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ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Barracuda Essentials
Introducing Essentials


• Secure, cloud-based service
• Low-cost, per-user licensing
• Centralized management via Barracuda Cloud Control
• Built on proven Barracuda SaaS solutions

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Barracuda Email Security Service

• Filters and malware management components
• Protects inbound and outbound email
• Blocks spam and viruses

Advanced Threat Protection

• Analyzes inbound email attachments /
direct download links in secured cloud sandbox

Attachment recognized as a known threat

Attachment scanned and determined

to be suspicious

Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service

• Integrates with your mail server / hosted mail service
• Ensures archive is an accurate record of messages
• Advanced archiving functionality

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup Service

• Protects Exchange Online, OneDrive for Business, and
SharePoint Online
• Data is backed up directly to Barracuda Cloud Storage
• Office 365 Deployment option

Barracuda Essentials Initial Deployment

• Barracuda Cloud Control account
• Centralized, cloud-based management
• Management portal for Barracuda Essentials services
• Verify credentials and PowerShell requirements
• Select deployment Barracuda
Email Security Service
• Launch wizard
Barracuda Barracuda
Cloud-to-Cloud Cloud Archiving
Backup Service

Threat Detection

Additional Resources
• Product documentation
• Quick start guides
• Additional product training (classroom, webinar, or distance learning)
• Certifications
• Visit us on

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

A Guide to Storage and Retrieval

Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service/Barracuda Backup

Archiver and Backup Email Functionality

Search Deduplication based
Virus checking
Retention Advanced
Policy Administrator Search
Data Storage
Revision-based Audit User Roles
Integration Operator-specified
Data Sources
End-user Access
and Restore
Restore Browser

Scheduling Litigation Hold

Use Cases for Archiving and Backup

Cloud-to-Cloud Backup Cloud Archiving Service
• Uses Cloud Storage
• Cloud-based archiving
• Protects emails, attachments,
• Enables compliance and e-discovery
folders in Office 365
with Office 365, G Suite and others
• Protects files and folders in One
• End-user accessibility
Drive for Business
• Protects files and folders across
SharePoint online
Message Archiver

Backup • Local storage of archives

• Local storage of backups • Fully-featured options including
• Configuration options including federation and high-availability
replication and Export Tool configuration

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Backup and Archival – Shared Functions

• Data storage basic principles
• Exchange integration and import
• Retention policy
• Search
• Deduplication

Data Storage Basic Principles

• Legal requirement for robust storage of data
• Use of cloud for high availability, resource effectiveness
• Bare metal solutions demand local storage is allocated
• Backup – provide restore points for operators
• Archiving – allow users access and search to own archives

Exchange Integration and Import

• Archiving and backup products both connect to Exchange
• Archiving pulls ongoing data, when journaling configured
• Backup pulls data according to schedule and timeline
• Archiving supports scheduled imports of non-email items,
imports from Office 365, Exchange and PST dropshare
• Backup configuration defined by data sources

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Retention Policies
• Operator-defined retention policy in both archiver and backup
• Backup defines retention based on inheritance and revision
• Backup defines data set retention according to source
• Archiver retention based upon search patterns

Search Capabilities
• Backup includes basic search
• Archiver has basic and advanced search with multiple operators
• Archiver search enhanced by Outlook plugin

• Duplicated messages in archiving: hash ID, comparing values
• Backup deduplicates data globally: blocks of data, replaces
redundant data blocks with pointers

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Backup-specific Functions
• Administrator Control
• Revision-based Restore
• Operator-specified Data Sources
• Restore Browser
• Scheduling

Operator-specified Data Sources

• Devices, shares, networks, files as data sources
• Backup also allows virtual machines to be protected
• Barracuda Backup Agent: Windows, MacOS or Linux


Revision-based Restore
• Restore based on different time frames and increments
• Connected to scheduling, rather than defined policy


• Backup Revision 1
• Backup Revision 2
• Backup Revision 3
• …

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Restore Browser
• Backup: operators browse through data storage - object-based
• Folder structures and custom restores of grouped items

• Backup calendar for daily, weekly and monthly repetition
• Schedules configured for different sources and content groups

Archiver-specific Functions
• Journaling-based Archival
• Virus Checking
• Advanced Search
• End-user Access and Restore
• Audit User Roles
• Litigation Hold

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Journaling-based Archival
• Mail servers: POP, IMAP and SMTP
• Journaling integration with Barracuda archiving products
• Archiving used to provide email continuity

Tommy’s mailbox

POP Check new messages
To: Journal mailbox every 30 sec
Get new messages Barracuda Message Archiver
Mail Server

Virus Checking
• Archiving incorporates virus checking
• Applies when messages are forwarded or exported
• Near-real time updates of virus threats when enabled

Advanced Search
• Advanced search: mixture of operators and parameters based
upon email fields
• Archiving: results applied to customised retention policies

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

End-user Access and Restore

• Search and restore via archive Outlook plug-in or web interface
• Download and export functionality

Backup Archiving

• Backup Revision 1
• Backup Revision 2
• Backup Revision 3
• …

Audit User Roles

• Archival products allow administrators to create audit roles
• Audit role allows search or restricts to specific search results
• Used to create litigation holds

Litigation Hold
• Legal compliance against accidental deletion of email records
• Can only be created by audit or admin role
• Conforms to right-of-access and privacy requirements
Expiration Expiration
Storage Capacity

Global Retention Time

Saved Search Retention

Litigation Hold

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

In Summary
• Both products offer data storage and Office 365 integration
• Both perform de-duplication and have search
• Archival gives users retrieval, Backup operator-controlled
• Backup is scheduled, Archiving based on journaling
• Archiving only for granular restore, Backup has restore points

Barracuda Essentials
Email Security Service Features

Inbound Email Protection

• IP Analysis
• Content Analysis
• Regional Policies
• Bulk Email Detection
• Rate Control
• Sender and Recipient Analysis
• Advanced Threat Protection

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Outbound Email Protection

• Outbound Mail Data Leak Prevention and Encryption
• Content Analysis
• Abuse Monitoring and Notifications
• Outbound Quarantine
• Outbound Rate Control

Sender Authentication
• Sender Policy Framework
• Open standard
• Prevents sender address forgery
• Outbound Content Analysis
• Message subject
• Header
• Body
• Sender
• Recipient
• Attachments

Email Continuity
• Allows end-users to send, receive, compose, forward email
when email server unavailable

Normal email delivery service Continuity email delivery service

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Barracuda Email Security Service

Operation - How The Service Works

Protection Layers
• Connection Management Layers
• Mail Scanning Layers
• Barracuda Antivirus Supercomputing Grid
• Advanced Spam Detection
• Predictive Sender Profiling
• Monitored Outbound Email Volume

Connection Management Layers

Denial of Service Protection

Rate Control

IP Analysis

Sender Authentication

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Mail Scanning Layers

• Includes three layers of virus scanning
• Open source virus definitions
• Proprietary virus definitions
• Barracuda Real-Time System (BRTS)
• Advanced Threat Protection

Barracuda Antivirus Supercomputing Grid

• Protects against
• Polymorphic viruses
• Threats without signatures
• Intent analysis

Barracuda Antivirus Supercomputing Grid

Mail Server Pool


Mail Flow

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Advanced Spam Detection

• Customizable score between 0 and 10
• 0 - definitely not spam
• 10 - definitely spam

Predictive Sender Profiling

• Identify and block senders
• Sending too many emails from a single network address
• Attempting to send to too many invalid recipients
• Registering new domains for spam campaigns
• Using free Internet services to redirect to known spam domains

Monitored Outbound Email Volume

• Monitors outbound mail from system to Internet
• If volume exceeds normal thresholds, rate control takes effect
• Potential volume increase
• Request for increased limit reviewed by Barracuda Networks

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Barracuda Email Security Service

Operation - How The Service Works

Protection Layers
• Connection Management Layers
• Mail Scanning Layers
• Barracuda Antivirus Supercomputing Grid
• Advanced Spam Detection
• Predictive Sender Profiling
• Monitored Outbound Email Volume

Connection Management Layers

Denial of Service Protection

Rate Control

IP Analysis

Sender Authentication

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Mail Scanning Layers

• Includes three layers of virus scanning
• Open source virus definitions
• Proprietary virus definitions
• Barracuda Real-Time System (BRTS)
• Advanced Threat Protection

Barracuda Antivirus Supercomputing Grid

• Protects against
• Polymorphic viruses
• Threats without signatures
• Intent analysis

Barracuda Antivirus Supercomputing Grid

Mail Server Pool


Mail Flow

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Advanced Spam Detection

• Customizable score between 0 and 10
• 0 - definitely not spam
• 10 - definitely spam

Predictive Sender Profiling

• Identify and block senders
• Sending too many emails from a single network address
• Attempting to send to too many invalid recipients
• Registering new domains for spam campaigns
• Using free Internet services to redirect to known spam domains

Monitored Outbound Email Volume

• Monitors outbound mail from system to Internet
• If volume exceeds normal thresholds, rate control takes effect
• Potential volume increase
• Request for increased limit reviewed by Barracuda Networks

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Barracuda Email Security Service

Operation - How The Service Works

Protection Layers
• Connection Management Layers
• Mail Scanning Layers
• Barracuda Antivirus Supercomputing Grid
• Advanced Spam Detection
• Predictive Sender Profiling
• Monitored Outbound Email Volume

Connection Management Layers

Denial of Service Protection

Rate Control

IP Analysis

Sender Authentication

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Mail Scanning Layers

• Includes three layers of virus scanning
• Open source virus definitions
• Proprietary virus definitions
• Barracuda Real-Time System (BRTS)
• Advanced Threat Protection

Barracuda Antivirus Supercomputing Grid

• Protects against
• Polymorphic viruses
• Threats without signatures
• Intent analysis

Barracuda Antivirus Supercomputing Grid

Mail Server Pool


Mail Flow

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Advanced Spam Detection

• Customizable score between 0 and 10
• 0 - definitely not spam
• 10 - definitely spam

Predictive Sender Profiling

• Identify and block senders
• Sending too many emails from a single network address
• Attempting to send to too many invalid recipients
• Registering new domains for spam campaigns
• Using free Internet services to redirect to known spam domains

Monitored Outbound Email Volume

• Monitors outbound mail from system to Internet
• If volume exceeds normal thresholds, rate control takes effect
• Potential volume increase
• Request for increased limit reviewed by Barracuda Networks

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Email Authentication
Barracuda Essentials

What Is SPF?
• Authentication method
• Detect forged sender addresses
• Verify email comes from authorized IP

Sender Receiver


How SPF Works DNS

 Retrieve DNS Records

 Compare Sender IP FROM:


ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

SPF Record Qualifiers ~all

• + Pass
• - Fail
• ~ Soft Fail
• ? Neutral

SPF Record - Mechanism

If sending IP matches A record of FROM domain - pass

Matches all IPs with softfail

V=spf1 a mx include : ~all

If sending IP matches SPF record of - pass

If sending IP matches MX record of FROM domain - pass

Introducing DKIM – Domain Keys Identified Mail

• Inbound mail allows for trusted domains
• Outbound mail signed by encrypted header value based on
public key
• Recipients can check signature and trust origin

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

What Is DKIM?
• Authentication method
• Protects against spam, spoofing, phishing
• Allows an organization to claim responsibility for a sent message
• Adds cryptographic hash as SMTP header

How DKIM Works



Private DKIM
Key Signature

Sending Mail Server Receiving Mail Server

DKIM Signature
Signature Meta Data

DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed/relaxed;;;



ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

DKIM Signature - Tags

DKIM version


v=1; a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed/relaxed;;;


DKIM Signature - Tags

SMTP headers Identity




Base 64 encoded hash of message body DKIM Signature


Key type



Public key – base64 encoded

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

DKIM – 3 Steps
• Step 1: Identifying what message elements to sign with DKIM
• Step 2: The encryption process
• Step 3: Validating the DKIM signature with a public key

What Is DMARC?
• NOT an email authentication method by itself
• Able to analyze SPF and DKIM for alignment
• Method for a domain owner to:
• Establish sender email authentication policies
• Define what actions should be taken on mail that fails authentication checks
• Report actions taken on mail claiming to be from the domain
• Recognizes spoofing and takes action

DMARC Record IN TXT "v=DMARC1; p=none;;

• DMARC version
• Preferred treatment or DMARC policy
• Mailbox to send aggregate reports
• Mailbox to send forensic reports

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

DMARC: Why Reporting Matters

• Highlights domains that are either sources of spam or are failing
to submit SPF, DKIM, or aligned values
• Indicates issues with own configuration of signed emails

DMARC in Effect
Author Composes Sending Mail Server Email Sent to
& Sends Email Inserts DKIM Header Receiver

Validation Tests Validate and Apply Sender DMARC Policy

Retrieve Retrieve Apply

Verified DKIM “Envelope From” Appropriate
Domains via SPF DMARC Policy

Processing Aggregate
Failure Report
sent to Sender

Simplified Call Flow of Typical DMARC Process

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

DMARC in Barracuda ESS (Incoming)

• Sender authentication mechanism protects against phishing
• Blocks spam in spoofed messages
• Built on existing SPF and DKIM mechanisms
• Senders can determine policy
• Recipients can determine response

Barracuda Essentials
Outbound Mail Scanning

Outbound Filtering
• Stop outbound spam and viruses
• DLP and outbound mail encryption
• Ensure sensitive data does not leave organization
• Predefined filters and custom policies
• Abuse monitoring and notifications via rate control

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

• Encryption using the Barracuda Email Encryption Service
• Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
• Enforce TLS encryption for selected domains
• Settings can be applied per domain

Email Notification

Sender Mail Server Barracuda Barracuda Recipient
Email Security Service Message Center
AES 256

Outbound Mail Scanning Policies

• Applies to messages leaving your organization
• Scans for viruses and intent
• Scanning and scoring for spam content

Content Filter
• Attachment filters using keyword or pattern filters
• Simple wildcards (for example, *.zip) or regular expressions
• Allow, Block, or Quarantine
• Message content filters using regular expressions
• Block, allow, quarantine, or encrypt
• Subject, header, body, sender address, recipient address, attachment

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Predefined Filters
• Match pre-made patterns
• Subject line, message body, or attachment
• Filter type
• Credit Cards
• Social Security
• Privacy US Market only
• Postal address and telephone number can be excluded

Abuse Monitoring and Notifications

• Abuse notifications
• Sending mail to too many recipients within a 30 minutes period
• Sending mail to too many invalid recipients
• Sending mail that has been classified as spam or contains malware
• Sender’s IP addresses suspended if abuse continues

Outbound Rate Control

• Outbound rate control
• Thresholds set by Barracuda only
• 150 messages per 30 minute period limit
• Mail is deferred when limit is reached

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Outbound Quarantine Policies

• Configure quarantine content policies
• Quarantine notifications
• Admin quarantine notification
• Sender quarantine notification
• Rejected message notice

Outlook Add-In
• Encrypt outbound messages without any policy changes
• Submit message spam reports directly to Barracuda

Barracuda Essentials
Outbound Mail Scanning

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Outbound Filtering
• Stop outbound spam and viruses
• DLP and outbound mail encryption
• Ensure sensitive data does not leave organization
• Predefined filters and custom policies
• Abuse monitoring and notifications via rate control

• Encryption using the Barracuda Email Encryption Service
• Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
• Enforce TLS encryption for selected domains
• Settings can be applied per domain

Email Notification

Sender Mail Server Barracuda Barracuda Recipient
Email Security Service Message Center
AES 256

Outbound Mail Scanning Policies

• Applies to messages leaving your organization
• Scans for viruses and intent
• Scanning and scoring for spam content

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Content Filter
• Attachment filters using keyword or pattern filters
• Simple wildcards (for example, *.zip) or regular expressions
• Allow, Block, or Quarantine
• Message content filters using regular expressions
• Block, allow, quarantine, or encrypt
• Subject, header, body, sender address, recipient address, attachment

Predefined Filters
• Match pre-made patterns
• Subject line, message body, or attachment
• Filter type
• Credit Cards
• Social Security
• Privacy US Market only
• Postal address and telephone number can be excluded

Abuse Monitoring and Notifications

• Abuse notifications
• Sending mail to too many recipients within a 30 minutes period
• Sending mail to too many invalid recipients
• Sending mail that has been classified as spam or contains malware
• Sender’s IP addresses suspended if abuse continues

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Outbound Rate Control

• Outbound rate control
• Thresholds set by Barracuda only
• 150 messages per 30 minute period limit
• Mail is deferred when limit is reached

Outbound Quarantine Policies

• Configure quarantine content policies
• Quarantine notifications
• Admin quarantine notification
• Sender quarantine notification
• Rejected message notice

Outlook Add-In
• Encrypt outbound messages without any policy changes
• Submit message spam reports directly to Barracuda

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Barracuda Essentials
Outbound Mail Scanning

Outbound Filtering
• Stop outbound spam and viruses
• DLP and outbound mail encryption
• Ensure sensitive data does not leave organization
• Predefined filters and custom policies
• Abuse monitoring and notifications via rate control

• Encryption using the Barracuda Email Encryption Service
• Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
• Enforce TLS encryption for selected domains
• Settings can be applied per domain

Email Notification


Sender Mail Server Barracuda Barracuda Recipient
Email Security Service Message Center
AES 256

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Outbound Mail Scanning Policies

• Applies to messages leaving your organization
• Scans for viruses and intent
• Scanning and scoring for spam content

Content Filter
• Attachment filters using keyword or pattern filters
• Simple wildcards (for example, *.zip) or regular expressions
• Allow, Block, or Quarantine
• Message content filters using regular expressions
• Block, allow, quarantine, or encrypt
• Subject, header, body, sender address, recipient address, attachment

Predefined Filters
• Match pre-made patterns
• Subject line, message body, or attachment
• Filter type
• Credit Cards
• Social Security
• Privacy US Market only
• Postal address and telephone number can be excluded

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Abuse Monitoring and Notifications

• Abuse notifications
• Sending mail to too many recipients within a 30 minutes period
• Sending mail to too many invalid recipients
• Sending mail that has been classified as spam or contains malware
• Sender’s IP addresses suspended if abuse continues

Outbound Rate Control

• Outbound rate control
• Thresholds set by Barracuda only
• 150 messages per 30 minute period limit
• Mail is deferred when limit is reached

Outbound Quarantine Policies

• Configure quarantine content policies
• Quarantine notifications
• Admin quarantine notification
• Sender quarantine notification
• Rejected message notice

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Outlook Add-In
• Encrypt outbound messages without any policy changes
• Submit message spam reports directly to Barracuda

Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service


• Software as a Service
• Global cloud infrastructure
• Centralized management

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Understanding Compliance
Integrated solution to protect against deletion:
• Centralised Storage Management
• Knowledge Management
• Litigation Support
• Compliance
• Regulatory Compliance


Email Email
Permanence Security

Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service

• Retention policies
• Global retention policy
• Saved search retention policies
• Only way to purge messages
• Litigation holds
• Created by auditors

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Datacenters by Region
Canada m

United States m

Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service


• Journaling
• Sends an identical copy of each message directly to the Barracuda Cloud
• Barracuda Cloud safely stores the message copy

Microsoft Barracuda
Office365 Cloud Cloud Archiving Service

Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Add Users
• Select active directory configuration
• LDAP Server
• Azure AD

Admin > Directories

Add Users
• Associate a role for users and groups
• User role
• Auditor role
• Administrator role

Manually Add Users

• Local accounts reside only on Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service
• Create local account
• Enter aliases associated with email address
• Create account password
• For Auditor role, add domains and select pre-defined Saved Search

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Add Email Domains

• Add email domains and FQDNs to archive
• Messages sent to any recipients in listed domains are added to

Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service

Microsoft Exchange Import and Integration

Exchange Integration

• Autodiscoveryfor historical data and integration

• Can import online email archives
• Award-winning Barracuda support

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Exchange Integration – Email Import

• One-Time operation
• Configure Mail Import
• Specify time period/mailboxes for import

Exchange Integration – Non-email Items

• Item types:
• Appointments
• Contacts
• Tasks
• Notes
• Conversation history
• Can be configured to run nightly

Exchange Integration – Sync Folders

• Import complete folder structure of selected user mailboxes
• Can be configured to run nightly

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service

Managing PST Files

PST Import – Web Interface

• Useful for small PST files (<250 MB) and one-time uploads
• Users can upload their PST files directly

MailSources> PST Import

PST Import – PST Enterprise

• Find and manage PST files anywhere on your network
• Can send PST data directly to email service or server
• Available as an optional component

Cloud Archiving Service

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service


User Roles
• Administrator
• View all items for any user
• Create and activate policies
• Make system and network changes

User Roles
• Auditor
• Create and activate policies
• View, search, and export messages to / from domains to which they have access
• Create advanced searches
• User
• View messages accessible to their account

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Email Aliases
• User account
• Primary email address
• Email aliases
• Group membership Barracuda
Cloud Archiving Service

Active Directory
LDAP Server, or Azure AD

End-User Access
• Web Portal
• Stand-Alone Search Utility
• Barracuda Outlook Add-In
• Exchange Manifest for Office Add-Ins
• Mobile Apps for Android and iOS

Barracuda Outlook Add-In Installation

• Barracuda Outlook Add-In Deployment Kit (MSI)
• Generates and installs XML
• Automatically deployedto users
• Exchange Manifest File (XML)
• Initial installation via the wizard
• GPO deployment
• Outlook Add-In Installer (EXE)
• Allow users to download and configure

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Stand-Alone Search Utility

• Deployment Kit
• Deploy to all users
• User download
• Windows
• mac OS X
• Search archives

Mobile App
• Android
• iPhone, iPod Touch,
and iPad

Android App iPhone,iPod Touch and iPad

Encrypted Email
• Imported and stored encrypted
• Private key needed to decrypt message
• Content unavailable for search

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Audit Log
• View all search related activities
• Filter to view subset of activities
• Date range
• Action type
• User

Compliance Tasks
Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service

Compliance Matters!
• Risk management against misuse and data loss – archiving+
• Increasing complexity of compliance and regulation
• Balance between privacy (RTBF) and retention policies
• Large fines and potential damage to reputation resulting from failure
• Managing data only one aspect of policy

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Process for Archival Compliance




Compliance Support – ESS and CAS

Different User Roles in Cloud Archiving Service

Search Emails Manage Emails Litigation Hold Setting Policy User Management
User x x
Auditor x x
Admin x x x x x

Bespoke users possible via request

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Adding and Configuring Users

User configuration includes:
• Email address
• Display name
• LDAP retrieval
• Aliases
• Password
• Role

Standards and Recommendations for Retention

1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years 7 years 35 years

Designing Retention Policies

• Segmentation by type of content
• Invoice, sales record, petty cash vouchers
• By type of use
• Admin, fiscal, general
• By mixed criteria
• Human resources, transaction receipts, executive email

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Example Word Cloud (HR)

Setting Retention Policies

• Retention
• Automated archived message purging in CAS every Friday evening
• Exceptions are generated as policy, via Saved Search
• Longest policy length applies if more than one criteria
• Saved Search takes precedence

Saved Search Use Cases And Policies

Travel Expenses

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Data Sets Based Upon Retention

Setting Alerts
• Hourly, daily, or weekly notifications based on policy
• Used for monitoring new and existing messages

Advanced Search Methods

Search can be used to:
• Manage storage requirements
• Handle and provide access to group information
• Incorporate different parts of organization on topic basis

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Implementing an Audit Hold

Litigation Hold
• Created by auditors only, when enabled
• Prevents deletion of messages that meet Saved Search criteria
• Can define expiry date for hold
Expiration Expiration
Storage Capacity

Global Retention Time

Saved Search Retention

Litigation Hold

Audit Log
• Record of actions by all users
• Full visibility of actions in CAS
• In addition:
• Standard web server logging (IP addresses and HTTP requests)

Standards of Barracuda Cloud Provision

• Can export data in mainstream formats
• Can do full delete of data
• Full audit log/web server log
• Country-specific hosting: EU, UK, US, Canada and soon Australia
• Transfer of data limited to appropriate countries
• Emergency response to potential threats

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup


• 70% of all lost data due to accidental or
malicious deletion by end users
• Retention capabilities
• Second-stage recycling bin emptied after fixed period

• Protects Exchange Online, OneDrive for Business, and
SharePoint Online
• Configure granular schedules
• Define retention policies

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation


Cloud-to-Cloud Backup

Exchange Online Protection

Cloud-to-Cloud Backup

OneDrive for Business Protection

Cloud-to-Cloud Backup

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

SharePoint Online Protection

Cloud-to-Cloud Backup

Planning and Preparation for Implementation

Barracuda Cloud to Cloud Backup

Data Security in Office 365

• Exchange Online – protects all emails and folders
• One Drive For Business - all files and folders in library
• SharePoint Online - item-level recovery and restore options

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Recycle Bins and Default Retention

Solution Recovery Feature Maximum Retention

SharePoint Online • Site Recycle Bin • 93 days
• Second Stage • 93 days
Recycle Bin
Exchange Online • Deleted Items • No maximum
• Recoverable Items • Up to 30 days
OneDrive for Business • Site Recycle Bin • 93 days
• Second Stage • 93 days
Recycle Bin

Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup adds another layer of protection.

Calculating Storage for Backup

Office 365 Exchange Online
Download report as CSV:
Office 365 OneDrive for Business
Mailbox Usage by Users
See report:
Calculate sum of Space Used
One Drive for Business Usage
Shows storage over time

SharePoint Online
See report:
Site Collections
Review % used

Exchange Online Backup Data

Offers backup and restore for:
• Emails
• Attachments
• Folder structures

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

OneDrive for Business Data

Offers backup and restore for:
• files
• folder structure
• entire accounts

SharePoint for Business Data

Offers backup and restore for:
• Document Libraries
• Site Page Libraries
• Picture Libraries

Office 365 Groups Data

Offers backup and restore for:
• Document Libraries
• Site Page Libraries
• Picture Libraries

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup

How to Back Up Data

Exchange Online Backup Configuration

• Create new service account with administrative privileges
• Connect your Office 365 domain to Barracuda Cloud Control
- Requires you to log on with your Office 365 admin account

• Define which data is backed up and when

Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup Microsoft Office 365 Cloud

OneDrive for Business Backup Configuration

• Create new service account with administrative privileges

• Connect Office 365 domain to Barracuda Cloud Control
- Requires you to log on with your Office 365 admin account

• Define which OneDrive for Business documents and folders to

back up and when

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

SharePoint Online Backup Configuration

• Connect Office 365 domain to Barracuda Cloud Control

- Requires you to log on with your Office 365 admin account

• Define which SharePoint Online sites, folders, and documents

to back up and when

Backup Configuration Workflow

Add Cloud Provider Add Data Source Configure Schedule

Mandatory Mandatory
 Cloud Provider Description  Schedule Name
 Cloud Provider Type  Items to Back Up
 Weekly Timeline & Backup Time

 Office 365 Credentials

Schedule Considerations
• How many days of data can you afford to lose?
• How large will a full backup job be?
• How much does your data change on a day-to-day basis?
• How much data can the backup media hold?

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Schedule Criteria
• Defines when and how often a backup is performed
• Can be applied to one or to several sources
• Checks for changed and new data based on the data source
backup schedules

Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup

Retention Policies

Retention Policies
• Define how long historical data is retained
• Based on time intervals
• Multiple policies can be created for different sets of data
• Offsite vaulting available for longer retention and freeing up
local storage

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Retention Policies
• Data is retained based on a grandfather-father-son model
• Retention policies provide granular control on how long you
want to keep the historical revisions of your data
• In other words: Defines at which point in time data can be restored
• Only historic revisions are subject to Retention Policies
• Current data is not impacted by a retention policy

Daily Revision Weekly Revision Monthly Revision

Retention Policies – Revision Types

Current Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly

Current Daily Weekly


Weekly Monthly Yearly

Current Daily Revision
Revision Revision Revision

Retention Policies – Example

• Retention Policies define the point in time data can be restored
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
All Revisions..................kept for 2 days
If someone wants a backup from the Daily Revisions ............kept for 7 days
11th then we can only restore the Weekly Revisions .......kept for 3 weeks
weekly backup from the 7th. All Monthly Revisions........kept for 1 month
changes in between (8th-10th) are lost.

Backup > RetentionPolicies

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup

Restoring Data

Restore Browser
• Restore historical revisions by selecting a date
• Mark multiple items for restore

Restoring a Cloud Backup

• Select Restore To location
• Search items to restore
• Download selected items

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Barracuda Email Security Service

End-user training

Barracuda Email Security Service

• Message Log
• Message Center
• Quarantine
• Outlook Add-In

Barracuda Message Log

• View / search messages
• Manage messages

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Barracuda Message Center

• Requires Message Center account
• View encrypted messages
• Manage encrypted messages

Barracuda Message Center

• Requires Message Center account
• View encrypted messages
• Manage encrypted messages

Quarantine Messages
• Quarantine notifications
• Never
• Scheduled
• Manage quarantined mail
• View why messages blocked
• Take actions on quarantined mail

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Email Security Service Outlook Add-In

• Allows users to
• Encrypt and send emails
• Submit message spam reports directly to Barracuda

Email Security Service Outlook Add-In

• Supported platforms:
• Outlook 2016 for Windows, MacOS
• Outlook Web Access
• Easy to deploy

Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service

End-user training

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service

• Outlook Add-In
• Companion Mobile apps
• Stand-alone Search Utility

Cloud Archiving Service Outlook Add-In

• Deployment
• Automatically deployed to all users by admin
• If enabled, users can install on local system
• Sync archived folders within Outlook
• Search, view, take actions, and archive messages
• Advanced search
• Logical operators
• Keyword expressions

Barracuda Companion Mobile Apps

• Platforms
- Android
- iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad

• Search archived messages

- Email content
- Date range
- Sender / recipient
- Subject line content

ESS01 - Barracuda Essentials Foundation

Barracuda Stand-alone Search Utility

• Deployment Kit
- Deploy to all users

• User download
- Windows
- mac OS X

• Search archives

Thank You


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