Chapter 1: Introduction: 1.1 Definition, Necessity and Scope of Irrigation

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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Definition, necessity, and scope of irrigation engineering

1.2 Benefits & ill-effects of irrigation
1.3 Standards of irrigation water
1.4 Feasibility studies of irrigation projects


Definition: Irrigation is the science of artificial application of water to the land, in
accordance with the crop requirements throughout the crop period for full nourishment of
the crops.
It is the Engineering of controlling and harnessing the various natural sources of water,
by construction of dams & reservoirs, canals & head works and finally distributing the
water to irrigable land.

1.1.1 Necessity of irrigation:

Water is normally supplied to the plants by nature through the rains. However, the total
rainfall in a particular area may be either insufficient, or ill-timed. In order to get the
maximum yield it is essential to supply the optimum quantity of water and to maintain
correct timing of water. This is possible only through systematic irrigation system by
collecting water during the periods of excess rainfall and releasing it to the crops as when
it is needed.
Generally the following are some of the factors that necessitate irrigation.
 Inadequate rainfall
 Uneven distribution of Rainfall
 Increasing the yield of the crops
 Growing a number of crops
 Insuring against drought.
 Growing perennial crops.

1.1.2 Scope of Irrigation Engineering

Irrigation Engineering is not only confined to the application of water to the land for
raising crops. It includes all aspects and problems extending from the watershed to the
agricultural fields. It deals with hydrology, river engineering, design and construction of
dams, weirs, canals and various other hydraulic and irrigation structures. It also deals
with surface and sub surface drainage system, soil reclamation, water-soil-crop
relationships. Other allied sciences such as flood control, hydropower, and inland
navigation are also studied in IRRIGATION Engineering.

Various aspects of Irrigation Engineering are:

1. Water resources and hydrology aspect – to locate various water sources and to
study the hydrology of the region. This includes study of meteorology,
precipitation, stream flow, floods, river engineering, reservoirs and flood control.
The following information are required while designing various irrigation
 The quantity of water that will be available at a reservoir site for storage.

Irrigation Engineering Lecture Notes 1

Chapter 1: Introduction
 Maximum discharge at a river site.
 Reservoir capacity that ensures adequate Quantity of water for various
 Quantity of ground water which can be economically exploited.
2. Engineering Aspect - involves the development of a source of water for
irrigation and construction of various irrigation structures.
 Dams and water power Engineering
 Diversion and Distribution structures
 Minor irrigation schemes (well, Tank / Pond, inundation Irrigation).
3. Agricultural aspect – Involves irrigation practice and the study of agricultural
characteristics of the land.
4. Management Aspect- deals with successful implementation and efficient
management of engineering aspects and agricultural works.


1.2.1 Benefits of irrigation
There are various direct and indirect advantages of irrigation.
- Increase in food production: Irrigation helps in increasing crop yields through
controlled and timely supply of water to the crop.
- Optimum benefits: optimal utilization of water is made possible by irrigation.
Optimum utilization implies obtaining maximum crop yield with any amount of
water. In other words, yield will be smaller for any quantity lesser than or in
excess of optimum quantity.
- Elimination of mixed cropping in areas where irrigation is not ensured,
generally mixed cropping is adapted. Mixed cropping is growing two or more
crops simultaneously in the same field. It can be adopted when irrigation facilities
are not available, but if irrigation is assured it can be eliminated. Mixed cropping
is generally not acceptable, because different crops require different types of field
preparations and different types of manures, amount of water etc.
- General prosperity: Revenue returns are sometimes quite high and helps in all
round development of the country
- Generation of hydroelectric power: cheaper power generation can be obtained
on objects primarily designed for irrigation alone. Also falls on irrigation channels
can be utilized to generate electricity which may help in industrializing the rural
area and so in solving the problem of fuel shortage.
- Domestic water supply: - irrigation helps in augmenting the town water supply
where water is available with great difficulty. It also provides water for swimming
bathing, cattle drinking etc.
- Facilities of communication: Irrigation channels are generally provided with
embankments and inspection roads. These inspection paths provide a good road
way to the villagers for walking, cycling or even motoring.
- In land navigation:
- Afforestation:

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Chapter 1: Introduction
1.2.2 Ill-effects of irrigation
Ill-effects of irrigation occur only when the scheme is not properly designed and
implemented. Most of these are due to excess irrigation water application. Some of the
common ill-effects are
1. Water logging: when cultivators apply more water than actually required by the
crops, excess water percolates in to the ground and raises the water table. Water
logging occurs when the water table reaches near the root zones of the crops. The
soil pores become fully saturated and the normal circulation of air in the root
zones of the crop is stopped and the growth of the crops is decreased. Thus, crop
yield considerably reduces.
2. Long term application of pesticides: Long term application of pesticides under
large scale irrigation system might have a negative influence on soil microbial
activities, on the quality of surface and sub surface water resources and the
survival of the surrounding vegetation. Irrigation may contribute in various ways
to the problem of pollution.
3. Outbreak of disease: Irrigation may result in colder and damper climate causing
outbreak of disease like malaria.
4. Complex and expensive: Irrigation is complex and expensive in itself. Some
times cheaper water is to be provided at the cost of the government and revenue
returns are low.


Ethiopia is the “water tower” of North Eastern Africa. Many rivers arising in Ethiopia are
also the sources of the major water resources in neighboring countries. The country is
endowed with water resources that could easily be tapped and used for irrigation.
Ironically this country is already suffering from food shortage because of the increasing
population and chronic drought occurrence in most part of the eastern and northern part
of the country. There is an annual food deficit to the extent of 0.5 to 1.0 million tones in
the country. During the period from 1984 to 1992 the food aid annually received was
around 0.9 to 1.0 tones (World Bank Report), to meet the demand of the ever growing
population (over 72 million) The need for utilizing these resources is most urgent, in
particular, in areas of the country where the length of the growing period is short and the
precipitation is erratic. In Ethiopia, rain fed agriculture contributes the largest share of the
total production. However, over the past few decades, irrigated agriculture has become
more important.

Prior to the mid-1980s, irrigation in Ethiopia was concentrated on the production of

commercial crops, principally cotton and sugarcane on large state farms. By 1980 it was
estimated that 85,000 ha. Mainly in the Awash valley, had been developed under this
form of production. In addition some 65,000 ha of traditional irrigation was estimated to
exist. Predominantly in the highlands and developed on the farmer’s own initiative. These
schemes were typically small runoff river diversion, with low production levels. During
this period government involvement in irrigation concentrated on the state farms and was
channeled through various agencies.

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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.3.1Historical Back Ground

 In 1956 water resource development (WRD) was established within Ministry of
public works, with responsibility for undertaking river basin development studies
and such a study was completed for the Blue Nile basin. However irrigation
development remained concentrated in the Awash valley and in 1962 Awash
valley Authority (AVA) was established.
 In 1971 National Water Resources Commission (NWRC) was established.
 In 1977 Valleys agricultural development authority (VADA) was created to
extend the development of large scale irrigated agriculture beyond the Awash
valley and AVA become part of VADA.
 In 1981 NWRC strengthened to absorb functions of VADA. It comprised four
authorities including water resource development authority (WRDA), which
became responsible for the study, design, and implementation of water resource
development projects including large scale irrigation.

The 1984 drought had a considerable impact on Ethiopia’s development policy, and the
1984 Ten-Year perspective plan allocated top priority to agricultural development with
objective of achieving self sufficiency in food production, establishing a strategic reserve
meeting the raw material requirement of industries and expanding output of exportable
agricultural products to increase foreign exchange earnings.

The Water Sector Development programme of MoWR (2002) organizes irrigation

schemes in Ethiopia under four different ways with sizes ranging from 50 to 85,000 ha

 Traditional small scale schemes: These includes up to 100 ha in area, built and
operated by farmers in local communities. Traditionally, farmers have built small scale
schemes on their own initiative with government technical and material support. They
manage them in their own users’ associations or committees and irrigate areas from 50 to
100 ha with the average ranging from 70 to 90 ha. A total of 1,309 such schemes existed
in 1992 covering an estimated area of 60,000ha.

Water users’ associations have long existed to operate and manage traditional schemes.
They comprise about 200 users who share a main or branch canal and further grouped in
to several teams of 20 to 30 farmers each.

 Modern communal schemes: schemes up to 200 ha, built by government agencies

with farmer participation. Modern communal schemes were developed after the
catastrophic drought of the 1973 as a means to improve food security and peasant
livelihoods by providing cash incomes through production and marketing of crops. Such
schemes are capable of irrigating about 30,000ha of land.

These schemes are generally based on run-of - diversion of streams and rivers and may
also involve micro dams for storage. On-farm support from the respective agricultural
departments and maintenance of head works by water, mines and energy sections as well

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Chapter 1: Introduction
as technical support from the authorized irrigation development Bureaus in different
regions is giving supports and trying to strengthen the system.

Modern private schemes: up to 2000 ha, owned and operated by private investors
individually, in partnership, or as corporations. Medium to large scale irrigation schemes
in Ethiopia are private enterprises. The private estates are the pioneers in the development
of medium and large scale irrigation development projects in the upper Awash during the
1950s and 1960s. During the 1990s some private schemes, mostly in the form of limited
companies re-emerged with the adoption of market based economic policy but have
expanded relatively slowly.

Public Schemes: of over 3,000 ha, owned and operated by public enterprises as estate
farms. They are recently developed irrigation schemes during the late 1970s. Gode West,
Omo Ratti and Alwero- Abobo began late in the 1980s and early in the 1990s but have
not yet been completed. Public involvement towards large scale schemes was withdrawn
due to government changes and most of such schemes with the exception of Fincha
sugare estate have been suspended. Large scale schemes being operated by public
enterprise extend over an area estimated at 61,000 ha. Oromiya and Affar account nearly
87% of all irrigation schemes and about 73% of this is located in Awash valley. The
SNNPR and Somali regions contain 9.9 and 3.3 percent respectively, WSDP (2003).

1.3.2 Irrigation potential:

In 1990 a team of consultants working for WAPCOS, a consultancy group in India,
prepared a preliminary water resource development master plan for Ethiopia. The
potential for medium and large scale irrigation projects was identified as 3.3 Mha. The
study was carried out almost entirely as a desk exercise with minimal field verification.
It should be noted that the assessment of irrigation potential is to a large degree
subjective as it is dependent on the physical resources of land and water, but also on the
economic and social feasibility of their exploitation.

Another study conducted by FAO argues the estimation of the potential irrigable land by
WAPCOS is over estimated. That of the total potential irrigable area identified by
WAPCOS, some 3 Mha of the soils or 90% of that of the total were classified as only
marginally suitable and in some case non-suitable with the technology available. The
main reason for this is the predominance of vertisols and nitosols in the areas identified.
Theses soils are characterized by high clay content, restricted damage and difficult
workability. To avoid water logging under irrigated conditions it is necessary to adopt a
low cropping intensity or to install expensive sub-surface drainage. Either alternative
significantly reduces the economic viability of irrigation. However, such soils are
frequently classified as highly suitable for rice production.

Ethiopia has a rich water resources potential, but water can be very short in many places.
Except for the Awash and the Omo, all the large rivers originating in Ethiopia flow into
neighboring countries. Unlike in the past Ethiopia is now taking genuine steps towards

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Chapter 1: Introduction
fostering close ties, joint planning and harmonious relationships among riparian
countries. The irrigation potential of the12 major river basins is given in the Table below.

Rivers Basin Mean Ground 1 2

area annual water potential gross Net area
(Km)2 Vol.x109m3 potential irrigable area(ha) Under
x109m3 irrigation(ha)
Awash 112696 4.60 0.14 205400 69900
Abay(Blue 204000 52.62 1.80 1001550 21010
Baro-Akobo 75912 11.81 0.13 600000 350
Rift valley 52739 5.63 0.10 139300 12270
Omo-Gibe 79000 17.96 0.10 86520 27310
Genale- 17104 5.88 0.03 423300 80
Wabi- 202697 3.16 0.04 204000 20290
Tekeze 865000 8.20 0.02 189500 1800
Oaden 72121 0.86 - - -
Denakil 62882 0.86 - 3000 -
Aysha 2223 0.22 - - -
Mereb-Gash 5700 0.65 0.05 67560 8000
Total 1127312 112.45 2.59 2920130 161010
Note 1= the data extracted from EARO and 2= the data from CSE

Ethiopia has not developed irrigation to the potential it has, i.e. according to the
availability of physical resources, land and water. At present only a little more than
3% of the irrigable land is currently irrigated both in large and medium scale. The
development of irrigated areas in the country has also been unevenly spread. Over
70% of the area developed for irrigation to date is in the Awash River basin. Most of
the development has been in the Awash valley, which is the most accessible basin to
Addis and has the best infrastructure to support irrigation development.

The spells of drought during the last two decades have led to increased interest in
irrigation development. Irrigation is thus expanding in the Wabi-Shebelle and Genale
rivers and in the Ziway-Meki area of the rift valley. There are also a number of
proposals for further irrigation schemes in several of the other basins including the
Omo River, Rift valley lakes and Baro-Akobo. Following the decentralization of
governance, there are now a number of regional initiatives to develop irrigation,
especially at the small and medium scales, building on existing traditional small-scale
irrigation systems, and augmenting them with the diversion of streams and the
construction of earth dams. Irrigation development in Ethiopia, as in other countries,

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Chapter 1: Introduction
has a number of ecological implications because of its impact upon river regimes and
downstream flows.

Some of the adverse effects of irrigation development on the environment are: The
development of medium and large scale irrigation projects causes a displacement of
the indigenous population engaged in pastoral modes of life. Clear examples include
the displacement of 60,000 Afar pastoralists from the Amibara irrigation project in
the Middle Awash (Mac Donald, 1990) and unspecified number of kereyou
pastoralists during the establishment of the Metehara sugar plantation in the upper

With respect to the use of irrigation for crop production in the highlands, the success
has been little. The existence of small scales irrigation by small holders in parts of
Shewa. Tigray Harerege, Gojjam, North omo and few others is known. But the
constraints of small scales of irrigation in the highlands of Ethiopia are physical,
know-how. Capacity and climatic ones.

Until last year Ethiopia did not have a coherent water resource policy. Lack of an
irrigation policy precluded the preparation of a strategy for he sub-sector which
would have identified development targets and priorities. The large number of
different agencies involved particularly in medium and large scale irrigation created
considerable difficulties in coordination of activities leading to overlap of
responsibilities and inefficient use of scarce human, financial and physical resources.
Defined institutional responsibilities and allowed rational planning of future
manpower requirements and its development. The sub-sector also suffered from
unnecessary institutional and fragmentation.


The overall objective of the irrigation policy is to develop the huge irrigated
agriculture potential for the production of food crops and raw materials needed for
agro-industries, on efficient and sustainable basis and without degrading the fertility
of the production fields and water resource base.

1.3.4 Functions of Irrigation water

The function of soil moisture in plant growth are diversified
1. It adds water to the soil to supply the moisture essential for plant growth
 It acts as a solvent for the nutrients. Water forms the solution of the nutrients and
this solution is absorbed by the roots. Thus water acts as a nutrient carrier.
 The irrigation water supplies moisture which is essential for the life of bacteria
beneficial to the plant growth.
 Irrigation water supplies the moisture which is essential for the chemical action
within the plant, leading to its growth.

2. Some salt present in soil react to produce nourishing food products only in the
presence of water

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Chapter 1: Introduction
3. Water cools the soil and the atmosphere and thus makes more favorable
environment for healthy plant growth.
4. Irrigation water, with controlled supplies, washes out or dilutes salts in the soil
5. It reduces the hazard of soil piping.
6. It softens tillage pans.
Every water is not suitable for irrigation. The quality of irrigation water is very much
influenced by the contents of the soil, which is to be irrigated. Particular water may be
harmful for irrigation on a particular soil but the same water may be tolerable or even
useful on some other soil. Irrigation water may be said to be unsatisfactory for its
intended use if it contains:
 Chemicals toxic to plants or the persons using plant as food
 Chemicals that react with the soil to produce unsatisfactory moisture x-cs.
 Bacteria injurious to persons or animals eating plants irrigated with water.

The following factors should be considered when assessing irrigation water quality.

A, Sediment: its effect depends upon the type of irrigated land when fine sediment from
water is deposited on sandy soils the fertility is improved on the other hand if the
sediment has been derived from the eroded areas it may reduce the fertility or decrease
the soil permeability. Sediment water creates troubles in irrigation canals as it increases
their siltation and maintenance costs. In general ground water or surface water from
reservoirs, etc does not have sufficient sediment to cause any serious problems in

B, Total concentration of soluble salts: Salts, when present in excessive quantities,

reduce osmotic activities of the plants and may prevent adequate aeration causing injuries
to plant growth. The effect of salts on plant growth depends largely upon the total amount
of salts in the soil solution.
C. Proportion of sodium ions to other cations: small quantities of sodium ions present
in most soils relative to other cations. If its percentage increases it has an influence on the
aggregation of soil grains i.e. it breaks down. The soil becomes less permeable and of
poorer tilth. It starts crusting when dry and its pH increases towards that of an alkaline
soil. High sodium soils are therefore, plastic, sticky when wet, and are prone to form
clogs and they crust on drying.

The proportion of sodium ions present in the soil is generally measured by a factor
called sodium-absorption ratio (SAR) and represents the sodium hazards of water. SAR is
defined as:
Na 
 Ca    Mg   
 
 2 

When is SAR between 0-10 it is low sodium water

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Chapter 1: Introduction
10-18 medium ,,
18-26 High ,,
>26 very high ,,
Low sodium water is suitable for irrigation except in crops which are sensitive to sodium
like fruit trees; avocados etc where as medium sodium water is hazardous in fine textured
soils. Very high sodium water is generally not suitable for irrigation. SAR value can be
reduced by adding gypsum (CaSo4).

D, pH :- The pH value of a soil or natural water is a measure of its alkalinity or acidity.

More accurately stated, the pH value is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration in
water. Mathematically this is the logarithm to the base 10 of the reciprocal of the
hydrogen ion concentration of the pure water.

E, Potentially toxic elements: elements like Boron, Selenium, etc may be toxic to
Concentration of Boron exceeding 0.3 PPM may be toxic to certain plants.
>0.5 PPM dangerous to nuts, citrus fruits.
Dates. Beets, asparagus are quite tolerant. Even for the most tolerant crops its
concentration should not exceed 4 PPM. Boron is present in various soaps. Wastewater
containing soap, etc should be used with great care in irrigation.
Guidelines for the interpretation of water quality for irrigation water
(FAO, 1976)
Irrigation Water quality Parameters:

The following guidelines can be used in assessing the water quality for irrigation.
I. Salinity status: ECw and TDS
II. Infiltration capacity: this can be done by estimating SAR and ECw, salinity &
sodium content.
III. Specific ion Toxicity: Na , Cl, B, Other trace elements: Al, As, Be, Cd, Co,
Cr, Cu, F, Fe, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, etc
IV. Miscellaneous effect: Nitrogen NO3 - N, Bicarbonate (HCO3) - for overhead

1.5 Feasibility studies of irrigation projects

Types of Irrigation projects

Any plan small or large, which ultimately aims at satisfying the paramount need of
adequate water provision for crop production, is an irrigation project.
Based on the scope of the irrigation project, irrigation projects can be classified as:
a) Large scale
b) Medium scale
c) Small scale
Irrigation projects and their development costs

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Chapter 1: Introduction
Type of project Command area Development cost*
(ha) U.S dollars/ha
Average cost Range in cost
Large scale >10,000 16,000 5,000-50,000
Medium scale 2,000-10,000 9,000 4,000-15,000
Small scale <2,000 4,000 1,000-6,500

* Source: FAO, 1995.

Note: In Ethiopia, Small scale irrigations are those which have command areas <200 ha,
medium scale 200-3000 ha And large scale >3000 ha.

With this respect, Ethiopia has a total potentially irrigable area of about 3,637,000 ha,
which is 27.55% of the total cultivable area. From which
o For small scale irrigation 165,000-400,000 ha.
o For medium and large scale irrigation 3,300,000 ha.

Stages of investigations in the development of irrigation projects

Basically, the development of water resources for irrigation requires the conception,
planning, design, construction, and operation of various facilities to utilize and control
water and to maintain water quality.
 Investigations of the development of irrigation projects need multi-disciplinary
approach. Specialists of different discipilines, such as, Soil and water specialist,
Engineers (Irrigation and civil), Agronomist, Geologist, and Socio-economist required.

 Investigations of water resources development projects are essentially aimed at

collection of basic data and analysis thereof for formulation of an optimum project. The
extent of data to be collected depends on the magnitude of the project and also on the
stage of investigation.

The common procedures adopted in the development of an irrigation project are:

1. Sites are located on the toposheet.
2. The marked sites are inspected (reconnaissance) to decide their feasibility.
3. The feasibility investigations are carried out for one or more of the possible
alternatives and estimates based approximate details are prepared.
4. Detailed investigations are then taken up and technical sanctions are granted.
5. After the technical sanction, agency of execution (i.e., contractor) is fixed and
construction started.

Approaches of data collections:

The following questions should be answered
 What or which data are required?
 How they can be collected?
 Why are they needed?
 Is the cost of their collection worthwhile?

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Chapter 1: Introduction

 Necessity for irrigation in the region must be identified prior to implementation of

the detail study. Normally Irrigation will be a necessity if there is inadequacy of rainfall,
uneven distribution of rainfall, etc. On the other hand it will be of a paramount
importance to alleviate food shortage due to population growth.

For instance, in Ethiopia,

In 2050 – population is expected to be 170 mills.
 Let 230-kg/person/year food grain needed.  Need of 400 mills. quintal (which = 3x
 Let 200 mills. Quintal produced by rain-fed (Which = 2x present) Thus 200 mil.
quintal should be produced by irrigation (Which needs 80, 000 ha increment per year).
 Availability of adequate water supply
 Topography of the area
 Cultural practices of the tract
 Adequacy of existing irrigation system it any
 Possibility of growing cash crops or other voluble crops after provision of irrigation
 Facilities regarding accessibility to the site and transportation of construction
 Economical justification for implementing the irrigation scheme.

When the idea of an irrigation project is conceived (after reconnaissance survey), the data
to be collected at the feasibility study stage are :
1. Physical data: Location, size, phsiography (description of land form which includes
only physical aspects), climate, etc.
2. Hydrological data: Precipitation, Evaporation, transpiration, stream flow, sediment,
water quality etc.
3. Agricultural data: Land classification, crop water requirements, types of crops etc
4. Geological data: Rock & Soil types, ground water, minerals, erosion, etc.
5. Cartographic data: Topographic & other maps of the area.
6. Ecological data: Types of vegetation, fish & wild life.
7. Demographic data: Population statistics, data of people etc.
8. Economic data: Means of transportation, market, land taxes, etc.
9. Legal data: Water rights, land ownership administrative pattern, etc
10. Data in existing project: Types of Location of various projects.
11. Data on public opinion: Opinions of different section of the society
12. Flood control data: Records of past flood, extent of damage caused, drainage
requirements etc


Private concessionaires who operated farms for growing commercial crops such as
cotton, sugarcane and horticultural crops started the first formal large scale irrigation
schemes in the 1950s in the upper and lower Awash Valley. In the '60s irrigated
agriculture was expanded in all parts of the Awash Valley and in the Lower Rift Valley.

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Chapter 1: Introduction
The Awash valley saw the biggest expansion in view of the water regulation afforded by
the construction of the Koka dam and reservoir that regulated flows with benefits of flood
control, Hydropower and assured irrigation water supply.

During the Derge era, all private farms were nationalized, thereby ending the highly
motivated but embryonic private sector. The government pursued the development of
medium and large-scale irrigation schemes as State Farms, initiating a number of
schemes dispersed in many parts of the country that ranged from Amibara Irrigation
Project in the Middle Awash to Alwero Irrigation Project in Gambella and Gode-West
Irrigation near Gode town. Following the downfall of the Dergue, the current government
until recently withdrew from expanding State Farms and further construction of medium
and large-scale irrigation.

While the development of small-scale irrigation schemes has continued under Regional
Water, Mines and Energy Bureaus, the development of medium and large-scale irrigation
has virtually ceased since the mid 90s until recently. This is due to the withdrawal of the
Federal Government from running state development enterprises such as irrigated state
farms, following the adoption of market based economic policy.

The private sector has also been reluctant to fill the gap created by this withdrawal.
Private consultancy firms and construction contractors, on the other hand, have quickly
emerged with the coming in to force of a market based economic policy. Private
irrigation farmers have also commenced operation in the Awash, Meki-zway, and Woito
valleys, albeit on a small and medium scale.

The Country has a total area of about 1.13 million km2, with estimated arable land
resources of potential of 55 million hectares, or approximately 50% of its land mass
(UNDP-FAO, 1984).Despite the huge arable land resources potential, only 14% of the
country's total land mass is being utilized for crop cultivation.


No River Basin Area ('000ha)

1 Abbay 5800
2 Awash 406
3 Baro-Akobo 1100
4 Genale-Dawa 660
5 Mereb 38
6 Omo-Ghibe 348
7 Rift Valley 80
8 Tekeae 1383
9 Wabi-Shebele 335
Total 10150

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Chapter 1: Introduction

The following criteria are used for classification of irrigation projects in Ethiopia:
Small Scale under 200 ha
Medium scale 200 to 3,000 ha
Large scale Over 3,000 ha


Based upon the various river basin master plans and land and water resources surveys,
the aggregate irrigation potentials of Ethiopia have been estimated to be 2,523,000
million hectares, net. The gross irrigation potential would be about 3.7 million hectares.


The total area irrigated till 1991 was 176015 ha, this figure had increased to 197,250 ha
in 1998. According to data recently compiled by MOWR 2004/5 from different master
plan studies and regions the area under irrigation in the country has increased to about
250,613 ha. This is due to rapid increment of the area under traditional irrigation.


1. Kesem & Tendeho Irrigation Projects

The projects are found in the Awash Basin. A total of 90,000ha Irrigation area with all its
infrastructure & Dams design completed. With in the coming one year it is assumed that
all of is construction works will be completed.

2. Ethiopian Nile Irrigation & Drainage Projects: These projects are found in the
Abbay & Tekeze Basins.

Arjo- Dedesa Irrigation Projects.

This project area is located in the Abbay Basin.
It has a total area of 14,300 ha.
Previously it was studied to a reconnaissance level.
It is now been studied at feasibility and design level. It is assumed that the study will be
completed within the next 6 months.

Humara Irrigation Project

This project area is located in the Tekeze Basin.
It has a total area of 43,000 ha.
Previous & it was studied at perfectibility level.
It is now been studied at feasibility and design level.

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Chapter 1: Introduction
Gumara Irrigation Project.
This project area is situated around Lake Tana in the Nile Basin.
It has a total area of 14,000 ha.
Previously the area was studied to a reconnaissance level.
The project will be studied at a design level. It is assumed that at the end of one year it.
Construction work will start.

3. Lake Tana sub basin irrigation project.

Ethiopian Government financed projects.

The projection areas are located in Abbay Basin. It includes North East Lake Tana, North
West Lake Tana, South West Lake Tana, Jemma, Megech, Rib and Gilgel Abbay
Irrigation Project.
Feasibility study and detailed design projects.
They constitutes a total area of 62,457 ha
Project will be completed within a year.
It is expected that the construction work will be started after one year.
World Bank financed projects.
It includes Rib, Megech and Anger Irrigation Projects
Feasibility and Detailed Design Project
Covers a total of 20,000 ha.

4. Koga Irrigation Project.

This project is located in Abbay Basin.

It is under construction
It covers a total area of 7,000ha.

5. Lake Abbaya Sub-basin Irrigation Project

It includes Gelana, Gidabo and Billate Irrigation Projects.

They are located in the Rift Valley Lakes Basin.
The Total area of this project is 31,920 ha.
The projects will be studied at design level
The study will be a completed within a year.

6. Ziway Irrigation Project

It is feasibility study and detailed design project

The project area is located in the Rift Valley Lakes Basin.
The project area covers 15,500 ha.
The project will be a completed within a year.

7. Wabi Shabele Basin Irrigation Project.

Irrigation Engineering Lecture Notes 14

Chapter 1: Introduction
This includes Gololcha, Errer, Iliyon and Buldaho Irrigation Projects
Feasibility study projects
They make up a total area of 52,920 ha.
These projects will be studied at feasibility level.
It will be completed within a year.

8. Raya Valley Pressurized Irrigation Project

Feasibility study and Detailed design project

Located in Danakil dry basin
Source of water is ground water
Total area being studied is 18 000 ha
The project will be completed in a year

9. Kobo-Girana Valley Pressurized Irrigation Project

Feasibility study and detailed design project

Located in Danakil dry basin and partly in Awash Basin
Source of water is ground water
Total area being studied is 17,000 ha
The project will be completed in a year

10. Wolkyte Irrigation Project

Feasibility study and detailed design project

Located in Tekeze Basin
Total area being studied is about 40,000 ha

Irrigation Engineering Lecture Notes 15

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