List Từ Vựng Theo Chủ Đề

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From Giangable,

I. Các môn thể thao
• play soccer
• play basketball
• play badminton
• play tennis
• play golf
• do exercise
• do gymnastics
• do martial arts
• do yoga
• do aerobics
• go swimming
• go bowling
• go biking
• go surfing
• go fishing
2, Danh từ chỉ người & trận đấu
◦ spectator: khán giả
◦ stand: khán đài
◦ running track: đường chạy
◦ football pitch: sân bóng đá
◦ score: tỷ số
◦ race: cuộc đua
◦ goalkeeper: thủ môn
◦ result: kết quả
◦ competition: trận đấu
◦ tennis court: sân chơi tennis
◦ golf course: sân golf
◦ professional athletes: VĐV chuyên nghiệp
◦ opponent: đối thủ
3, Động từ
◦ win/lose/tie the game: thắng/ thua/ hòa trận đấu
◦ to play away: chơi sân khách
◦ to play at home: chơi sân nhà
◦ to take up exercise: bắt đầu tập luyện
E.g: I’m trying to take up exercise to get into shape.
◦ to take regular exercise: tập luyện thường xuyên.
◦ to have a try at: cố gắng, nỗ lực vào...
E.g: A swimmer has a try at practicing a lot to become a strong one.
◦ to blow the competition away: chiến thắng một cách dễ dàng
E.g: Thanks to their experience, The Williams blow the competition
◦ to enhance/ to improve their performance:
E.g: Practicing regularly is a key to enhance athletes’ performance
before a sport event.
◦ to set a record = to achieve the best result in a sport
E.g: Ronaldo sets a record of a football player who gains more
Golden Ball Tittles than any players in the world.
◦ to break a record = to set a new record
E.g: Anh Vien is a Vietnamese swimmer who broke a record of 100 –
metre race.
◦ to get into shape = to keep fit:
E.g: I try to take up exercise to keep fit but I still don’t seem to get
started yet.
◦ to build muscle:
E.g: Weightlifting athletes eat on a diet rich in protein to build their
◦ To score a goal: A goal in a football match: Ghi bàn
E.g: Cong Phuong who is the youngest football player in National
Football Team scored a goal yesterday in the football match with
◦ to reduce stress and depression: giảm căng thẳng và trầm cảm
◦ to make every possible effort to achieve their goals: cố gắng hết sức để
đạt được mục tiêu
của họ
◦ to maintain a healthy weight: duy trì cân nặng khỏe mạnh
◦ to lead a sedentary lifestyle: có một lối sống ít vận động

1, Danh Từ
◦ credit mania /ˈkredɪt ˈmeɪniə / bệnh thành tích
◦ ministry of education /ˈmɪnɪstri əv ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/
◦ syllabus /ˈsɪləbəs / chương trình (chi tiết)
◦ curriculum /kəˈrɪkjələm/ chương trình (khung)
◦ distance education: Đào tạo từ xa
◦ vocational training: Đào tạo nghề
◦ credit / ˈkredɪt/ tín chỉ
◦ request for leave: Đơn xin nghỉ học (dạy)
◦ tutor /tuːtər/ giáo viên dạy thêm
◦ school records /skuːl ˈrekərd/ học bạ
◦ performance /pərˈfɔːrməns / học lực
◦ campus /ˈkæmpəs/ khuôn viên trường
◦ hall of residence /hɔːl əv ˈrezɪdəns /: Ký túc xá
◦ graduation ceremony /ˌɡrædʒuˈeɪʃn ˈserəmoʊni/: lễ tốt nghiệp
◦ nursery school /ˈnɜːrsəri skuːl/ mầm non
◦ kindergarten /ˈkɪndərɡɑːrtn/ mẫu giáo
◦ primary /ˈpraɪmeri / tiểu học
◦ lower secondary school /ˈloʊər ˈsekənderi skuːl/ trung học cơ sở
◦ upper-secondary school /ˈʌpər ˈsekənderi skuːl/ trung học phổ thông
◦ Post-graduate courses / poʊst ˈɡrædʒuət kɔːrsɪ/ nghiên cứu sinh
◦ Ph.D. (doctor of philosophy /ˈdɑːktər əv fəˈlɑːsəfi / tiến sĩ
◦ extra curriculum /ˈekstrə kəˈrɪkjələm/ ngoại khóa
◦ enrollment: Nhập học
◦ day school: trường bán trú
◦ state school: trường công lập
◦ boarding school /ˈbɔːrdɪŋ skuːl / trường nội trú
◦ private school /ˈpraɪvət skuːl/ trường tư thục
◦ socialization of education /ˌsoʊʃələˈzeɪʃn əv ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/ xã hội hóa
giáo dục
◦ tutorial /tuːˈtɔːriəl / dạy thêm, học thêm
◦ Complementary education /ˌkɑːmplɪˈmentri ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn / bổ túc văn
◦ Service education /ˈsɜːrvɪs ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn / Tại chức
◦ post graduate /poʊst ˈɡrædʒuət/ sau đại học
◦ Assignment /əˈsaɪnmənt /: bài luận
◦ research report /rɪˈsɜːrtʃ rɪˈpɔːrt/: Báo cáo khoa học
◦ qualification /ˌkwɑːlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ bằng cấp
◦ certificate/ graduation certificate: bằng, chứng chỉ
◦ academic/ grading schedule/ results certificate: bảng điểm
2. Động từ
◦ drop out (of school) /drɑːp aʊt/ học sinh bỏ học
◦ mark /mɑːrk / chấm bài, chấm thi
◦ train /treɪn/ đào tạo
◦ plagiarize /ˈpleɪdʒəraɪz/ đạo văn
◦ pass (an exam) /pæs/ đỗ
◦ take an exam /teɪk ən ɪɡˈzæm/ dự thi
◦ accredit /əˈkredɪt/ kiểm định chất lượng
◦ cheat /tʃiːt/ quay cóp (trong phòng thi)
◦ fail (an exam): trượt
◦ Cut class: trốn học
3. Tính từ
◦ integrated: tích hợp
◦ optional: tự chọn
◦ elective /ɪˈlektɪv/: tự chọn bắt buộc
4. Một số cụm từ:
• To fall behind with your studies (phrasal verb): to progress less quickly than
others – tụt lại trong việc học hành.
E.g: I would imagine more people fall behind with their studies now.
• give feedback (v): to offer guidance on a student’s work – đưa ra đánh giá
E.g: They should give feedback quickly to help their students enhance
knowledge of subjects.
• To keep up with your studies (phrasal verb): to not fall behind – bắt kịp với
việc học hành
E.g: I’m keeping up with my studies.
• To learn something by heart (phrasal verb): to memorize it – học thuộc lòng
E.g: I find it quite easy to learn things by heart which is useful when learning
a language.
• To meet a deadline (phr.v): to finish a job or task in the time allowed or agreed
– hoàn thành trong thời gian quy định
E.g: I’m pretty good at meeting deadlines.
• To play truant (v): to stay away from classes without permission – trốn học
E.g: I had lots of friends and I never played truant like some pupils there.
• To sit an exam (v): to take an exam – làm bài kiểm tra
E.g: Sitting exams at the end of each year was a new experience for me as
• To take a year out (v): to spend a year working or travelling before starting
university – nghỉ 1 năm trước khi học đại học
E.g: Some people take a year out but I’d been away from education for 8
• To work your way through university (v): to have a paid job whilst studying to
support yourself financially – làm để đi học
E.g: I had to work my way through university so I was very busy.
• To set a goal (v): To set the target – đặt ra mục tiêu
E.g: Setting a suitable goal is my priority.
• To achieve a goal (v): To reach the target – đạt được mục tiêu
E.g: After receiving the score, I know I can achieve my goal.
• To make one’s dream come true (phr.v): To accomplish one’s dream – biến
giấc mơ thành hiện thực
E.g: I know that I have to work my ass off to make my dream come true.
• To have good facility (v): To supply enough facilities on purposes – có đầy đủ
cơ sở vật chất
E.g: I chose this university because it has good facilities such as air-
conditioner to deal with the heat of the summer.
• To deal with something (v): To solve something – giải quyết
E.g: I work in a bank so dealing with customers is my daily mission.
• To work against the clock (id): Work or study very hard despite limited time –
học hành chăm chỉ
E.g: Due to time limited, we need to work against the clock to finish the
• To work one’s fingers to the bone (id): Work very hard – làm việc/học tập rất
chăm chỉ
E.g: Auntie can work her fingers to the bone, but it’s Miss Green that gets the

1. Danh từ liên quan đến kỳ nghỉ - chuyến bay - nơi ở
◦ all-in package/package holiday: kỳ nghỉ trọn gói
◦ guided tour: tour du lịch có hướng dẫn viên
◦ short break: kỳ nghỉ ngắn
◦ self-catering: kỳ nghỉ tự phục vụ đồ ăn
◦ wildlife safari: chuyến đi thám hiểm động vật hoang dã
◦ far-off destination: điểm đến ở rất xa
◦ holiday of a lifetime: một kỳ nghỉ tuyệt nhất trong đời
◦ long weekend: kỳ nghỉ cuối tuần kéo dài (Fri Sat Sun or Sat Sun Mon)
◦ charter-flight: chuyến bay nhiều chặng
◦ check-in desk: bàn checkin
◦ passport control: nơi kiểm tra hộ chiếu ở sân bay
◦ departure lounge: phòng chờ chuyến bay
◦ tourist trap: nơi có rất nhiều du khách tới
◦ holiday brochure: bản hướng dẫn, quảng cáo về kỳ nghỉ
◦ holiday destination: địa điểm nghỉ dưỡng du lịch
◦ holiday resort: khu du lịch nghỉ dưỡng
◦ youth hostel: phòng nghỉ giá rẻ
◦ hordes of tourists: đám đông du khách
◦ local crafts: sản phẩm thủ công mỹ nghệ địa phương
◦ travel agent: đại lý bán vé, tour du lịch
◦ out of season: thời điểm ngoài mùa du lịch chính trong năm
◦ breathtaking view: cảnh rất đẹp
◦ picturesque village: một làng quê rất đẹp
◦ stunning landscape: phong cảnh tuyệt đẹp của vùng nông thôn
◦ places of interest: danh thắng, địa điểm thăm quan cho khách du lịch
◦ Boarding pass: vé lên tàu (máy bay)
◦ Departure gate (cửa khởi hành)
◦ Go on a cruise: đi du lịch trên du thuyền
◦ Go on an excursion: đi du ngoạn ngắn ngày
2. Động từ chỉ hoạt động khi du lịch
• to go sightseeing: đi tham quan ngắm cảnh
• to set foot in: Đặt chân đến
• to get away from it all: đi một chuyến để cách xa khỏi công việc, lo lắng
E.g: I will take a holiday to Danang to get away from it all so that I can work
effectively in the next week.
• To put one’s feet up/ to let my hair down: Thư giãn
E.g: After a hard day’s work, it’s nice to get home and put your feet up.
• To do some sunbathing: Tắm nắng
E.g: It is very healthier if you do some sunbathing in the morning than in the
• To try/ sample the local food: Thử các món đặc sản
E.g: It is really wonderful to try the local food when we have a holiday in
• To go out at night: đi chơi buổi tối
E.g: If we go to London, we should spend time going out at night because
that is when there are a range of lively activities for the youth.
• To dive: Lặn
E.g: My friends are really excellent at diving, so they will teach you to dive
when we go to Sam Son next week.
• To go sailing: Chèo thuyền
E.g: Going sailing is the most interesting game that I have ever played.
• To windsurf: Lướt ván
E.g: Windsurfing is a quite dangerous sport that a few Vietnamese people
dare to try.
• To waterski: Trượt nước
E.g: Have ever you waterskied when you were at primary school?
• To laze around on the sandy beach: Nghỉ ngơi, thư giãn bên bãi biển
E.g: After my friends and I go shopping in Bali, I will spend all afternoon
lazing around on the sandy beach.
• To enjoy bustling trade: Tận hưởng sự mua sắm nhộn nhịp
E.g: When you come to Dong Xuan market, you will enjoy bustling trade
• To take a sunset cruise: Đi ngắm mặt trời lặn
E.g: It is very romantic if my boyfriend and I can take a sunset cruise in this
• To dispel the heat of summer: Xua tan cái nắng của mùa hè
E.g: Nha Trang is an ideal destination of many people in order to dispel the
heat of the summer.
• To promote tourism image: Quảng bá hình ảnh du lịch
E.g: To promote tourism image for foreigners, the government should
enhance the advertisement system.
◦ to access websites/email: truy cập vào trang web, thư điện tử
◦ to back up files: lưu trữ dữ liệu
◦ a computer buff: người dùng máy tính thành thục
◦ to crash: bất chợt treo máy
◦ to enter a web address: nhập địa chỉ web
◦ a gadget: thiết bị điện tử (điện thoại, máy tính, laptop...)
◦ Internet security: an ninh mạng
◦ intranet: mạng nội bộ
◦ operating system: hệ điều hành
◦ social media: mạng xã hội (Facebook, Twitter,...)
◦ a techie: người yêu thích công nghệ
◦ to upgrade: nâng cấp (phần mềm, bộ nhớ,..)
◦ wireless hotspot: điểm truy cập mạng không dây
◦ wireless network: mạng không dây
◦ technological advances = technological developments: tiến bộ trong
công nghệ
◦ people’s personal and professional relationships: mối quan hệ cá nhân
và sự nghiệp
◦ keep in contact with = keep in touch with: giữ liên lạc với
◦ a way of communication: 1 cách thức giao tiếp
◦ technological devices and applications: những ứng dụng và thiết bị
công nghệ
◦ expand business network: mở rộng mạng lưới kinh doanh
◦ telecommunication services: các dịch vụ viễn thông
◦ an internet-connected smartphone: 1 chiếc điện thoại được kết nối
◦ do multiple tasks all at the same time: thực hiện nhiều công việc cùng
1 lúc
◦ suffer from social isolation: bị sự cô lập xã hội
◦ surf/browse the internet: lướt web
◦ take part in interactive activities : tham gia vào các hoạt động có tính
tương tác
◦ take video lessons with someone: tham dự buổi học video với ai đó
◦ interact through computers rather than face to face: tương tác thông
qua máy tính thay vì trực tiếp
◦ face-to-face meetings: các cuộc họp gặp mặt trực tiếp
◦ online meetings = virtual meetings: các cuộc họp online
◦ discourage real interaction: ngăn cản sự tương tác thực
◦ the loss of traditional cultures: sự mất đi của các văn hóa truyền thống
◦ improve the quality of life: cải thiện chất lượng cuộc sống
◦ give someone access to information: cho ai đó sự truy cập vào thông
◦ A side effect - Tác dụng phụ
Ex: Drugs should not be tested on animals because there are many
possible side effects.
◦ Proof - Minh chứng, bằng chứng
Ex: We now have proof that climate change is caused by human
◦ Experiment - Thí nghiệm
Ex: Scientists are conducting experiments to test the effectiveness of
the new drug.
◦ Gene - Gen
Ex: Genes are an important factor in personality development.
◦ Genetic Engineering/Modification - Kỹ thuật cấy ghép gen
Ex: There is evidence that genetically modified food is harmful to
◦ Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) - Sinh vật biến đổi Gen
Ex: Most commercialised GMO crop plants are insect resistant
and/or herbicide tolerant.
◦ Clone - Nhân bản vô tính
Ex: The first animal to be cloned was Dolly the sheep.
◦ Geoengineering - Địa kỹ thuật (kỹ thuật cải tạo trái đất)
Ex: Some scientists believe geoengineering is the only way to reduce
the warming of the climate.
◦ Cyber - Tất cả những gì liên quan đến máy tính và Internet
◦ Cyberbully: Bắt nạt trên mạng
Ex: Cyberbullying via social media such as Facebook has become a
major problem.
◦ Cybercafe: quán cafe có máy tính kết nối internet
Ex: A cybercafe is a place where you can buy drinks and use
computers at the same time.
◦ High-Tech / Hi-Tech - Công nghệ cao
Ex: Japan is a very high-tech country. Everyone has all the latest
electronic gadgets.
◦ Theory - Lý thuyết
Ex: There are two opposing theories on the causes of climate change
- one says it is caused by humans, the other believe it is a natural cycle.
◦ Environment - Môi trường
Ex: More must be done to protect the environment from pollution.
◦ Climate - Khí hậu
Ex: The Mediterranean region tends to have a mild climate over the
◦ Climate Change - Biến đổi khí hậu
Ex: Climate Change is one of the most serious problems that the world
is facing today.
◦ Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - Khí C02
Ex: The burning of fossil fuels releases large amounts of carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere, which leads to global warming.
◦ Fossil Fuels - Nhiên liệu hóa thạch (than đá, gas, dầu mỏ)
Ex: Some people do not believe that human's reliance on fossil fuels
is to blame for global warming.
◦ Global Warming - Sự nóng lên của trái đất
Ex: Deforestation is contributing to global warming because trees
absorb carbon dioxide.
◦ Deforestation - Nạn phá rừng
Ex: Deforestation is destroying animal habitats.
◦ Habitats - Môi trường sống
Ex: With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife
is losing its natural habitat.
◦ Ecosystem - Hệ sinh thái
Ex: The world has a delicately balanced ecosystem, and pollution can
damage this.
◦ Marine: hải dương
Ex: The marine ecosystem was badly damaged by the oil spill..
◦ Biodiversity - Đa dạng sinh học
Ex: The rich and diverse biodiversity of our planet must be protected.
◦ Contamination - Ô nhiễm
Ex: The water has been contaminated by the release of toxic
chemicals into the river.
◦ Toxic / Toxin - Chất độc, độc tố
Ex: The dumping (sự xả thải bừa bãi) of toxic waste has contaminated
the area. Leaded fuel from cars releases toxins into the air which can affect the
◦ Waste - Chất thải
Ex: The Green Party opposes any kind of nuclear waste being
dumped at sea.
◦ Emission - Khí thải/ Sự thải ra
Ex: Emissions from car exhausts cause pollution around cities.
◦ Erosion - Xói mòn
Ex: Over-farming causes soil erosion.
◦ Drought - Hạn hán
Ex: The severe drought this year has led to the loss of many lives.
◦ Pollution - Sự ô nhiễm
Ex: Environmental pollution must be a top priority of governments.
◦ Sustainable - Bền vững
Ex: Countries need to promote sustainable development in order to
protect the environment from further damage.
◦ Dire consequences: Hậu quả nghiêm trọng
◦ Solar panels: tấm pin nlmt
◦ Execute measures: tiến hành biện pháp
◦ At risk of extinction: có nguy cơ bị tuyệt chủng
◦ Undergo irreversable change: thay đổi không thể đảo ngược
◦ Wind power: năng lượng gió
◦ Endangered species: loài đang bị nguy hiểm
◦ Employee - Người làm công
Ex: The company has several hundred employees.
◦ Employer - Người sử dụng lao động
Ex: Employers monitor their employees very carefully these days.
◦ Employment - Việc làm
Ex: Due to the recession, there are thousands of people looking for
◦ Unemployment - Thất nghiệp
Ex: Levels of unemployment in the economy have been rapidly
◦ Commute - Di chuyển (từ nhà đến chỗ làm và ngược lại)
Ex: It is taking longer for people to commute to work because of
traffic problems.
◦ Occupation - Nghề nghiệp 😊 job)
Ex: What is your occupation?
◦ Career - Sự nghiệp
Ex: He is retired now but he had an amazing career 😊 successful
working life).
◦ Profession - Tính chuyên nghiệp
Ex: The teaching profession is not as good as it used to be because
salaries have decreased.
◦ Salary / Wage - Mức lương, tiền lương
Ex: Public sector salaries are not keeping up with inflation.
Ex: He receives a good wage because he works for a prestigious
◦ Public Sector - Khu vực công
Ex: You get a good pension if you work for the public sector, but the
salary is not always so good.
◦ Private Sector - Khu vực tư nhân
Ex: Most graduates hope to work in the private sector when they finish
university as there are more opportunities and the pay is better than the public
◦ Retire - Nghỉ hưu
Ex: The retirement age in most countries is 65.
Ex: He had to retire early due to ill health
◦ Flexitime - Thời gian làm việc linh hoạt
Ex: They have introduced flexitime at my work place so I usually start
at 10am now and finish at 6pm.
◦ Resign / Quit - Từ chức, bỏ việc
Ex: He resigned from his job yesterday. Don't quit your job unless
you have another one to start.
◦ Fire / Sack / Dismiss - Đuổi việc
Ex: He was fired / sacked / dismissed because he was late for work
every day.
◦ Vacancy - Vị trí công việc còn trống
Ex: I spoke to the company and they said they had several vacancies.
◦ Overtime - Ngoài giờ
Ex: The employees often work overtime but they are not given extra
money so it is not fair
◦ Shift - Làm theo ca
Ex: She is a nurse so she has to work in shifts. One week she does the
morning shift, and then the next week she will do the night shift.
◦ Overweight – thừa cân
Ex: 70% of the population is now overweight according to official
◦ Obesity - Bệnh béo phì
Ex: Obesity is now a real problems for teenagers.
◦ Eating Disorder - Rối loạn ăn uống
Ex: Bulimia and anorexia are types of eating disorder. Both are
becoming more common.
◦ Nutrients - Chất dinh dưỡng
Ex: A healthy diet should consist of all the essential nutrients.
◦ Diet - Chế độ ăn uống/ Ăn kiêng
Ex: It is important to have a healthy diet. People must eat plenty of
fruit and vegetables.
◦ Overeating - Ăn quá nhiều, nhiều hơn nhu cầu cơ thể
Ex: There is evidence that overeating is one of the main causes of
◦ Ingredients - Nguyên liệu nấu ăn
Ex: The ingredients of the dish include nuts, raisins, and parsley.
◦ Allergy - Dị ứng
Ex: Allergies are becoming more common, and this could be
connected to diet. If I eat nuts, I have an allergic reaction. I can not breath
◦ Additive - Gia vị hoặc chất bảo quản
Ex: This food is full of additives so I'm not going to eat it.
◦ Prevent - Ngăn ngừa
Ex: Lots of exercise will prevent a heart attack.
◦ Variety - Tính đa dạng
Ex: When preparing meals, you need to think about variety and taste
as well as nutritional value.
◦ Appetite - Thèm ăn, khẩu vị
Ex: All that exercise has given me an appetite
◦ Fibre - chất xơ
Ex: A diet that is high in fibre is important in order to maintain a
healthy body.
◦ Regular - Thông thường
Ex: Regular physical exercise is important for good health
◦ Vitamin - Vitamin
Ex: Many people take vitamin supplements these days in order to
keep their body healthy.
◦ Diabetes - Bệnh tiểu đường
Ex: Diabetes is becoming much more prevalent amongst children.
◦ Health - Sức khỏe
Ex: Elderly people can have many health problems.
◦ Deteriorate: trở nên xấu đi
Ex: The health care in the country is deteriorating.
◦ Medical cost: Chi phí y tế
Ex: Health education is very important if we are to prevent illness and
reduce medical costs.
◦ Exercise: Luyện tập thể thao
Ex: Lack of exercise can lead to poor health.
◦ Legislation - Pháp luật
Ex: There needs to be changes to crime-related legislation.
◦ Deter - Ngăn cản
Ex: Tougher prison sentences may be a deterrent to other would-be
◦ Offender - Người phạm tội
Ex: Prison should not be used for first-time offenders.
◦ Punish - Trừng phạt
Ex: Those responsible for serious crimes must be punished.
◦ Prevention - Phòng tránh, phòng ngừa
Ex: The government should focus on the prevention of crime rather
than introducing harsher prison sentences.
◦ Commit - Phạm (tội...)
Ex: People who commit serious crimes should be given lengthy (long)
prison sentences.
◦ Criminal - Tội phạm
Ex: Criminals who commit violent crimes should not be given
◦ Probation - Thời gian thử thách, chế độ án treo
Ex: Probation is a good way to reduce prison overcrowding, but it
must only be used for those who have committed minor crimes.
◦ Rehabilitate - Phục hồi, đưa về cuộc sống bình thường
Ex: It is important to rehabilitate criminals while they are in prison
otherwise they may re-offend (commit a crime again) when they are released
from prison.
◦ Guilty - Có tội
Ex: If jurors (the members of a jury) find a defendant guilty, then that
person must be punished.
◦ Jury - Ban bồi thẩm
Ex: To ensure fairness in a criminal trial, there must be a jury.
◦ Convict - Kết án
Ex: He has been convicted of arson (cố ý gây đám cháy) two times
◦ Fine - Đóng phạt (v), Tiền phạt 👎
Ex: Motorists should be given a fine if they are caught speeding.
◦ Imprisonment - Sự tống giam
Ex: Murderers are usually given life imprisonment.
◦ Community Service - Phục vụ cộng đồng
Ex: Community service is a good alternative to prison for minor
◦ Justice - Công lý
Ex: Those who commit assaults must be imprisoned because the
victims want justice.
◦ Victim - Nạn nhân
Ex: The victims of crime often need help and support to recover from
their bad experience.
◦ To be on a balanced diet: Ăn uống điều độ
Eg: I have a crack at following a balanced diet so that I can live
healthily and live longer.
◦ To dine in: Ăn cơm ở nhà
◦ To dine out: To have main meal out: Ăn ngoài
E.g: I’d prefer to dine in with my husband rather than dine out with
my colleagues.
◦ To follow a recipe: To cook a meal using instruction: Nấu theo công
E.g: I think cooking is boring because you need to follow a recipe. I
just want to cook roughly.
◦ To spoil somebody’s appetite: To eat something that will stop you
feeling hungry when it’s meal-time: Phá hủy khẩu vị của ai
E.g: Eating candies before dinner really spoils children’s appetite.
◦ To wine and dine: Chiêu đãi ai
E.g: Pricey restaurants are ideal places if you want to wine and dine
your boss.
◦ To restrain somebody’s hunger: Cố nhịn đói
E.g: Models try to restrain their hungers by drinking water before
fashion shows.
◦ To overeat: Eat too much: Ăn quá nhiều
E.g: If you overeat, you’re bound to get fat.
◦ to be full up: no căng bụng
Eg: The dishes were so delicious that we were full up.
◦ to be starving hungry: rất đói
Eg: My husband always says that he is starving hungry after doing
◦ to eat a balanced diet: ăn chế độ ăn cân đối
Eg: Eating a balanced diet is one of the key factors to have a hood
◦ to follow a recipe: tuân thủ công thức
Eg: It’s important for beginners to follow recipes strictly when you
learn to cook something for the first time.
◦ a fussy eater: người ăn cầu kỳ, kén ăn
Eg: My best friend is a fussy eater so it’s difficult for us to choose a
◦ to grab a bite to eat: ăn vội
Eg: I usually have to grab a bite to eat because of my heavy workload
◦ to have a sweet tooth: thích ăn ngọt
Eg: I don’t think that every kid has a sweet tooth.
◦ home-cooked food: thức ăn nấu ở nhà
Eg: Everybody said that what made them miss their hometown the
most was the taste of home-cooked food.
◦ to make your mouth water: kích thích vị giác (món ăn nhìn ngon mắt,
Eg: The sushi dish made by a Michellin star chef can make your
mouth water just by looking at it.
◦ to break up: chia tay
◦ to drift apart: rời xa
◦ to enjoy someone’s company: vui vẻ bên cạnh
◦ to fall for: yêu
◦ to fall head over heels in love: bắt đầu yêu đằm thắm to fall out with:
chia tay
◦ to get on like a house on fire: yêu mặn nồng
◦ to get on well with: sống tốt với ai đó
◦ to get to know: bắt đầu tìm hiểu
◦ to go back years: biết nhau lâu
◦ to have a lot in common: nhiều điểm chung
◦ to have ups and downs: có những thăng trầm
◦ a healthy relationship: mối quan hệ lành mạnh
◦ to hit it off: nhanh chóng trở thành bạn
◦ to be in a relationship: trong mối quan hệ
◦ to be just good friends: chỉ là bạn tốt của nhau
◦ to keep in touch with: giữ liên lạc
◦ to lose touch with: mất liên lạc với
◦ love at first sight: yêu từ cái nhìn đầu tiên
◦ to pop the question: cầu hôn
◦ to see eye to eye: đồng ý hoàn toàn
◦ to settle down: lập gia đình
◦ to strike up a relationship: bắt đầu mối quan hệ
◦ to tie the knot: cưới
◦ to be well matched: hợp nhau
◦ to work at a relationship: duy trì mối quan hệ

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