Modeling of Slag Foaming

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Modelling of slag foaming

Article  in  Ironmaking & Steelmaking · November 2010

DOI: 10.1179/030192310X12690127076550


22 351

3 authors:

Liushun Wu Galina Jelkina Albertsson

Anhui University of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology


Du Sichen
KTH Royal Institute of Technology


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Modelling of slag foaming
L. S. Wu, G. J. Albertsson and Du Sichen*
In this work, silicone oils of different viscosities were used to simulate slag foaming. The
experimental results showed that the variations of foaming height with superficial gas velocity and
liquid viscosity do not show simple increasing trends. At a constant viscosity, foaming height
increased first and then started decreasing with increasing superficial velocity. Similarly, a
maximum foaming height was observed at an optimum viscosity when a constant gas flowrate
was applied. The foaming height started decreasing with further increasing viscosity. Based on
the experimental data, a semiempirical equation of foaming height was developed. The
predictions of the model agreed well with experimental data. The model could also reasonably
well explain the industrial pilot trial experiments. The experimental results with paraffin particle
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

additions indicated that a small amount of particle addition moved the onset of foaming to lower
superficial velocity. However, the increase in viscosity due to the presence of solid particles was
found not the main reason for the increase in foaming height.
Keywords: Slag foaming, Mathematical modelling, Physical modelling

List of symbols and density of the slag. On the other hand, a number of
investigations have reported different observation.
g Gravitational acceleration, m s22 Kitamura and Okohira,8 based on their experimental
h Total height of oil with foam, m results, report that the height of slag foam decreases
h0 Initial height of oil, m with increasing slag viscosity. Stadler et al.9 find that the
j Superficial velocity of gas, m s21 foaming index cannot be applied to their experimental
Dh h2h0, m results. Hong et al.10 also argue that no relationship
m Dynamic viscosity, Pa s between slag foaming and slag properties such as
n Kinematic viscosity, m2 s21 viscosity and surface tension can be found as suggested
r Liquid density, kg m23 by a foaming index.
s Surface tension, N m21 The decrease in foaming height with increasing
viscosity is even found in the pilot convertor.11 Based
Introduction on their pilot converter results, these authors also report
a decrease in foaming height with the rate of gas
Slag foaming plays an important role in steelmaking generation (superficial velocity). Capodilupo et al.12
process. For example, proper slag foaming in the basic report that there is an optimum basicity (viscosity),
oxygen furnace enhances the transfer of heat due to post where foaming height shows a maximum.
combustion to the metal bath below. On the other hand,
The controversy between the results of different
excessive slag foaming results in slopping, which
research groups might be due to the different experi-
seriously affects the production of steel. In the electrical
mental conditions, e.g. the range of superficial velocities
arc furnace (EAF), slag foaming is used to protect
and the range of viscosities. More complicated models
electrodes and metal from the atmosphere. A good
such as the void fraction model,13,14 and the model
foaming slag in the EAF can also help energy saving.
based on drag coefficient as well as bubble diameter,15
Many studies on foaming height have been con-
are also suggested. Because of the lack of the model
ducted. The concept of foaming index has been widely
parameters, the application of these models to the
used by a number of researcher groups.1–7 According to
metallurgical processes is not a very easy task.
the definition of foaming index, the height of slag foam
is characterised by each slag composition. The foaming It is commonly agreed that the presence of solid
height is proportional to the superficial velocity of the particles has strong impact on slag foaming.16–18 The
gas as well as the viscosity of the slag and inversely impact is usually explained by the increase in viscosity of
proportional to the square roots of the surface tension the slag due to the presence of particles.2,7 However,
lack of evidence makes this argument still uncertain.
The present work aims at a semiempirical model to
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Royal Institute of estimate foaming height as function of slag properties
Technology, SE-10044 Stockholm, Sweden and gas velocity. In view of the controversy between
*Corresponding author, email previous publications, a wide range of experimental

ß 2010 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute
Received 19 January 2010; accepted 15 February 2010
612 DOI 10.1179/030192310X12690127076550 Ironmaking and Steelmaking 2010 VOL 37 NO 8
Wu et al. Modelling of slag foaming

conditions was studied to get a better model prediction.

The effect of small solid particles on the foaming
behaviour was also experimentally studied.

Silicone oils with different viscosities were employed.
The physical properties of the oils are presented in
Table 1. Oils A, B, G, K and L were supplied by BDH
Laboratory Supplies (Poole, UK), while oils C, D, E, F,
H, I and J were obtained by mixing the different
1 Schematic diagram of experimental set-up
commercially available oils. Oils C, D, E, F, H, I and J
were all single phase solutions, as different oils could
flowrates were used. The air gas was introduced through
easily dissolve each other. Note that the surface tensions
the gas inlet situated in the centre of the bottom of the
of oils A, B, G, K and L are all about 2161023 N m21.
gas chamber. The gas chamber enabled a uniform
It is reasonable to expect that the surface tensions of the
distribution of gas passage through the pores of the
oil mixtures, namely, oils A, B, G, K and L, have also
filter. A ruler was attached to the outside wall of the
surface tensions very close to 2161023 N m21. While
vessel to measure the height of foaming. The process of
the viscosity of oils A, B, G, K and L were supplied by
foaming was recorded by video camera after stabilisa-
BDH, the viscosities of the oil mixtures were determined
tion of the foam. In view of the fluctuation of the
by a digital Brookfield LVDVII zPro viscometer. The
foaming height, an average value was taken over many
viscometer measured the torque required to rotate the
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

flames recorded over a time period of 5 min.

spindle in a fluid.
The effect of small particles on foaming was studied
These viscosities cover the viscosity range of the
by adding different amounts of paraffin particles in the
converter slags. The similarity of the slag and oil systems
oil and following the foaming heights. Again, different
is met by choosing a suitable Morton number defined as
gas flowrates were employed. To examine whether the
m4 g n4 r3 g increase in the viscosity of the liquid due to the presence
~ 3 (1) of particle was the reason for the particle effect on
s3 r s
foaming, the viscosities of different oil–paraffin mixtures
where r and s are the density and surface tension of the were also measured by the Brookfield LVDVII zPro
liquid respectively; g is the gravitational constant. m and viscometer.
n in equation (1) are the viscosity and kinematic
viscosity of the liquid respectively. The Morton number
of the converter slag is around 0?006. The oils used in Results
the present work cover this Morton number. Higher The variation of viscosity with the amount of paraffin
Morton numbers are also studied in the experiments. particles is presented in Fig. 2. The experimental results
To study the effect of particles on foaming, paraffin of two oils (oil B and oil G) are included in the figure. It
was ground into small particles. The powders were is seen that the particles of the three size groups behave
filtered with sieves of different meshes successively to get almost the same in the size range adopted. The
powders in a number of different size groups. viscosities of both oils increase linearly with the amount
The experimental set-up is schematically shown in of paraffin addition up to 10 mass%.
Fig. 1. A transparent cylindrical vessel was used. It had Foaming experiments of 12 oils (Table 1) were
an inner diameter of 92 mm and height of 400 mm. A conducted. As an example, Figure 3 presents the
silicon oxide filter (with pore range 17–40 mm) divided photographs of the foams of oil B at three superficial
the vessel into two parts, namely, a gas chamber and gas velocities. It is commonly observed that silicone oil
liquid column. The height of the gas chamber was cannot foam at very low superficial velocity because the
45 mm. Compressed air was used to generate the foam. rupture rate of bubbles is higher than the formation rate
The flowrate of the compressed air was controlled by a of bubbles. Below a certain superficial velocity, many
digital flow meter (type: F-201C-FA-33-V; Bronkhorst small gas bubbles scatter inside the oil and rise slowly,
High-Tech BV, Ruurlo, The Netherlands). Different gas while the increase in the oil height is hardly noticed. At

Table 1 Physical properties of silicone oils used in study

Oil Kinematic viscosity n, 1026 m2 s21 Surface tension, 1023 N m21 Density, kg m23

A 50 20.7 960¡4
B 100 20.9 965¡4
C 118 (21) (970)
D 130 (21) (970)
E 146 (21) (970)
F 165 (21) (970)
G 200 21 968¡4
H 229 (21) (970)
I 256 (21) (970)
J 280 (21) (970)
K 335 21.1 969¡4
L 515 21.1 970¡4

Ironmaking and Steelmaking 2010 VOL 37 NO 8 613

Wu et al. Modelling of slag foaming

this foaming regime. When the superficial gas velocity is

in a suitable range, the whole liquid bath becomes foam.
Figure 3b shows a typical example of this situation. As
seen in the figure, the foaming height is several times the
initial height of the liquid. Above a certain gas velocity,
the height of foam starts decreasing. The ‘liquid’
becomes two layers again (Fig. 3c). When the superficial
velocity becomes too high, big bubbles are formed. The
big bubbles rise rapidly, resulting in strong turbulence in
the oil. In this regime, very little foaming is observed.
The foaming heights of the 12 oils are measured at
different gas flowrates and initial liquid heights. The
results are presented in Table 2. Dh in Table 2 is defined
by the following relationship
where h and h0 stand for the total height and initial
2 Variation of viscosity with amount of paraffin particles
height of the bath respectively. n in Table 2 represents
the kinematic viscosity of the oil.
moderated gas flowrates, foams are generated. In most Two oils, namely, oil B and oil G, were employed to
of the cases, the ‘liquid’ becomes two layers when study the effect of small particles on foaming. The
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

foaming starts appearing. Figure 3a is an example of results are presented in Table 3. It should be mentioned

a j50?1861022 m s21; b j50?7261022 m s21; c j51?4461022 m s21

3 Image of foaming (oil B)

Table 2 Experimentally determined foaming heights


Superficial velocity, 1022 m s21

n, 1026 m2 s21 h0, cm 0.18 0.36 0.54 0.72 0.90 1.08 1.26 1.44 1.80 2.16

50 4.5 1.5 3.6 4.5 4.7 4.3 3.6 1.8 1.8

100 1.5 0.4 1 1.8 2.2 2.3 2.2 2
3.0 0.5 2.4 3.5 4.3 4.3 3.8 3.4 2.7 2.2
4.5 1.8 5 5.7 5.8 5.1 4.1 2
6.0 1.1 7.2 7.4 6.8 5.5 4.2 1.9
7.5 1.1 8.7 9.1 8 5.3 2.6 1.8
118 4.5 4.2 6.1 6.4 6.1 5.6 5.1 3.3 2.4
130 4.5 7.4 7.8 8.1 7.3 6.5 5.9 4.7 3.2 1.9
146 4.5 6.7 7.2 7.4 6.7 6.1 5.5 3.5 2
165 4.5 6.5 7.6 7.6 7.2 5.6 4.8 2.9 1.8
200 4.5 4.4 5.4 5 3.5 2.7 2.3 1.8 1.4 1.2
229 4.5 3.7 4.6 3.2 2.5 2 1.6 1.4 1.2
256 4.5 0.8 2.2 2.2 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.2 1.2
280 4.5 0.5 0.8 1 1 1 1 1 1
335 4.5 0.9 1 1 1 1 0.9 0.9 1
515 4.5 1.4 1.4 1 1 1 1 1 1

614 Ironmaking and Steelmaking 2010 VOL 37 NO 8

Wu et al. Modelling of slag foaming

4 Variation of Dh with h0 (oil B)

that all the paraffin particles are smaller than 1 mm. 6 Foaming heights as function of slag basicity (repro-
Experiments with particles bigger than 5 mm indicate duced from Ref. 12)
that the foaming height is generally decreased by the
particles. In view of the irreproducibility of this type of the values are slightly dependent on the superficial
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

experiments, it is difficult to present the experimental

observation. Nevertheless, the experiments show clearly It is well known that a liquid with low viscosity exerts
that big solid particles only decrease the foaming height. a small drag force on the rising gas bubbles.
Consequently, the bubbles rise rapidly and therefore
leading to low gas fraction in the bath and poor
Discussion foaming. The increase in liquid viscosity would slow
Effect of initial height of liquid down the passing through of the bubbles and lead to
In many publications, the effect of the initial height of better foaming. On the other hand, liquid with too high
slag on foaming height is not considered and discussed. a viscosity would increase the departure size of the
In order to examine this aspect, Dh is plotted as a bubbles when they separate from the pore of filter.19–21
function of initial height of liquid in Fig. 4 for oil B. It is Moreover, too high a viscosity of the liquid leads also to
evidently seen in Figure 4 that Dh increases nearly rapid bubble coalescence.14,15 The bigger bubbles would
linearly with increasing initial liquid height. pass through the liquid much faster and thereby leading
to a lower gas fraction. The two opposite effects would
Effect of viscosity naturally lead to an optimum viscosity for foaming. This
Figure 5 shows the variations of Dh/h0 with kinematic aspect is well brought by the Dh/h0–kinematic viscosity
viscosity at different superficial velocities. Dh/h0 plot in Fig. 5. In fact, similar observation is also
increases with increasing kinematic viscosity before reported in the industrial experiment.12 The variation
reaching a maximum value, irrespective of the superficial of foaming height with slag basicity reported by
velocity. Further increase in the kinematic viscosity Capodilupo et al.12 is reproduced in Fig. 6. The viscosity
leads to the decrease in the foaming height. It is
interesting to note that the maximum foaming heights Table 3 Experimental results of oil B and oil G with
different amounts of additions of paraffin
are all observed at about n513061026 m2 s21, although particles (particle size ,1 mm)


Particle per cent, wt-%

m0, j,
mPa?s 1022 m s21 0 2 4 6 8 10

97 0.13 0.98 0.98 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.2

97 0.26 1.29 1.29 1.49 1.31 1.09 1
97 0.39 1.42 1.33 1.38 1.16 0.96 0.78
97 0.52 1.44 1.27 1.2 1 0.71 0.56
97 0.79 1.29 1.11 0.76 0.51 0.38 0.38
97 1.05 0.93 0.8 0.51 0.38 0.29 0.27
97 1.42 0.51 0.44 0.33 0.29 0.22 0.24
97 1.77 0.38 0.33 0.29 0.24 0.22 0.22
97 2.13 0.29 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.22 0.22
186 0.13 1.58 1.51 1.36 1.22 1 0.82
186 0.26 1.53 1.42 1.11 0.82 0.67 0.51
186 0.39 1.36 1.13 0.76 0.6 0.44 0.42
186 0.52 1.07 0.82 0.56 0.33 0.38 0.38
186 0.79 0.62 0.49 0.38 0.29 0.33 0.29
5 Variation of Dh/h0 with viscosity at different superficial 186 1.05 0.36 0.33 0.29 0.27 0.27 0.24
velocities 186 1.42 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24

Ironmaking and Steelmaking 2010 VOL 37 NO 8 615

Wu et al. Modelling of slag foaming

8 Fitting of Gaussian equation: variation of Dh/h0 with

7 Variation of Dh/h0 with superficial velocity at different
and some reporting a decrease.11 They might have
worked in different experimental conditions.
of the slag having 20 mass%FeO would increase with
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

CaO content when the basicity is higher than 1?2.1,11 A Semiempirical model
comparison of Figs. 5 and 6 indicates that the present Slag foaming is a very complicated phenomenon, as the
laboratory observation is in good accord with the residence of bubbles in the bath depends on a number of
industrial data. It is possible that the reported foaming forces, such as gravity, buoyancy, inertia force and
heights1–7 that are described by the foaming index are viscous force. These forces are related to the superficial
associated with the viscosity region, wherein the viscous velocity and the physical properties of the liquid as well
drag force is dominating. On the other hand, the as the gas. In view of the fact that a model based on first
observations of the decrease in foaming height with principal would be less satisfactory when applied to real
viscosity8–11 are associated with the region, where bigger processes, a semiempirical model is developed in the
bubbles have a more profound effect than the drag present work.
force. As shown in Figure 5, Dh/h0 shows a maximum at a
certain kinematic viscosity. The Dh/h0–kinematic viscos-
Effect of superficial gas velocity ity relationships appear to follow Gaussian distribution
Figure 7 shows the variation of Dh/h0 with superficial Dh h i
velocity at different kinematic viscosities. It is almost ~f 1 exp {C1 ðn{n0 Þ2 (2)
impossible to generate foam when the kinematic
viscosity is higher than 28061026 m2 s21. In accor- where n is the kinematic viscosity of the liquid, no is the
dance with Fig. 5, the oil having kinematic viscosity of kinematic viscosity at which the foaming of the liquid at
13061026 m2 s21 has the highest foam ability. The Dh/ a given superficial velocity shows a maximum. C1 is a
h0 of this oil reaches a value of 1?6 at a superficial constant, while f1 is a function of the superficial velocity
velocity as low as 0?2 cm s21. Except the oils (oils J, K and other physical properties. To confirm this assump-
and L) that do not foam, the foaming height increases tion, all the Dh/h0–viscosity curves are fitted by
first with increasing superficial velocity before reaching a equation (2). As examples, Fig. 8 presents the fittings
maximum value. Thereafter, the foaming height for j50?72 cm s21 and j51?08 cm s21. The fittings could
be considered very reasonable, in view of the uncertain-
decreases with further increasing superficial velocity.
ties involved in the experiments. Similarly, Fig. 7
Figure 7 indicates that the value of superficial velocity
suggests that Dh/h0–superficial velocity also follow
associated with the maximum foaming height decreases
Gaussian distribution
with increasing viscosity. On the one hand, higher
(     )
superficial velocity would increase the fraction of gas in Dh n0 1=2 2
the foam, which would increase the foaming height. On ~f 2 exp {C2 j{ j0 (3)
h0 n
the other hand, the experimental observation shows that
too high a superficial velocity would result in intensive where j is the superficial velocity of the gas and the j0 is
turbulence and bigger bubble size, which leads to rapid the superficial velocity at which the foaming of the liquid
bubble coalescence and shorter bubble residence time in at a given kinematic viscosity shows a maximum. C2 is a
the bath. As the result of the two opposing factors, a constant in the Gaussian function. f2 in equation (3) is a
maximum foaming height occurs at an optimum super- function the physical properties. The term (n0/n)1/2 in
ficial velocity at a given viscosity. It is worthwhile to equation (3) is to take account the shift of the maximum
mention that it is difficult to conduct experiments with foaming height due to the kinematic viscosity effect. In
gas superficial velocities below 0?1 cm s21 due to the Fig. 9, the fitted Gaussian distributions for oil B and oil
uncertainties involved. Figure 7 might be a reasonable G are presented as examples. The functions fit the
explanation to the controversy between the different experimental data quite well.
studies, namely, some of them1–7 reporting an increase It is commonly agreed that the residence time of a
in foaming height with increasing superficial velocity bubble is related to the Morton number (equation (1)).22

616 Ironmaking and Steelmaking 2010 VOL 37 NO 8

Wu et al. Modelling of slag foaming

9 Fitting of Gaussian equation: variation of Dh/h0 with 11 Comparison of model prediction and real foaming
superficial velocity height in 5 t converter

The bigger Morton number would result in longer Application to industrial data
residence time of the bubbles and therefore larger Tokumitsu et al.11 studied the slag foaming in a 5 t
foaming height.
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

converter. Their main findings are: (1) the foaming

Based on the above discussion, it is reasonable to height increases with iron oxide content; (2) slag
expect that Dh/h0 can be described by the following foaming becomes significant if coke weight in the
equation converter is decreased below a certain value; (3) slag
 4 3  C4 (     ) height is probably due to the gas bubbles evolved at the
Dh n r g n0 1=2 2
~C3 exp {C2 j{ j0 slag/metal interface or in the slag layer. It would be
h0 s3 n interesting to examine whether the present model can be
h i applied to their experiment data.
exp {C1 ðn{n0 Þ2 (4) The slag properties are not reported in the publica-
tion. Fortunately, the general slag compositions em-
where C3 and C4 are another two constants. On the basis
ployed in the pilot converter (Table 4) are very close to
of the experimental data listed in Table 2, the constants
the one reported by Nippon Steel,3 namely, 45CaO–
C1, C2, C3 and C4 are optimised. Hence, equation (4) is
30SiO2–10MgO–15Al2O3 (mass%). The physical proper-
rewritten as
ties of the slags having different FeO contents are given
 4 3 0:045 (    ) in Table 5 (reproduced from Ref. 3). It is seen in Table 5
Dh n r g n0 1=2 2
~2:238 exp {8150 j{ j0 that the surface tension and density show very little
h0 s3 n
dependence on the slag composition, while the viscosity
h i
decreases with increasing FeO content. It would be a
exp {1:094|108 ðn{n0 Þ2 (5)
good approximation that the same r and s are used in
Note that in equation (5), j.0?161022 m s21, all the model calculation, while the slag viscosity is allowed
properties are in SI unites. to vary.
In Fig. 10, the predicated Dh/h0 is plotted against the In the paper of Tokumitsu et al.,11 the gas generation
experimental data. The model predictions are satisfac- rate is not evaluated. As mentioned earlier, the authors
tory, indicating thereby the reliability of the model. report a decrease of foaming height with the addition of
coke. It is well known that the increase in coke attrition
would result in an increase in gas evolution. It can be
concluded that the superficial gas velocities in their
experiments are on the right hand side of the optimum
gas velocity (Fig. 7). Because of the lack of information
on the actual superficial gas velocities, model calcula-
tions are made based on two fractions of the maximum
foaming height, 0?55hmax and 0?8hmax. The calculated
foaming heights are plotted as function of viscosity in
Fig. 11. The experimentally determined foaming heights
in the 5 t converter11 are also included in the figure for
comparison. Although assuming that the gas flowrates

Table 4 Slag composition

% CaO SiO2 Al2O3 MgO T.Fe M.Fe MnO P2O5 S

Steady 39.29 27.50 14.63 14.73 4.06 0.22 0.85 0.78 0.12
10 Comparison of model predictions and experiment data state

Ironmaking and Steelmaking 2010 VOL 37 NO 8 617

Wu et al. Modelling of slag foaming

12 Variation of Dh/h0 with superficial velocity at different 13 Comparison of foaming height of oil and oil–paraffin
amounts of particle per cent (oil B) mixture

corresponding to 0?55hmax and 0?8hmax are somewhat would be the main factor affecting the foaming height,
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

arbitrary, the assumptions are still reasonable. First, it is the foaming height of this mixture should show similar
very difficult for the converter to reach the optimum gas trends to the pure oil having the same viscosity, e.g. oil J
generation rate. Second, different amounts of coke (272 mPa s). The Dh/h0 of pure oil J is also plotted in
additions would lead to different superficial gas velo- Fig. 13. It is evidently seen that although the two
cities. Nevertheless, the model predictions are quite systems have very similar viscosity values, the foaming
reasonable. It might be worthwhile to mention that the behaviours are very different. Hence, the argument that
application of foaming index would predict opposite the presence of small particles increases the slag
trends in comparison with the experimental data. viscosity, which in turn increases foaming height, is
It should be mentioned that the present model does subjected to question.
not need the measurement of the constant in the On the basis of the above discussion, it can be
foaming index. It could predict the trend of foaming concluded that the presence of small amounts of solid
height in a very realistic manner even the superficial gas particles would help initiate slag foaming. On the other
velocity is not exactly known. hand, the small particles would not increase the
foaming height. Too many small particles will decrease
Effect of small particles the foaming height. The effect of the presence of
In general, the addition of paraffin particles has positive particles on foaming is not mainly due to its effect on
effect on foaming only when the amount of addition is viscosity.
very low. The small amount of paraffin addition moves
the onset of foaming to lower superficial velocity. On the
other hand, higher amount of particle addition in Summary
general has negative effect on foaming. In Fig. 12, the Slag foaming was studied by a cold model using silicone
Dh/h0 of oil B is plotted as a function of superficial gas oils of different viscosities. The effects of viscosity,
velocity for different amounts of paraffin additions. A superficial gas velocity and the presence of small solid
decrease in foaming height with increasing paraffin particles were examined. It was found that the variations
addition is generally noticed, though small increase is of foaming height with viscosity and superficial velocity
seen at very low superficial velocity and with small could both be approximated as Gaussian distributions.
amount of additions. This observation is in contra- An equation was suggested based on this approxima-
diction with the argument that the presence of tiny solid tion. Based on the experimental data, the model
particles usually increases the foaming. parameters were optimised. The semiempirical model
It is commonly discussed in a number of publications was found to satisfactorily to reproduce the experi-
that the presence of small solid particles would increase mental data. The model was also promising when
the slag viscosity, which in turn would enhance the slag applied to the industrial converter.
foaming. To examine this aspect, the Dh/h0 of the oil G The experimental results indicated that addition of
with 10 mass% paraffin addition is plotted in Fig. 13. tiny solid particles (,10%) into the liquid usually
According to the viscosity measurement, this two phase increased the viscosity. Very small amounts of particle
mixture has a viscosity value of 280 mPa s. If the addition would favour the onset of the foaming with
increase in the viscosity due to the presence of particles respect to superficial velocity. On the other hand, a
decrease in foaming height with increasing paraffin
Table 5 Nippon Steel’s bath smelting slag (45CaO–30SiO2– addition was generally noticed, though a small
10MgO–15Al2O3, T51773 K)
increase was seen at very low superficial velocity and
Percentage of FeO 1.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 with small amount of additions. It was concluded that
r, kg m23 2776 2801 2838 2877 the effect of foaming height by the presence of small
s, mN m21 522.7 524.9 528.4 532.4 solid particles was not mainly due to the increase in
m, Pa?s 0.475 0.458 0.433 0.409

618 Ironmaking and Steelmaking 2010 VOL 37 NO 8

Wu et al. Modelling of slag foaming

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Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

Ironmaking and Steelmaking 2010 VOL 37 NO 8 619

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