00 P.M. voted unanimously to change thement to give a mass reaction to Retention Committee would be
TTH- 3:00- 4:50P.M. 3:00 P.M. 2.0 requirement to a 3.0 grade Dr. Millar's proposed calendar very interested in the results of
TTH- 4:00- 5:50P.M. 4:00 P.M. W; requirement. ^Stating* that change that would eliminate the poll.i rr,
TTH- 6:00- 7:50P.M. f W 6:00 P.M. students normally experience intersession at the 'Hurst. A Alexander stated that mailers
TTH 8:00- 9:5QP.M.| 8:00 P.M. falling grades regardless of theirDr. Lavin stated that student are now being sent to the student
I FRIDAY, MARCH 7,1980 : grade point average when they feedback} would be solicited bodylto *jnfbrm them of their
Classes that Meet * Final Exam Time through the distribution of ballots
overload, Millar rationalized that chance to respond. She
MWF- 8:30-9:50A.M. i 8:30 A.M. at the registrar's office. These
the burden of passing would not remarked, "Here's,, an op-
MWF -10:00 -11:20 A.M. 10:30 A.M. ballots, once filled out by
be as heavy on the 3.0 student,- portunity for students to speak
: registered students, could then be
Tutorial studies, once open to out." 2
MWF -11:30 -12:50 P.M. 12:80 P.M.
MWF-*1:00- 2:20 P.M. 2:30 P.M. dropped into the MSG ballot box
all students, were limited to those
students who have achieved located outside of the office.
MWF- 2:30- 3:50P.M. 4:30 P.M.
MWF- 4:00 - 5:20 P.M. (See Wed. March 5,1980) "junior" status. The unanimity ofWhile plans for the distribution INSIDE
4:00 - 5:50 P.M. (See Wed. March 5,1980) this decision was influenced by
and collection of the ballots are
MW - still tentative, ;MSG|;Vice Editorial Pg. 2
MW - 6:00 • 7:50 P.M. (See Wed. March, 1980) Continued on page 3 President Jo Ann Alexander
MW • 8:00 -9:50 P.M. (See Wed. March 5,1980) stated ; that officers g and Dorm Stormf Pg. 3
representatives would be on hand Blade History
Classes meeting at irregular times not covered by this to conduct the survey, which win Pics...? Pg. 3
schedule should take their final exams by arrangement THE NEXT ISSUE be held from nine to twelve noon
with the Instructor. Instructors are asked to notify the OF THE MERCIAD and from one to four in the af- Cafeteria
Registrar of any irregular exam time. ternoon on both days. \ £k Survey "•?... Pg.*4
WILL COME OUT Alexander, for one, does not
ALL EXAMS ARE SCHEDULED FOR 2 HOUR BLOCKS feel that student reaction will be Mercy-Ads . . f. Pg. 7
i it • • M«« i 1t \
March 28 4
positive,. "From my t own per-
ception most students would not
be happy.with a 4-3^3 system,"
Spoils . . . » . . . . . . . Pg. 8
ALU " " " • • +-~
" "

Iflmaiinq Jenfcirtf// Thc5c *&- #£ remains
ttJhctf cook* the1
ptssiblu be cbifcg. m.
e/Apm of'cfoited States." 1 B i W l Jm
& Jron ia»\ uJa&tetaricls

A Participative Plus
Taking a democratic the survey has been completed.'
grassroots approach f toward In the recent past documented'
responding to student needs, the student feedback has been called
Mercyhurst Student Government upon in only three instances - the
will be taking their act*to the 1979 student government elec-
students as they conduct a survey tion, the presidential evaluation,
on student response to the and the student petitions to the
proposed 4-3-3 calendar change. presidential selection, and
program review. J J
The survey marks a refreshing Presidential selections and
change to normal MSG procedure program reviews are not annual; flmeric* Held Hoita^c:fla<j^ / > T 3 / ^ 3 i ^ 3 y .
which in the past depended upon college faculty and ad-
sporadic representation and a ministrators are gratefully Letter
"come-to-us" approach I in aware of this. Therefore, the only
dealing with students not in- recorded soliciting of feedback is
volved in the student^ govern-
ment. By going to the students usually the student government
elections.. During the week of
Parent Supports 'The Merciad', Garvey
instead of waiting for them. to campaigning candidates for
make | the first move, the was not public relations puff to the effect that the job of
government is taking positive various offices, the fulfilling of Dear Editor: L* pieces which many campus schools of higher learning is to
steps j? toward restoring student needs is a major issue. I want to take this opportunity publications have a tendency to make students think. That
collegiality in the student body. This week the student govern- to commend you and your staff lean toward. It's important that philosophy is extraordinary, I
ment will be making a strong for producing what I, as a parent such issues as the election of a think, in a day filled with
The true test the MSG faces, or attempt to at least identify them of a Mercyhurst student, feels is a
will face, is whether^or not they college president be a serious and educational trivia.
with their survey on intersession. fine campus organ. I particularly forthright undertaking, by the Dr. Garvey is certain to produce
will continue mis practice once like your aggressive spirit in campus (and other) media. fine results as president of the
dealing with campus issues and The Merciad handled the story 'Hurst, for his promise to make
feel certain that students and well. I was interested for obvious his students think is somewhat of
Responsibility Abandoned faculty share my compliments.
I think you did an excellent job
reasons, as I'm; sure other
parents of children at the 'Hurst
a unique proposal.
I was also happy to see that the
r Mark Maddamma, editor of the that they did not check out their in dealing with the selection of a were interested, in the selection board at Mercyhurst did not
: Edinboro State t ;College facts, f new president at Mercyhurst. of a new president. select a president whose major
| newspaper, The Spectator, said it In 1947, the Commission on The coverage of the story and the While reading the strong and achievement was raising funds, a
was the hardest decision that he Freedom of the Press was quoted backgrounds of the candidates weak points of each of the can- major boast of some of the other
ever had to make. W^S** as saying, "The: press can be put your readers in touch with didates I got the feeling that the candidates. Of course, that's
What he was referring to was inflammatory, sensational and some very --important tissues board made a wise choice in important, but it is not the key
fcthe printing of a one-page special irresponsible." In arcase such as revolving around who would lead making Dr. Garvey president of element in providing a solid
! edition of the newspaper in which this it can be effectively argued the fHurst into the '80s. Mercyhurst. I don't know Dr. education. I'll take my chances
: it was alleged that three varsity that the Edinboro press was all Indeed, the coverage was a big Garvey, but as I read The with people like Dr. Garvev.
• basketball players? were three. . :'.i. .^'tsts ;~: • .plus for The Merciad because it Merciad's review of his W.L. Gjebre _
I ineligible suggesting a possible was a no-nonsense approach to credentials there was one point Make-up Editor
While a campus newspaper can important issues for the students that made him a standout. He
' cover-up. T ;5? i be a truly effective voice of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette
fc. An investigation of L these and faculty.»Your information was quoted as saying something
student body, it can also be a very
j ,P.*]f!g3*jos£ -by tbe, rifofrw i s destructive one^if^not handled - ^

" officials - followed "^ shortly responsibly. A complete and

thereafter, and these officials
could notfindany violations. The
thorough representation of the
facts is the most important REVERBERATIONS By Philips
basketball team received a clean responsibility of any newspaper,
bill of health and when the smoke whether it be the Boston Globe or
cleared, The Spectator found The Mercaid. Intersession: A Challenge lengthened to 12 weeks. Dr. direction the school has taken in
itself guilty of the cardinal sin of Offered the Adult Mind. &* Millar, feels that with the sim- the past few years. At one time,
journalism.^ ..- iF.~r ^ ' For those who might be con- This title appeared in a Mer- ple mentation of the "General Mercyhurst was faithfully
They misrepresented the facts. sidering ^applying for the ciad article in November of 1967. Education" requirement in 1980, committed to the pursuit of ex-
Given data by an unidentified editorship of this paper next The article went on to explain the intersession will no longer meet cellence. £ F
source, they did not approach the year, the Edinboro incident may "avant garde" experiment that the needs of first term students. I would suggest to Dr. Millar
dean, the athletic director, nor be a useful item to file away in Mercyhurst was embarking on £ Unfortunately, I perceive the that instead of \ compromising
the president. Whether they were their list of newspaper do's and with the -institution of in- " G e n e r a l Education" Mercyhurst, eliminating the
distrusting of those parties is not don't's. It was a mistake that tersession and the 3-1-3-3 requirements, the elimination of things that make us unique and
an issue. The fact of the matter is need not be repeated. i calendar. intersession and the change to the eliminating an original concept
Mercyhurst students were 4-3-3 calendar as a move direc- because it has wandered off the
encouraged to participate in a 25- ting Mercyhurst down the path of path of what it was intended to
(Still) Looking For Mr. Goodpen day in depth study of specific becoming Erie Community
areas of interest. Freshmen and College.
be, he should commit the school
to putting its energies and talents
As can be seen on page three, It also should be noted that for seniors pursued a topic within the Dr. Millar's proposals are not (which are considerable) to a
The Merciad is accepting ap- those students who hope to liberal studies curriculum while addressing themselves to the regeneration of the spirit of
plications^ for the position of acquire some .useful career sophomores and juniors studied heart of the problem. Mercyhurst Mercyhurst and a recommitment
editor for the 1980-81 academic traits, The Merciad is an ideal in their major field of con- should not compromise its goals to outstanding achievement and
year. After three weeks of ad- place. One quickly learns centration. | i .4 '; and ideals simply because of the excellence. ^*%
vertising the availability of the responsibility, leadership and A total of 42 courses were of-
position, however, no one has communication skills, as well as fered in that first intersession
applied. an ability ^to meet deadlines. with topics ranging from a study
It should be noted and em- Potential employers recognize of contemporary American
phasized that one need not be a this as do graduate schools. homes to a practical experience
communications or journalism
major to apply for the position.
Case in point is the fact that the
In no way are we pleading that course dealing with brain-
someone apply for the position of washing techniques called "The
editor. Individual requirements Rape of the Mind." % fj
current staff is "headed by a have been increased, so if The classes included many
Business Management major and
an English major. While ex-
anything, the paper has become unique experiences such as field
more elitist. What we want are trips t to New York 5 City, at-
quality people who are willing to tendance at concerts and studen-
perience "with journalism is
beneficial, it is not essential. It commit themselves to making ts assistant work in laboratories
can be taught. * The Merciad an excellent paper. and local industries. 3
Sounds * pretty interesting, WALL
doesn't it?
The next question that logically
follows is, "What happened? Why
has intersession mutated into (in pleasant. fc,
many cases) 10-week classes in Dear Editor, What I'm referring to is the
condensed three-week sessions?" I don't know how the rest of you giant shalom competition. When I
Why are faculty members no people in the college community heard Jim McKay say that their
longer encouraged to come up feel, but I'm infuriated with what coverage was * switching to the
with course offerings that will I feel is the blasphemizing of a giant shalom competition,
stim ulate student involvement religion. y featuring Ingemar Stenmark and
and interest? What I'm referring to is the Phil Mahre, I immediately
- Personally, I have spent'the 13th Winter Olympiad held in turned off my set. i
last two intercessions trying to Lake Placid, New York. This I am not an advocate of the
get some extra Christmas money event, which symbolizes the Jewish faith; however, I feel that
together because there wasn't coming together of nations in to watch young men standing on
really anything that caught my friendly competition, introduced the, top of a i hill yelling
imagination. Many students have me to an event which I found "Shalom!" is irreverent and
done likewise "in the last few disgusting to my senses. disrespectful. After large steps
years. No, I'm not referring to the being made toward
At the next Academic Policies Sunday hockey game which cut ecumenicalism, such events
Committee meeting, Dr. Millar the chapel mass attendance by appear more detrimental than
will propose a calendar change one-half. The total female beneficial. Hopefully, those in
that will eliminate intersession congregation took me back to the charge of such events will at-
and put the college, on a 4-3-3 days when Mercyhurst was an
calendar" wffli" * r a -|r*—»-~ all-girlS institution. If was rather tempt to repent. 1. > Egg
Father Nozebest

Controversy Sparked At Pitt, J H M ^ r e a B B S ^ : ^ v % ^ ^ £ . ^ § ^

Is Overnight Dorm Visitation Safe?

Display On| Black
«After a review of campus s Aug says :that students have regular guest. :VV».; ':: rv*A
History In LRC
security precautions in the wake greeted the final regulations, ^"Logistics were also becoming
of a brutal murder in a dorm adopted February 12, and due to a problem," Aug adds. Some
laundry room last year, the become ^operational spring female residents reportedly
University I of Pittsburgh has quarter, much more calmly. I complained that men were in the
officially reinstated dorm The regulations d allow over- women's showers in the mor-
visiting hours regulations. Under night visitations on weekends, nings. I te^lfc
the new rules, most overnight after the visitor registers with This marks the first time since
visitations will be prohibited. dorm advisers. Relatives can 1971 that Pitt has imposed dorm
Pitt had abandoned hours sleep over during the week, when hours. That's when the
regulations nearly a decade ago, all other non-residents visitors University, following a national
but a January, 1979 murder of a must leave by the 2:00 a.m. trend, dropped its policy of in loco
Pitt coed "clearly piqued our curfew. Even during weekends, parentis. The policy, which
concern for safety," said Mary residents must get roommates means 'in parents' place,
Ann Aug, director of Pitt's news approval before entertaining charged college officials with
department. * i 3, overnight guests. ' "We just overseeing students. moral and
* When Pitt*, administrators wanted to give • over-visited social activities as parents
announced in early February roommates an opportunity to might. ^JSB« J j | s T J
that they proposed to prohibit say no." Aug explained/ B K But the new 'open hours' policy
non-resident visitation after 2:00 The university wants to make made dorm security difficult.
a.m., some students protested the no moral judgments," she adds. Aug claims Pitt has "spent
university was attempting to "But we do need a program that 3
'hundreds of dollars' trying to
exercise too much control over allows us to sweep the dorms, and protect dorm residents from
students' personal lives. Students allows the students to know that intruders, i 1
iPS JS&x
went so far as to hire their own whoever is there belongs there." y Some students are apparently Pen ta cos ta I Convention
lawyer to represent them during Dorm security became a hot more willing than others to trade
subsequent administration campus issue after the 1979 open hours for better security. As
discussions about the proposal. murder. Aug reports that student one student told an ABC
concern intensified after At was television news reporter when the
At Mercyhurst the.' visitation discovered f*that the 'murderer hours proposal was first made:
hours are from 1:00 p.m. to 1:00 suspect, implicated in at least "It doesn't make any difference
a.m. on weekdays and from 1:00 four other Pennsylvania mur- to me because I don't have a *

p.m. to 2:00 a.m. on weekends. ders, had been a dorm resident's girlfriend anyway.i f
' Senate Continued from poge 1
Library Hours During the reasoning that freshmen and
sophomores were not ready to
Exoms & Over Break: assume the academic t respon-
sibility of" the non-classroom
3/ 3/80 - M - 9:00 a.rr> - 10:00 p.m. £ experiences, fjp" 1 f
3/ 4/80 - TU $ The Senate I completed their
3/ 5/80 - W voting activities for the day by
- 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 midnight changing the removal period for
3/ 6/80 - TH incomplete grades from 60 days Children ay Mount Zion Church
to the close of the next regularly
3/ 7/80 - F - 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. scheduled term.ijlt was felt that
3/ 8/80 - SA - CLOSED the current removal period for
incompletes was confusing both
3/ 9/80 - SU students and faculty. H •)
3/10/80 - M Millar was quick to point out
3/11 -'TU - that non-returning faculty
members would g have to tell
3/12/80-W 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon classes at the beginning of the
3/13/80-TH term of their intentions of leaving
3/14-F - along with their inability to give
™an incomplete. He added that he
3/15-SA* - Closed $ would consider a contract
3/16-SU method for incompletes.
3/17/80-M - 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. .;-
3/18/80-TU - Regular Spring Hours Begin
Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Friday - 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Good Friday, The Morning Star Baptist Church
Saturday - 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. A group of photographs are done." T
Sunday - 2:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Find It In % now on display in the Mercyhurst The Erie Black community is!
Learning Resource Center to represented in the display by
Our Want Ads commemorate Black History scenes at the Morning Star
MSG continued from page 1 * Month. \'% Baptist Church, the <Apostolic
One representative suggested a concerning the calendar change The seven photographs are Faith Church of God Pentecostal
structured course-picking session to>the Spring term registration The government tabled the part of an 85-photograph Convention, and the Mt. Zion|
within each department. He felt forms. The body agreed, saying decision until more details collection entitled "Ethnic Seventh Day Adventist Church.
that this would give students the that it would give a majority of concerning accomodations could Impressions: A Photo Document An Opportunities!
opportunity to meet other students the chance to repsond to of Erie's Ethnic Communities." Industrialization Center disc
students with the same major, the proposa.1. jg- 3p The MSG? also tabled the It was donated to the Mercyhurst jockey and an OIC work crew at
and work more closely with the decision to allot $1,000 to Sr. College Archives this year by the Bayfront Ballet Center are]
faculty within the department at Minorities On The Move Carolyn for the preparation of the Marta Peluso. also featured.
the same time. proposed that the MSG sponsor a tentative Homecoming Dance. Ms. Peluso directed a 1978 Erie In the coming ^months!
Other ideas suggested were a bus to Toronto; over Easter The dance is scheduled for next County CETA project designed to photographs of other Erie ethni
the publication of one summer Break. The trip, which would be fall, and will be held in con- "visually "preserve the ethnic groups will be displayed at the) 1
issue of The Merciad, and the handled through Tyron Moore's junction with the ><Alumni-ae culture of Erie" by including LRC to include the Greek,! 1
remembrance of students bir- office, will be onen to all students. Association. scenes of neighborhoods, work, Italian,. Polish, German, and!
thdays. £* r, MOTM alternative to students JoAnn Alexander, announced home life and social and religious Jewish communities.
Faculty advisor Jean Lavin who can't afford to go home on that this year's Activity Day will ctivities. Dr. Garvey, president- Commenting on the collection.
asked the body how they felt both the Spring and Easter feature Play Misty For Me as an lect of the college, served as Archives' coordinator Eilee i
towards adding a yes-no question Breaks. V outdoor fUm presentation. dvisor for the special project. Zinchiak said, "We are fortunate]
Garvey gadded, "The project to receive such a fine collection;
rovides an excellent character the excellent photography clearlyl
You Have Until March itudy of the people which goes captures the spirit and diversity!
(beyond the culture; it's very well }f Erie lifestyles.

To Apply; Earn o minimum of $10/hr.

become a Skin Care Specialist
The Position Contact Students Service Bureau
McAuley Basement or

Merciad Editor
H3ox 25 Preston ?
833-0980 or 459-5925


$.25 for up t o 10 words
Send Application an additional $.25 after 10 words
I J William Shelly I Box 918
222 Preston |Mailroom
j Steve Frisina Preston
Merciad Office
» * * ! * * • > . 1 :»• lilt I it', • ( 1 1 1 u 1 » • •
** -K

College Presidency :|
A!Job Nobody Wants
Lot Angeles, CA (CPS)— When member told the University of campus visit as the last step in
University of Southern California
Houston Cougar. "We had con- the review process. SSfffi fl
President John.* R. Hubbard didates laugh and say, "What Those two-day campus visits,
announced in November, 1978 hiswould I need that headache for? " however, were to be crammed
intention to resign, a number of Dr. Joseph Kauffman of the with meeting with a total of 60
people associated ?with USC Univ. of Wisconsin's Dept. of student, staff, faculty and lad-
frankly saw it as an opportunity.
Educational Administration says ministration representatives, a
The announcement capped a year the job's so hard that there's a 14- schedule suggesting any further
of internal and sometimes em- 15 percent turnovers among secrecy would be shortlived.
barrassingly-public turmoil of college presidents every year. Bowing to the inevitable, Fluor
proposed Aran funding for USC's "The environment is so volatile decided to release information on
Center of Middle Eastern and so difficult Jthat j(chief each of the three | candidates
executives),. simply expend when they visited. B "M gjT-
Studies. Changing presidents, it
seemed, would be a chance, to themselves in a couple of years," In I November, Bradshaw
explains Kauffman, whose book became the first visitor, and the
wipe the publicity slate clean and
purge USC's t academic about college leadership, At The reaction was predictable. Some
reputation of all hints of|com-Pleasure of the Board, will be student and 'faculty represen-
promise. jjf g released this spring. "Today's tatives objected to Bradshaw as a
problems f of
Now, a little more than a year decreasing product of the same oil industry
later, that dream of redemptionresources means there are some that had contributed to the
has turned -into another ad- awfully tough decisions to be Middle Eastern Center! con- -Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat by Tim Rice
ministrative and publicity made on what's to be reduced or troversy. *>S2? • J jj3i and Andrew Lloyd Webber will continue to lift spirits tonight,
nightmare. eliminated." They are not Atkinson came to campus next,
pleasant decisions to make, but at the same time the Los Saturday and closing on Sunday, all performances are at 8:00
For USC, after Aformally p.m. £ Jgr *
reviewing hundreds of names andmoreover. 5 § Angeles-Times ran a two-part
candidate, can't: find anyone Thus it's no mystery to series on the behind-the-scenes Joseph a rock opera is a highly entertaining play for all studen-
willing to take the job of leading
Kauffman why it's getting harder presidential politicking. ts. This play is one of the best yet and definitely should not be
it. to fill chief executive vacancies. The series portrayed Bradshaw missed. So get your friends together and come to see this fan-
"Convincing someone j who is as the hardheaded choice, a
Though it courts the spotlight tastic performance that your college is presenting especially for
already highly successful in tough manager who could guide
and has consequently created the
another field to take what could the university through the
most widely-known failure to fill
a vacancy in higher education, be a temporary job is difficult" financially-troubled j eighties.
USC's )frustrations are -hardly South em «Ca 1 ifornia found T it Atkinson, :according to the Survey Shows < i $
unique. Filling the top job at all f 2», % newspaper, was seen by faculty
universities has become ex- 'f After screening 200 names, the members of the search com-
search committee charged with mittee as a man who would stress
tremely difficult The University
of. Houston had * to look eightrecommending a candidate to the academics. Gardiner, the series
KC FoodiService Preferred
months for a new chancellor. ItBoard of Trustees whittled the said, had yet to develop much Asked by The*Merciad how , The overall support of K.C.
took the University of Coloradolist to three names:J Thornton support on the search committee. they felt about the present K.C. Foods (a $35 percent £ combined
six months to find its new Bradshaw, president of Atlantic In the meantime, powerful USC Food Service in a random poll of total) as opposed to the negative
president. Observers now Richfield, David Gardiner, officer Zorrab Kaprielian — the 100 students, a maiority response (a 20 percent combined
estimate six' months is the president of the University * of man who has been running the responded that they \ liked | it total), indicates a general ac-
minimum needed*to find an Utah, and National Science university during the search — better than Saga. ceptance of the new food service.
appropriate willing candidate Foundation President J Richard supposedly favored Atkinson However, when one considers
and to navigate the candidacy Atkinson. gj The males on campus were the higher male vote, one won-
because Atkinson would probably more favorable of the food ser-
through internal political waters.The selection process had been delegate • business authority to ders if mother was right when she
"The days of people begging vice thannhe females. Twenty- explained that, * Boys * eat
secret until then. But Board of him. ( "M ~ Mt JJ :§ five fpercent of- the males
anything.' j• $ • b
for a chance for the prestige of
Trustees Chairmanj, J. Robert <u The intrigue thickened when an preferred the K.C. service, while
leading a university £ are longFluor insisted on a "represen- anonymous memo made the only 10 percent of the females
gone,"a search,"j committee tative" search that included a rounds. ^Search committee shared that preference.
members reportedly suspected
the memo was Kaprielian's at- Claiming a general lack of
tempt *to discreditfcBradshaw. variety in the food selection, 15
^NOTICE JJ J L Although a USC| professor percent of the females polled felt
-in rTfie ^Seventeenth •/JPhOal *Fdfhef'-DaugHter eventually claimed credit for that the "present "service v&ai
Weekend will beheld onSApriP26 and 27, writing the'memo, the incident worse than Saga, i «Sr
and the Times' articles started a
1980.*. Please reserve dates. For more surge of retaliatory support for On the other hand, only 5
information Tcontact: Judy Tischler, |868- Bradshaw on the search com- percent of the males surveyed
mittee, w & held that same opinion. The
2475 or Beth Palettaj^ Baldwin 130 868- f By then, however, Bradshaw majority of the males polled
3281. firs 12S i£x "-i % Continued on page 6 believed the menu had improved.
A combined 15 percent of the
students questioned felt the food
service seemed the same.
Attention Graduating Seniors
You$£an Jfarder your commencement! announcements at the
college book store February 13 thru February 29. The cost*is 3
per announcement plus -3 per insert cards listing the graduation
activities. Note: Insert cards are ordered automatically with your
announcement order.
• •

We will buy and sell books

^ A sample of the tMercyhurst College commencement an
from Fall & Winter Classes
nouncement is on display in the bookstore.
Other items available for purchase include name cards (you need these to en- Thursday, March 6 - 1 - 4 p.m.
close with your announcements), personalized notes, thank you notes,
monogrammed notes, and graduation party invitations.
Friday, March 7 - 10:30 - 3:30 p.m.
We will also sell books for Spring Term on
These items With their prices also are displayed. Tuesday, March 18 - 12-3 p.m.
You will be notified when your order 14 in. Payment is to be mode upon Wednesday, March 19-11-3:30 p.m
receipt of the items. ** ^--' I LOCATION: Student Union
Sponsored by the Student Service Bureau

On Campus Custom Sewing ?

by Kothy ^
Check Cashing
Will be available Spring Term
to all students who register
Will do any type of mending and
$ .75
Registration will take place in the
Student Union - March 3-7
Hems... J . . . I . $1.00 -$2.50

HOURS: Seams $ .50-51,00
Zippers $2.00
March 3- 1-4 March 6 12-3 Bring articles to Student Ser-
March 4 - 10:30- 1:00 March 7*11 -3:30

March 5-1-4 8
vice Bureau office.
Registration Fee $1.00 420 W. 8th St. McAuley Basement or contact:
5 455-0511W . Kathy - 109 McAuley

Employment Opportunities
Rochester City School District, doctoral program in marketing should contact Claude Shappelle, Owego Apalachin Central PA 15907. * | k * I K\
in Rochester, INY has the or a relatedfieldand evidence of Principal, East Center St., School District is presently ac-
following vacancies for Sep-! progress on the 3 dissertation. Nazareth, P A 8 i p 3 | 8 j j j f First National Bank of PA has
cepting applications for a Junior t he i foil owing positions \ open:
tember 1980: Reading Teachers,! Application deadline is March 31, High School Art Teacher, in-
Math Teachers, Science Teacher, 1980. All inquiries should be sent Westmoreland County Public terested applicants should apply Accounting Clerk, Night
English Teacher, Bilingual to: Dr. Don*F. Kirchner, Schools in Montross, VA is in to Mr. 1 George M. Stimik, Reconcile Clerk, One Full-Time
Education Teacher, ^Industrial Chairman Department of need of a Speech Therapist - Director of Secondary Education, Floating Teller, One Part-Time
Arts Teacher, Business Marketing, California' State Elementary School, Salary range 36 Talcott Street,? Owego, NY Floating Teller, Currency Clerk,
Education Teacher and Foreign University, Northridge, Nor- is $10,304 to $15,697. Persons 13827. Internal Adjustor, Part*Time
interested in the position should | ) I $ N e w ! Accounts Clerk. \ and
Language Teacher. All inquiries thridge, CA 91330 Missouri J Southern j State
should be addressed to: Teacher California State University^ is contact L.A. Beamon, Director of Customer Service Represen-
'Instruction, Westmoreland College is presently looking to fill tative. All interested applicants
Personnel Office, City * School also looking for an?Assistant the I position of Head.-' of the
District, 131 W. Broad St., Professor of Management, * a 'County Schools, Montross, VA should apply '•at The First
22520 or call (804) 493-3811. St. Department of Education. The National Bank of PA. *f0&
Rochester, NY 14608 or call (716) doctorate degree in management position includes administrative Human Resources Division,
825-4560. policy and analysis and Mary's Area School District is
looking for a Business Education and teaching duties; begins July Fifth Floor, 717 State St., Erie,
University of ?Maryland, university teaching experience is 1980 or Fall 1980. Qualifications: PA j 16566 or: call "Ms. Irene
Department of Early Childhood- required. Deadline for 'ap- teacher certified to teach ac-
counting, typing, and business Prefer a doctorate (will consider Mussolf at (814) 871-3871. g
Elementary Education has a plication is March 1, 1980. masters plus). Salary is $20,000 The Greater Erie Passbook is
position opening in Elementary Address applications to: Shirley math. Position available im-
mediately. Minimum salary, plus depending upon background looking for a person J with * a
Mathematics Education for the L. Teeter,' (Chairperson, and experience. Applications pleasant telephone voice to do
Summer-Fall of 1980. Teaching Department of Management $11,100. Contact Mr. Richard G.
I Luke, Supervisor of Curriculum deadline is March 1, 1980. Send telephone work. Full-time or
full range of undergraduate and School of Business Adm. and current resume to: Dr. Michael part-time. It is a salaried
graduate courses in elementary Economics, Calif. State i and {instruction, 977 South St.
Mary's Road, SLfMary's, PA Land, Dean, School of Education position. Apply at the Commerce
math. A Masters degree or University, Northridge, CA 91330. and Psychology Missouri Building, 12th and State Streets,
equivalent in J math. Salary is The Department of Art at the 15857. £ t | |
Southern State College, Joplin, Room 910 J
dependent on experience and University of Michigan is looking The Fairview School District Missouri 64801, (417) 624-8100 Scatise Shopping Bag at 2302
qualifications. To receive full for a Chairperson, to work full- has a teaching vacancy for the Ext. a 307. ServiceMaster West 32nd St. is in need of a
consideration applications and time beginning Fall, 1980. second semester: Elementary Industries, Inc. has openings for person for Deli-Help. It is a full-
nominations should be received Specific duties include chairing Classroom * Teacher, ± starting outstanding individuals who are time position, apply in person.
no later than Feb. 15, 1980. Mail (he jjExecutive Committee and Feb. 20,1980 and ending June 25, seeking a career opportunity. Colony Inn at 2670 West 8th St.,
all applications to: Martin L. Departmental . m e e t i n g s , 1960. This is a full time substitute They are currently seeking needs Kitchen Help. Apply in
Johnson, C h a i r m a n , scheduling, budget, planning, position to complete the 1979-80 people who »are 3 interested in person 9 a.m. til noon. No Sunday
Mathematics Education Search curriculum development, and school year. Please contact support management to Hospital work. H' ^ '$
Committee, College •• of half-time teaching. Should have William J. Straessley, Fairview Administrators in Western DeDad's Restaurant needs
Education, University of an M.F.A. or a Doctorate. Salary School District, 7460 McCray Rd., Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Kitchen and Bar Help. Must
Maryland, College Park, MD is dependent upon qualifications Fairview, PA 16415. %| f and West Virginia. Interested apply in person at 4205 Peach.
and experience. Letter of ap- Phoenixville Area School parties should contact Mr.
20742. ,ik J ito i plication and vita along with District has the following William C, Dowdy, Personnel Gertrude Barber Center at 136
The following positions are transcript and letters of l East Avenue needs a House
available at California State recommendations should be sent professional staff vacancy Art Manager ServiceMaster manager 40 hours a week, $8,846
University, North , Ridge in to James Bom, Department of Teacher • Junior High School, Industries, Inc.rc Sainte Claire or 20 hours a week at $4,423. Call
Northridge, Calif.? Sociology Art, Central Michigan Univer- beginning Feb. 21, 1980, or as Plaza, Suite 2400, 1121 Boyce 456-5345. *T T c
Lecturer* Must have a MSW plus sity, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858. soon thereafter for the position. Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15241 or Mrs. King is presently looking
earned a strong background in _ Nazareth Area School District Apply to Robert B. ^Murray, call (412) 941-3160. jj £, for a person to work't part-time
Sociology or closely related E d , D.,. Assistant Supervisor, News Bureau in Meadvilie, is with her 7 year old physical and
discipline preferred. Application is presently seeking to fill the Administration Bldg., 1120 South seeking a Reporter with mentally handicapped daughter.
deadline is Feb. 15, 1980. position of Home Economics Gay St., Phoenixville, PA 19460. knowledge of camera and Must have transportation to pick
Applications should be addressed Teacher, for grades 10-12, Copely-Fairlawn#City Schools darkroom. J Feature and bard her upa from school. Create
to Dr.? Bernard Thorsell, beginning March 1, to June 13. are in need of a Science Teacher news. Excellent salary and programs* forfjher; daughter to
Chairman, Department of This vacancy will be created by a in March, 1980 for 7th Grade. benefits. Contact Fran Fry, Jr., keep her active such as swim-
Sociology, Darby J Annex 206, maternity leave. This i position .Starting salary is $11,295 plus R.D. 1, Box -'209, PoneLane, ming. Hours could start at 1:30 or
California State University, will continue through the 1980-81 fringe benefits ^and free in- Franklin, PA 16323. f I 3 p.m. during the week*, For
Northridge, Northridge, CA school year (at a considerably surance. Any interested can- Conenaugh Communications further information call Mrs.
91330/ The Marketing Depart- higher rate«of pay) pending didates may contact 'John Corporation is in need of Disco King at 453-5838 during the day or
ment- is seeking & to employ asuccessful performance this Halchin, Superintendent, * P.O. Jockeys. Should have three years 899-2493 during the evening. The
Lecturer in Marketing.. You must year. Beginning salary is $32.43 a Box 4212,*Copely,-Ohio.44321, experience. Send resume and air posit ion -r is- •'available ^ i m - 4
have a Ph.D.- or enrollment in a day. All interested and qualified (21W 666-1178. T ; check to 516 Main St., Johnstown, mediately.
i T r a j T i • * # mm mm •m • * • • • •

Financial A i d Applications for • «•

1980-81 are available in the Financial • •


A i d Office. Information is dlso K

• *

a available about special summer i •

s programs. |
Can Have SomethingeTo Say About The
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Please come to theifFaculty Loungl
OUR STUDIO | 4:00 on Tuesday, March 4.
Beginning Photography
Black & White Darkroom
Color Darkroom
includes Free use of studio
101 W M I 21th St.
PIMM 4 51-111 •
Let OUR STUDIO be yours //

If you have o drinking problem, or know

someone who does, Serenity Hall Inc. can
help. Phone 459-4775. All inquires con-
fidential. (Address: 1220 Peach Street, Erie,

| Effective immediately kill •m

£ signs posted on door glass or *z*

fire equipment
will be
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# .


vision| and present a safety


• •

hazard. I •

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Presidency continued from poge 4 "Hurst students promote W l f f M

had decided be didn't want, the

USC's problem, according to
Kauffman (who stresses he
National Dental HealthiWeek
job. In early December, he hasn't been privy to its internal function of each tooth was
dropped out of the race, citing workings), doesn't have much to Dental assisting students here discussed in grades 3 and 4. t
"personal reasons." W do with USC itself. V £ W§& at the Hurst took an active part in !§ Junior High School students
In mid-December,." the board He says the real* problem is promoting the • 32nd National were presented with the various
met to announce its appointment. that, over the decades, higher Children J Dental Health dental problems. In these lessons
Instead, it formally eliminated education has come to be viewed Education Week, which was the' prevention of perodontial
Atkinson from consideration, re- "as an industry that can be tooled celebrated February 3rd though disease was emphasized (this
opened the search, and pondered up when you need production and 9th. | t < ft # disease afflicts the gums and
putting the newly-controversial tooled down when you don't need •jj The I students expanded the bones around the tooth when not
Kaprielian on a year's leave of p r o d u c t i o n . " ^ , . SRS ; week to a month by applying the properlyflossed),MA
absence. "#} »% In the process, the emphasis information and techniques they In addition to the dental
Suddenly; Utah's Gardiner had has switched \ from notions of learned during ^ Intersession in lessons, the city schools set up
become the favorite compromise service and the p
advancement of schools throughout the city. talks*with;';the school nurses.
candidate among search com- knowledge to "complying with The lessons included special "The nurses gave me tremen-
mittee members. According to government requests for in- topics relative to the grade being dous cooperation," said Director
sources close to the committee, formation for contract research, Dental Assisting students ex- instructed. First grade, for in- of Dental Assisting, Donna Wood.
his visit, to the USC campus in and publicizing the economic job plained the process of tooth decay stance, concentrated on good The motto for Dental Health
early January was a formality. payoffs of certain fields of to elementary schools during snacks and the different causes of Week was, 4'Smile America-
The committee had already study." *j_ t * j g dental health week. tooth decay, while the name and Brighten the 80V "JJSi
decided to hire him. Not least of Those views have lead search
its reasons, according to thecommittees into new fields for
source close to the committee, candidates, competing "for
was that Jit didn't want the management with thetopcor- ForfSpring Term
university to face the public porations" even ^ though
humiliation of losing all three of education problems are different
its final presidential candidates. from corporate problems. * M
So the committee offered Consequently, high salaries
New Offerings In Theology
Gardiner a car, a home, and a have become standard lures to
six-figure salary that, in the potential candidates. Yet money, This body of? theological Education and in Ministry.
words of a former grad school Kauffman contends, is no longer H The theology department J has thought > has been quietly This course has been specially
dean at Utah, "no one could turn enough to attract J most * can-announced two? new course of- developing without much notice designed to meet the needs of
down." § didates. Moreover, "money, ferings for the Spring, courses being given to it. This course will students considering careers or
But Gardiner could and finally while iUdoesn't do any harm, never taught before in theology. give students an opportunity to volunteer service in some form of
did during the j) last week of doesn't automatically result in Women In Theology will ex- catch up with the thought of these religious instruction or religious
January. He announced he would good leadership." g plore the theological ideas and challenging women theologians. ministry. Some students go out of
stay on at Utah. \ Colleges, he says, will never reflections developed by women Women In Theology will be Mercy hurst every year into
In the stunned aftermath, solve their chief executive per- over the last 25 years. Women taught by George Garrelts of the various forms of religious
USC's search committee has sonnel problems until I "we writers and J thinkers such as theology department who will be edi nation and-or ministry. Over
imposed a stricter code of silence restore the concept of service and Carol j Ochs, T Mary Daly, assisted by Flo Scutelli in the role the coming years it is hoped that
on its members, who arelearning and advancement of: Rosemary Ruether, Valerie of discussion leader. Monday, the number wilH gradually in-
reportedly now combing the list study that was the original Salving and many others have Wednesday, Friday, 8:30-9:50. crease. Jfc
of candida tes they had previously motivating Scorer of higher been taking a close {look at This course will give students a
rejected. education." Robert O'Brien" will teach a
biblical, mythological, and course in Religious Education chance to discover if this kind of
theological writings to discover and Ministry this Spring. This career is of interest to them. It
what they say about the orgins, course has not been offered at will also providef students to
function, orientation of women on Mercyhurst and is designed to grasp what Religious Education
this planet. Much of their work is enable the student to discover and Ministry are all about.

mi exciting and controversial,

it is creative. •>* & 1
all of some got the contemporary The course will meetfrom8:30-
development in Religious 10:30 on Tuesday and Thursday.

Play An Instrument?
°J» The Music Department of Mercy hurst J Et It's not easy to love a
\ Cbllege ls*formtng*an instrumental ensemble ^ man with a facellike.this*
wC and needs brass, woodwind and percussion J ^
a players. If interested there will be a meeting J y»
fl in Zurn, Room 144 on Monday, March 3 at W&
2:00 p.m. For information, contact Mrs.

" i Englert at 455-0350 or leave a message QXUL ••*Sm •>-

* the Music Department, 864-0681, ExtensionT. i^i

X But His STAFF does!
Happy Birthday Steve
Ayatollayou D. J JOHN
[ plays dances. weddi ngs and private parties. 1
will call him at 454-1287 or write Box 1

Y o u

918. Hmmm Rock and Roll, Funk, Disco, 1

Yearbooks will be for sale until the end of n

February. The 29th is the very last day to order your f Oldies. . . " #

1980 Praeterita!
Orders are being taken by the yearbook staff and
Monday - Friday 8-4 from the Student Union office.
Don't wait, or it will be too late! -

1 Mile East of Westfield, N.Y. on Rt. 20
| Mercyhurst Has Something New To ••=
February 28 - "Gypsy"
= Offer Its Students This Year = February 29 - "Flashback"
Studentsfcnow have the opportunity to be self-employed
managing and working in businesses which will sell goods and
services to other students and to the community. We will provide We open at 7:00 p.m. Vi price cover with college I.D
the capital and financial odvice. We are looking for students with
Ideas and the interest to operate a business. We have many
suggestions including: .1
* Handicraft Shop •Sign Point!ng
•Check Cashing Service •Birthday Cake Service Every night for the month of February, I
•Bookkeeping Service
•Mending and Tailoring Service
•Moid service
First 20 people will drink FREE DRAFT BEER ALL NIGHT
•Research Family Trees •Catering
•Matlcal Cornea •Fast Food
If you are interested in earning additional income, come in and 2 PROPER ID REQUIRED
talk to us. We are located in the basement of McAuley. f
Tuesday 9:30 -12:30 COME
Wednesday 11:30 • 2:00 AND
^ 1 - Thursday 1:00 - 3:00 BOOGIE
3 V or call for an appointment 459-5925 or 833-0980
m He nun • •e 1
• * * V * V < t i i r ' M M i t f - i i I • "t V -
* * i tr
i i i

IlHr niH'F»nrmj?7HM»>?*Aiij« • * - . ' •

t <*


© K.C. Food Service Presents K&

§P Rfl y Menu In ReviewM M ^

Sporty is a mythical freshman FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 29 LUNCH—Grilled tomato

writing home in the Spring of LUNCH—HotT turkey san- and cheese sandwich, f tuna
\ &

1980. 4 * dwich, eggplant, cheese bake, noodle casserole,-J imperial

Dear Mom and Dad: 2 julienne salad plate., salad plate. c\ %*
Well any day now we should DINNER—Batter fried fish DINNER—El l ranchero,
fillets, vegi stuffed cabbage, tomato rice casserole, pan-
have the ground breaking for the french dip sandwich. ?& cake excursion. .^ r
new 'Old Main' and the new 'Zurn SATURDAY. MARCH 1 THURSDAY, MARCH 6
Hall' I must say that the Erie LUNCH—Hamburgers on LUNCH—Hot meat loaf To my dear little Nieces . . . I will miss your Mike Heller, I finally found your adress.
'community, and for that matter bun, casserole, scrambled sandwich, baked macaroni selves over break!- But dont worry about Promise you a Merciad every week now.
the nation, really responded to eggs, steak, shrimp, bar-b-q and cheese, julienne salad me—I'll have my T.B. to console met I Love Best of luck on your new job, Superguy Your
our calamity back in February. chicken halves, v *$ ^p from Auntie Em friend John
To this day, though, I question if plate. j •
SUNDAY, MARCH 2 DINNER- Baked ham, SHANNON: soon, very soon, we will be Jim SANTANNA. Heard you were the
events had to go the way they did. DINNER—Baked , meat turkey Brazil, Reuben san- GOLDEN GIRLS! "LIVE" portion of the records at the Junc-
As I recall, it was January loaf, broccoli ft cheese dwich, v
tion with your singing. t? v
when the school got all the Auntie Em and the Nieces . We GOLDEN
casserole, assorted pizza. GIRLS will bring some sunshine and sand In Steve, Heard your'e looking for a new
* >

thermosats fixed and started its MONDAY, MARCH 3 a bottle back along with a couple of tee shir- editor? Ask the Ayatollah. He's got a lot of
policy/ requiring an ambient LUNCH-Sloppy Joe san- ts, v bull. } I
temperature of 65 degrees. Since dwich, si ham and noodles au • • •

you never went to a high class f Brown eyes: Have a super spring break! Sr. Elisabeth, Your'e slacking off. No hot
gratin, chef's salad. Don't soak uptoomuch sun! Blue eyes water for tea Is Fr Guy David and SR.
college like Mercy hurst, Mom DINNER—Breaded pork Peggy getting to be to much? Ha!Ha! John.
and Dad, I'll explain that an steak, spaghetti with Peter Pan: Wanna sing a song? Love,
ambient temperature of 65 means mushroom sauce, ratatouille
Charlie Brown Soheil and Saiid, Contact me for pool and
ping pong lessons, free of charge John.
that the average temperature in crepes. '• - * t, £ ^ Mark Williams. Who are you??
an entire room should be 65. Well •J TUESDAY, MARCH 4 H Steve FrisinaJ So you think your'e the king of
here at Mercyhurst our heating LUNCH—Asst. Pizza, fish Denny: Hello, does this count as a third per- the new electric football game huh? Come on
system is so old it was created son? guys, give it to him.
before the discovery of fire. So, sticks, fruit salad plate.
^DINNER—Roast turkey Sehmugeggie Had any good laughs lately? Mike, Fall through any showers lately?
some large rooms with an am- with dressing, egg foo yong, Gaaaank Snorkeldorf • • • • • • • • •

bient temperature of 65 might Italian sausage sandwich'

Glen, Just like the album says; your'e "OFF
also have small sections where Steve- Happy Birthday to a nice editor. Pts THE WALL". f
the temperature hit 55 and others B WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5 been great knowing you guess who ft * * * • *•

Kathyand Maria : Have a good break. I'll

where it was 70. In some class
*•• » w
It should be noted here that guess who is miss ya Da mien , A
rooms half the class was (not) the faithful assistant. * ^ r 2*^ ... . .£> K Wi*5
disrobing and giving their clothes Christopher James, Always and All ways
Julie, Shannon Mary, Lorrieand Rebecca:
to others who were entering early
hypothermia 1£ LOST AND FOUND Yours, Rebecca
Have fun over break. Also have fun in the
sun girls. It was fun together Da mien
• * » • * *. • • *

Cladia. Your'e a SUPER PERSON and I To Damien. You're the most consistent
Needless to say, but I'll do so wish you were not leaving. A party may be in typist I know . *1 I ran out of gold stars, will
anyway, the Mercyhurst com-
munity fought back. Students in
if you have lost order. And I promise not to pick on you. a butterfly sticker do??
Good Golly Miss Molly, you can't leave too. 1 Meathooks T see some of that celluhte has
rooms put ice cubes on ther- something, come won't have "AN Y" sweet girls to pick on. moved from your thighs to your neck. HA
mostats, others tore the in-
out our
• • » • • * • • • - HA'Guess Who''
struments off the wall. But the check Patty Farina, Glad to see you again. Have a
great calamity of February 29 nice weekend here. I'll see you at the JUNC- Rich and Bob Thanks for the tofr zzv was
TION. Your friend. John p. s Everybody greatly appreciated. T.B. and Wife.
came about because of the vault. misses you. i^fe* m * • 1 * • » i « •

faculty. 7? . Security Dept. C.P. In just about a week, our relationship

Our faculty will protest at the Lightweight, maybe we'll just have to wait will -Peak" XOH B.I . . • *

til trout season comes around. Your'e so R.L.M In just about a week, our relationship
drop of a white paper. As they in - buSy Gallivanting. "'. I \ |wiIIhit-the**Pits"TB ;
froze out they decided it was an A • • '• *l
administrative plot to get them to basement of » • • • •• • * • • *
Laurie Gee, I gave it my best and sorry to let H B.: Escargot will always be my
work harder to stay warm. So you down. Super Tutor thanks for putting up favorite .7. OOOXXXC P '
they struck back. On February Preston Hall with me. John
Happy 22nd Birthday on March 4th to Steve.
28, they bought up every space f » • * *
• m *

Lisa. Would you be SERIOUS"! From J hebiercia d sla ff!

heater in town, on the 29th they 1 7^ * *.*
i tt

staged faculty heat-in day. They Becca, You lost the Poster Contest, But Rebecca I am so proud to be a part of your
you're still the winner and we know life and glad to have you as part of mine.
•eM^-turned on s p a c e h e a t e r s in i the great Chicago fire forever people all around the country. We il . , . Thai's what count*. John .. ^ j e v ^ A n d ^ ^ f h ^ t o ^ s y ft&lj w - |
their offices and classes at 10 solved the problem of ambeint even have enough to make the '. . . "P& . . . *
A.M. sharp. The ambeint tem- new buildings solar heated. We'll Ferdie. Remember the motto! NO PiGS IN To the Green Phantom: Sorry but the taste
temperature of 65 degrees. 80. John £****/ r
:." r • of honey is all mine, your thoughts are being
perature jumped from a chilly 65 Don't worry though, when the never be cold again. *£*? blurred and the nieces can see right through
degrees to a balmy 78 degrees CBS evening news covered the Your Loving Son, John, Don't let Zoology blow you away. It did you Your friend and mine. A Butterfly
and the biggest fire this side of fire donations flowed in from Sporty once but take it again I KNOW you can han-
dle It, guy. Your Buddy.



> > '

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The last two! days

of the 2nd Annual
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Friday, February 29 - DJ. John -|8 till ?
Rock and Roll Oldies but Goodies
Thursday, March 6 - "Black Jack" - ;10-1
Rock 'n Roll &ICountry Rock


College Draff Night
Tuesday 7:00 12:00 y

Watch for the St. Patrick's Day Party

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Starts Saturday 3/15- ends March lj • t i\

; J*Pg. 7


by Andy Flndlay jlpffiKBjfBS Lakers. He connected on one of year the Lakers will have to start chart in the early games of next
With a 99-96, triumph £ over two free-throws to seal a 99-96 from scratch,Jand I hope that season. J f j § I
La Roche College on Wednesday, victory. I jEjj. £ .ift the J learning experience the Bennard was the high scorer
and a respectable 79-66 reversal Bennard was Mercyhurst's younger players have gained this ten times this year and Powell
at Point Park on Saturday, the high man with 17 points, but he year can be put to good use," the highest rebounder 14 times.
Lakers closed out the 79-80 season was ably supported by four other concluded the lanky forward. Mercyhurst lost both of its
with an 11-18 record, k double digit performers. Bob O'Connor has a lot of recruiting overtime games this season, to
The two road trips down 1-79 to Blackwell and Jamie Borowicz work behind him and even more Behrend and Slippery Rock.
the Steel City were nostalgic threw in 18 counters apiece. in front of him. He has looked at The 'Hurst outscored it's op-
journeys for five of the Lakers. McElrath had 15 points to bis youngsters Ifrom the Chicago, ponentsfromthefield988-981, but
For Sherrad Bennard, Walter credit, and Brown chipped in 13, Florida, Maryland and New York was drowned at the free throw
Clark, Bill* Link, and Jim seven of which were tossed from City areas, but does not yet have line 496-381? * ; ^ | JS
McElrath, it, was their last ap- the foul line./.. 5 any commitment from the J
l' Opponents averaged 3-6 points
pearances in blue and green Anderson, - a f 8'2" I freshman players he is in contact with. K more than the 'Hurst this year as
uniforms. * Along with Greg from Washington, Pa., was the "It's too early for any of the well as out-rebounding the
Powell, who has recently been high man for the Devils with 19 youngsters to make a com- Lakers by four per game.
sidelined due to a finger injury, points. Haus, a 5'U" sophomore, mitment to Mercyhurst, but with Bennard scored a faultless 11
this quintet has now graduated had 18 tallies. *$ H the caliber of young men at which for 11 from the foul line against
LaRoche outscored the 'Hurst I am looking, if I can get just two Concord (11-23-79 in the first
from the field, 44-36, hut the ofn them, I will be very hap- game of the year. £
Lakers scored an all-time record, py, "remarked the Laker mentor. Only Greg Kurt (8 points) and
27 times from the charity stripe. Laker notes:3 i jj Billly Hall (4 points ) never
Three days after this 11th Records have been broken this Billy Link played his last game as reached double figures in at least
victory of the year, Mercyhurst year; some good, some not so a Laker on Saturday at Point one game. i i
returned to Pittsburgh to com- good. £ g[ Wt 1 i p

Park. He is pictured here making Nobody started in every one of

plete its* 29 game schedule, Billy Link has Jumped|from a good jump shot over Larry Gor- the 29 games this year but
against powerful Point Park. tenth to third place on the all- don (54) as Terry Parhara (40) Bennard, Brown, and Quinn
6'3"Sonny Lewis, time rebounding chart. The looks on. J * appeared each time.
6'6' Melvin Paul,, and 8*7'* Lakewood, Ohio native has Link scored the best per-
Websler y Means in their last grabbed 505 rebounds in his 86 losses in a year and 11 victories centage from the field, S2.3 per
appearances ^in Point Park games as a Laker. Greg Powell are the fewest wins to date, t cent (99-189). *£ *£. i ^
uniforms, and remembering the now takes fifth slot on this chart. The 2458 points scored against Bennard scored the best per-
Campus Center struggle on The Philadelphian has collected the Lakers breaks the previous centage from the line, 83.3 per
Head Coach, Dan O'Conner, is January 13 (the ^Lakers losing 492 rebounds in 93 outings. high of 2028 last year. j cent {80-96), J
seen here giving implicit in- 101-73), {Mercyhurst faced an The Lakers scored their 21st, This season's 2149 attempts ;';, Powell, grabbed the|most
structions in the last time-out of awesome task. £ 100 * point *',game v against from the field is a new high. rebounds at 188.
the year. Spreading to£a four corner Steubenville (100-93, on 2-7-80), The five game losing streak Powell was whistled for 91
from the Laker basketball offense early in the game (a but had the century mark charted from 1-23-80 to 2-2-80 invalidates times and fouled out 7 times.
program. 4 j tactic that enabled the 'Hurst to against them on four occasions. the previous longest losing streak Brown's 27 points vs. Bluefield
At LaRoche, Dan O'Connor's beat Point Park 55-52 last year), Bluefield State (108-98, on 11-24- of three. ^R^ r ; State (11-24-79) was the highest
roundball stars displayed the the Lakers made sure that their 79), Canisius (113-84 on 12-3-79), Danny Brown (647 points) and score of the .year for an in-
courage that had been absent opponents did not get off to a good Point Park (101-73, on 1-13-60), Bill Link (644) just missed dividual. *
earlier in the year when they start. In fact, a low scoring first and Wheeling (107-98, on 2-13-80) claiming a place on the top ten Most exciting moment:
turned around a 50-44 half-time half kept the score at 27-18 to the were the culprits, j all-time scoring list. Curt Hixon Sherrad Bennard's centering
deficit into a three point victory. Pioneers. * 3 Billy Link's career field goal currently holds tenth position lumper to win the 12-8-79 Edin-
Mercyhurst snatched the lead, About 100 supporters, in a percentage, 54.2 per cent (277- with 670 points. Brown has one boro game.
60-58, with 13:04 remaining in the crowd of nearly 1,000, urged Blue 511), is the highest ever for a four more year left at Mercyhurst and Bennard scored the most
game, when Danny Brown hit and Green seniors, Bennard and year Laker performer. he could place himself on this with 390. * ?.:-.
both ends of a one on one. The McElrath, toward a 12 point high Sherrad Bennard broke his
winning margin was maintained mark. Link's 12 points and own assists record with 143 Women
until the final buzzer, but.not Borowlcz's 10 helped bring assists this season. ^3 F5
Mercyhurst to within nine points The 16 points scored by the
without some hair-raising
moments for Coach O'Connor. (75-68) of Jerry Conboy's Green Lakers in the first half on
and Gold with only one minute of Saturday is the lowest total
Late Trek,Pays Off
Bennard put the Lakers eight play remaining. But Al Lewis and scored in half a game by a Blue Even through adversity, the margin of three, 9-8. Tricia
points ahead, 98-90, with 35 Mel Paul scored four more points and Green five in nine years of Mercyhurst women's basketball Mahoney hitfor22 points, while
seconds left on the clock. Then for the Pioneers, to secure the 79- basketball. Joan Podolinski rounded out the
the Devils claimed six straight ; jsg team kept their winning streak
66 scoreline and end Point Park's Canisius's 29 point victory (12- alive as the!Lakers defeated double-digit scoring with 10.
points through Jeff Ha us, Jeff regular season at an impressive 3-79) is the largest margin ever Westminster and Allegheny for Taking their act down to
Anderson, and Steve Scheuer- 23-4 total. i£ & Keystone Conference victories. Meadville on Tuesday, the
man. #5 $» •.•*£ inflicted upon the Lakers. ' Lakers raised their season record
At the seven second mark, it Paul was the Pioneers' high The 98 {points scored by Trie first contest almost never
scorer with 18 points and Means O'Connors men against Wheeling came to be as the Titans of to 10-5, 4-1 in conference play,
was Bennard who took command had 16. Paul also grabbed 15 (2-13-90) is the most points that wi|h a 63-54 win over the Gators
of a winning situation that could Westmister waited for the Lakers
rebounds. Link snared ten loose the Lakers have scored in a to arrive, and the Lakers waited at the David Mead Fieldhouse.
possibl y have been escaping the balls down from the boards for losing game. Once again the first half proved
* for Westminster to arrive at the
the 'Hurst, -jp 1 K The 27 free-throws that swished Campus Center. It turned out that to be the winning difference as
MERCYHURST "It's been a frustrating the net against LaRoche (2-20-80) both teams scheduled the contest the Lakers charged outtoa 38-25
season," remarked team' cap- ties the previous FT game high as a home game. Trekking down lead. Allowing the Gators to
• COLLEGE tain, Jim McElrath after the versus Scranton (11-29-78). to New Wilmington, the Lakers tighten up the margin by four
game.* "Sometimes I feel Stan Lamb's 40 points for were ready to play. $ points in the second half, they
SKI RENTALS responsible for it being a losing Steubenville (2-7-80) • equals Starting out of the blocks coasted to a ninerDoint win.I
Twenty brand new sets of one. Perhaps there was more I Archie Talley's top oponent quickly, Mercyhurst used a solid For the second game in a row
cross-country skis are now could have done. * > single game high. » j£ blend of offense and defense to Mahoney led the 'Hurst cagers
available for rental at the "As a team we were probably Terry Johnson's 13 assists for stake themselves a 33-17 lead at with 22 points, all of them coming
Campus Center!! 1 at our best in the second half of Clarion (12-15-79) is* now the halftime. The second half proved In the first half. Debbie Chilcott
Rental Fees For the LaRoche game. We stayed highest assists figure against the to,be a different ballgame, and Chris Tomzcak followed her
Complete Package with five or six men and got some 'Hurst.} j however, as the Titans outscored with 18?and 11 points respec-
ft (To be paid in cash continuity in the play," the 8'5" P, Mercyhurst has played 29 the Lakers by a 37-24 count in the tively. $ t JrtS
before equipment is released) Jamestown, N.Y., senior con- games only once before. That second 20 minutes. It turned out Mercyhurst finishes its cam-
$4.00 - for 24 hr. period tinued. 1 was in the 77-78 championship to be too little too late as the Blue paign with two Keystone Con-
$7.00 - for the week-end V "At times this season we have season. | i and Green held on for a 57-54 ference road games, the first
(Rentals on Friday will used wholesale substitution. Next The 8 defeats Tare the most conference victory. " being at Thiel (who defeated the
[, be for the full Both teams tallied 24 field goals Lakers earlier in the season) and
illllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllimiMIIIIIIILh the finale being at Geneva
weekend only) with Mercyhurst outscoring their
opposition from the line by a College. & J f
1 Gordon F. Kennedy I
Rental Fees For
Separate Pieces of | Low Enforcement Scholarship |
Equipment = The Law Enforcement Division is pleased to an- 5
(Rental of these at the
[ nounce that applications for the Gordon F. Kennedy s
discretion of the director)
POLES *i f
$1.00 - for 24 hr. period
$2.00 - for the week-end
Scholarship for the Jl 980-81 academic fcyear are
available. This scholarship fund was established in
the memory of Gordon F. Kennedy, a progressive and E
admired District Attorney of Erie County who exem- E |—delicious g
BOOTS f ?j
plified a commitment to social justice. E
$2.00 - for 24 hr. period
$4.00 - for the week-end REQUIREMENTS: ' | PIZZA
1. Resident of Erie County *. =
SKIS,:- ,
$3.00 • for 24 hr. period *| 2. Law Enforcement Major \- E 454-3600
8.00 - for week-end 3. Preference will be given to upperclassmen 5
Rentals may be j-icked up'
4. Awards will be based on academic performance, E 815 East Ave.
and returned on Monday financial need, leadership, service to the college E
through Friday according to 3 community and personal integrity characteristic of E
the following schedule! ' Gordon F. Kennedy. &* =
Modest stipends not to exceed $500 will be awar- E
Monday-1:30 to 3:30
E Tuesday -1:30 to 3:30
«\ ded this Spring for the 1980-81 year. Deadline for ap- = At of February 1, Flo's will
Wednesday -1:30 to 3:30 plications: April 1980. Pick up applications in Law 3 be happy to offer yon boor to
51NIIM Thursday-1:30 to 3:30 Enforcement Office, 124A Preston Hal I I
I Friday-1:30 to 3:30 1
! * > ! * '•/*?>*. • - K j a i * — • » • »
lake out or, on tap with your order,

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