Evaluating Internet Materials

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Name: (Family name,Given name, Middle initial)

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According to Michael Lynch, a professor of Philosophy at the University of Connecticut,
“The Internet is both the world’s best fast-checker and best bias-confirmer-often at the same time.”
Thus, there it is imperative to be critical of the things we access on the Internet. In relation to this,
cite an example/situation where the Internet was used as a platform for spreading any of the
following. (Choose ONE only):
A. False Content- genuine content is shared with false contextual information.
B. Satire or Parody- it is meant to criticize and scorn individuals, groups, organizations or
C. Fabricated or Manipulated Content- articles which are simply made-up and have no
basis in reality. This may also include distortion not only on content but also images. This
may be done through photo editing and the like.
D. False Connection- news or article is legitimate but the presentation of details is
E. Intentionally Deceptive- news or information that has been fabricated deliberately to
either make money through number of links or to cause confusion of discontent through
exaggerated propaganda.
* Provide pictorial evidence and in not more than 5 sentences, explain why you see this
illustration/photo/article as anomalous. Submit the article through a Word file with the file
name following this format: Family name, Given name, Middle initial. I will be deducting
5 points from those who will not follow instructions.
Thank you!

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