Multiple Choice Test

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Multiple Choice test

There was a man named George ‘Smokey’ Jones, he rode a motorcycle

and it was both very powerful and loud. One day Smokey was heading
towards town when he came across what seemed to be an accident. He
saw two cars damaged and a young woman crying about the incident, he
checked to see if anyone was hurt but it seemed that they were not hurt
in any way. He asked what had happened and the woman replied angrily
“She’s blind! She ruined my car!” Smokey had decided that it was best
not to interfere but to simply call the emergency services to help them
out he offered the woman closest to him his phone after ringing the
police to inform them of the accident.
Suddenly the woman who had remained quiet up until this point started
to shout “You are an incompetent waste of oxygen!” and then
proceeded to shout horrible things at the other woman. Smokey decided
to try to intervene between the two women but quickly regretted his
decision when one slapped him in the face causing him to drop his
sunglasses. He was annoyed severely as his sunglasses were expensive
and he had only been trying to help. He picked up his sunglasses shook
off the sting from the slap and got back on his motorbike to leave as the
police had already started to arrive. He contemplated informing the
police of the fact that the taller woman of the two had slapped him for
no reason but decided that they were caught up in the moment and
probably would feel bad about it later.
He continued to drive down the road until he got to his friend’s place. He
looked towards the front door from the driveway and pulled into the
drive. His friend greeted him at the door and offered him the usual
pleasantries involved. Smokey sat down and spoke to his friend Joshua
about the incident and then pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and
decided to light it. “Oh Smokey, Smokey, Smokey… Must you always
smoke so often?” Smokey laughed and said, “Well you call me Smokey
so I may as well smoke.” Both of the friends laughed at the irony
involved and then they had dinner together. It had been quite a day for
Smokey but he was glad in the end that he could relax and enjoy his
evening with his friend of over 40 years.

Why is he called Smokey?

He smells like smoke He likes fire He always smokes
He does lots of burnouts on his motorcycle

How old is Smokey?

25 50 34 41

What was his friends name?

John Jacob Joshua Joseph

What was the purpose of his journey?

Fun Excitement Visit a friend To help others?

How many people are directly mentioned in the story?

2 3 4 5 89374658326

His motorbike was;

Old Powerful Black Cool

‘Contemplated’ based on how it was used means

Decided Thought Ate Danced

What expensive item does Smokey own?

Motorcycle Car Hat Sunglasses

What is Smokey’s real name?

Bumblebee Man George Johns George Jones
Jason Derulo

Who hit Smokey?

The short woman The tall woman Joshua The police

What is ironic about Smokey’s friend calling him Smokey?

He doesn’t want him to smoke He smokes too He doesn’t
smoke He eats smoked meats

Why was the woman crying?

Her face was ugly Her boyfriend broke up with her She
crashed her car She ran out of bananas.

Incompetent means;
Stupid Funny Useless Boring

Why did he regret intervening?

He got slapped He broke his sunglasses He lost his keys
He hates people and their problems

How many cars were damaged?

2 4 7 3.5

What is a pleasantry?
Telling people nice things Saying people look awful Eating
food even if it is horrible Asking how someone is and greeting

Where was Smokey heading when he saw the accident?

Friends house Town Banana shop Beyonce concert

Why did he call the police?

He didn’t like women To try to be helpful So he could put
it on YouTube Just for fun

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