Year 10 English Writing Final 2021 Exam

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北京市八一学校国际部 2020~2021 学年度第二学期期中考试

International Department of Beijing Bayi School

2020~2021 Semester Two Final Exam
Subject 科目:_______Writing Year 10_________________
Exam Length 考试时长:_______120 mins______ Total 总分:_____________/50

Part I. Short answers (__/10) Write a short poem about a person, nature or an event.
It must include a metaphor, alliteration and repetition. It must also be at least 8 lines long
and follow a widely accepted rhyme scheme (ABAB AABB AAABBB ABCABC)
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Part II: Multiple choice. ( /10) Circle ONE answer.

There was once a young called Stacey who lived with her grandfather in a small town outside of
中文名 Chinese Name

Birmingham in England. She was only 11 years old but she had big dreams of being successful as her
mother used to be before the accident. It took place when she was only 6 years old and she didn’t
really remember what had happened clearly as for her it was half a lifetime ago, she just remembered
that there were times with her mother and that now she was no longer able to be around. Stacey never
let this stop her from trying to make her mother proud, she never knew her father and her grandfather
barely knew him either, whenever she asked about him her grandfather would simply say “It’s been
too long for me to remember certain details.” She thought that this was either because he didn’t want
to talk about it or maybe he simply was getting too old to remember it, although she believed it was
probably not the latter. Stacey had a friend called George who lived only 6 houses further down the
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road on the same street as her. It was called Bakersfield Street but George always referred to home as
“The Bakery” even though there were no bakeries on the street. George also went to the same school
as Stacey so they frequently walked to and from school together with her grandfather as George’s dad
was very busy at work (he worked as a police officer so he would do strange hours of work
sometimes), she never minded spending extra time with George he was quite funny.
Circle the correct answers after reading the news article;

1. Where did Stacey live?

The United Kingdom America China Australia

2. What happened to the mother?

She had a car crash She died She ran away It doesn’t say.

3. What is ironic about calling it “The Bakery”

It has lots of bakeries He likes to eat cake all day It has a doughnut shop There are
no bakeries nearby.

4. Why didn’t her grandfather talk about her dad?

He didn’t like him It made him uncomfortable to talk about him
He didn’t remember him He was too old to remember He hates men

5. How many characters are discussed in the story?

2 4 6 3 1

6. What perspective is the story written from?

1st person 3rd person 2nd person All of the above

7. Why did she like George?

He lived close His dad was a policeman They went to the same school He was funny

8. How many years has she lived with her grandfather?

11 6 5 4 3 2 1 27,000 It doesn’t say

9. Her mother was ________

Poor Rich Old Successful

10. How old was George?

11 15 21 4


1. i likee apple banana orang and strawberrys


2. it is so late now where has you been.


3. wen I want to go outside I always rememmber to took my favourite hat for me.

4. I dont like when I has to give speakes infront of lots of peoples!


5. Today will be the last day that I am working here.


Part III: Extended response. Essay

You are to write an essay on ONE of the following topics.


1. You should always try your best at things.

2. Respect is important a cohesive society.
3. Learning a second language can help you in life to succeed.
4. We should actively try to help other people.
5. The more you express your ideas the better life will be.
6. Worrying doesn’t help anyone.

Essay 1: Topic chosen ___________( /25)

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