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GRADE LEVEL : _____________________EIGHT______________________


TEACHER : _____________________________________________ _____

Performance Task : Pamphlet for Precautionary Measures Before, During and After a Typhoon
Engaging Scenario:
The experience that many people had during Typhoon Yolanda and Typhoon Ulysses made them realize
that they must always be ready whenever a calamity such as typhoon happens. Residents of the affected
communities became victims of such tragedy were those who did not follow the government’s call for evacuation
or those who were unaware of the advisory and storm signals.
The mayor of the city where you live in wants to ensure that the call for evacuation will be followed by the
residents. Being the head of the training and information committee, you are tasked to create a pamphlet that
contains the Precautionary Measures Before, During and After a Typhoon which will be used in the awareness

You can use long bond paper, marker, indigenous materials, crayons, oil pastel or other coloring materials
in making your pamphlet.
 You can divide your bond paper in 3 lengthwise folds.
 Your output will be graded based on the following criteria :
Content – 35%
Organization -25%
Text - 20 %
Presentation – 20 %
Total 100 %

GRADE LEVEL : _____________________EIGHT______________________

TEACHER : ______________________________________________ _____

Performance Task : Pamphlet for Precautionary Measures Before, During and After a Typhoon
Engaging Scenario:
The experience that many people had during Typhoon Yolanda and Typhoon Ulysses made them realize
that they must always be ready whenever a calamity such as typhoon happens. Residents of the affected
communities became victims of such tragedy were those who did not follow the government’s call for evacuation
or those who were unaware of the advisory and storm signals.
The mayor of the city where you live in wants to ensure that the call for evacuation will be followed by the
residents. Being the head of the training and information committee, you are tasked to create a pamphlet that
contains the Precautionary Measures Before, During and After a Typhoon which will be used in the awareness

 You can use long bond paper, marker, indigenous materials, crayons, oil pastel or other coloring materials
in making your pamphlet.
 You can divide your bond paper in 3 lengthwise folds.
 Your output will be graded based on the following criteria :
Content – 35%
Organization -25%
Text - 20 %
Presentation – 20 %
Total 100 %

Example Pamphlet

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