People Words

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Hypocrite (n.

) a person who says they have particular moral beliefs but behaves in way that
shows these are not sincere or true; a deceiver

Elitist (n.) a person who believes that some things should be controlled or owned only
by the richest or best educated people

Adulator (n) a person who flatters another excessively (courtier, sycophant, toady)

Braggart (n) a person who boasts loudly or exaggeratedly; bragger

Coward (n) a person who shows shameful lack of courage or fortitude

aristocrat (n.) a person who belongs to the highest or most privileged class in a society

anarchist (n.) a person who encourages revolt against established laws or government

amateur (n.) a person who pursues a study or sport as a pastime rather than as a profession

agnostic (n.) a person who believes the existence of God is impossible to prove

avenger (n.) a person who seeks justice or revenge

autocrat (n.) a person who rules with complete power and authority

authoritarian (n.) a person who expects unquestioned obedience

ascetic (n.) a person who practices self-denial as a spiritual discipline

beneficiary (n.) a person or group that receives funds or other benefits

benefactor (n.) a person who helps people or institutions (especially with financial help)

belittler (n.) a person who takes away the importance of another person or situation

bard (n.) a poet

bureaucrat (n.) an official in a government or other administrative group (often who is

concerned with details and order)

buffoon (n.) a person who amuses others by joking or clowning around

bourgeois (n.) a person who belongs to the middle class

boor (n.) a person who is rude, clumsy, and lacking social manners

chronicler (n.) a person who keeps a record of events

charlatan (n.) a person who falsely claims to possess skills or knowledge; an imposter

cavalier (n.) a man who is chivalrous and gallant

cartographer (n.) a person who makes maps

compatriot (n.) a person from your own country

combatant (n.) a person who fights

clairvoyant (n.) a person who can see the supernatural, such as spirits or the future

curator (n.) a person who manages a museum

courtier (n.) a member of a royal court or a person who seeks favor through excessive

constituent (n.) a citizen who is represented in a government by an elected official

connoisseur (n.) a person who is an expert critic in a certain field

despoiler (n.) a person who steals goods

derelict (n.) a person without a home, job, or property

demagogue (n.) a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular passions and

defector (n.) a person who deserts a country or group in order to join another country or

dilettante (n.) a person who engages in an activity (such as art) without serious intentions or

dignitary (n.) a person who has a high-ranking position

devotee (n.) an ardent follower and admirer

despot (n.) a ruler with complete power

emissary (n.) a person sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else

emancipator (n.) a person who frees others from bondage

egotist (n.) a person who is conceited, boastful, and self-centered

dissembler (n.) a person who conceals his real feelings by professing false beliefs

glutton (n.) a person who eats too much or who has an extreme capacity for something

explicator (n.) a person who explains or interprets

expatriate (n.) a person who lives outside his own country, often to renounce allegiance

entrepreneur (n.) a person who organizes a business venture and assumes the risk for it

ingenue (n.) an artless, innocent young girl (especially as portrayed on the stage)

iconoclast (n.) a person who who attacks cherished ideas or traditional institutions

hedonist (n.) a person dedicated to the pursuit of pleasure

gourmand (n.) a person who enjoys eating good food

lobbyist (n.) a person who persuades legislators to vote in favor of a specific cause

layperson (n.) a person who is not a member of the clergy or a particular profession

interlocutor (n.) a person who takes part in a conversation

insinuator (n.) a person who gives hints or suggestions in a sly manner

mediator (n.) a person who negotiates or settles disagreements between parties

maverick (n.) a person who chooses to be independent in behavior or thought

matriarch (n.) the female head of a family

martinet (n.) a person who rigidly demands that rules are followed; a strict disciplinarian

miser (n.) a stingy person who lives in miserable conditions in order to save money

miscreant (n.) a person who is evil or villainous

misanthrope (n.) a person who hates and distrusts mankind

mercenary (n.) a person hired to fight for a country other than his own

narcissist (n.) a person who has excessive love or admiration of himself

muse (n.) the person who is the source of an artist's inspiration

mogul (n.) a very wealthy or powerful person

missionary (n.) a person who is sent on a religious or charitable mission

oracle (n.) a person who can see the future

obstructionist (n.) a person who purposely blocks progress

nomad (n.) a person without a permanent home, who wanders from place to place

naysayer (n.) a person who always expresses a negative attitude

philanthropist (n.) a person who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well-

patron (n.) a customer

patriarch (n.) the male head of a family

pariah (n.) a person who is rejected; an outcast

prodigy (n.) a person, often a child, who is extraordinarily gifted or talented

prig (n.) a person regarded as arrogant and annoying

populist (n.) a person who supports the rights and powers of the common people

popularizer (n.) a person who makes something popular with the general public

prude (n.) a person who is excessively concerned about proper behavior

protégé (n.) a person who receives training, protection, or care from an influential person

proprietor (n.) the owner of a business

proponent (n.) a person who supports a cause; an advocate

recluse (n.) a person who withdraws from society to live in seclusion

reactionary (n.) a person who is extremely conservative; an opponent of progress or liberalism

pundit (n.) a critic or expert

pugilist (n.) a person who fights with his fists; a boxer

rumormonger (n.) a person who spreads rumors and gossip

ruffian (n.) a tough, violent person

reviler (n.) a person who uses abusive language

reformist (n.) a person who favors reform

sycophant (n.) a person who flatters others in order to gain personal favor; a brown-noser

scribe (n.) a journalist or other writer

savant (n.) a person who has learned extensive knowledge

sage (n.) a person who is very wise

understudy (n.) an actor able to replace a regular performer when required

troubadour (n.) a traveling singer

totalitarian (n.) a leader of a government that has total control and authority over the people

toady (n.) a person who flatters others in order to gain personal favor; a brown-noser

virtuoso (n.) a person who has mastered a certain skill or field

utopian (n.) a person who believes (often impractically) in an ideal society

achieved though social reform

utilitarian (n.) a person who believes that the value of something depends on its usefulness

usurper (n.) a person who wrongfully or illegally seizes and holds the place of

Zealot (n.) a person who has very strong opinions about something, and tries to make
other people have them too (usually a religious zealot)

Retard (n.) a stupid or mentally slow person

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