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Samir, Sweden

Oh, my dream house? It is on the beach. You have a great view of the
ocean and the beach, and it should be really big - a bighouse - with maybe an
elevator, and maybe at least three cars and a cinema in the house as well. That
would be cool.

Cheryl, Guam

If I had a dream house, I think that would first of all be next to the ocean.
I love the ocean. Secondly, it would probably have really high ceilings because I
like places that are very airy and big and spacious. Thirdly, my dream house
would definitely have a jacuzzi, a hot tub: something like that, and a very big,
big bathroom and a big balcony.

Jonathan, Canada

To describe my dream house: it would actually be very simple. It would

probably be as small a apartment in a large city that was very strong on points
of culture - maybe in Barcelona or some city like that. It would probably be a
simple apartment in an entertainment, nightlife district with lots of culture around
and a very lively scene.

Emily, Djibouti

My dream house? I don't want a big, big house, just as long as it's
surrounded my nature. I don't wanna live in a modern country or a big cities like
New York or Tokyo. I prefer quite places where you can really meditate and live
your life fully.

Demelza, Australia

My dream house would be two stories high. It would be made of wooden

floor boards and plan white walls, and I think it would have a Thai style decor.
Hoa, Vietnam

My dream house? I would like to have my house near the beach because
I like swimming, I like going to the beach, and I then a lot of windows, so my
house should have a lot of windows, so that I can see. I can have a view to the
ocean, and it should be far away from the city because I want to enjoy myself
and stay away from the noise.

What is my dream house?

The order of adjectives is important in the English language. Not only are they
always placed in front of nouns they modify, but there is also specific order to
their placement. This order is known as the
'Royal Order of Adjectives,' according to The Editor's Blog.

In this forum, you will upload a video where you speak of your dream house.
Here are the parameters for your video:

* I suggest you write your ideas and script down first; practice before

1. Introduce yourself and make a general description of your house (location,

size, color, surroundings, etc.) as an introduction.

2. Choose your favorite room in your dream house (a calm room where you
would go and relax after a stressful day).

3. Name that specific room as "My calm room in my dream house is

(room) ..." and begin to describe it in deatil.

4. This detailed description must include: colors, numbers,, decor, furniture,

floor, walls, windows, personal items, atmosphere, etc. Whatever you consider
important enough to create a mental picture in the viewer's mind. 

5. For this specific description, use the correct adjective order. Make sure you
use it properly for the things you describe in your calm room.

6. The video must be 2 minutes long maximum. Make sure it doesn't weigh

more than 20MB.

* If it weighs more than 20 MB: you can convert it into a lower quality video or to
another format. I usually use Free Video Editor.

7. There's no need to use any props or anything special, the video has to show
you speaking only.
8. Upload the video HERE (to do so, click on the icon called MULTIMEDIA ...
it's next to the image icon) OR you can RECORD VIDEO directly using the
icon GRABAR VIDEO which is next to the microphone icon in the blue menu
bar on top.

9. After posting your video, watch 2 classmates' videos and post a brief

paragraph-style comment giving your opinion on how the narrator described
his/her dream house and calm room (you will be given a grade for your
video AND for each participation in the forum).

* No points will be given to participants that limit their arguments by only
saying "I like it or I don't like it", etc. You need to comment on why you
believe the narrator's description is precise and detailed enough to create a
clear mental image. You may comment on the use of adjectives, adjective
order and vocabulary.

¿Cuál es la casa de mis sueños?

El orden de los adjetivos es importante en el
idioma inglés. No solo se colocan siempre delante
de los sustantivos que modifican, sino que
también hay un orden específico para su
ubicación. Este orden se conoce como el 'Orden
real de los adjetivos', según el Blog del editor.

En este foro subirás un video donde hablas de la

casa de tus sueños. Estos son los parámetros para
su video:

* Le sugiero que escriba primero sus ideas y el

guión; practicar antes de grabar.
1. Preséntese y haga una descripción general de su
casa (ubicación, tamaño, color, entorno, etc.)
como introducción.

2. Elija su habitación favorita en la casa de sus

sueños (una habitación tranquila donde iría y se
relajaría después de un día estresante).

3. Nombra esa habitación específica como "Mi

habitación tranquila en la casa de mis sueños es
(habitación) ..." y comienza a describirla en

4. Esta descripción detallada debe incluir: colores,

números, decoración, muebles, piso, paredes,
ventanas, artículos personales, atmósfera, etc. Lo
que usted considere lo suficientemente importante
como para crear una imagen mental en la mente
del espectador.

5. Para esta descripción específica, use el orden

correcto de adjetivos. Asegúrese de usarlo
correctamente para las cosas que describe en su
habitación tranquila.
6. El video debe tener una duración máxima de 2
minutos. Asegúrese de que no pese más de 20

* Si pesa más de 20 MB: puedes convertirlo a un

video de menor calidad oa otro formato.
Normalmente uso Free Video Editor.

7. No es necesario utilizar ningún accesorio ni

nada especial, el video solo debe mostrarte

8. Sube el video AQUÍ (para hacerlo, haz clic en

el ícono llamado MULTIMEDIA ... está al lado
del ícono de la imagen) O puedes GRABAR EL
VIDEO directamente usando el ícono GRABAR
VIDEO que está al lado del ícono del micrófono
en la barra de menú azul en la parte superior.

9. Después de publicar su video, mire los videos

de 2 compañeros de clase y publique un breve
comentario en forma de párrafo dando su opinión
sobre cómo el narrador describió la casa de sus
sueños y la habitación tranquila (se le dará una
calificación por su video Y por cada participación
en el foro).

* No se otorgarán puntos a los participantes que

limiten sus argumentos con solo decir "Me gusta o
no me gusta", etc. Debes comentar por qué crees
que la descripción del narrador es lo
suficientemente precisa y detallada para crear una
clara Imagen mental. Puede comentar sobre el uso
de adjetivos, orden de adjetivos y vocabulario.

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