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Student GovernmmuSecretary Resigns

For the first time in the history negligent manner" in which she editor. This created an obvious commented that?he felt First that she disagreed with First's
of Mercyhurst Student Govern- was informed of the duties re- conflict of interest. I 1 E should have reconsidered her decision, i w •'%& \
ment, an officer on the executive quired for the positioniof MSG & Kennedy commented that he decision since any problems with President Tim Seltzer was
board has resigned from * the secretary. „? £ j68 was disappointed in the: resigna- the executive board could have unavailable for comment at press
elected position. First felt that these differences tion of First. However, he admit- been worked out. r- «*. time* f jji?i $P$£ ?
prevented the executive officers ted that "mere was confusion" 7, "Any group of people with such First stated in her letter that
Linda First, secretary of MSG, regarding the delineation of MSG
handed in her official resignation from functioning-together as a a wide variety of personalities is she would not leave the govern-
team. secretarial duties S I. going to have tensions," stated ment without the needed
to the three other government of- | E. William Kennedy, director "The secretary provides an of-
ficers Monday, October 13. sj£ k Lanzillo. "Tensions are an in- assistance and therefore would
of student services, explained ficial record of what the govern- evitable part of interaction." continue in her present position
In her resignation letter, First that no officer in the past had ment determines to do," he ex- Treasurer Mary. Gausman until new arrangement? are
cited differences between herself ever resigned. The closest case plained.^ "The confusion seemed noted that she felt First made the made. * '.£ J JS&
and the executive board as occurred in 1977 when Chris Van- to be that some people felt she decision to resign believing it "I feel badly about having to
reasoning behind her decision. Wagen stepped down from.*the was a personal secretary who would be "in the best: interest for resign,?' stated First. |"It could
She explained that the dif- position of vice-president since he provided typing services." :
the - functioning of the govern- have been a good thing, but it just
ferences have "arisen over the was also servings as Merciad Vice-president Rich Lanzillo ment." Gausman stated further didn't work out." £



He added that the curriculum will
Student Imput Sought be implemented in the fall of '81. Homecoming Dance Begins;
", The calendar which works best
On Calendar And Curriculum Change is that which people like the
most. . commented committee
member Tom Bilhngsley., **-
At the MSG meeting, President
ALNew Tradition At Hurst
j* In an attempt to inform and ex-
plain the calendar options and Garvey explained/further that S For the first time in the history capable of handling the situation,
general education curriculum the proposals would only affect of the college, a Homecoming it won't be continued next year.
roposals, a number of meetings p r e s e n t F r e s h m a n .and Dance will be held for the student Mixers and non-alcoholic
E ave opened^the floor to
Sophomores in that they would
need"lo^aKe Senior seminars. body and alumni. * ^ ^ » ^ *
"I would definitely like to make f
At the student government These seminars would be an in- this an annual event," com-
meeting Dean David Palmer and depth intersession type of course mented Gary Bukowski, director
President William P. Garvey designed
for specifically seniors. 4
of alumni affairs. 'We're trying
clarified information concerning It is designed to create an
intellectually demanding to develop a tradition never ex-
the calendar and curriculum in perienced at the college."
uestion and answer periods with situation.!
3 le representatives.
Palmer explained that the ad-
"The present program permits
far too many loopholes." i
The semi-formai dance,
scheduled for Saturday night, is
President Garvey pointed out open to the student body. "We
ministration wants the student want students to participate
body to discuss the option of the that the new curriculum proposal because someday they will be
calendar. "It is going to take a provides a more structured pro- alumni," said Bukowski. t Cjl
lot of concern and effort, and a lot gram, even though it doesn't pro- £ Bukowski explained the alumni
of attention from all of us," vide as much choice in terms of office hoped for a big response in
stated Palmer. j liberal studies as does the present alumni themselves, but doesn't
The Academic Policies Com- curriculum. * "We want you to expect instantaneous involve-
mittee noted that other variations have a common Mercyhurst ment since it takes some time to
and flexibilities can be made on education," he emphasized. build a tradition. He noted that
the five calendar options At APC Dean Palmer, stated the dance wouldn't be considered
presented. President Garvey. that the present calendar leaves a failure if there aren't many
speaking about the proposed the school "no opportunity to get alumni present, since the
calendar and new general educa- together as a community." students will also be involved.
tion curriculum stated that "we MSG will hold another discus- 4
"Largeness does not necessarily
will have to live with it (the sion on the proposals at the Oc- denote success," he added.
chosen calendar) for not less than Dean D. Palmer tober 20 meeting before making a Bukowski also responded to the Garv Bukowski <
a period of four to five years." photo by Rebecca L. Martin r e c o m m e n d a t i o n to the BYOB policy of the dance which photo by Rich Forsgren
Academic Policies Committee. will be held in the Campus
Center. I would treat our beverages will also be available
students as mature individuals," hel4pointed out. 1.

Archives Gain Historical Records; he said. Even though we don't have a

Bukowski stated further that he football team, there's a lot of
expects students to use their potential," concluded Bukowski.
heads if they are drinking. He Although it would be nice to
said if students prove they are not have a football team."

Nickel Plate Mills Donates Materials

checks, deposit slips and business
by Mary Collins
Mercyhurst College
Department which ^^
dent volunteers to recover the transactions. ? X
Mr. Richard Kubiak, history
? * \ 1 INSIDE:
materials, which.have no real Letters to the Editor p. 2
has acquired a great deal of monetary value. irofessor, explained that in these
valuable historical information
from the Nickel Plate Mills which J The feedmill, located at 18th
fedgers there is record of
businesses that we never would
Academic Quality of Athletes p. 3
is in the process of being torn and Parade, ground flour in have known existed. According Presidential Assistants Named p. 4
down. ? * * • earlier days and recently sold to Kubiak, these businesses
. The complete business history grains and hay to local farmers? 44
went down the drain" during the Library Hours Extended p. 5
from the feedmill dating back to The wrecking company depression and never resurfaced.
1899 was found by Martin delayed demolition of the Kubiak emphasized that many Mercy-Ads p. 5
Visnosky, L a Mercyhurst building which was constructed people have "a lot of things like Film Album Reviews p. 6
graduate. Visnosky accidentally in 1897, so Mercyhurst Archives this just lying about waiting to be
came across the ledgers and could acquire the information.
receipts when going to salvage
destroyed." He warned that Mind Readings p. 6
The manuscripts included most people .don't even realize
lumber from the building. ledgers; correspondence and that they have* items of great Sports . , p. 7
Visnosky contacted the History receipts such as cancelled historical value. _ i
I rl.

Oh...f4oA t 1ki*k 6*f<*y & * naedrrenovarttd. Jjiaj- #
flt'njc triew sk&tld cAanot /fitnarwt...- toGorutMJtGfci
"£ CiC
o o o
• f

The Modest Proposals

In Che past few years the col- adapted to any of the options, a
lege has seen the presentation of tteee tenn schedule would be the
a wide variety of calendar and easiest to implement,
curriculum proposals. This year Considering this, Option E of
is no exception. The difference is athree terms, with 40 courses and
the choice involved in reaction to
the calendar, and the responsible plausible,
five day week appears the most
foresight used in developing a * In this proposal, there will be 11
curriculum proposal. weeks each term and 33 classes.
Letters To The Editor
The eeneral education oro- Since there are 40 courses, each These and other facts involving
gram could be the most exciting ! ^ j f J ° ^ ^ ^ *
Sew development in the college? graduationf will require 120
Establishing a foundation core credits. * .& 5>,
Alumni Comments On Forum
Concerning your storv entitled but one must remember to give
Mercyhurst's "second spring"
can be found in the soon-to-be-
"Garvey to Address Students; credit where credit is due. published 31-page study entitled;
will provide a concrete and Thefive^ y5 week schedules 70 Mercy hurst-1961-1971 »"The
workable liberal studies educa- "J*™?** ^s *? <£ Mon
°?}?i Open Forum Scheduled for Oc- 9-26-80 The type of "open forum" the Carolyn Years". For anyone with
article concerned itself
tion to every student. Wednesdays and Fridays and 110 tober". The story included the an involvement in the "school on
At the present time, itispossi """"to <***** «• Tuesdays and following sentence: with was first implemented by
SrThis type of presentation Mercyhurst's seventh President, the hill" it is - guaranteed in-
ble for a student to graduate from Thursday. Classes which run on interesting reading. Inquiries
the % college never having ex- the Tuesday-Thursday schedule hasn't been done on campus since Sr. M. Carolyn Herrmann, in the
the turbulent late sixties and ear- fall of 1963. The topics of that first about this solid piece of local
perienced a number of the will end at 2:20 to insure a time history should be directed to R. J.
disciplines offered. In the struc- for different organization ly seventies when protests involv- forum included such things as
ture of the proposed curriculum, meetings. This is time many feel ing Vietnam were in full swing." curriculum requirements as well Kubiak, M.A* Te |g*§ %
this situation would be I is needed. H r ! S The energy Mercyhurst is now as the school's regulation of resi- Mercyhurst History Department.
.1_,._. fcS '*•**•• • * • i^e course distribution under enjoying becomes) apparent dent students driving and curfew M. Insouciantly yours, ^* ;*>';"-
I calendar E provides variable op- through its student publication privileges. ~ « f « S^fSR m J. Phillips *
While some freedom will be 1 portunities in scheduling. J Thir-
gone from the scheduling, it will j teen General Education courses, Supports Editorial Comment
not be obliterated. For example, I fifteen major and twelve elec-
Foundation \ Core programming f. tives will allow the student to ex-
under a three term system will perience a generous sampling of
provide a student with the choice a variety of disciplines. T
Student SpeaksiOiiLOn .Visitation, Hours
of four electives; one during fall These are strong reasons to Dear Editor, § •} mitory Life reports promiscuity
and winter and two during consider when making the calen- (f» In regard to the recent editorial responsibilities of adulthood: in- down 20 per cent on campuses
spring. dar choice. Students should comment concerning the institu- cluding visiting as individuals liv-
This leads directly to the five remember that Academic Policy tion of new Inter-dormitory ing amongst other individuals where co-educational dor-
calendar proposals. While the Meetings are open and student in- visitation hours; I personally without silly restrictions. mitories were' the prevalent
proposed curriculum can be put is vital. £ J> § This is 1980 not 1979 and time to system, iFamiliarity breeds con-
take these drastic measures as realize that. If it is promiscuity tempt as they say. And anyhow,
an insult to my adulthood. I feel the adrninistration is worried as my mother used to put it to me
j f e ^m ** * 4fe su student that students should be given the about, the recent issue of Dor- to quell my fears of the dark,
w l w l l l i l publication "there is nothing in the dark that
isn't there when it's light out.'1
From Sisters Of Mercy Sincerely,
Tim Sevastopal $
EdUorMi chief. .Rebecca L. Martin .
Newt Editor...
Literary Editor.
Copy Editor...
Mary Collins
.Flo Scutclla
/.... Damien Schmidt
Open Letter To Community Not A Dorm-Student-But-
4018 Lewis
Fcatare Editor. .Cheryl Aron I To let us know you better, We the receptionist so we know who
Cartoonist ..Jamie Borowicz, Christopher McGowan sisters"of Mercy at the you are. ^ f i H
Photography... .Rich Forsgren, Tony Mangeri Motherhouse cordially invite
Typists..... Mary Cay Marcione, Valerie Meyers, Tom
4. To join us for Sunday Mass
* alJps'ljZi* Kowalski r
.Donna Peterson, Mary Jo Allen, Joan Kar-
monocky, Jim Kopchuk, Maree-Lynn Cicon, An-
*• and breakfast:
1. To send your intentions to us 1 We can accommodate a group
to be remembered in our prayers, of four or less at the 8:00 Mass on Volleyball
j iSjS

Business Manager
dy Findly, Joe Mangano, Mike Fitzgerald.
Bob Breslin
particularly the Rosary recited Sunday for breakfast and a tour
at 10 a.m. and offered for the in- of the Motherhouse, if desired.
tentions of Mercyhurst College Please give your names to
Teams Airs
Faculty Advisor. .Steve Curcio
The Mcrciad welcomes Letters to the Editor. Policy for letters follows the same guidelines as article
submissions. Guideline information is available in The Merciad Office, located in the basement of
Prenon Hall. All submissions are due by 4:00 on Monday*.
personnel: Sister Peggy in Campus Ministry
You may simply call the swit- by Friday so we can expect you.
chboard, 864-4991, to leave a (If four persons are already sign-
Grievance i
message or you may write a note ed up, she will invite you to visit Dear Editor,
to Sister M. Cornelia. ? >; the following Sunday.) i j Who are your sports writers
2.To join us in prayer: Many of us are former for anyway? After reading your
lo } Daily Mass is scheduled at 6:45 teachers, staff members, or column concerning women's
L»d.W to*/ m a.m. on weekdays: 8 a.m., Satur- students of the College. We are Volleyball, we felt we twere
day and Sunday. i § deeply concerned with its mission reading the Edinboro State Col-
Evening 'prayer, 5:00 p.m. and its students. & j lege newspaper. Considering
daily. ?r Sincerely yours in Christ, that it is early in the season and
3. To visit the Mother of Mercy Sisters of Mercy, that Edinboro is, one of our
Chapel any time: f J B 444 E. Grandview Blvd. toughest competitors (as well as
Enter at,the front door and Sister M. Eustace Taylor being a State School) we felt and
identify yourself at the desk of General Coordinator still do feel we did a pretty good
job. By printing such negative ar-
ticles as the one in last week's
paper, you discourage all the fans
Radio Station UMCY from even considering attending
a match.
Our record now stands at 4-4

To Broadcast Sunday after beating local rivals Villa

and Gannon. We fed that it is
well worth the effort of the 'Hurst
fans to come and cheer on the
890 AMfrom 9p.m.-12a.m. Volleyball team, as there is
always something to cheer about.
Hie Women's Volleyball Team

Academic Quality Of Athletes Questioned;

Synapse Interview With CoacheslClears The Air mm
Scorchers By Donna Peterson £ |
T The academic quality of the
athletes at Mercyhurst has been
a likability and ability to get along
with others. Because a majority
of the players O'Conner recruits

them to college while women

can't be offered /scholarships
without J financial need. While
looked at greatly so far this year. do not ^have high academic O'Conner can offer 10 full
In an effort to determine what the averages, he claims that he is scholarships to basketball
Good news I Our lost explorer of Student Union and asked her how relationship between academics responsible to set up a method of players, Ruggiero can offer only
last week has been located and we did. She told me that her and athletics is at the college, insuring that they make an one. This year she divided the
saved. He was' wandering boyfriend won the shot-put but The Merciad talked with the academic attempt. 53 money four ways to assist the
aimlessly in an area a little over she wasn't sure how we did coaches of major sports who have O'Conner said,'' It would be the players with the greatest finan-
lour square miles near the South in the remaining events. I ask- made public their concern for ideal thing to recruit students cial need. I j JL
Pole. If you still can't figure out ed her what the scores were and their players'^ academic without academic problems, but In comparing the 12 women on
where his pack might have been, she told me that Edinboro won standings. W& m$ this is not accessible." This year, the volleyball team with the 13
see Bud Brown. £. with 22- points and that Mer- Dan O'Conner, coach of the out of a roster of 13 only two member Basketball team, there
A month ago Mike Cusack cyhurst and Johnstown each basketball team, sent letters players are exceptions with is a visible difference in
received a call informing him received 9 points. 5?"*f dated September 22, 1980 to the QPA's of 3.5 or better. **« / S S ^ P academic quality. Three-fourths
that Johnstown State was holding I asked her how the points for faculty members who have The basketball players are en- of the.women's team carry 3.0
a track and field meet. Edinboro each event were distributed and basketball players in their couraged by O'Conner to seek averages or better with 3.77 being
had entered the meet but no one she said that all of the events classes. The letter stated the help at the first sign of academic the highest There is no average
else had, and Johnstown were scored the same with the names of the basketball players difficulty. He makes them aware below a 2.76. J t Jj£ f
wondered whether Mercyhurst winner receiving the most points, and instructed the faculty of the free tutoring services Ruggiero has had no problems
would be interested. Mike will trysecond place receiving fewer and member to contact O'Conner if available kon campus and also with her players' academic stan-
anything once, so he rounded up third place fewest. I asked her the student is late for class provides peer tutors I of other dings so far this.year, she
some of our finest baseball whether there was a high jump regularly; absent from class, or basketball players. Although remarked. However, if a problem
players (baseball players will do event. Mary said that there was. having certain academic three of O'Conner's players were were to arise she would handle
anything) and left for Johnstown. she didn't know who had won it. I problems. J ! | involuntarily withdrawn from
Mary Merry's boyfriend was in thought for a moment, then O'Conner stated that he would Mercyhurst for academic
the shotput event and since only replied that on the basis of what contact each instructor twice reasons during his three years as
.three schools participated she had told me so far I knew who throughout each term and if he is coach, O'Conner stated this year,
(Johnstown, Mercyhurst and had won the high jump.
1 1 informed of a problem, he will "If I lose one player it can mean
Edinboro) the meet ended early It would appear that there is in- see that the situation is rectified. my whole livelihood." Sj gj
and our team returned. Inciden- sufficient information to deter- JL' "I don't want to take every This year especially, the
tally, each school entered just mine which school won the high athlete by the hand," said O'Con- athletes must deal with a great
one athlete in each event. •& jump. Wrong! Can you figure it ner, "But I feel that it is my deal of pressure both physically
I happened to see Mary in the out? I M ra SSSf responsibility I to teach my and psychologically. At the open
players to understand commit- forum October 7, g President
ment and responsibility." | p B William Garvey commented that
O'Conner feels that his players athletes take a lot of abuse they
have to be motivated to be in don't deserve. On the other hand,
Winter Co-Ops Offered class, be on time, and complete
all 'assignments. The student
he feels there are "no special
policies for athletes." ™§J; ™&
athletes need the reminder that Pressure also comesfromMer-
Do not contact employers, con- managerial position. J- r they are here first of all to get an cyhurst's new membership in the v Dan O'Conner
tact Mr. James A. Infantino, Hotel-Restaurant Majors — education, according to O'Con- NCAA. Both of these factors, will photo by Rich Forsgren
Coordinator *of. Cooperative Community Organizer for the ner.^"The athletes have a put tremendous pressure on the
Education* extension 290.* %• Community Care Council*REAL tremendous** advantage "*over basketball players both on and off the problem- similarly to O'Con-
Accounting Majors-Tax students^ only! You will assist in regular students," commented ner by having someone 'on the
Preparer for H&R Block. You establishing a food co-op in the the court. *$*& H jjjpj! team supervise 'thej player's
O'Connor, "they are given large There is a difference between
will be conducting tax interviews Corry area. B S S K H H SyttSl amounts of money for tuition and male and female athletes at Mer- study habits and advise accor-
for the purpose of preparing com- Political Science or Sociology therfore, have an obligation to cyhurst according to Elaine Rug- dingly, and also provide another
plete and accurate tax returns. Majors - REAL Students Only! themselves and the institution." giero, coach of the women s volleyball player with the same
Also, you will provide tax* infor- Legal Assistant 'for North- O'Conner is able to give out 10 full volleyballroam."Part of the pro- major to tutor the player.
mation and assist with compila- western Legal Services in Corry, scholarships a year in recruiting blem has been in the conversion Ruggiero feels that the calen-
tion of tax returns. * PA. You will assist an attorney on basketball players. \ of Mercyhurst to a coed institu- dar and class load at Mercyhurst,
Accounting or Business a case pending before the Penn- O'Conner said that when he tion." stated Ruggiero, "because "offers no reason why a student
Majors-REAL-Students must be sylvania Public Utility recruits players he does so of the push for males through shouldn't be * able to apply
eligible for work" study money. Commission.! -, because of their "person" and athletics, the school} def- himself, unless he doesn't have
Assistant to the Controller for the initely lowered its standards." the i n t e l l i g e n c e ^ or the
YWCA. You will assist and aid Psychology, Sociology, and nothing else. He explained that However, with Dr. Garvey as discipline."
controller in preparation of finan- Social Work Majors-REAL "person" referred to a player's Both O'Conner andjRuggiero
cial statements,. post general students only!-Counselor Assis- President and Mike Cusack as stated that their teams hold in-
journals and ledgers, and handle tant for the Horizon House in athletic director, Ruggiero feels season practice at least 2 Mz hours
payroll records. Union City, PA. You will be inter- Volunteer that the academic standards for
athletes will increase. daily plus attend all scheduled
Hotel-Restaurant Majors - viewing and supervising daily ac- Tutors Another part of the problem games. Although the amount of
Assistant Manager for Dudleys tivities. Mature adults with em- time devoted to each sport is
Ice Cream Parlor. You will be ex- pathy and common sense" re- in Probation is between male and female
athletes is that the males can be
basically the same, there is still a
posed to all facets of the opera- quired as this is a shelter for in need of tutors disparity in the QPA's of the male
tion, but this is primarily a women in crisis. offered scholarships to attract ana female athletes. I w
If interested please
^contact: >
Kate Connelly

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Presidential Assistants Appointed

President Garvey has named 8 j'My career goal was to become
three college administrators as a member of the college manage-
assistants to the president it was ment team," j said Daly "and
announced last week. when you reach that goal, it's
Thomas A. Billingsley, former professionally satisfying." 3S
director of institutional research Nesbit joined the Mercyhurst
and planning, has been appointed administration in 1974 coming
assistant to the president for Title from the Pennsylvania Depart- Nieces: Whats an adventure with Escargot Man: Slow and steady
HI. t $ #Jj fc SI ment of Justice where he was Auntie Em? FUN! xEw%£* 1is the secret, Five weeks is to
Mary Daly, former director of special assistant for operations. long. See you then, I miss you!
public relations and assistant During his seven-year affilia- Tammy is in love. OOOOXXX love. S.P. §
director of development, tion with Mercyhurst he had
I becomes assistant to the presi- obtained federal and state grants Beth G: We miss you and love Anyone interested in coaching
dent for external affairs. j; and contracts for the college you much. Beth and the gang. j | the girl's basketball team at St.
John T. 'Nesbit, Mercy hurst totaling more than $2.5 million. Boniface Grade School, please
director of grants, has been nam- He is recognized as one of the Strawberry B. "WOOF"-only 4 contact Ann Burbules at 456-6238
ed assistant to the president for leading I grantsman in higher more. Love, Cinnamon B. ff | after 6 p.m. jJgST
grants and government relations. education in Pennsylvania.
Billingsley has been with Mer- 1 Nesbit did his undergraduate BVO: If it must 1 be one track, Hey Pele - You need more prac-
cyhurst since 1970. He was assis- work at the Indiana University of make sure it's a good one. p^j tice!!! Maybe you can break the
tant director of admissions and Mary Daly K£J ^ 8 bis Pennsylvania and is studying for other leg too!
later college registrar before master's in planning at the Thanks to all that helped make
heading the school's office of in- college recently received to im- Pennsylvania State university. B Parent s Weekend a success, zuk AUNTIE EM: When will these
stitutional planning and research plement a management informa- He is vice president of the subtle hints start having an ef-
for the last two years. He is a tion system and 'to improve Family Crisis board of directors Congratulations Howie on eating fect? Soon I hope! Happy Adven-
native:;of Pittsburgh!and educational development oppor- and serves on the finance com- the whole thing. "The Gargan- tures! Love and Elephant kisses,
graduate of Gannon University'. tunities at the college. -1 a mittee of Hospice of Metropolitan tuan".* Chris, Bob, Jimbo, Fly. THE NIECES.
Billingsley is a Ph.D. candidate % Billingsley also will coordinate Erie. He also heads the United
in higher education at SUNY at the college's admissions, finan- Way of Erie County efforts at Wink, wink,|wink, wink, wink, M.B. Walsh: You have a secret
Buffalo. In his new job at Mer- cial aid, and registrar's offices. V Mercyhurst College. SfeilJalaH wink, wink, wink, wink, wink. admirer. Don't look for me, only
cyhurst he will coordinate the "It's a great opportunity to par- time will tell. Until next week.
$400,000 government grantfthe ticipate in some of the larger in- To the Philly Crew and the um- HH I f S 5
stitutional goals," commented brella lady. Only nine years to
Billingsley. "Working for the go! 3g s. Blowie: You're a better man than
president! provides overall we are. Fitz, Randy Bruce.
perspective,^which will* be "Look at the deer! •i
helpful." iBpSp? ft Nobody likes me, everybody
S Daly had been a member of the Fubar-guys - ANOTHER ONE hates me, guess I'll go eat
college's institutional advance- BITE THE DUST! fubar girls. worms. R.L. P
ment team since 1966. She has
headed the college public rela- D.M.f What^next???? Novice Treasurers have nice legs.JSign-
tions effort since 1967. ^ Cf D.MJB I S l i 3 ! rS edV.P. f
~ An Erie native and Mercyhurst
graduate, she has won numerous Kathy, Please can I be the only For Sale: One Roommate - slight-
awards on the local and nationa 1 one ... one of many ... 3$$m$&' ly abused - will trade for Geisha
level for college public relations, Girl - See Rich - McAuley 317.
special programs, advertising, Fitz: TWho is the lucky woman
and publications. * ,5 this week??!!* Signed the cold Dear Blowie: Goo-goo, Ga-Ga.
She is the first vice president of shower? ¥ * fl Signed your baby Stephanie.
Erie Advertising Club and a
former member of the board of Mike: You missed a fun adven- Hey Neighbors: Not me baby,
directors of Muscular Dystrophy. John T. Nesbit ture. Maybe next time? Mary. I'm too precious U
She is listed in Who's Who Among
Thomas A. Billingsley Women in America and Who's Mercy-Ads
Who in Business and Finance. Education 25* for every 10 words

s False Alarm
A false alarm was reported Hall.n 9.
There will be a get-
together for all Educa-
Submit To: Merciad Office
Basement Preston
Deadline: Tuesday 4:00
shortly after midnight Monday at Firemen from the Erie City tion Majors on Thurs-
Baldwin Hall. Fire Department responded to day, Octber 23 from 7-9
The smoke detector alarm the alarm.J The firemen
thoroughly searched the building
in S the ^Faculty
Lounge. Dress is
V went off, but the panel which in-
dicates which smoke detector
was activated reset itself.
and found no trace of a fire.
"This is the first alarm that semi-formal j. and
refreshments will be
happened in a very long time,"
Therefore, there was no way of said Miss DeSantis. She com- served. See you there. 307 Main f
knowing which alarm was trig- mented that the 200 Baldwin
gered, reported JoAnn DeSantis, residents handled the situation Offers the following on campus services:
Resident Director? of Baldwin ,
adequately. Sf 00*Kp*!itfF
Bible Stttdy I I 'Check cashing (Mon. Wed. r
Allegheny College Presents 9
• • noon-2p.m.)
led by *typing Service
Arlo Guthrie and Rev. Dick Sanford * Professional Haircutting (Mon. 2-6
Shenandoah p.m. andTues. 6-8 p.m.)t 3* J
* Birthday Cake Service
Saturday, October 18,1980 Tuesday 8:00 * Babysitting jobs available
2§.|| 9:00 p.m. $ Campus Ministry * Laborers * v III f
f (

Campus Center Auditorium

student plann We are also taking applications for the follow-
Meadville, Pa. teach winter term, ing I positions: Babysitters, Bookkeepers,
ii Tickets 8.00 s 1980-81, must pick up an
application in the education
Seamstresses, Musicians, Artists and Tutors.
available'at National Record Marts in division, office, third floor Hours 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Daily
Erie, Meadville and Pittsburgh; Czers Main.,
World in Slipper Rock; Xanudu in Edin- All members of the Mercyhurst Com-
completedB application
boro; Homestead Music in Mercer; The must be returned to me or
munity are welcome to take advantage
Campus Bookstore and House of Music education office no of our i budget prices for all of our
• in Meadville. i I October services. I


OCTOBER 17.1980 * m

Federal Funds Increases9 J

Will Benefit
By Anthony S. Mangeri
9 $5,000 over the
current $7,500 #

limit. Independent students

New legislation now allows for now borrow up to $3,000 per year can

an increase in Basic Educational or $15,000 d u r i n g ^their

opportunity Grant up to $2,600 by undergraduate studies. W-* : r
1985. On October 3, a bill was
passed into law allowing for an forThere is also a new program
the parents and students. This
increase in student aid. { is The Parental Loan Program.
The H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n . The program will allow parents
Reauthorization Act took approx- to borrow up to $3,000 at nine per-
imately two years in the plann- cent interest. Repayment begins
ing. It is a standard action to con- within 60 days. lS§ jl
tinue the availabilty of funds for
government financial aid pro- The National | Direct Student
grams. B.E.O.G. will be increas- Loan program has been increas-
ed to $1900 in the 8l-82sschool ed to $6,000 during undergraduate
year. There will then be a steady studies. The percentage has been
increase until 1985 when there increased from three percent to
should be $2,600 available. four percent. This is awarded ac-
In a discussion - with Barry cording T
to need. |F m- 'tisfeitQ
* Zembower feels that the up- W * W M « W » B « »
Zembower, director of Financial coming elections may have an ef-
Aid, it was said that those fect on the bill, but as of now the Gorillagram Fever strikes Erie and the Hurst, at right Mary Beth Barret gets the monkey business. At
students who are planning to take bill goes into affect as of January left volleyball coach Elaine Rugglero is greated by a Gorillagram 9MBH rJ3&S^ T *&
out a Guaranteed Student Loan 1. The stated policy goal is to
after January l should do so now have seventy-five percent of the Admission to Student Activity
instead due to the increase in the bill g to be paid by family and Hoffman Scheduled Speaker Committee sponsored lecture will
be $1 for the general public and
interest from the current seven federal aid. 5 Presently at the
percent to the new nine percent. 'Hurst it is a rough sixty percent.
In the past, a dependent stu- ' Zembower stated that he felt Ex-Yippie Leader Tells All m free to the Mercyhurst College
community. aj% I
dent could only borrow up to good about the bill and that 2
$2,500 per year. Now up to $12,500 shortly he will be sending a letter? Abbie Hoffman,* ex-yippie jumped
over undergraduate studies is to the community to explain the leader-turned-fugitive, will tell peared toa avoid
available. This is an increase of new bill in detail. #£&$ PsLitf his story to Erie audiences Oc-
A few months later, Hoffman-
$10,000 bail and disap-
standing trial. HeLibrary 1 1
tober 20 at 8PM in the Campus recently came out of hiding and
Center. W * "*lJ£ ';•? '. surrendered to special narcotics
Hours I
Hoffman first became involved prosecutor Sterling Johnson to
in the radical movement by par- start the uneasy process of his

^ H R proudly presents: j S E r a S I
ticipating in a demonstration in trial on the seven-year-old co-
May, 1960. J He subsequently caine charges. *g £ fBtM
became interested in such causes While in s e c l u s i o n a t
as the Vietnam War,!nuclear Thousands Islands, New York, By Damien Schmidt
disarmament, changes in govern- Hoffman—who is now 43—chang- In response to student concern,
•j- A Different T o o n ™ mental styles, and Hoffman ex- ed his name to Barry Freed, had which was voiced at the open
lained, "gradually, civil rights his face altered through plastic forum with President Garvey Oc-
r an art show featuring our cartoonists
Jamie Borowicz
E e c a m e the c r u x of my surgery,
involvement." k
grew a beard, and tober 7, the hours in the Learning
assumed a new identity and a Resources Center jwill be
In, 1968, Hoffman&and Jerry new lifestyle, ^ .i-pil expanded. ^a A
**•/•* and Rubin starlet! Yippie, the Youth As BarrjnFreed he led the err Beginning oYTOctofteRUr M5ur$"
C3J International Party, '• to bring vironmental crusade group call- will be from 9 a.m. till midnight
together the hippies who were ed "Save the River Committee," Monday through Thursday. This
H | Christopher McGowan beginning to turn political and the to protest a dredging project that is an extra two hours in the even-
New Left types who were getting would have iopened the St. ing. Sunday the LCR will be open
In the Learning Resource Center bored \ with j picket f lines and Lawrence Seaway to boats dur- from 2 p.m. until midnight, z i
parades. Iff i :*• ing three additional winter ^ "It was a long needed reform,"
B B October 22 through 27 M>M He ? was one of the Chicago months, ^n fejjfeL remarked Joan Cooper, director
Seven tried for his activities at For his work he earned the of thefLRC. "I feel that all
Everyone Welcome the Democratic National Conven- commendations of -New York libraries should be open longer."
tion in 1968. Hoffman was con- Governor Hugh Carey and the ad- Cooper commented that she
$ Open-Reception Will Be Held victed for crossing state lines to miring attention of State Senator would like the college "to commi
foment violence in the Chicago Daniel Patrick Moynihan while more money to the library.
Sq^ Wednesday, October 22 streets. f- testifying last summer at a "Students have all kinds ot
federal hearing chaired by the learning needs", she added
Hoffman was again arrested in Senator. f "Students who work here have to
August 1973—this time charged Through it all, his identity as be seriously committed to
With the selling of three pounds of Abbie Hoffman went unknown. academic excellence."
cocaine to two undercover Hoffman goes back to court
agents. \- soon after his fall tour.
Major airlines are now hiring for the <A(d4>fi&l€Wiae/o d
folowing opportunities: |
S flM " TICKET AGENTS f Specializing In
| CUSTOMER SERVICE 1 Marketing - Industrial - Technical 455-7484
CLERICAL POSITIONS call Personnel Pool 454-6465 ERIE, PA.
Individuals interested In applying with these airlines We Deliver
companies must be career oriented, have a public
relations personality, be willing to travel if required,
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ATTEN: AIRLINES APPLICATION INFORMATION Typing | Addressteind stuff envelopes
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Please indicate briefly your background, what airlines

position(s) you are interested in applying for and papers, resumes,
enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope so that
you may receive further information as to what steps
etc. 869 Juniper Road non
to take so that possible interviews might be arranged call Peggy (456- 92372
by these airlines. All major airlines companies are | 6002)
Film Review Lo and behold, feminine little again faced with the most crucial
with an Army trained right book
Judy does not fit in at Training decision of her life; whether to and proceeds to call him a
"schmuck", "Private Goldie"
Goldie l a w n Shines | Camp Biloxi. Reveille comes too revert back to being somebody's
early in the morning, and khaki coddled, dumb blonde bombshell
just isn't her color. The result is or to assert her intelligence and
struts out of the mansion that
"could have been all hers," casts
I n Private Benjamin that she makes herself and her her independence. E
platoon miserable when she fails In afinalscene where she pun-
to measure up to the Army's ches her French husband-to-be
her veil to the wind and marches
down a long tree-lined drive
toward her independence. fSBta
by Cheryl Aron standards.! - gyfe^ff jgg
breakthrough,. Goldie Hawn's $ The first of two climaxes comes
Just as Columbus might have when Judy's pampering parents
shocked the people of Europe 488 career has needed, a reprieve show up at camp to take her
years ago this Week with a "No from forever portraying the bub- home with them and cuddle her to |r\<LvJ Security Guards
folks, the world is-not flat; I bling green-eyed airhead.) I |? their bosom. % §f- BfPfgpJ 1 j
didn't fall off the edge/' so a few In, with, and under the Miserable as she is, she is sud-
average Mercyhursters might be character of * Judy * Benjamin, denly faced with a worse hell, go-
shocked to find out that the enter- Goldie Hawn grows up role-wise ing home and being forced back
tainment world doesn't end at the from a naive and spoiled-rotten into a little girl mold at the age of
gates to 38th Street. Daddy's little girl to a | self- twenty-eight. 1 2p35j £
Being out of town this weekend, reliant, thinking individual, v
I was unfortunately unable to at- The story begins with a trayal After a superb but subtle por-
tend the Hurst's Sunday night "tribute" to upper middle class stands up, of inner conflict, Judy
showing of this week's "Movie for womanhood Judy Benjamin squares her shoulders
Discussion,"A Clockwork (Goldie Hawn) has just obtained and says, "No thanks, I think I'll
Orange, the acclaimed Stanley her heart's desire: she has just stay."
Kubrick's grotesque masterpiece married a rich, unattractive This is the beginning of Judy
about street gang horrors. §;. lawyer and is ready to settle back Benjamin's and Goldie Hawn's
However,' I was able to catch a into her decorator house with her independence from their stifling
feature of Goldie Hawn's current upstairs maid where she can melt images. m | fe #$
movie, Private Benjamin (and into aristocratic complacency. I From here on in, the road is
thereby proved that there are un- However, before the wedding smooth for Private Benjamin. §
touched islands of fun out there night is over, tragedy strikes. For the first time in her life, Judy |
ready for the discovering). The new groom dies of a heart at- two Benjamin is standing 1
on her own!-
Goldie Hawn is Private Ben- tack, leaving poor Judy bereaved foal'sfeet
jamin, or Private Benjamin is of her security. «
and finds that those new*
legs aren't so wobbly after A II
all. She believes in herself; she!
Goldie Hawn, depending on how What to do? Judy Benjamin is becomes more open-minded; she^ 1 OfAA^e.
you look at it. Hawn's traditional at a woe-begone loss. I £
little-girl bounciness and dumb- She slips away from her does more thinking.! In fact her •Tier"*

blonde vivacity aren't lost for a grating relatives to a motel mind is so sharp that she!
moment in the role of the United where she wallows in her grief becomes the mastermind behind I
States Army's latest recruit. (and her same black mourning the capture of the "enemies" in a j
However, the Goldie we all dress) for eight days. In between simulated war game and goes on a
know and laugh at grows up a lit- sobs she calls a local radio talk to receive] promotion after
tle, or smarts up a little, under show and pours out her sorrows promotion, f 1 f 3 BB Famed Pianist To Appear;
the hard nose »of her I drill to anyone who might be listening All is going well for Private
sergeants. j c :v,..,- 3 j and able to help. $£?9 I Benjamin until she falls madly
Subsequently, Private Ben- W Almost instantly an angel of and instantly in love with a lady-"
Sponsored By School Of Music m 4 r+ *

jamin becomes not only a timely mercy responds to her plea, and killing frenchman in one of those Pianist Tedd Joselson will ap- munication with an audience can
social comment on army who might this benefactor be but trite, dusky pubs that we used to pear at Mercyhurst College on only be Jested by public perfor-
registration, but a strong stand the kindly-faced army recruiter see in World War H movies. J October 22,1980, at 8:15 P.M. The mance," he {continued, f "We
on Women's Liberation: the who cons Judy into joining the ar- After > pressuring a corrupt program is sponsored., by found that Mr. Joselson has this
liberation of one woman in par- my with the notion that it is all superior into transferring her to D'Angelo _ School of Music and charisma in abundance "
ticular," Goldie Hawn, alias Judy palm 'trees and sparkling Pans, where she consumates her will take place in Zurn Recital ^ Joselson has appeared with
Benjamin. ^; , beaches, as shownfin the relationship with the frenchman, Hall. many of the country s leading or-
J (This f i l m ! i s just; the recruiter's brochure. Goldie Hawn-Judy Benjamin is The Belgian-born American chestras including the Detroit
pianist and former Juilliard stu- Symphony, San Francisco Sym-
dent became fascinated with the phony, Pittsburgh Symphony,
| U k*W - • r of power in the early 70's with? keyboard at the age of five; and Los Angeles Philharmonic,
their first "E.L.P." album and by the time he was|20, had Denver Symphony, Dallas Sym-

mind"readings eAAbUjfel
then again with "Tarkus".
« Lake was an excellent; jor orchestras.
jg already played with several ma- phony, Houston Symphony,
Rochester!) Philharmonic,
guitarist, bassist and vocalist! The turning point in his career St.Louis Symphony, Baltimore
(despite his obsessions with was his appearance with the Symphony, Buffalo Philharmonic
atheistic lyrics) and few would Philadelphia Orchestra - under and the Cincinnati Symphony. g
argue that Keith Emerson was Eugene Ormandy at the age of 21. Joselson's recital repertoire
the Jimmy Hendrix of the After the concert, Maestro Or- will include Beethoven's
by DON DAVIS keyboard—a dynamo of talent. mandy said "I knew we had Sonata No. 6 in F Major, Op. 10 £
Since the decade of the 70's music is not quite what it used to Initially the group had found a rare and exciting talent No. 2, Liszt's Consolation m D
has come to its end, it would be be. The problem might be Jag- everything, far outshining "The when I first heard this young Flat, Nuages Gris, Schubert's
interesting to reflect on that span ger's singing, however, one Yes", another band born early in man. "Wanderer Fantasie," Op.* 15,
of time during which there was report of the Stones' recording the 70s and one of their strongest "The even rarer magic of com- and Mussorgsky's "Pictures at
probably more | vinyl produced practices might have something competitors for the stage front. * an Exhibition." i *£}«••**'
than ever before in the history of to do with the change in the Leaving the British sound, it is
viability of their music. It's been impossible to forget the influence Album Review
music. ; .^v'.\v:,v « |
Though there were many new said that their method of inspira- of the early,- California music
beginnings in the 70's, there were tion is to get "stoned" then jam roll
also some bitter endings; \the then record. The informality of transcended
(Beach Boys, etc) on rock and
of the '70s. But, one band
the L.A. structure;
B52's Make Mark In New Wave
deaths of Hendrix, Jopun, and the process shows. -* v* With the release
their music never stayed in the album, (Wild Plant), the B-52's of their new the country.
Morrison not to mention the M "The Who" and "The Kinks", same The album, as well as their
place too long. Loggins and have once again proved an im- first, was recorded at Compass
break-up of the Beatles, did two great dinosaurs of the 60's Messina
perhaps as much to change proved to be much more creative to come was one of the few bands peccable, unique force in "the Point Studios in the Nassua
musical trends as did the up- in the 70's. "The Who" got off to a alive. out of the West Coast New Wave market. Bahamas i during the month of
rising of new groups.* | % quick start with their classic 71 The term B-52 is the southern April 1980. 4 I % £
The new beginnings were a album, "Who's Next". And, L; Jim Messina has a well- slang for a smooth, large, high g Compass Point Studios* have
hodge-podge!of good and bad. though lately they seem preoc- respected history as both a musi- bouffant hairdo. The women of also hosted other great bands in-
When the Beatles broke off and cupied with movies and; in- cian and a producer with "Buf- the band have adopted this hair cluding the Rolling Stones and
each went their separate ways, dividual efforts, "The Who" was falo Springfield" and "Poco". He style in all stage performances Dire Straits.
producing individual albums, it a significant plus to seventies soon became an accomplished and promotional campaigns. Private Idaho, a hard driving
seemed to prove once and for all syncopation. - "The Kinks'" may writer and singer as well. The track from the album has been
that the fantastic foursome were very well be the greatest rock best i of Loggins and Messina Using {relatively simple hailed by D. J. Michael Tierson of
spans the years from 1971 to 1977
less than divine, eventothe most band of all time. It might be pure- in which tune they put out eight keyboard J bass lines and such WMMR in Philadelphia as fastly
hard-core of Beatles fans. < ly opinion, but a well supported gimmicks as a walkie talkie and becoming "The theme of the
Alone, McCartney, Lennon, one. They have produced more" albums (two live and six studio toy piano, Keith Strickland, Eighties." Other tracks worthy of
Harrison and Ringo could never good albums more consistently albums).- .J Ricky and Cindy Wilson, Fred
conjure up anything to match than almost any other group in Though it seems as if Kenny Schneideri III and Kate Pierson note are: Give Me Back My Man,
their genre of music. They have Loggins may | have sold his Quiche Lorraine, Strobe
have successfully created one of Miles West of Venus and Party light, S3
"Penny Lane", "She's Leaving
Home" or "The Long And Win- age, humor, sensitivity, power, soul to the commercial devil the most progressive sounds in
Out of Bonnas. £c
ding Road". musicability and presence—not (following Paul McCartney's pro-
•The group who was rated a to mention Ray Davies, the im- the cess) and Messina might be doing
close second to the Beatles in the petus behind the group's variety quesame, their music is still uni- Mercyhurst students, faculty and
70's showed an amazing and consistency. From 1971 to for the 70s; let's hope the '80s and entertaining. So much
stamina— 'The Rolling Stones" 1980 they put out eleven win see less disco, new wave staff are invited to show their art
have persisted in the music world albums—all of them versatile noise, and a few more groups who work in the LRC Gallery. Space
as a band that consistently draws and all of them dynamic. I, 1 may be preserved by seeing
attention. ft J* a will rock
• *« bThe birth of Emerson, Lake originality for a change. the- scenes with
and Palmer made an initial burst Joanne Cooper. £
One might notice that their


Lakers Beat Mountain Cats; i4

Fall To Golden Tornadoes J
r^ The Laker soccer team and eventually prevailed 4-2.;. H» £
celebrated a 4-2 victory over the Against Geneva the Blue and
University of Pittsburgh at (keen experienced difficulty in
Johnstown on ^Saturday, trying to slip the ball past the op-
however, a 2-1 defeat at Geneva posing 'keeper although they had
on Wednesday puts the overall 15 attempts on fgoal. Sixty
record at 6-2-1. V* minutes into the game, Bence
In near monsoon conditions on rifled the 'Hurst into the lead, but
Saturday, Dave Shimpeno's Geneva I quickly bounced back
Lakers responded best to the con- and five minutes before the final Men's novice eight rows the Prep school at Saturdays scrimmage on Presque Isle
ditions, which were somewhat whistle slid home the winner to nR^& photo by Tony Mangeri
like a rough sea, while the Moun- return Mercyhurst to Erie with i
tain Cats got stuck in the mud. its second defeat of the year. I
The Geneva game was decided in Mascharka tops the, Laker
the second half after a scoreless scoring ust with 11 goals, he is
first period: Shawn Bence put the tailed by Bence (S) 3, and Dave
Laker Crews Hold Scrimmage9
Blue and Green into the lead, but Cross 5. The Blue and Green has
Abbott and Tweed struck back scored 34 goals and restricted its
for the Golden Tornadoes and the opponents to 16. £ i «P
Row Pasl&Prep School f f x
Lakers were beaten'for the se- The Laker injury problem is P^*j by Mike Fitzgerald | f.
cond time this year. J I basically clear now, although The Mercyhurst College Crew tunity for our kids to get racing tober 18 for a race with WVU
Pour more games remain on there are still* some minor teams continued their fell season experience without all the Mountaineers before squaring off
the schedule before the NAIA D18 ailments on the squad. "We workouts as they rowed past the pressure of going head-on with a with Niagara and Canisus in Buf-
playoffs. Two victories out of haven't been at full strength for Prep school last Saturday in the major college," commented falo on October 25. s I
these four road games should en- the last four games," said Coach first iscrimmage race of (the Men's Coach Al Belovarc.$Jt|' The Lakers will thenfinishthe
sure a home berth in the playoffs. Shimpeno. "However,* the nagg- season. B S Ef The Laker Oarspersons will fall season at home in a race
And should the Lakers win the ing pulls and strains are very a "This was an excellent oppor- travel to West Virginia on Oc- against Alumni on October 26. i[9
district, a trip to the District 6 nearly disappeared now. Don
champions in the West Virginia Smith's ankle is now functioning
area offers the prize of a journey at 90 per cent and Moffat's hip in-
to Springfield,111., for the national jury is virtually mended so we W Visit the Mercyhurst College | |
championships in November#$ are nearly back to full strength." The Snack Bar
UP J went into an early lead, Last; Wednesday, the Lakers
but Ed Mascharka equalized just traveled to Grove City; Satur-
before the half. The Mountain day's alumni v game has been
WRITING CENTER H n presents: ft
Cats regained the jlead four- cancelled. Next Wednesday the At its new location in McAuley Hall, Lower Level
minutes into the second period Blue and Green goes on the road X
but, through Mascharka. Shawn to Edinboro, leaving only two Services provided include: tutoring in mechanical
Bence and Randy Voiles, the away games remaining before
Lakers proved to be the stronger the post-season action, Gannon and rhetorical skills, assistance in writing resumes, /

team in the torrential conditions and Slippery Rock. t themes, and research papers, and help in preparing
for essay tests and graduate record examinations*

Lady Spikers Even Record; •; Call Writing Center Director, Betty Gartner
at 864-0681 ext. 3 4 4 or stop in at McAuley N" N
Slate Stands At 1 1 J W M Hall, Lower Level to make an appointment.
Take advantage of this free service provided ^J
In women's volleyball action, their cross-town rival Behrend, for yon through the Mercyhurst College Pace
the Lady Lakers upped their slate Allegheny and Thiel. %
to 4 and 4, winning three of four Program.
Saturday the destination is
matches in the past week. On
Tuesday the spikers defeated
Villa 1541,15-12 with Lisa Jacobitz
Edinboro for competition in an all
day tournament with seven other
area teams.
and Ann Burbules having 6 and 5
kills respectively. Carla Smith
lead theteamto a 15-2,15-10 deci-
sion over Pitt-Bradford with 5
Head coach Elaine Ruggiero is
optimistic about this season, ad-
ding that injuries will prove to be
The The World Series
On Our! f
On J Thursday they defeated
Gannon University 15-8, 15-11 as
Pam Mancuso recorded 7 kills.
the major obstacle in the Lakers'
attempt to win the Women's
Keystone Conference title.
NOTE: The team will be selling
Junction "Back Porch"
Mercyhurst fell victim to St. John popcorn to raise money for their
Fischer 6-15, 7-15 a strong team trip to Philadelphia to compete at * * .
from Rochester, New York. J LaSalle University in a sixteen
This week the team sets up with team tournament. H3C
The J u n c t i o n i Our Own
RECRUITER'S AND SEMINARS ON-CAMPUS Goes Country and Lakers Fabulous.
Fall Season
October 29
October 30
Mutual Of New York
SEMINAR-Mock Interviewing done by
] Weekend
Harold Anderson representing the Inter
nal Revenue Service Appearing Friday and In Their Honor,
November 3 Fisher's Big Wheel, Inc. Saturday Night a V4 lb. Ball Park
November 4 Marine Bank Frank and
November 5 SEMiNAR-Resume Writing & Interview-
ing Skills presented by Anne McCallion
The Barrett Bros Small Coke 1
from Fargo, Dowling, Pashke and
Twargowski, CPA | 9:30tol:30
November 6 Coopers & Lybrand, CPA Specials on Drinks and Drafts
November 7 Equitable Life Assurance Society
All interviews and seminars are held by appolntmen
all this
only. Please sign up in the Career Services Office in Proper ID Req u i red week
Room 204 Main or call 864-0681, Ext. 289,290, or 293f
^ ^

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Inside: MSG Secretary Resigns
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a Q v
Story page 1


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