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Gallagher Talks, Discusses Merits Of I Asst.

Dean's Office
Ed. Note: Mr. Edward Gallagher becoming oriented to Mercyhurst important academic concern. £^g do a lot of academic and some have felt) as though there's a
is assistant dean of the college. College and the office and & "For example, I handle a lot of personal counseling. ?I get l a wall between them and the dean
With *the change in ad- position of dean.^sJ mundane, bureaucratic 5things. number of phone calls from for example. I think the concern
ministration forthcoming, "Even if the new dean happens that need to be taken care of. parents who are concerned about has been of the feeling someone
serious consideration is being to be a personality on campus. I "But in addition to this, I feel as t heir f: sons f or daughters *for in the dean's office is concerned
given to the elimination of this still feel that he or she will need through|l serve as a kind of whatever the reason may be. And about us and the problems that
office. Jin this Interview, time to settle in, learn the office ombudsman; a person who helps they ask that I might seek them are^ facing jthe students or
Gallagher, who is also a faculty and develop their own style of students and faculty who may out and talk with them* faculty.'!j| *
member, discusses the rationale leadership as we think about the have problems which might at "Then I spend time writing ** Earlier you mentioned that you
for |theg retention of this ad- important programs that need to the time seem to be major; but letters to parents or getting back take care of | a lot of the
ministrative office. be put in place such as the they simply need to help someone (o them by telephone. One of bureaucratic details. Do you feel
Liberal Studies program." talk through the problem and the things that the assistant an executive secretary could take
Are you petitioning for your What!are your duties as direct *them as to how the dean's position' has allowed is to care of those details just as well?
own sake, to keep the office assistant dean? Ed note: The' problem might best be solved. have students and others to be p " I feel that a secretary could
yourself? j ^ primary responsibilities are to "For example, with students I able to resolve their problems or certainly handle some of the
"Obviously I've enjoyed the maintain the academic get answers to their questions in problems; however, the fact that
role of being assistant dean as regulations of the College, to a shorter period of time, which there is an asistant- dean adds
well as Associate Professor of oversee College publications and makes-them feel that the in- an element of respect to the
Education. If I had a choice, I to assist the Dean. A more stitution isf concerned! about position and the person in that
would like to continue to fill that specific breakdown of the them, and that someone is trying when I go to an office outside
position, regardless of whether or assistant dean's duties is presen- to help themfresolve an issue the academic area I approach
not I'm assistant dean-that is ted in the Administrative Hand- that may seem to be of great the indi vidua In in a respective-
not the important question. book I' ?| importance to them at the time.'
manner sharing with them that I*
"In my mind the question is, Which of these duties do you Do you think students may feel have a student who has a!
does Mercyhurst College need an feel make the positions of left out because they aren't able problem and what can we do to
assistant dean at this point in its assistant dean vital; and fare to go to the dean himself; doesn't
development. I personally feel this create a wider gap? t get him to try and resolve the
there other duties in addition to issue." It
that it would be in the best in* these?! * i ' .- "Personally I don't think that it "I have -found that I have
terest of the college to continue "In addition to the duties does because if a student wishes, gotten immediate co-operation
the position for at least another spelled out in the copy of my job he or she may see the dean.
year." | ^ <*# "However, the way the set up is from all of the other offices in the
desciDtion which I've given you, I college. £ £ jj
"I say that from the per- find thatfc the assistant dean's at the present time, the "I would indicate that there's
spective that we are about to job, if handled appropriately, assistant dean normally handles also an ^element of experience
select a new dean. And that man should allow the dean to focus in student problems of academic and expertise involved. I've been
or women, I believe, will need all on leadership matters, program concerns. in the business of education for
of the help that they can get in development and that kind of Edward Gallagher y "I don't i know that students continued on page 5

a student


At MSG Meeting

Department Rep Elections Discussed

Voting Take Place May 8th
"We want to set the depart* favorite rep sex at 10 cents a vote, the MSG budget. Alexander and
ment reps in office as soon as raised«a total of $119.16. This Chrzanowski expect to make at
possible," stated student figure was matched with funds least $1000.* £ &;»£
government president Tim from The Merclad in accordance In a contingency vote, the
Seltzer as he explained the with J Editor j* Steve Frisina's gover ment approved the Activity
procedures for the forthcoming pledge. £ Day committee $750, upon on
representative elections at the The final donation tallied executive committee. decision of
April 28, meeting MSG. 1 $238.32. P affordabilty. M &
According to Seltzer the Co-Chairpersons of Activity In new business, senior
responsibility for the election of Day, JoAnn Alexander and John business management fmajor
new MSG reps is in the hands of Chryzanowski * requested an Steve Frisina announced plans
the present representatives.j additional $750 for their $2500 to sponsor a ten kilometer race
Each rep is required to post at budget. I £ (6.2 mi.) to help pay for Betty
least one-poster explaining the Alexander explained that the Wilson's hospital costs. -,-<
election procedures. The Act ivit y * committee* had spent Wilson, a member of (Jay Wellington (Amy McNichols) and Penelope Sycamore
solicitation of candidates and the $810 for Activity Day t-shirts, the housekeeping staff, wat (Molly Kohlmiller), shown here discussing drinking and theatre,
collection of ballots are among which will be given free to the hospitalized for a stroke early in will be center state Friday night as the Little Theatre^presents
the present reps duties. Board of Trustees and committee April. She has no insurance. ••You Can't Take It With You" at 8:00 p.m. *
Students interested in running members, will be sold to the Frisina explained that all
for a representative position are community at less than cost. runners would take pledges
urged by the MSG officers to
submit letters of intent to the 79-
80 rep in their department before
May 6th. M ' pS I
Alexander stressed that the
overall cost for the t-shirts had
depleted their budget con-
which would be used to defray
costs of Wilson's hospitalization.
Business rep Steve Flat ley
1980 Commencement Schedule
Voting for the representatives
slots is scheduled for May 8th and
9th. «V
^ "If it wasn't for the t-shirts we
wouldn't have this problem," she
said. J I
announced that ± a bake sale
during Activities Day is also
being planned with the intention
of making a donation to Wilson.
Announced By Gallagher
Seltzer pointed out that the new g Both chairpersons stated that Both Flatley and Frisina urged The suggested schedule for the winners, parents, trustees and
reps would be present at the May any revenue collected from the interested students to contact 1980 graduation weekend have associates will be held at "11:30
12 meeting of MSG to smooth next Activity Day would be put back in them for more details. been announced by Edward a.m. in the faculty lounge. The
years transition period. -' > Gallagher, assistant dean and commencement speaker, Senator
He added that student senators graduation coordinator, i William Proxmire, will be in
would be" elected by|the MSG
representatives ^at-the May 12
Garvey Announces Date The weekend will get underway attendance at this event, which
on Saturday, May 30, with a will honor the outstanding senior
meeting. * * graduation dinner to be held at in each division, as well as the
Continuing further, Seltzer
stated that next year the student
For Naming Off New Dean the Hilton Hotel. Seniors will be recipients of the other college
admitted free as guests of the awards. | J *^
senators would be required to Dr. Garvey, president-elect of will be responsible for the final college. Parents are also invited From 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. seniors,
attend the government meetings. the college, has announced that' choice. &«. to attend at a cost*of $11.00 per trustees, faculty and ad-
This year, attendance has not the new dean will be named on Garvey, who acknowledged the person. Cocktails will begin at ministrators will line up at Zurn
been mandatory for the senators. July l. The selection will come as fact that the summer break 6:00 followed by dinner at 7:00. Hall for the commencement
"Student senators are the link the result of a process whose might prevent problems' for At 9:00 the same night an in- ceremonies to be held at the
between student government and origins begin this Monday.* f students wishing to see the formal dance will be held at the Campus Center. Admission to the
students," said Seltzer.I ^ An advertisement has been candidates, said that it would be college cafeteria. The group ceremony is by invitation only. At
Vice-President JoAnn placed in the Chronicle of Higher the student representative's providing the music for the affair 3:15 an informal reception out-
Alexander announced the win- Education that win run for the responsibility to gather students has not yet been announced. This side of the Campus Center will
ners of the government Battle of next two weeks. Seeking an in- for a meeting with the applicants. will be a B.Y.O.B. affair. .% follow?shortly after the
the Sexes fund drive for Muscular dividual who "hopes to attain Discussing the qualifications of On Sunday activities will begin ceremonies. 1
Dystrophy. The results were: "growth and challenge in a the office of the dean, Garvey at 9:00 a.m. as graduating ROTC
Males $67.57 and Females $57.59. college committed to seeking mentioned that qualified internal candidates will be commissioned
John Chrzanowski, en- high levels of distinction in the candidates would have an inside in the Heritage Room, ac- j i INSIDE:
vironmental studies rep, collected 1980's," the college will be ac- {rack on the position. He qualified companied {by remarks from Activity Day '80 pg. 3
$42.10 of the male votes. cepting applications up until May the term "internal" as meaning retiring president Dr. Marion
The drive, which called for 26. I A u candidates .in the Erie area, Shane. Following this event will Mind Reading... pg. 4
each rep to collect votes for their At this point, a committee, of including professors and ad- be the Baccalaureate Mass, to be Law Enforcement
• " • • " O i l Hie Cover five to six individuals from the ministrators from area colleges. held at 10:00 in the chapel. Award pg. 5
Loser Beams at the Hurst? immediate college community Garvey mentioned that a From 10:30 a.m.->to 1:00 p.m. Mercy-Ads pg. 6
No, just a car's heodlights
(one student) win be selected to qualified woman or nun, might brunch will be served in the
screen the applicants. The also have an advantage. He cafeteria for parents, graduates Inquiring Reporter... pg. 6
Photographed by finalists from this group will then
Merciod Editor Steve Frisinc
followed this , by r saying and guests. The President's Sports pg. 7
be presented to Dr. Garvey who "qualifications are the key." Honors : Brunch for award
FW6F* TrtfBlMEfcClftff MAY .2, 1*00

In Search Of A Dean
With Dr. Millar announcing his for interpretation and im-
resignation as dean of Mer- plementation of academic policy.
cyhursl, the college has initiated With this in mind, a person who is
the process to select his acquainted with Mercyhurst as a
replacement. By advertising the participant or local peer would
opening in the CHRONICLE OF appear to be the most expedient
HIGHER EDUCATION, /the choice. I 4 i^B
school is inviting response on a ?
It should be noted, however,
national level. j that this is just one opinion and
However, the opinion here is that familiarity does not
that it would be surprising to see necessarily go hand in hand with
the new dean come from efficiency.
anywhere other than from within Hence, once again it is the
the Erie city limits. President- students' responsibility to gather
elect Dr. Garvey has indicated n
that candidates from Gannon, together and voice their opinion IF I T S QUICK WeiGHT LOSS YOU WMfT, TRY N65CT DOOR. * * *

Villa Maria, and Mercyhurst as to who they feel should occupy

have already been mentioned as the office of the dean. It appears
possible replacements. Unless as though such an event will be Letter
some wunderkind flies in flashing complicated by the fact that the
act ual selection will happen after
awesome credentials, it appears
unlikely that these candidates students have left for summer Sludentf Complains Of No Earth Day Coverage
will be denied. break. The student represen-
tative should therefore make an To the Editor, | celebrated across the country Campus Ministry staff, etc.
The local frame of reference effort to bring as many students While I will acknowledge that it and that the events at Mer- The Merciad is a college
being exhibited in this instance together as possible this summer was a relatively small event cyhurst contributed to the whole publication and should be
has certain merits to it. Dr. so that an accurate student when compared to the crowd on national celebration. reporting the events that directly
Garvey perceives the office of the opinion is achieved. campus to hear Senator Ken- Finally, there is the matter of effect the students, faculty and
dean as being chiefly responsible nedy, I was nevertheless impact. The presidential election administration of Mercyhurst.
disappointed with the lack of any is five months away and students (Why was the dean's resignation
mention of Earth Day '80 at
A Day Far Community ;
Mercyhurst in the last issue
need to be made aware of the
issues and the candidates. But it
mentioned a week late on page
three?) Z
In a little less than two weeks, festivities. Students will even be (April 25th) of the Merciad. & seemed that? no one other than While it was a small event, I
students will be taking a day off able to buy t-shirts with Activity It may be argued that the staunch Kennedy supporters was believe that Earth Day '80 at
from class to let off some steam Day emblazoned on it. & Mercyhurst Celebration of Earth impressed by the 40 minutes Mercyhurst was significant and
as the MSG presents them with Last year Activity Day staff Day on April 19th would be "old worth of Sunday's activities. So that it made an impact on the
the second annual Activity Day. were given t-shirts that Activity news" for the following week's what kind of impact did it all community. I sincerely hope that
The day-long festival enjoyed a Day the art department designed issue, but then again, Kennedy have? S3[ * 2 Earl h Day '81 is recognized and
successful inaugural last year as in honor of the occasion. With was here only one day later. Over 45 people helped clean up given its just due. At least there
students came together to show something having happened to It may also be argued that around campus on Earth Day and won't be a national election to
off their legs, blow bubbles, and their original* design, the art Kennedy's appearance is of over 40 attended the square Icontend with. -,
dunk administrators. It was fun. majors were forced to silkscreen national importance- and how dance. And these numbers Sincerely,
However, there was a message one that did not reproduce quite often does national news reach represent students faculty, ad- Sue Fuss ••„;
conveyed by the day that as well. The shirts were worn in Erie, PA? I would remind you ministration » members of the Earth Day '80
superseded any pleasure that spite. of their seemingly im- that Earth Day '80 was crew team and tennis team. Organizer j ! ;
"Was derived from it. Thei perfect nature. As the day drew
message that came through loud to a close, students asked where
and crystal clear that, yes, there they could get one.
was something that would bring
the college community out en
This year the MSG, wanting
everything to be of the best
Contributions For
masse. With exhibits ranging
from a tennis match featuring
quality, decided to buy their
designed t-shirts from the Betty Wilson
Dr. Shane to a Polish food stand Champion athletic wear com-
authentically run by Bertha, pany. These shirts cost the MSG a are being accepted
head of housekeeping, there was fourth of the cost of Activity Day.
no doubt that Mercyhurst was a They are going to sell them to at the MERCIAD
community. | & f 1 students at a loss so that
Now from an organizationa everyone I can afford one. A
beautiful company-designed t-
Please Support This Cause
standpoint, the first Activity Day
L was not a piece of unblemished shirt that everyone can afford-
sounds great, doesn't it?
Thank you/jThe MERCIAD Staff
art. With activities overlapping
and the manpower being stret- With the decision to go outside
ched to an almost transparent of the art department for a
thinness, the day was not as ef- simple commodity like t-shirts, MERCIAD Pol
ficiently run as fit could have the MSG has begun to erode the
been. Like the green frisbies that real purpose of Activity Day- to
bring the community together. In
Students Dislike Speeches,
were guided by a breeze, Activity
Day 79 was an event influenced
by those who participated. Its
their search for quality, the
human element has been for- pretty noble. Would Prefer Debates
shape reflected the people, and saken only to be replaced by the Hence, the concern here is that who opposed it. The majority of
despite its imperfections, it was precision t-shirt. The company t- the real purpose of Activity Day While over 500 students cast the opposition based their opinion
shirt is a sterile substitute. I is being overlooked. Throughout their ballots in this year's student on the "long" and "repetitious"
beautiful. - L I; W the year the MSG has asked the government -election, a large
This year the student govern- At this j point it is still number have indicated that they nature of the speeches.
ment is doing their best to iron speculative as to whether the art student body for their input and s
An i even wider disparity ap-
department will silkscreen their contributions in an effort to build did so in spite of current MSG
out last year's rough spots. a stronger and more united campaign procedures. |. peared in the responses to the
Without any explicit motives of own t-shirt. In order for them to question, "Did you stay for all of
one-upsmanship, the MSG is do it, they will need about $300. college community. This over- p A recent poll conducted by The the speeches?" Only 20 percent of
That is $500 less than was spent sight, no matter how trivial Merciad questioned 100 students those polled stayed for the
trying to give us the best time contradicts such aspirations. The about their reaction to the MSG
possible. Considering the time for the student government duration of the forum. '*'.
shirts. In additon, one art student hope here is that the Second cafeteria speeches at which each
and effort that people like JoAnn Activity Day brings the college candidate*expresses his-her The solution to the speech
Alexander and John Chrzanowski said that she was pretty sure that dilemma, as a majority of
the participants would be willing community closer. views. ?\
have put into it already, and we ! students concurred, came in the
should all be grateful. Numerous to donate a portion of their take to Community does not hinge on a Only 15 per cent of the students form of debates. Sixty-five out of
booths, activities, and a hot air charity. A small community t-shirt. Rather, its bonds are its polled favored the cafeteria the 100 students polled supported
balloon will be;, a partjof these giving to a larger community- people- imperfect as they are. forum as opposed to 48 per cent the idea. _ »


Freshmen who Student Thanks MSG j

hove not yet For MDA Pledge Support
completed! the To the Editor: £ S L
Thanks to all the money con-
tributed, one day these people
I would like to express my might enjoy the simple pleasures
advising forms appreciation and thanks to all of taking a walk, feeding oneself,
those who participated fin the combing one's own hair, or
for next year, effort to raise money for
Dystrophy. *
simply going to the bathroom
without the help of another
must do so. It is gratifying to know that
there are people who appreciate
I hope God will richly bless you
the use of their arms, legs and for your kind and generous
muscles. \ works. i
SeerMiriam Mashauk I am a volunteer with MDA. I Thank you,
213 Old Main I have seen and worked with these Mary Manross
people. I have seen their courage MDA Representative
and determination they have. Mercyhurst College
MAY % 1980 f:*

Newf Guidelines
Government Regulations J Father-Daughter Weekend
Make Aid More Available \
To Middle Income Families Anne DelMedico (right) helps
prepare for the Eucharist while
Kathy Giante > • left) interprets
(CPS)—- Fewei low-income and For the first time in history, the responsorial psalm during
more middle-income students are students from families earning the Father-Daughter Mass held
applying for Basic Educational more than $15,000 accounted for a last Sunday. la
Opportunity Grants (BEOG), and majority of BEOG applications Fathers travelled to the Hurst
the College Board, in a study, this year.I j \2 jj for the weekend which featured a
attributes the trend to govern- Lawrence Gladieux, ithe variety of different activities.
ment fraud campaigns that College £ Board's research * After Saturday's -jlunch and
inadvertantly eliminate eligible director, says there's "no doubt" registration,- fathers were treated
students If rom Financial aid that tnongovernment's more to a talent show and tours of the
programs. * L£ elaborate aid application campus from their daughters.
The study found that only 31 procedures, established in 1978 to Later that I evening the
percent of the freshmen from help prevent fraud, have reduced traditional dinner dance, held
families earning less than $15,000 the number of low-—income this year at The Holiday Inn, was
jper year have applied for students who get aid. enjoyed by fathers and daughters
financial aid, compared with 41 Under the new procedures, alike. ft ;,
per cent three years ago j apparent ly-contraditory answers The weekend closed with Mass,
"Those figures have more on the long income-verification which was held in the chapel, and
signiflgance at low Income forms are grounds for rejecting a especial Sunday brunch.
colleges— public and two year," aid applications. *[ J"
explained Director of Financial The College Board also found
Aid Barry Zem bower. leC that 75 percent •''tax" on family
Zembower explained that 80 contribution to college expenses
per cent of the* students who
apply for aid at the 'Hurst
receive it.
has eliminated a possible 25,000
students from eligibility. 1 £
Plans Underway For
Any student interested in becoming a representative in the Mer-
cy hurst Student Government lor the 1980-81 school year should con
tact the rep in their department for more information. 1 £
Activity Day ' 80
Activity Day 80;.is scheduled 4
"We're very excited about this them.
for Wednesday, May 14,1980, and feature. Our goal is tosee that the Alexander concluded, "The
Representatives Name, Department, Telephone co-chairpersons JoAnn shirts are sold prior to Activit} purpose of Activity Day '80 is tc
Therese Tolomeo | | Art 864-8093 Alexander and John Chrzanowski Day '80 so that the community bring the entire 'Hurst com
Bob Tobln Accounting 864-8859 promise something for everyone. may wear the shirts that day/' munily together- administration
Maria Caruso Biology 868-9076 "To name just a few of our Designed by JoAnn Alexander. faculty, staff and students- for a
SteveFlatelv Business 866-98:t9 "To name just a few of our ac- in conjunction wit hn. t he com* fun-filled memorable day." ^:
Alda Walker . Business 86(5-9086 tivities," commented Alexander pany's art depart ment. the shirts "The committee has worked
Mary Manross Communication 825-2208 "we've scheduled an early mor- will sell for $2.50 each. lower thar for months to provide the means
|Sheila Nelson...... . ^ ± :. Dance 868-0004 ning kick-off, movies, a band, a the committee's cost to purchase for this goal " she added.
Maureen Dovle.1.../. K & Dietetics 866-9021 hot air balloon, the dunking
Michelle Artman Education X66-9086. machine, a .texas bar-
Bonnie James English 866-9092 road ral ley, and a late night
John Chrzanowski . . . . * . . Environmental Studies 456-6942 dance." Schedules listing all Mercyhurst College, a co-educational liberal and career arts in
Jan Ruyak ,?. .^. .Jr. .1. .J......... .. Foods-Nutrition 8&1-0044 events, times, locations, and stitution of 1200 students with a Catholic tradition, is seeking an
Tim Kosarsky ?. f ; ? f i S . . . . . . . . ; . .•; History 864-8859 sponsors will be placed in all Academic Dean who possesses the following characteristics;
Paula Miller*... ,d HRM 868-1156 campus mailboxes sometime (1) An earned Ph.D., preferably in an academic discipline
Carl Morgan. .Music 864-8.176 next week. (2) Commitment to upholding high academic standards
Carol Farrelly Parole-Probation 866-9086 The committee explained that (3) IFlexibility to work with both career education and
Michelle Orte'ngren A £. .* Police Science 866-9086 I hey were pleased with the en- liberal/creative arts faculty and students.
David Smith 1 A . f. ;*. .•*.. Political Science 864-9844 thusiasm shown by all areas of (4) Administrative experience at leost on the departmental level
Judy (iluvna..... .*,.•• V «fc V Psychology 868-7992 the college. J ^ (5) Teaching experience and the qualifications to hold faculty rank
Tim Zaun *... r... Social Science 866-98:19 "Many groups are sponsoring in a department of study
Rita Conrov s Social Work 868-3319 activities. "Alexander stated.
Tracy Fuller. : Special Education 866-908(> "We have most of the divisions (6) Creativity to explore new curriculor emphases, teaching ap
Dave Rogers .V ) J... £, i.... Theatre . 861-0681 Exl. 271 participating as well as the Elementary Education Majors who are freshman or transfer studen-
Gail Lewis Human Ecology 86K-3021 student groups and some of the ts: & & i i A
Michael Smith , .*.. Business 866-9819 staff and administration." This is a tine opportunity for one who seeks growth and
Kim Cairns .i... 7.. Education 868-1830 This year the committee has challenge in a college committed to seeking high levels of distinc-
(his Selllemire.. | fJfc Accounting 866-9810 ordered "Activity'Day '80" T- tion in the 1980's. Salary level $25-32,000 depending upon ex-
l.arric Pikutis r , .Social Work shirts which will go on sale as perience and qualifications. Attractive fringe benefitr; program.
soon as the shipment arrives. Position begins August 1, 1980. k
Apply by May 26, 1980 to:
Office of the President
Mercyhurst College
501 East 38th Street
ata • • a • • • • • • • • • •
Erie, Pa. 16546 #

Photography Competition ATTENTION
Elementary Education Majors who ore freshman or transfer studen-
ts: £ JE j,
interviews for admission into the Elementary Education Depart-
ment are scheduled for Monday, May 5, and Monday, May 12,
from 2:30-4:30 p.m. in room 303 Main.
Mk, Please schedule an apponitment for this interview with Mrs.
Kaliszak, room 306 Main. She will also give you the information
you need to prepare for the interview.

/ \.

Erie County Rape

Three Categories: Crisis Center, Inc.
(A) Black and White: Scenery
(B) Black and White: People
(C) B & W: Animals

Judging will- be performed by The

Merciad editor and two faculty mem-
bers on May 15, 1980. | __.
PrizestfTo Be Announced A research project it being conducted at Erie Rape
Send entries to: Crisis Center in an attempt to better define the reactions
rape victims have to their assault. Students who were
All Photos returnable if name and The Merciad: victims of rape at age 13 or older, where the assailant
Mercyhurst mail box number is on Box 45 * was not a family member, are encouraged to par-
back. All full-time and part-time Mercyhurst College ticipate. If you would be willing to complete a con-
fidential, anonymous questionnaire through the mall,
students are eligible to enter. by May 14,1980 please call the Center at 454-3440 or 456-1001 to request a
* •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • J . » • • • • •
research packet.M
• • • •
PAGE 4 MAY 2, 1980

P o e t r y FOCUS: verse by Del Delmar Straub

"Come one, come allj Ladies and Gen- READING A POEM
tlemen. **PS? j £:& a *t It was you there, r
Chills and thrills in the air
High above the earth AIR BORNE j r truly so.
As our artists perform their death-defying High above silver-lined clouds Not the you at the dragged put end of a
feats. J J * f* f j J Air ships soar. ?j workday,
Step right up. Your last chance for a ticket Not the you nervously and shyly holding on
to this performance." & "v Jr t'^ "IS Keeping up a deliberate concourse to : J 1|.
with eagles, UFO's and other winged things strange and foreign cocktail glasses,
Will it be you, they slip unconsciously- through wispy
in one of my future dreams, layers of cotton creation Nor even the you snuggled and lost amidst
who grasps that ephemeral trapeze bar, up from mudded pastures below.
t he one pulled by imaginary Piper Cubs flanneled sheets and heated blankets.
swooping and keening miles above Grounded, these great, dull birds |
the gray-green earth? squat, like awkward herons, by plastered But you, nevertheless.
Will it be you| and steeled pens, For the you I know,
waiting only for the prodding moment! my girl.
flying high in the still morning air,
defying the cold tug of Dea t h Is a you of ma ny colors,
Then, hopping, lumbering along An assorted you, %
and the 20 Gs that try to loosen your grip blackened runways ? of rare delighting moods, jg
from the slippery bar they all at once lift feathered skirts Well within your own spectrum, to be sure.
into a and heave themselves into the air.
long These moods pour out their substance?
thousand After a long minute of gradual rising « *

by season,
foot toward cloud cover,
bandy legs kicking free, by day,
they tuck in unwanted appendages. by people,
onto a crushing ground?
If you do seize that bar Air borne in this clumsy way Never precisely twinned to each other.
it will be oh. such a sight. they slowly, delicately stroke silken spaces Rarely the wild caution to the breeze.
What a breath and spectacular beneath them
at the joy, the love-trembling of it. and begin to glide skyward in powerful, These moods of you, 5
graced undulations. they come by the baker's dozen.
But it will be hard, hard, Now that teasing titter of a bedroom antic,
very hard too. Toward paper-thin whiteness on the top Now the low-toned tears flowing out from
edge of the world, J[ ancient, sad wells,
You'll exhilerate at giant flights of body they climb j Sometimes the cold, unquivering lip,
air rushing by until, at the breaking moment the turned back, the clipped response,
blood pounding flash into rolling snow-covered fields
flesh hurling through space under crystalling blue ceilings, Then lively bounce from room to room
always knowing that: one thoughtless all the while never taking in * a on the humming of a song.
mistake, ^ ^-. their own shining splendor, However and whenever she comes,
one finger missing the bari*»~ M' ' 'V' W& Jheir own glitter-touching with thesun. * the youl know is (hfe moody you, m " . ^L
And With all her rough? with all her smooth™
brings the plummet. Not one I'd care to miss out on, *#
Oh, it is a choosing surely this time around.
fg Moi thrill
5or kill.


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Anthony, Gem el I i m mm Gallagher

Receive Honors At Wm Continued from page 1

Law I Enforcement Dinner Therefore,

over J twenty-one * years.
I should have some
knowledge of how to work with
judge of the court of common people effectively. I
Mercyhurst College honored pleas since 1971 and as the ad- "At the same time, I'm arguing
•Judge Fred P. Anthony and ministrative judge of Juvenile that I would like to be assistant
Millcreek Chief of Police, Sam Court Judges' Commission for dean, that's true, but more im-
Gemelli, Wednesday April 30 at the last five years. portantly is that the position be
the school's eighth annual law Anthony is a native of Erie and maintained whether or^not I'm
J enforcement dinner. a Ford Foundation scholar. He the assistant dean." |
• The two men were recognized holds his B.S. and Juris Doc- How j long have we 1 had an
a for their high standards, moral torate degrees from the assistant dean? I I •

^integrity and commitment to the University ofi Louisville, Ken- "This is the third year." f 1 If looks could kill, the drunken actress, Gay Wellington (Amy
irideals of criminal justice. They tucky. | .•> |£< Were tyou chosen for the McNicholas) would be dead for*her affectionate greeting of
received the college's; law He was chosen citizen of the position when it Iwas first Donald (John Burton), the boyfriend of Rheba (Alda Walker).
* enforcement award for 1980 at year in 1976 by the Pennsylvania created? £ k To see more of this happy threesome be sure to catch Kaufman
j*the testimonial dinner. April 30. Northwest Division of the 3"Yes, I'm the first and only and Hart's, bizarre extravaganza, "You Can't Take It With You"
The college also paid tribute to National Association of Social assistant dean." §8*3 * at the Mercyhurst College Little Theatre, Weber Hall.
Samual J. Gemelli, retired Erie Workers and was chosen Man of If the new dean were to come J Performance dates are May 2, 3£4, 8, 9 and to at 8:00 p.m. For
City Chief off Police, in ap- the Year in 1978 by the University from within the Mercyhurst reservations call 864-0681, Ext. 271. $&&&--
preciation of his contributions to of Notre Dame Club of Erie. Community, do you feel the
the Mercyhurst School of Law Chief Marshall has been chief assistant should also?
J Enforcement which he helped would be two months salary plus
establish in 1971. | m of police in Millcreek for over 20 S "I haven't thought through that the amount of money they would same, I feel, as it was four years
years. He joined the Millcreek question. Off the top of my head I have to pay a part-time in- ago when he was dean.
James A. Meko, executive force as a patrolman,' was. would suggest that it should.* structor to cover those courses I " Dr. Garvey was a good dean,
. assistant to the director of the promoted to sergeant and later g "The assistant dean of ? the would not teach if I were a full- I'm not degrading him in any
•V Bureau |of Prisons, U.S. became chief. 4 ££ college holds faculty status and time faculty. It is a saving of 7 or way, shape or form. He was not
Department of •£ Justice, He currently serves on the therefore works within 'the 8 thousand dollars. as accessible to students as has
Washington, D.C., gave the board of the Erie County Rape classroom as well. And it should ? "Is the 7 or 8 thousand justified been the case during the past
keynote address. Meko, orginally Crisis Center, the Family Crisis be someone who is respected by in the services that might be lost couple of years.
from Erie, is a Gannon graduate Center, the Greater Erie Safety the faculty at large as being able lost?" £ W, "I think if you would check the
and recieved his master's degree Council, the Pennsylvania Chiefs to have a faculty perspective $ Do you think part of the students you would find that they
in sociology from the University of Police Probation and Parole about problems that come to the motivation for elimination of ha ve * had someone concerned
of Notre Dame. His speech was committee, and on the \Mer- office, as well as a concern for assistant dean relates to*the about them, who has tried to help
on "Corrections in the 80's: In cyhurst College law enforcement students. JESS tuition hike?: ,. them solve problems- telling
Search of Balance." ^ advisory board. § ' ^ "I would suggest that it might |?f"Dr? Garvey said it's an them if they're wrong or helping
The law enforcement awards He is a member of the Penn- be in the best interest of all if the ecomomical concern, so ob- them works out and resolve
were presented by Ms. Jane sylvania Chiefs off Police assistant dean were selected viously he would be interested in issues." J: *
Theuerkauf, chairman* of the Association, the Western Penn- from within as opposed to out- saving some money. 'i ^ Then the main thrust of your
college's board of trustees. sylvania Chiefs of Police, and the side the institution." "If one were to look at my standpoint is that the assistant
Anthony recieved the honor in International Association of If the new dean comes from initial salary, they would say, dean position is a position orien-
recognition of his contributions to Chiefs of Police. In addition he is within the college, do you think 'gee he save all thai money', ted toward the students?
t he juvenile justice system, while a past 3 president of the Nor- that would necessitate needing when in fact it's only 7|or 8 "Right. As well as taking care
Marshall was singled out for his thwestern Pennsylvania Chiefs of an assistant who also comes thousand." gj ? JK of those things."(duties listed in
efforts to promote the education Police Association, the Fraternal from within the community? Why was this position created
and training of municipal police Order of Police, Lodge 64, and the "I would think that if an in- the administrative handbook-
three years ago; was there any Ed.) | .!&* i
officers v= ^ Lake Erie Law Enforcement dividual is selected from inside, specific reasoning behind that?
Judge Anthony has served as Association. "I'm in charge of scheduling
he or she is still going to be faced "To allow the dean to have and graduation also."
with the problems of becoming more opportunity to focus on You would then feel that it's
oriented to the position." >i >rogram | development : and easier for students to have access

Like a transition.
"That's right.": J.
f eadership within the faculty."
Ed. note: Dr. Jerry Trimble
to the assistant dean rather than
the dean.
"I see the: position needed was the dean of Mercyhurst "In the present administration
Y>tiaM (fbtmal period. But particuarly needed
for the first year of the ;
when the position of assistant
dean was Created.
set-up, yes.", jfej
* c And you feel that is necessary
dean's tenure. *• * " -"He was finding he did not have andMtalf! J 2 F l S ^ SiS ?
"&un&Alae... a "And perhaps a re-evaluation
as to whether the position should
enough time to take care of
students concerns. So he wanted
"Yes. I think it's important for
students to have someone to help
taiabowt... be eliminated, because what are
we saving? |
someone who he believed was
going to be student oriented, who (hem work through problems and
to feel that" the institution is
would help students and faculty
and clteam*" "When Dr. Garvey spoke with
me on Tuesday, April 16, he in- work through problems." i concerned and cares about
them." M Ǥ*' *>
dicated to me the reasons he was It is your feeling then, that the Do'you have anything you'd
fold at not going to continue the position
were economic in nature, that it
position of assistant dean should
be saved for at least a year to like to add in conclusion?
"I think that; the position of
talniow gatcltn* had nothing to do with campus help ease the period of transition assistant dean and the duties
politics or my job performance.js the new dean will encounter? presently described are very
9pm - Jam "If one examines the matter
closely, they will discover that a
"Right, and then evaluated
after that to see whether or not
adequate./ | g
"However, the new president
tremendous amount of money is it's actually needed.'k l might want to review the job
not going to be saved, because I "Dr. Garvey does not believe description and make some re-
will continue 1 to work at # the that. You see, he did not have an alignment of duties."
college as a professor. I have a assistant. The college is
FU 50-SB position. probably larger now than when
"What they will be saving he was dean. The college is not
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Mercy-Ads 1 jWhot DidfYouiThink Of (The

Dear Nieces: Can I be Hildegards

^Failed\Rescue Attempt jln,Iran?

god-mot her? Your Auntie Em.
Lorraine: Thanks for the coffe Hey Veg: Welcome to the sand-
and comfort. & & c JL box. From a grain flJSJSgj
To my fellow grains of sand: M.K. What comes after the mud?
Break a leg . . .May 2,3,4,8,9,10 Vidal Sasson j ^ f e j i i j M F W : jtj
Love Veg.
To the neophytes: Only
Mon Petit: Nous sommes noble, week of freedom. W- £/«9fig one more
oui? Ta Petite Buckwheat l i i?
To David, Pauljand Loretto: Happy B-day M.K.,Love us. gjj
CONGRATULATIONS AND Mary: a (2nd power) plus b (2nd
GOOD LUCK! John. W> power) equals c (2nd power).
How about it? Me. 5 ' §•;,
To the entire cast: Break a leg! ^M
from Donald. 5 I Henry, Aint no river wide Angie Pileggi: I feel pretty Anne < himenti: Well. I was AndyJFrey: I don't know, it
Vegetable l, Everyone slips once enough. Sing it Elaine and Helen. bad about it. I think it was a disappointed. It's too bad it
good idea and I wish it had was really screwed up. If Car-
in quicksand but that doesn't My darling ted, I like cracker- failed. If Carter would have ter can Tcall it on, then why
mean I sank vet. Love True Vee. jack prizes succeeded, but now I feel that pulled it out, he would have should he have reason to call it
jM we * may ,neverlsee jthe been a national hero. U a s S off right in the middle.
Sue: 1 the game is over. .Call Dave, Please hurry! We miss you hostages again. #7 %**r *t>
Clarion again and let HER know! and the sandbox! Love two toys
We're watching you!! in the Union^^l
$$$$SAVE MONEY$$$$ Get your Mike: Thank You!! i Just three
car tuned up for $10 to $15 over more years. Love me.
costs of parts. Contact Terry at
868-1792. b^Z. 'A Load, Break a leg or maybe your
Henry and Helen: Fall from any face on May 2. Love true veg.
high places lately? Lois
Stephen; I kind of miss it too.
Indeed— you know you will Mary. & j^SSs -^v..
always have a friend in me. Aunt
Elaine. ^Su** * Elaine, Be careful of men with *-<

messy hair, wrinkled shirts and

V •

Megdaline— I think YOU should bruises from falling from high I

take dancing lessons and be like places. Megdaline.
me. Lanie *_0
• •

Scoop: What's for dinner next

Sue Fuss: I wish it had been Alda Walker: I just don't know Kevin Murphy: I thought if
Neg: Break a leg tonight! Love a year? Ask Colette she is makin successful, but I question the how feasible the plan was.-jJiB was a nice try. They shouldn't
grain. making it ! ( Megdaline need for the loss of life. MNnH blame Carter The mechanical
failure was not his fault.
E.M.—I often respond the way I Michael Milligan III: Cheers on
should feel rather than the way I your 22 Birthday!! Love, your
do feel. Confusion or indecision is drinking buddies, flatty flfl
a good sign this is happening.
E.G. ^ :-. fe

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Pierre Priestly: I think it's Don Smith: I think it ruined Tracy McMillan: I haven't
Forms Available in Main 215 regret able that such attempt Carter's chance for the thought of it. -fc
should fail because of simple presidency, it was a wise at-
mechanical failures. # tempt but he was either going
to be a hero or a goaf.

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Mountaineers Slip past Laker Crews

West Virginia University men's exhibited a much improved
varsity gained sweet revenge performance. Two weeks ago
against the Lakers this past they were defeated by 16 seconds.
weekend as they edged them by 3 The Laker Ladies were again
seconds in Morgantown, West defeated, but cut the deficit down
Virginia. W to four seconds.3^4
"Two things hurt us on If their' present'rate of per-
Saturday" commented mentor Al formance continues, they will be
Belovarac" First, an unex- a strong challenge at this weeks
pectedly short course-1400 Mid America Regatta.
meters as opposed to the stan- The Ladies Novice eight fell
dard 2000 -threw us off our nor- victim to the Mountaineers by 5
mal pace for the distance. seconds in a closely contested
"Secondly, our psychological race. Like wise, The women's
guard was down enough to let four was soundly beaten by their
them slip by us. We've beaten opponents, fitt 1 « 5 L-R Tony Paradiso, Kevin Murphy, Bob Brefin, Chris McGowan, Joe Manga no, and*Jim
them 4 times this year by 2 This weekend will see the
seconds or less. With two crews Bracken pull their weight in the men's novice eight during the last crew race. «
Lakers competing in the Mid
so equal a spoiler is sure to oc- America Regatta in Marietta,
The men's freshman team was
Ohio. This is the premier race of
the season as the Lakers will Lakers Split With Cubs9
also edged by WVU by 4 seconds, compete against Notre Dame,
a Take W
but it was an impressive showing
nonetheless. The novices rowed
against WVU's varsity light-
West Virginia Univ., Michigan
State, Ohio State, Grand Valley,
Univ. of Tennessee, *. Univ. of
Pair From St. Francis DellaRocca singled. The Cubs
weight eight and did very well Charleston, and Marietta. I scored both of their two runs in
against the veteran oarsmen, J Coach Belovarac is cautiously A split decision with the .231 batting average, which is not
Behrend Cubs last Thursday and sufficient for post season play. the opening inning. g ft
rowing one of their best races to optimistic about the outcome, Mahon takes the credit for the
date. J noting that, "We're geared for a t pair of forfeits from St. "Our pitching has been out-
Francis, lifted the baseball standing, but we've hit badly and win, but John Costello relieved
The sole victory of the day was this one all season long. We have him for the last two innings, i
gained by the men's lightweight a good chance to do quite well team's record to 7-8 last week. fielded loosely,'* remarked
Brian ' Mahon pitched the Cusack. "Three important cogs Behrend was outhit by the
four, powering past WVU to the with both our men and women, Hurst^ 8-5, in the second game,
time of 10 seconds. but I'll let the results speak for Lakers to a 5-2 decision in the in our wheel have not been tur-
first game versus Behrend, and ning this year. We've had two but two runs in the sixth and one
The women's varsity eight themselves, - t t in the fourth inning allowed a 3-2
Sparky Mills was the loser when major injuries (Tony Viera ankle
the Cubs won, 3-2, in the nightcap. and Rick Shaheen - back) and one victory to the Station {Road
Netters Prime ForD18 Tourney Playoff possibilities now*ap- starter has been academically
pear remote for Head Coach, ineligible," concluded the^third
school. •* *
Both Mercyhurst runs came in
the first inning. Jim Hesse

Primed by three victories and The match against Wright Mikef Cusack's squad. "Before year 'Hurst coach.? i

one defeat last week, the men's State began with the doubles the Spring season we had a 10-0 A three run second inning doubled in walking Geiger, and *

tennis team is well prepared for events, where the Lakers turned Fall record," commented decided the jf opener >against Mark Cadden delivered a single. i
in a 2-1 scoreline. St. Petersburg secondbaseman, Dick White, Behrend. White doubled in a run Two road games are on the
next week's district tourney and
its record currently stands at a brothers, Steve and Paul Spies, " . o. .and we felt that we had the following a walk and a sacrifice, schedule before the diamondmen i
healthy 15-5. The Lakers beat narrowly lost to Dave McSemek team and the talent to reach the Joe Rocco singled in another, and play at home again. The home i
Behrend College, 9-0 and and Don Jackson, 6-4, 7-6. [» playoffs, but we haven't been Cy Geiger tripled in the third run. game )is on May 19, versus
defeated both Wright State and However, the Spies both executing effectively in order to In the first and sixth innings, Youngstown. The away * games i
West Virginia University by 8-1 played excellent singles to win. Teams haven't beaten us; the 'Hurst also garnered single are at Slippery Rock on Thur-
margins. In a close encounter combine with Findlay, we've beaten ourselves," he runs. In the first, Rocco singled sday, May l and at Allegheny on
with Ohio University, the Bobcats Sabherwal, Tom Chybrzynski continued. and tallied on errors. In the sixth, Tuesday, May 6.
slipped home with a 5-4 scoreline. and Gary Dagan, to impose a I The Lakers currently own a Mike Conroy tripled and Bob Softball Team
These four games, along with clean sweep over ' the Dayton
three matches this week, lead up school in the singles events. Drops One, :
to the NAIA D18 tourney, which
will be played on the Mercyhurst
The third game of the tourney
was rained out and thus Ranalli's
men did not gain the chance to
Linksters Trail On Greens Wins Pairs
courts, on Thursday, May 8 and The Mercyhurst women's
Friday, May 9. | avenge the 5-4 loss to Bowling shot a round of 89 at Canton, v*
Green last year-;? Sand bunkers, trees, paths and Thompson is looking forward to softball team meets Buffalo State
I "It's an honor for us to host in a double— header on Friday at
this tournament," remarked ^vLast Thursday, the| Lakers water 1 seemed to hound the the Oakmont event next Week.
trounced *crosstown rivals Mercyhurst golfers last week. "The course is super hard; it's 11th and Hess beginning at 3:Off
head* cOach. ^Dennis Rartalli. On Saturday the travel to
i "The team is very excited about BehrendH College, 9-0,§without The Lakers of Coach Janet Price just like Virginia Beach, because
dropping a set. r Nevertheless, had a rough time swinging their t here are over 150 sand bunkers," Allegheny College.
participating in these playoffs In softball action last week, the
on its own courts for the first Head Coach iKent Peightal's number onegwoods, nine irons said the freshman business ad-
time. We've won the event for Cubs did show a fighting at- and putters on courses at Slip- ministration major. f !$&? Lakers were beaten by Gannon,
titude that could make for some pery Rock, Pa. on Thursday, and "Our team is more relaxed Westminster t hen bounced back for wins over
the past 6 years and were $ and Behrend
looking for number 7, but interesting results at the district at Canton, OH. on Friday. & than it was at the beginning of the
season, and we are ready for College. Mercyhurst now stands
everyone knows that we can event. i «f But last place finishes at both at 6-2 overall and a perfect 3-0 in
take nothing for granted. Edin- Morgantown, W.VA., was the sites will not deter the Blue and Oakmont," he continued. . . . Keystone Conference action.
boro always offers a lot of site where Mercyhurst's crew Green from making a determined At Slippery Rock, the Hurst
resistance and Behrend and In- effort at the upcoming NAIN finished in the 15th slot with an The Lakers failed to hit in the
team was beaten by Clarke Gannon game as the Knights
diana have updated their Wray's squad on Saturday, but tourney at Oakmont County Club, aggregate score of 489. Thomp-
programs," continued the third (he tennis team evened the May 12 and 13. | J son led the Lakers with 88, Bob Carrie Turco pitched and was
year coach. sporting scoreline at 1-1 on -••• "Our players have learned toFessler finished with 89, Brian three for four at the plate.i
In a conference tilt against
"The event gives the Mer- Tuesday when it defeated the compete with hard courses and Dougherty scored 97, Randy Westminster, The Lakers tallied
cyhurst Community a chance to Mountaineers, 8-1. tough opposition," remarked Voiles shot 100, and Jack Bour
Coach Price. The Oakmont entered the clubhouse with 115. 10 runs on only three hits, but
see the best college tennis in the The lone singles loss came at Laker Laura Ames gave up only
area, and all on its own courts, the number three position, where tourney, which is open to all Allegheny finished first in the one hit to the Titans. Westminster
over a two day period," stated Steve Spies was beaten 6-2,6-3 by NAIA D18 schools, will be the 15-iearn field with a total of 38. scored three runs in the opening
Ranalli, who also Coaches the Mark Lefevre. peak £ of our year.
But Spies proved our aggregate scores in We've im- In the Malone event, which was inning then was blanked
women's team at the 'Hurst. bounced back with his brother to each outing, and our medallist played at the May fair Country t hereafter, I The Lakers com-
Playing number one's singles win a three set duel with Lefevre score has been lowered." Club, Fessler was again one mitted five errors compared to
and Scott Munro 7-5, 5-7, 6-4. v stroke behind Thompson with his the Titans two.
for the Lakers, Andy Findlay was Mike Thompson was the round of 90. The Lakers had trio
the only team member to go "The victory against the NCAA In the Behrend game, the
Div. 1 Mountaineers is an en- Mercyhurst medalist performer of linksters finish with 94's on Lakers waited until the fifth
undefeated during the four
games last week. His two wins, couraging boost for our at both the Slippery Rock 2nd (heir cards: Dougherty, Voiles, inning before they scored five
against Ohio University, helped program," remarked * Coach Annual A Bob * Raymond and Tom Moffat. runs. The Cubs scored one in the
Invitational at Canton. Thompson The Lakers turned in a total of first and third innings failing to
Ranalli. "It is a prestigious win scored
put the match down to a final tie- 88 at Slippery Rock and 367 to take 18th place. .
breaker. for a school such as Mercyhurst score the rest of the game. Ames
With the score even at 4-4, the to take on the might of West was again the winning pitcher.
Virginia University and win,"
match result all depended on
Ravinder Sabherwal's number
two singles encounter with Oil's
continued Ranalli.
On Friday, May 2 at 3:00 pm.,
TENNIS %1 Mercyhurst committed two
errors, the Cubs four while the
Lakers collected three hits
Perry Stofan. Stofan, who toured
the Mercyhurst Campus this
the Lakers host Buffalo State
College and on Monday, they NAIA D18 CHAMPIONSHIPS compared to two for Behrend.
The Lakers are atop the
summer before choosing to play travel to the "Nickel City" to MercyhurstfCollege (Outdoor Courts) Keystone Conference standings
for the Bobcats, just squeaked oppose the University of Buffalo. with games against Villa Maria
by the Erie native in the Kent State University visits the
'Hurst on Tuesday at 3:00. Then,
Thursday, May 8; Friday,*May 9 College, Thiel, 1 Allegheny and
tiebreaker of the eight game set. Behrend yet to be played. 5"
The defeat was Mercyhurst's fir- on Thursday and Friday, the From 9:30 a.m.
st of the regular season, The district Tournament will be
Bobcats won the quad when they! played on the seven outdoor Free Burtons For Laker Fans
advanced their record to 15-7. courts at Mercyhurst. f .&

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ajstudent publication




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INSIDE: Gallagher Discusses Decision T o |

.3 Eliminate Positionfof AssistantiDean $

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