NFW-22-E06-GP-C-017-A, Asphalting For Tank Foundation Procedure

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A Sep 7, 21 Initial Issue for Approval PG HRI OHK


New Fire Water System Project
Bontang Kalimantan Timur


PG Sep 7, 21


SHWT Sep 7, 21


OHK Sep 7, 21 NFW-22-E06-GP-C-017 A


Doc. No: NFW-22-E06-GP-C-017

Asphalting for Tank Foundation Procedure
Rev. No: A Page: 1 /5

Table of Contents

1.0 General ....................................................................................................................................................................................................2

2.0 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................................................................2
3.0 References ..............................................................................................................................................................................................2
4.0 Responsibilties ......................................................................................................................................................................................2
5.0 Execution ................................................................................................................................................................................................3
5.1 Work Preparation ......................................................................................................................................................................3
5.1.1. Communication ....................................................................................................................................................................3
5.1.2. Ppe (Personal Protective Equipment) ........................................................................................................................4
5.1.3. Material And Equipment .................................................................................................................................................4
5.2 Asphalting Works ......................................................................................................................................................................4
5.2.1 Surface Clearing And Coat Installation ....................................................................................................................4
5.2.2 Asphalt Spreading .............................................................................................................................................................4
5.2.3 Compacting ..........................................................................................................................................................................5
5.3 Housekeeping .............................................................................................................................................................................5

Doc. No: NFW-22-E06-GP-C-017

Asphalting for Tank Foundation Procedure
Rev. No: A Page: 2 /5

This procedure is to provide the minimum requirements of asphalt spreading for tank foundation of
New Fire water System project.

This specification is applicable for the layering hot mix asphalt for tank foundation within New Fire
water System project PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur Area. Hot mix Asphalt for foundation will be
combined from mixture consisting fine aggregates mixed with asphalt (in Indonesia usually the Hot
mix is called LATASIR). Mixing is carried out in the asphalt mix production unit or the Asphalt Mixing
Plant (AMP) in such a way that the fine aggregate surface is uniformly covered with asphalt.

1. ASTM D3515, for Standard Specification for Hot-Mixed, Hot-Laid Bituminous Paving Mixtures.

2. SNI 6749:2008 Spesifikasi Lapis Tipis Aspal Pasir (Latasir)

Following are, the duties and responsibilities of each personnel:

Construction Management: Ensuring engineers planners, executors and workers who do the work
above are good, according to initial planning, technical specifications, on time, quality objectives and
according to the predetermined budget and there are no accidents.

Design/Construction Engineer: Prepare construction drawing designs, cost estimates for the work
above, schedule work and coordinate with the implementation team in the field,

Construction Supervisor/Implementer: Overseeing the work done by the workers, making sure every
work is done by the workers correctly, according to the plan drawings and technical specifications,
quality, according to the predetermined work schedule. Conduct a coordination meeting/Tool box
meeting (work safety, construction activities). Ensure that every employee/worker uses PPE properly
at the job site.

Foreman/Foreman: Helping the executor/supervisor and coordinating the workers, make sure every
work is done by the workers correctly, according to the plan drawings and technical specifications,
quality, according to the predetermined work schedule. Can lead to conduct coordination
meetings/Tool box meetings (work safety, construction activities), Make sure every employee/ workers
use PPE correctly at the job site.

Doc. No: NFW-22-E06-GP-C-017

Asphalting for Tank Foundation Procedure
Rev. No: A Page: 3 /5

Safety Officer/Safety Man: Arranging HIRA/JRA before work starts so that the level of danger and
mitigation measures is known, and helps Executives/ Supervisors and Foreman/Foremen to monitor
and ensure that the work being done is safe to do. In addition, supervise and ensure that all workers
are wearing PPE properly and are always used at work. Another task is to explain the matters of
occupational safety and security and environmental protection (K3LL) in the coordination meeting/Tool
box meeting.

Workers: Personnel who will perform workers with their respective expertise to carry out the job
properly and correctly, and comply with the rules that have been made by the contractor, job owner,
and government. Besides that, they must obey and comply with the K3LL / SHE regulations that have
been made by the contractors and company owners.

5.1 Work Preparation
1. Make sure all the equipment to be used, both tools and other supporting equipment, is in
good condition before use and meets the requirements (administrative & technical). Make sure
all work permits are complete and still valid.
2. Ensure that all personnel or workers involved are healthy and ready to work.
3. Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as needed.
4. Prepare and inspect heavy equipment such as hand stamper / baby roller, dump truck, etc.
5. Conduct tool box meeting and convey hazard identification (HIRA) before starting work.
6. Install safety signs around the work area in accordance with the nature of the work to be
carried out.
7. Prepare a barricade line in the work area.
8. Re-check the work area
9. Clean and tidy up from rubbish.

5.1.1. Communication
1. Do a toolbox meeting that specifically discusses this job including preparation before casting,
casting work and finishing or finishing.
2. Coordinate with competent parties.
3. Use point-to-point radio communications in the work area.
4. Install a bulletin board / bulletin board) in the work area.
5. Install safety signs and barricade tape around casting work areas.

Doc. No: NFW-22-E06-GP-C-017

Asphalting for Tank Foundation Procedure
Rev. No: A Page: 4 /5

5.1.2. PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

1. Safety helmet, safety shoes, safety glasses, hand gloves
2. First aid kit
3. Fire extinguisher (APAR)
4. Barricade tape

5.1.3. Material and Equipment

1. Tack Coats
2. Asphalt hot mix from AMP
3. Dump Truck
4. Hand Stamper / Baby Roller
5. Hand tools and equipment for spreading asphalt

5.2 Asphalting Works

5.2.1 Surface Clearing and Tack Coat Spaying
1. Clearing the surface using a compressor or other tools that can be used for cleaning the concrete
surface to remove dust and other impurities from the surface. If this equipment has not been
able to provide a completely clean surface, additional sweeping must be done manually with a
stiff brush.
2. Ensure there is no hole and damaged spot at the tank foundation. If there is any, fill the
hole/damage spot using grouting cement. This repairing to make the hot mix asphalting on the
tank foundation faster and spread evenly.
3. The surface to be spread must be clean of unwanted materials with a stiff brush assisted by
manual if necessary. After the surface is clean, the tack coat or prime coat must be sprayed
according to the approval of the Engineer.

5.2.2 Asphalt Spreading

1. The hot asphalt mixture loaded in a hot dump truck is brought to the job site and dumped
into the tank foundation area.
2. Check the temperature of hot mix in the truck is 134 to 150oC and 130 to 150 oC before
spreading on the concrete tank foundation surface.
3. The asphalt mixture must be spread and leveled according to the required elevation, grade,
and foundation shape.
4. The hand stamper / baby roller shall be prepared during the spreading and shaping
5. Personnel will level and smooth the surface of the asphalt mixture manually before the first
compaction (breakdown rolling) using the hand stamper / baby roller.

Doc. No: NFW-22-E06-GP-C-017

Asphalting for Tank Foundation Procedure
Rev. No: A Page: 5 /5

6. Personnel that responsible for spreading asphalt shall be careful to not causing surface cracks,
tears, or other forms of unevenness on the surface.
7. In the event of segregation, tears or grooves on the surface, spreading works must be stopped
and may not be started again until the cause has been found and corrected.
8. The temperature of the asphalt mixture must be compacted not less than the required
temperature which is about 105°C, therefore, the compacting machine shall be prepared near
the tank foundation to conduct compaction.
9. Personnel monitors the temperature of the hot asphalt mixture, and if necessary, smooths the
edge of asphalt spreading using a tool (rakes). Next phase, the asphalt mixture is compacted
using hand stamper / baby roller

5.2.3 Compacting
1. First rolling will be conducted using hand stamper or baby roller. Each pavement point must
receive a minimum of two initial weld passes. The second roll should be carried out as close
as possible behind the initial roll.
2. Rolling in successive trajectories shall be continued by shifting the position of the hand stamper
or compactor gradually across the joint, until a well compacted joint is achieved.
3. The base plate of hand stamper or compactor wheel must be moistened continuously to
prevent the asphalt mixture from sticking to the compactor wheel, but excessive water is not
permitted. Rubber wheels may be lightly oiled to avoid sticking the asphalt mixture to the
4. Any solid asphalt mixture that becomes loose or damaged, mixed with dirt, or damaged in any
way, must be disassembled and replaced with a new hot mix and compacted as soon as
possible to match the surrounding location.

5.3 Housekeeping
1. Clean the work area
2. Provide a trash can in the work area
3. Separate types of organic, inorganic and metal waste
4. Clean the equipment that has been used again.
5. Collect and organize all work equipment.

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