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The hierarchy of laws

The laws and regulations consist of several types of regulations, and each regulation is
arranged based on its legal force into a hierarchy. The "hierarchy of laws and regulations" is a
hierarchy of laws and regulations that apply to the principle of laws and regulations that are
more likely to conflict with higher laws and regulations.

1. The Republic of Indonesian Constitution of 1945 (UUD 1945)

The 1945 Constitution is the basis of statutory regulations. The 1945 Constitution is the
highest regulation in the order of national legislation.

As in article 7 a, The establishment of laws and regulations is making laws and regulations
that This includes the stages of planning, drafting, discussion, ratification, or determination,
and promulgation.

2. Decree of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR)

MPR Decrees are MPR decisions which are stipulated in the MPR session, including
provisional MPR decrees and MPR decrees that are still valid. As in Article 2 and Article 4 of
the Decree of the MPR RI Number I/MPR/2003 concerning the Review of the Material and
Legal Status of the Provisional MPR and MPR Decrees from 1960 to 2002, on August 7,

As in article 7 b, Legislation is a regulation. written that contains binding legal norms. In

general, and formed or determined by State institutions or authorized officials through The
procedures set out in the Regulations Legislation.

3. Uu and Perppu

A statutory regulation is a statutory regulation established by the House of Representatives

(DPR) with the joint approval of the President. Perppu is a statutory regulation stipulated by
the President in matters of compelling urgency. The mechanism of the law, or perppu, is as
follows: The Perppu is submitted to the DPR in the following trial. The DPR can accept or
reject the Perppu without making any changes. If approved by the DPR, the Perppu will
become a law. If rejected by the DPR, the Perppu must be revoked and declared invalid.
Acting Minister of Law and Human Rights: To relocate the capital city, 23 laws must be

As in article 7 c "Law is the legislation established by the House of Representatives. The

people, with the joint approval of the President,

4. Government Regulation (PP)

A government regulation is a statutory regulation set by the President to carry out the law as
it should. Government regulations function to carry out orders of higher laws and regulations
or in carrying out government powers.

As in article 7 d, Government Regulation in Lieu of Law It is a statutory requirement. In

cases of emergency, the President makes the decision.
5. Presidencial ragulations (Perpers)

Presidential regulations are laws and regulations set by the president to carry out higher
legislative orders or to carry out government powers.

As in article 7 e, A Presidential Regulation is a statutory regulation stipulated by the

President for carry out the law properly.

6. Provincial Regulations (Perda)

Provincial Regulations are statutory regulations established by the Provincial Regional

People's Representative Council (DPRD) with the mutual consent of the Governor.

As in article 7 f, A Presidential Regulation is a statutory regulation stipulated by the President

for carry out higher-level legislative orders or in exercise government power.

7. district or city regulations. (Perda kabupaten atau kota)

Regency or City Regulations are laws and regulations established by the Regency or City
DPRD with the joint approval of the Regent or Mayor. Included in the Regency or City
Regional Regulations are the Qanun that apply in the Regency or City in Aceh Province. The
meaning of the order of the legislation In the elucidation of Article 7 paragraph 2 of Law
Number 12 of 2011, what is meant by "hierarchy" is the hierarchy of each type of legislation.

As in article 7 g, Provincial Regulations and Regulations Legislation enacted by the

Provincial People's Representative with agreement with the Governor.

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