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Final Output for Comparative Economic Planning, Law Related Studies, Urban

Geography, and Trends and Issues in Social Studies

Dear all,

We hope everything is well with you and your family.

This is to inform you that the STE-College Department already decided to give you a
collaborative final output as one of the basis of our grading criteria. We advise you
to submit the final output due after the ECQ/GCQ via email this academic year of

Task to do (Final Output):

You need to make a paradigm that will describe the relationship of the four social
science disciplines (Economy, Politics, Geography, and Sociology) in the current COVID-
19 outbreak. Your paradigm must answer the following questions below. You need to
explain the technical aspect of your paradigm and give your reflective response(s) as a
social scientist.

The COVID-19 outbreak has sparked urgent questions about the impact of pandemics,
and associated countermeasures, on the real economy, political system, sociological
implications in relation to the geographical features of the Philippines.

On March 26, 2020, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte signed Republic Act 11469 or
“Bayanihan to Heal as one Act” into law. It gives him the power to adopt temporary
emergency measures to respond to COVID-19 national health crisis.

1. How will the law affect the economic sector of the Philippines in connection to
Philippine Economic Development Plan 2016-2020?
2. How does the geographical (physical, human, and urban) features of the
Philippines affects the implementation of the law?
3. How does the implementation of the law and its effects change the sociological
nature of every Filipinos?

Note: It is advisable to have secondary references (journals, empirical papers, and

others) as one of the basis of your answers.

Thank you.
Please include our country in your daily prayers.
Stay safe. God Bless you and your family.

Warm regards,

Sir Tophe-

Sir Kevin-
Sir Lenin-
A. Content
15 12 10 6
Demonstrates good Demonstrates Demonstrates some Demonstrates little
understanding of the general understanding of the understanding of
topic. Ideas highlighted understanding of the topic. Ideas are not topic. Ideas are not
THINKING and and explained further topic. Ideas are expressed clearly and expressed clearly and
COMMUNCATION with us of appropriates expressed through examples, reasons and not supported by
examples, reasons or some examples, details and examples, reason,
explanations which help reasons details or explanations are and explanations.
reader understand the explanations. lacking.
arguments better.
Identifies and questions Identifies and Identifies minor Purely Narrative,
the assumptions of the questions the assumptions of the merely repeats the
topic and forwards a assumptions of the topic and only information read, no
well-articulated critique topic but fails to superficially considers analysis/reflection
of the topic. surface important the validity and offered.
ASSESSMENT of implications of the implications of these
ASSUMPTIONS, IDEAS of topic. Analysis/ assumptions.
MATERIALS based on Reflection can still be
EVIDENCES enhanced. Analysis/Reflection is
lacking in depth,
presenting only
personal perspective
while leaving out other
possible perspectives.
Discusses important Discusses appropriate Very minor discussion of Fails to discuss
conclusions/implication conclusions/implicati implications/ conclusions,
and consequences. ons. consequences of implications, and
conclusions and fails to consequences and
ASSESSMENT of Objectively reflects Fails to consider reflect about own fails to reflect about
CONCLUSIONS, upon own assertions limitations of own ideas. own ideas.
IMPLICATIONS and made and identifies views as presented in
CONSEQUENCES appropriate directions the paper as other Identifies some
for further inquiry. perspective were not directions for further
significantly inquiry.
5 journals, and/or books 4 journals, and/or 3 journals, and/or books 2 journals, and/or
are integrated and books are integrated are integrated and books are integrated
SUPPORT properly cited in the and properly cited in properly cited in the and properly cited in
paper. the paper. paper. the paper. Less than 2
journals = 0.

and other non-
academic sources
not counted but may
Submitted on the day of Submitted a day after Submitted 2-3 day after Submitted a week
deadline. the deadline. the deadline after the deadline. All
papers submitted two
weeks later will get a
TIMELESS maximum points of
70. All papers beyond
two weeks will get a
maximum points of

B. Paradigm presentation is 25 points.

Maximum points: 100

*Proper bibliographic citation is expected. PLAGIARISM is a MAJOR OFFENSE. Please be guided
accordingly. Critical thinking portion adapted from Washington State Critical Thinking Rubric, and
the others are from University of the Philippines Los Bańos- College of Public Affairs Rubric for CED
301 Papers.

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