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MKT 4131 Assessment 2: Individual Strategic Marketing Plan

The following table provides an overview of the assessment requirements.

Assignment Brief – Individual Strategic Marketing Plan.
Submission Thursday March 5th 2022, (week 19)
date, time An Electronic copy submitted via Turnitin by 11:59pm on the same day.
N/B: You need to allow time for uploading C/W two onto Turnitin because if submitted late, your C/W will not
be accepted or graded by your tutor. In addition, it is your responsibility to ensure your C/W has been uploaded
correctly. Copies emailed to your tutor will not be accepted or graded.
Word Count 2,500 words (+/- 20%)
Assignment Plan based on findings from cw1 and is a drive for business growth.
type Each student will work individually and group members are to select a business/organisation different
to one another*.
Your Task:
Assuming the role of a marketing consultant, you have been tasked by the Marketing Director of an
organisation (confirmed earlier) to write a strategic marketing plan to drive growth. Therefore, your
plan should enhance the organisation’s ability to exploit any new opportunities identified through the
strategic audit (C/W1). This could be, as an example, for some organisations a combination of several
smaller opportunities or for others a major development. In developing your plan, you are to ensure it
includes (but not restricted to) the following – in no particular order:
o Clearly defined/justified SMART objectives, as well as, strategic and tactical changes to the
current marketing strategy based on an environmental analysis etc.
o Recommends how the organisation will assess the potential benefits/problems that these
opportunities may deliver.
o A critical evaluation of the organisation’s internal environment, value chain, and its current
marketing strategy/assets, in relation to its ability to meet consumers’ requirements and exploit
its opportunities, as well as potential timescales
o Utilises and justifies proposed marketing mix, including notions of wrap-around services,
supporting activities, re-positioning strategies et al.
o Concludes with an evaluation of the resources and control mechanisms required to deliver its
proposed suggestions et al.
o Discusses its potential source of competitive advantage, key success factors when benchmarked
against competitor’s et al.
o An analysis and evaluation of the organisation’s strategic position and options open to them with
justification using such examples as SAF/SPACE analysis.
*Please note:
• You are not to use the organisations existing growth strategies or proposed plans
• Your choice of business / organisation should be operating within the same
segment/market/industry as identified in cw1.
Assignment This assessment should be 1.5 line-spaced, Font 11-12, Arial/Calibri, referenced appropriately
Structure throughout. Indicate the word count on the first page and include a bibliography at the end (Harvard
and format system) of the document. If you are not sure how to use the Harvard system, please access the
following link:
Learning learning outcomes 1, 2 3, 6 and 7
Weighting % 50%
Key Reading West: Chapters 1 – 14, Seminar case studies, readings and notes weeks 1 - 18
Feedback Sheet - Cw2
Student Name Student Number


Criteria for Assessment

Content Grade Comments
Executive Summary and objectives of the report
Cleary defined marketing objectives – derived from analysis SMART
objective(s) for a growth strategy

Strategic Capability(s)
• Internal analysis matching/converting external analysis, including a
summary prioritising strategic issues
• Selection of key strategic issues
• Using such tools as RBV, marketing Assets Core Competencies KSF’s,
VC, Ansoff et al

Selection of Competitive positioning &

competitive advantage - Formulation of strategic objectives
• Student will outline strategic idea and direction for the organisation
• Identification & examination of growth strategy -its SCA using such
tools as TOWS analysis with relative weightings of the factors in the
SWOT, GE Matrix or BCG Matrix, MES, Strategy theory et al.

Direction of action:
• Targeting and Positioning
• Internal / external development needed or applied
• Utilisation of a Marketing Mix Programme to
support strategy

Conclusion and Evaluation of Strategic Options -SAF - Suitability,

Acceptability, Feasibility
• Student to justify recommendations as SAF/SPACE (Strategic
Position and ACtion Evaluation) analysis and strategic fit
• The report explains how the proposed strategic choices are capable
of exploiting and/or avoiding major issues identified within the
situation analysis – C/W 1

Content of the Marketing Plan 80%

Overall Presentation of the Report:
• Appropriate use of supporting material – referencing / bibliography
(wider reading). Use of figures/diagrams
• Appropriate use of theoretical underpinning to support analysis,
interpretation and discussion
• Evidence of independent thought
• Focus and clarity of argument maintained throughout
• Inclusion of appropriate sections/subsections (Marketing plan
format used?)
• Spelling, grammar, punctuation
• Max 3500 words / 1.5 line-spaced / Font 12 Arial / single staple
Presentation Subtotal: 20%
Total 100%
Overall Marking Criteria:

• Depth of research, analysis, interpretation and discussion

• Appropriate use of strategic marketing frameworks
• Physical presentation of the report
• Originality of answer

Seminar Tutor - Overall Comments:

Total score: /100%

Overall grade for the Marketing Plan: /50%

Seminar Tutor signature: Date: / / 2021

Internal Moderator signature: Date: / / 2021

Overall Comments:

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