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PERIODIC TEST-3 (2021-22)

Grade:10 Subject: Mathematics Marks: 50
Date: 24/01/2022 Time: 120 Mins.
General Instructions:
1. Attempt all 4 sections.
2. Section A contains 20 multiple choice questions.All questions in this section has to be
attempted.Internal choice is provided in section B,C and D.
3. Take π = 22/7.

SECTION A 1mx20=20m

Q1.A tangent to the circle intersect it in how many points?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 0 d) Infinite.
Q2. If a,9,b,25… form an AP, find the value of a.

a) 0 b) 1 c)-1 d) 17.
Q3. Which of the following is not a quadratic equation ?
a)(x + 3)2 = 0 b) x2 + 4x + 4 c) x2 + 9x = 0 d) x2 + 5x + 10 = 0

Q4. Find the sum of all terms of an AP 34,32,30,….10.

a) 286 b) 284 c) 288 d) 282
Q5. If mean of 5 observations x,x+2,x+4,x+6 and x+8 is 11,find the value of x.

a) 7 b) 8 c) 9 d)10
Q6. The angle between the tangent and the radius at the point of contact is
a) 00 b) 900 c)1800 d) 450
Q7. Discriminant of the quadratic equation is
a) b – 4ac b) b2 – 4c c) b2 – 4ac d) b2 + 4ac
Q8. Find the 25th term of AP -5 , -5/2 , 0 , 5/2,…..
a)25 b) 35 c) 45 d) 55
Q9. One of the root of quadratic equation x2 + √2x – 4 = 0
a) 2√2 b) -2√2 c) 3√2 d) -3√2

Q10. A chord of length 16cm is drawn in a circle of radius 10cm,find the distance of chord from
a) 6cm b) 9cm c)13cm d) 15cm.
Q11.The wickets taken by a bowler in 10 matches are as follows 2 6 4 5 0 2 1 3 2 3.Find the
mode of the data.
a) 2 b) 3 c) 0 d) 1
Q12.The quadratic equation 2x2 – 4x + 3 = 0 has
a)Real and b) No real roots c) Real and equal d) None of these.
distinct roots roots
Q13. How many terms are in the AP 7,11,15,….. 139 ?
a) 24 b) 34 c) 43 d) 31

Q14. When discriminant of the quadratic equation is 0 then equal roots are given by

a) b/2a b) 2b/a c) -2b/a d) –b/2a

Q15. Two concentric and congruent circles will intersect each other at how many points?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) Infinite
Q16. The mean of 100 observation is 50, it was later found that instead of 110 one observation
was taken as 100.Find the correct mean.
a)50 b) 50.05 c)49.5 d) 50.1
Q17. The value of k for which the quadratic equation 9x 2 – 3kx + k = 0 has equal roots is

a) 0 b) 5 c) 8 d) 10
Q18. Area of the ring formed by 2 concentric circle of different radius is given by

a) πr2 b) π2r2 c) π(R – r)2 d) π(R2 – r2)

Q19. The length of a rectangle is twice its breadth and area is 288 Find its length.
a)12 cm b)16 cm c)20 cm d)24 cm
Q20. The middle term of an AP 213,205,197,……….37 is
a) 117 b) 124 c) 125 d) 133

SECTION B 2mx3=6m
Q21. Prove that the parallelogram circumscribing a circle is rhombus.
Q22. Find two consecutive positive odd integers , sum of whose squares is 290.
Q23. The mean of 16 numbers is 8, if 2 is added to every number, find the new mean.

Q23. The weight of 10 students in kg are 36,45,31,52,35,40,55,60,38,44.Find the median
SECTION C 3mx4=12m
Q24. A ladder leaning against a wall makes an angle of 600 with horizontal. If foot of ladder is
2.5m away from the wall, find the length of ladder.
Q25. Prove that the lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal.
Q26. If the shadow of tower is 30m long when the sun’s elevation is 300,what is the length of
shadow when sun’s elevation is 600 ?
Q27. Find the mean of the following frequency distribution.
C.I. 10-30 30-50 50-70 70-90 90-110 110-130
Frequency 5 8 12 20 3 2
Q27. Find the value of x if mean of the distribution is 62.8
C.I 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100 100-120
Frequency 5 8 x 12 7 8

SECTION D 4m x 3 =12m
Q28. Sum of the 4th term and 8th term is 24 and sum of 6th term and 10th term is 44.Find the
sum of first 10 terms of the AP.
Q29. The angle of depression of the top and the bottom of an 8m tall building from the top of
multi-storeyed building are 300 and 450 respectively.Find the height of the building and
distance between the two buildings.
Q30. Find the mean and mode of the following data.
Class 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70
Frequency 6 8 10 15 5 4 2
Q30. Find the median of data given in previous question.

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