Activities To Accomplish

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Activities to accomplish: Research on the ff:

1: 1. Define Entrepreneurship. What are the personal

competencies of an entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurship is the act of creating a business or

businesses while building and scaling it to generate a
profit. The more modern entrepreneurship
definition is also about transforming the world by
solving big problems.
They identified 10 personal entrepreneurial
competencies: opportunity seeking, persistence,
commit- ment to work contract, risk-taking, demand
for efficiency and quality, goal seeking, in- formation
seeking, systematic planning and monitoring,
persuasion and network- ing, self-confidence.

2. What is Management? Why is management an

important factor in entrepreneurial activity?

Management is a process of planning, decision

making, organizing, leading, motivation and
controlling the human resources, financial, physical,
and information resources of an organization to reach
its goals efficiently and effectively.
Explanation: Entrepreneurship is important, as it has
the ability to improve standards of living and create
wealth, not only for the entrepreneurs but also for
related businesses. Entrepreneurs also help drive
change with innovation, where new and improved
products enable new markets to be developed.

3. Explain the basic managerial tasks of an


Four Functions of Management: Planning,

Organizing, Leading & Controlling.
1. Planning - The first of the managerial functions is
planning. In this step, the manager will create a
detailed action plan aimed at some organizational
2. Organizing - The second of the managerial functions is
organizing. This step requires Melissa to determine
how she will distribute resources and organize her
employees according to the plan.
3. Leading - The third function of management is
leading. In this step, Melissa spends time connecting
with her employees on an interpersonal level.
4. Controlling - is the process of evaluating the execution
of the plan and making adjustments to ensure that
the organizational goal is achieved. During the
controlling stage, managers perform tasks such as
training employees as necessary and managing
deadlines. Managers monitor employees and evaluate
the quality of their work

4. What are the theories of Management? Describe each.

Classical Management Theory
Classical Management Theory is the oldest management
theory. Classical Management Theory focuses on
operations and the creation of standards to increase
production output. In Classical Management Theory,
compensation is considered the primary motivation for
employees. A manager practicing Classical Management
Theory would be focused on improving output and
rewarding high-performing employees through wages or
Modern Management Theory
Modern organizations must navigate constant change and
exponential complexities. Technology is an element that
can change and upend businesses very rapidly. Modern
Management Theory seeks to incorporate these elements
with human and traditional theories. A manager practicing
Modern Management Theory might use statistics to
measure performance and encourage cross-functional
Behavioural Management Theory
Increasingly complex industries and organizations gave rise
to more human interests in the workplace. Management
theories began to include more people-oriented methods.
Human behavior and satisfying the interpersonal needs of
employees became more central to management. A
manager practicing Behavioural Management Theory might
motivate teamwork through fostering a collaborative
II. Teaching TLE
1. Define the ff:
a.) Approaches - An approach is a way of looking at
teaching and learning. ... An approach gives rise to
methods, the way of teaching something, which use
classroom activities or techniques to help learners learn.
The communicative approach is the best-known current
approach to language teaching.
b.) Methods - A method is a subroutine attached to a
specific class defined in the source code of a program. It is
similar to a function, but can only be called by an object
created from a class.
c.) Strategies - Strategy is an action that managers take to
attain one or more of the organization’s goals. Strategy can
also be defined as “A general direction set for the company
and its various components to achieve a desired state in
the future. Strategy results from the detailed strategic
planning process”.
d.) Techniques - A technique is a method of doing some
task or performing something. Your technique for opening
drinks might be to twist the top off with your teeth. If so,
your dentist better have a good tooth-repair technique.
1.a. Give examples for each.
Approaches Example: Teacher centered, Subject matter
centered, Teacher dominated and Learner centered.
Methods Example: Working in group, Mutual training,
Patchwork and the use of digital learning objects.
Strategies Example: Expository and discovery, discussion
strategies, problem based learning and guided discovery
teaching. Techniques Example: Design thinking, self
learning, gamification, social media and free online
learning tool.
1.b. Are they the same? Why?
No, because Technique is a classroom device or activity and
it is more specific than method. A technique is the tools
and task you use to make your method succeed. A
technique is implementation. Techniques must be
consistent with a method and therefore in harmony with an
2. What are approaches, methods, strategies and
techniques in teaching TLE?
➢ Approaches - The interest on TLE is often generated by
the teacher. Group learning is the main approach to
organize collaborative learning. There are many
collaborative learning methods, which also can be
considered as group learning methods and popularly used
in classroom based environment, especially in the
instruction of TLE.
➢ Methods - With this purpose, it is a challenge for TLE
teachers to apply teaching methods that can effectively and
efficiently attain its aim. There are prescribed methods of
teaching that promote student- centeredness. These are
differentiated instruction, expeditionary learning,
personalized learning, and game-based learning.
➢ Strategies - By solving real problems and addressing real
needs, students learn to apply TLE classroom learning to
real word context. It provides more authenticity and
purpose for classroom learning. Delivering lectures is the
most common strategy in TLE classroom especially TLE.
➢ Techniques - Among the most effective strategies for
teaching TLE is group learning. It is the main approach to
organize collaborative learning. There are many
collaborative learning methods, which also can be
considered as group learning methods and popularly used
in classroom based environment.
3. Is there such a thing as best method in teaching?
It is true that there is no one teaching method that is best.
Teachers need to be trained in a variety of methods.
Teaching is a complex art, and the more methods a teacher
has the better he or she will be able to use the right one at
the right time. There are times when a certain method will
work better because of the students involved.
4. What is Lesson planning? What is its function in
Lesson planning is a vital component of the teaching-
learning process. Proper classroom planning will keep
teachers organized and on track while teaching, thus
allowing them to teach more, help students reach
objectives more easily and manage less. A lesson plan is a
teacher’s daily guide for what students need to learn, how
it will be taught, and how learning will be measured.
Lesson plans help teachers be more effective in the
classroom by providing a detailed outline to follow each
class period. This ensures every bit of class time is spent
teaching new concepts
5. What are the basic parts of lesson plan? Describe
Objectives: Write what you expect your students will do by
the end of the lesson e.g. by the end of the lesson,
students will be able to ” pronounce, identify, put words in
sentences, change into passive, compare, answer, use,
match, …. etc ” or any verbs that can be observable and
measurable in the classroom.
2- Warm-up: Revise the previous lesson, check homework
orally, correct common mistakes, … etc or any other
activity that can activate students and prepare them to
receive the new material.
3- Presentation: Present the new material using the
suitable techniques, write the procedures that you will
follow to explain the new material.
4- Practice: It is the work done by the students whether it
is controlled, guided, or free. Students answer some
exercises based on the material presented. These exercises
are often there on the set book.
5- Assessment: Write some sentences on the board or
distribute printed papers to see whether the objectives were
achieved or not and to check whether students learned or
not according to the objectives. If not, you should reteach
the lesson using different techniques.

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