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1) A microphone converts:

(a) sound signals into electrical signals

(b) electrical signals into sound signals
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

2) A loudspeaker converts:

(a) electrical signals into sound signals

(b) sound signals into electrical signals
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) neither (a) nor (b)

3) Audio signals are converted into sound signal using

(A) amplifiers
(B) gramophone
(C) microphone
(D) loudspeaker

4) The music, speech, etc., are converted into audio signals using

(A) oscillators
(B) gramophone
(C) microphone
(D) loudspeaker

5) Which frequency is support for tweeter speaker?

a) Low frequency
b) High frequency
c) Mid range frequency
d) Very low frequency

6) Which frequency is support for Woofer speaker?

a) Low frequency
b) High frequency
c) Mid range frequency
d) Very low frequency
7) How are sound waves with a frequency of 20Hz to 20,000Hz termed?
a) Inaudible sounds
b) Infrasonics
c) Ultrasonics
d) Audible sound

8. A small microphone suspended on the upper front part of the body by means of a chord around the neck is called
shot-gun microphone.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: The above statement is false. A small microphone suspended on the upper front part of the body by
means of a chord around the neck is called lavalier microphone. It is a small moving coil type microphone
specifically designed to work as lavalier microphone.
9. Which of the following microphone is used for lecture delivery in the class/hall?
a) Lavalier
b) Noise cancelling
c) Shot-gun type
d) Fiber optical

Answer: a
Explanation: Lavalier microphone is the small moving coil type microphone. Lavalier microphone has applicability
where mobility is necessary for example, for a lecture delivery in the class/hall in order to allow hands-free

10. Which of the following microphone is an electret type small microphone?

a) Fiber optical
b) Shot-gun type
c) Noise cancelling
d) Tie-clip

Answer: d
Explanation: Tie-clip is an electret type small microphone which can be clipped on a tie, or any other convenient
part of the clothing, hence named as tie-clip microphone. Principle of electret microphone is similar to principle of
capacitor microphone.

11. An external amplifier made on a small chip of silicon is used inside the Tie-clip microphone.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: Tie-clip microphone is an electret type small microphone. An external amplifier made on a small chip
of silicon is used inside the microphone. Even with small amplifier and its cell, it is very light and portable.

12. Which type of microphone is used in sports for oath taking ceremony?
a) Shot-gun type
b) Noise cancelling
c) Fiber optical
d) Radio (wireless)

Answer: d
Explanation: Radio (wireless) microphone is useful in sports for oath taking ceremony. Radio microphone uses a
small VHF transmitter, so that cable from amplifier to microphone is not needed. The signal is received by a VHF
(Very High Frequency) receiver placed at a suitable distance and then amplified and fed to the loudspeakers.

13. In which of the following microphone two matching transducing elements are used?
a) Radio (wireless)
b) Fiber optical
c) Noise cancelling
d) Shot-gun type

Answer: c
Explanation: In noise cancelling microphone two matching transducing elements are used. These are mounted a few
inches apart in the microphone encasing and are connected together in the opposite phase. Sound which is produced
a few inches away from the microphone will actuate both transducers equally.
14. Which of the following is also called reverse transducer?
a) Loudspeaker
b) Microphone
c) Baffle
d) Compact disk

Answer: a
Explanation: Loudspeaker is very important device present in any audio and video system such as public address
systems, radios, televisions etc. Loudspeaker is a transducer which performs the reverse task of microphone. Hence
it is also called a reverse transducer.

15. What is expressed as the ratio of output sound power to the input audio (electrical power) in loudspeaker?
a) Efficiency
b) Frequency response
c) Noise
d) Distortion

Answer: a
Explanation: Efficiency is defined as the ratio of output sound power to the input audio (electrical power).
Efficiency is quoted in terms of sensitivity. Thus,Efficiency = output sound power / input audio

16. What is expressed as the ratio of ‘signal output’ to the ‘output in the absence of signal’?
a) Distortion
b) Signal to noise ratio (S/N)
c) Directivity
d) Impedance

Answer: b
Explanation: Noise is any unwanted sound, not contained in the input signal but present in the output of the
loudspeaker. Signal to noise ratio (S/N) is defined as the ratio of ‘signal output’ to the ‘output in the absence of

17. What is the unit for directivity in loudspeaker?

a) Hz
b) KHz
c) Decibel
d) Newton

Answer: c
Explanation: Directivity can be determined by the ratio of actual sound intensity at a point in the directions of
maximum intensity to the sound intensity. Directivity is a measure of the directional characteristic of a sound source.
It is often expressed in decibels.

18. On which principle is the moving-coil loudspeaker based?

a) Electromagnetic transduction
b) Electromagnetic induction
c) Piezoelectric effect
d) Electro dynamic induction

Answer: a
Explanation: The moving coil loudspeaker is based on the principle of electromagnetic transduction. It is the exact
reverse process of the process involved in the moving coil microphone. A coil called voice coil is placed in a
uniform magnetic field. When audio current passes through the voice coil, there is an interaction between the
magnetic field and the coil, which will result in a force working on the movable coil.
19. What is the equation for the force in newton on the coil due to interaction between current through the coil and
magnitude field?
a) F = Bli sin α
b) F = Bli tan α
c) F = Bli cos α
d) F = Bl sin α

Answer: a
Explanation: The force in newton on the coil due to interaction between current through the coil and magnitude field
is given by the equation, F = Bli sin α
F = force in newton, B = flux density in Wb/m2, l = length of coil wire in meter, i = current in ampere, α = angle
between the coil and the field.

20. Which magnetic material is the magnet in the moving coil loudspeaker made up of?
a) AlNiCo
b) BrNiCo
c) XeNiCo
d) PNiCo

Answer: a
Explanation: The magnet in the moving coil loudspeaker is made up of high grade magnetic material like AlNiCo
(composition of Aluminium 18%, Nickel 10%, Cobalt 12%, Copper 6% and Iron 54%) which returns the magnetism
extremely well.

21. What is attached to the coil of moving coil loudspeaker and it causes compression and rarefaction cycles in air?
a) Paper cone
b) Electrodynamic
c) Horn
d) Ribbon

Answer: a
Explanation: When audio current is passed through the voice coil placed in a magnetic field, a generated force equal
to Bli Newton acts on the coil and move it to and fro. The paper cone attached to the coil also moves and causes
compression and rarefaction cycles in the air. Thus, audio current is finally converted into sound waves.

22. The efficiency of cone speaker is very low about 5 to 10 percent only.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: The efficiency of a cone speaker is very low about 5 to 10% only. The poor efficiency is due to the
reason that loudspeaker acts as a direct radiator and so there is complete mismatch between the lower acoustic load
presented by the large volume of air and high mechanical load presented by the voice coil and cone assembly.

23. What is the power handling capacity for cone type speaker?
a) Up to 25 watts
b) Up to 250 watts
c) Up to 235 watts
d) Up to 75 watts

Answer: a
Explanation: The cone type speaker is also called as direct radiating type loudspeaker. The power handling capacity
of cone type speaker is up to 25 watts for normal and up to 1000 watts for electro dynamic speaker.
24. Cone type microphone is used in radios, TVs, music systems and mobiles.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: The size and cost of cone type speaker is low and the directivity is also good. The diaphragm is
extended in the form of paper cone. So, cone type microphone is used in radios, TVs, music systems and mobiles.

25. Which of the following loudspeaker is used to achieve the high power output of more than 25 watts?
a) Horn type
b) Electrodynamic
c) Cone type
d) Carbon

Answer: b
Explanation: Basically, to reduce the limitation of moving coil loudspeakers, the electrodynamic loudspeaker
was invented. To achieve the high power output of more than 25 watts, we require very strong magnetic field.
The working principle of an electrodynamic speaker is same as that of permanent magnet.

26. Frequency response of electrodynamic loudspeaker is not better than moving coil loudspeaker.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: The above statement is false. As electrodynamic loudspeaker directly radiates sound energy and
is a direct radiating speaker. High power output can be obtained by electrodynamic loudspeaker. Thus,
frequency response of electrodynamic loudspeaker is better than moving coil loudspeaker which is 40 Hz to 5

27. Identify the construction of loudspeaker from the below figure.

a) Electrodynamic
b) Cone type
c) Horn type
d) Ribbon

Answer: c
Explanation: Horn type loudspeaker uses a moving coil placed in a magnetic field (similar to paper cone type).
Horn type loudspeaker radiates sound power to the air in space and not directly from the diaphragm but
indirectly through the horn. Therefore the horn type loudspeaker is called ‘indirect radiating loudspeaker’.

28. Which type of transformer does horn act in the horn type loudspeaker?
a) Acoustic
b) Grounding
c) Phase-shifting
d) Power

Answer: a
Explanation: The horn type loudspeaker is called ‘indirect radiating loudspeaker’. The horn acts an acoustic
transformer in horn type loudspeaker. The horn is a tapered enclosure and the efficiency of a horn speaker is
quite high.

29. What is the efficiency of a horn type loudspeaker?

a) 5 to 10%
b) 75 to 100%
c) 5 to 7%
d) 30 to 50%

Answer: d
Explanation: The horn acts as an acoustic transformer. This allows better impedance match between low
impedance of the free air and the high impedance of the vibrating voice coil assembly. This results in increased
efficiency. The efficiency of a horn type speaker is 30-50% as against only 5% efficiency of cone type speaker.
But the sound produced is not natural.

30. What is the equation of cut off frequency fc of the horn type loud speaker?
a) fc = CA / 2πV
b) fc = DA / 2πV
c) fc = CA / 5πV
d) fc = CA / 3πD

Answer: a
Explanation: The exponential horn is a typical circular tube whose cross sectional area increases
logarithmically along its length from the throat. The horn acts as a high pass filter. The cutoff frequency f c is
given by, fc = CA / 2πV.
C = Velocity of sound
A = Area of cross-section of throat
V = volume between throat and diaphragm

31. In horn type loudspeakers, the lowest frequency which can be reproduced depends on the diameter of
mouth which can be determined by fc = 190 / d.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: The above statement is false. In horn type loudspeakers, the lowest frequency which can be
reproduced depends on the diameter of mouth which can be determined by f c = 170 / d.
fc = frequency in Hz
d = diameter of mouth

32. What is the distortion in horn type speaker?

a) 50%
b) 15%
c) 25%
d) Less than 5%

Answer: d
Explanation: As the efficiency of horn type loudspeaker is very high, frequency response is generally from 30
Hz to 10 KHz. Horn type loudspeaker uses a moving coil placed in a magnetic field (similar to paper cone type).
Thus the distortion in horn type speaker is less than 5%.
33. What is the SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) of the horn type microphone?
a) 40 dB to 60 dB
b) 4 dB to 6 dB
c) 70 dB to 100 dB
d) 40 dB to 80 dB

Answer: a
Explanation: SNR means signal to noise ratio and it is defined as the ratio of output of loudspeaker in the
presence of sound to output of loudspeaker in the absence of sound with logarithmic base of 20. Thus, the
SNR of the horn type microphone is 40 dB to 60 dB.

34. What is termed as a network which is used to divide the input signal into separate frequency ranges for each
a) Multi-way speaker
b) Crossover network
c) Optical recording
d) Bilateral network

Answer: b
Explanation: When we want to have flat frequency response over and their audible range, we have to use a multi-
way speaker system to cover the entire range of audio frequencies. A network which is used to divide the input
signal into separate frequency ranges for each speaker is called crossover network.

35. Crossover networks make use of the principle that the inductive reactance decreases with increase in frequency
and the capacitive reactance increases with increase in frequency.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: The above statement is false. Crossover network circuit is made of filter circuits having a cut off
frequency equal to crossover frequency. Crossover networks make use of the principle that the inductive reactance
increases with increase in frequency (Xl = 2πfL), and the capacitive reactance decreases with increase in frequency
(Xc = 1/2πfC).

36. Which of the following network is shown in below figure?

a) Three-way system
b) Crossover
c) Blue ray
d) Optical recording

Answer: b
Explanation: The crossover network is shown in the figure. A crossover network contains a woofer and a tweeter.
The job of splitting the frequencies and sending them off to each speaker in the system is done by a crossover
37. What is termed as the point where the curve of woofer output crosses the curve of tweeter output?
a) Crossover amplitude
b) Crossover phase
c) Crossover frequency
d) Crossover cycle

Answer: c
Explanation: Crossover network circuit is made of filter circuits having a cut off frequency equal to crossover
frequency. The point where the curve of woofer output crosses the curve of Tweeter output is known as the
crossover frequency.

38. What is the equation for capacitance in crossover network?

a) C = 1 / 2πfC√2RL
b) C = 1 / 2πfL√2RC
c) C = 100 / 2πfC√2RL
d) C = 10 / 2πfC√2RL

Answer: a
Explanation: A low pass filter can be made with the series reactance of L and shunt reactance of C. Thus, the
equation for capacitance in crossover network is C = 1 / 2πfC√2RL.
C = Capacitance in farads
RL = Loudspeaker impedance in ohms
fC = crossover frequency in Hz

39. What is the equation for inductance in crossover network?

a) L = √2RL / 2πfC
b) L = √2RC / 2πfL
c) L = √2RL / 20πfC
d) L = 2πfC / √2RL

Answer: a
Explanation: A LPF (low pass filter) can be made with the series reactance of L and shunt reactance of C. Thus, the
equation for inductance in crossover network is L = √2RL / 2πfC.
L = Inductance in Henry
RL = Loudspeaker impedance in ohms
fC = crossover frequency in Hz

40. What is the range of woofer for 3 way speaker system?

a) 20 Hz to 500 Hz
b) 50 Hz to 5000 Hz
c) 2000 Hz to 5000 Hz
d) 500 Hz to 5000 Hz

Answer: a
Explanation: The crossover frequency for a woofer and tweeter circuit is where the woofer output curve crosses the
tweeter output curve. The range of woofer for 3 way speaker system is 20 Hz to 500 Hz. The range of woofer for
two way speaker systems is 20 Hz to 1000 Hz and range of tweeter for two way speaker system is 1000 Hz to
20,000 Hz.

41. What is the range of tweeter for 3 way speaker system?

a) 2000 Hz to 5000 Hz
b) 5000 Hz to 20,000 Hz
c) 500 Hz to 5000 Hz
d) 20 Hz to 500 Hz

Answer: b
Explanation: The range of tweeter for 3 way speaker system is 5000 Hz to 20,000 Hz. The range of woofer for three
way speaker systems is 20 Hz to 500 Hz and the range of squawker for three way speaker system is 500 Hz to 5000
42. Design a crossover network to give 12 dB per octave attenuation for critical frequency of 0.5 KHz. Loudspeaker
is having resistance of 8 Ω.
a) C = 200 μF, L = 5.9 mH
b) C = 28.13 μF, L = 3.6 mH
c) C = 45.78 μF, L = 2.9 mH
d) C = 67.34 μF, L = 9.9 mH

Answer: b
Explanation: L = √2RL / 2πfC
C = 1 / 2πfC√2RL
Substitute the given values in the above equation.
C = 1 / 2π × 500 × 1.4 × 8
C = 28.13 μF
L = 1.4 × 8 / 2π × 500
L = 11.2 / 1000π
L = 3.6 Mh

43. By using more than one speaker at a time we create a ‘multi-way speaker system’.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: The human ear can hear range of tones, generally in the range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. To faithfully
reproduce such a wide range of tones, it is normal to use more than one speaker at a time, creating a multi way
speaker system.

44. What is defined as the speaker which covers low audio frequencies?
a) Woofer
b) Squawker
c) Tweeter
d) Crossover network

Answer: a
Explanation: The most common sort of crossover network is known as a passive 2-way crossover. This type of
crossover is normally built into the speaker cabinet, with the outputs going to each of the speakers mounted in the
cabinet. The speaker which covers low audio frequencies (20 Hz to 1000 Hz) is called a woofer.

45. What is defined as the speaker which covers high audio frequencies?
a) Tweeter
b) Squawker
c) Woofer
d) Crossover network

Answer: a
Explanation: The speaker which covers high audio frequencies (1000 Hz to 20,000 Hz) is called a tweeter. There are
two types of filter in a 2-way crossover network: a Low-Pass Filter and a High-Pass Filter. The output of the low-
pass filter (LPF) goes to the speaker which is responsible to produce low frequency sounds; and the output of the
high-pass filter (HPF) goes to the speaker that is responsible for reproducing high frequency sounds.
46. What is defined as the speaker which covers mid audio frequencies?
a) Woofer
b) Tweeter
c) Crossover network
d) Squawker

Answer: d
Explanation: The speaker which covers mid audio frequencies (500 Hz to 5000 Hz) is called a squawker. The
speaker which covers low audio frequencies (20 Hz to 1000 Hz) is called a woofer and the speaker which covers
high audio frequencies (1000 Hz to 20,000 Hz) is called a tweeter.

47. What is called the combination of low-pass and high-pass filter?

a) Band-pass filter
b) Passive filter
c) All-pass filter
d) Band-stop filter

Answer: a
Explanation: The additional filters in the crossover network are referred as band-pass filters. A band-pass filter is a
combination of a low pass and high pass filter together. The filter which changes the phase relationship among
different frequencies and passes all frequencies equally in gain is called an All-pass filter.

48. Which of the following system have a reserve power handling capacity?
a) Microphones
b) Loudspeakers
c) Multi-way speakers
d) Blue ray

Answer: c
Explanation: The speakers in the multi-way systems consist of tweeter, squawker and woofer. A typical multi-way
speaker system reduces modulation distortion. Thus, multi-way speaker systems have a reserve power handling

49. In multi-way speaker system a smooth overall response is not obtained.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: The above statement is false. As the multi-way speaker system reduces intermodulation distortion and
also provides flexibility of performance a smooth overall response is obtained in a multi-way speaker system.

50. Which control is required in multi-way speaker system that may be balanced one against the other to give the
particular feeling of concert hall?
a) Volume
b) Video
c) Pitch
d) Frequency

Answer: a
Explanation: The range of tones for human ear is generally from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. To reproduce wide range of
sound it is normal to use more than one speaker at a time called as multi-way speaker system. They may be balanced
one against the other by means of volume control to give that particular feeling of concert hall reality that most
pleases the listener.
Unit – II

1. What is the full form of PA system in audio devices?

a) Public address
b) Phase action
c) Power action
d) Public action

Answer: a
Explanation: The full form of PA system is public address system. As the name suggests it is a system that is used to
address public. It is used in sports meets, public meetings, concert etc. It is also used to convey information to
isolated locations such as railway station, airports, hospitals etc.

2. The intensity of sound increases with the distance in PA system.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: The above statement is false. The intensity of sound decreases with the distance. Hence when a large
gathering is to be addressed, sound needs to be amplified so that people at a distance from the stage may obtain good
intensity of sound for comfortable listening. The system which fulfills this function is called ‘Public Address

3. Which type of system is the PA system in audio devices?

a) Electroacoustic
b) Electro dynamic
c) Electromagnetic
d) Piezo-electric

Answer: a
Explanation: PA (Public Address) system is an electroacoustic system, in which sound is first converted into
electrical signals by a microphone. The electrical audio signals are amplified, processed and applied to another
transducer the loudspeaker, which converts the audio signals into sound waves.

4. To which stage is the output of microphone fed in PA system?

a) Voltage amplifier
b) Loudspeaker
c) Power amplifier
d) Mixer

Answer: d
Explanation: The output of a microphone is fed to a mixer stage in PA system. The function of the mixer stage is to
effectively isolate different channels from each other before feeding to the main amplifier. It can be either a built-in
unit or a separate unit.

5. How many types of mixers are there in a PA system in audio devices?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Answer: b
Explanation: There are two types of mixers. The simplest one does not use pre-amplifiers, but uses only gain control
and isolating series resistor. A little more sophisticated one uses common pre-amplifier for separate channels and an
emitter follower.

6. Which gain control is used in processing circuit in PA system in audio devices?

a) Master
b) Slave
c) Key
d) Optical

Answer: a
Explanation: Processing circuit has the master gain control which changes the gain of the system for high
frequencies up to 15-20 KHz and low frequencies up to 500-1000 Hz. It also has the tone control i.e. Bass and
Treble control. The bass control is a low pass filter while the treble control is a high pass filter.

7. Which amplifier uses push-pull type amplifier circuit in PA system?

a) Power amplifier
b) Voltage amplifier
c) Driver amplifier
d) Frequency amplifier

Answer: a
Explanation: Power amplifier gives power amplification to the signal. It uses push-pull type of amplifier circuit in
general. The output of the power amplifier is connected to the loudspeaker through a matching transformer to match
the low impedance of the loudspeaker for maximum transfer of power.

8. Which of the following convert electrical signals into pressure variations resulting in sound waves in PA system?
a) Mixer
b) Microphone
c) Loudspeaker
d) Driver

Answer: c
Explanation: The final stage in a PA system is loudspeaker. The electrical audio signals are amplified, processed and
applied to another transducer the loudspeaker, which converts the audio signals into sound waves. Loudspeaker is a
transducer that converts electrical signal into pressure variations which results in sound waves.

9. How is the sound power distributed amongst the audience to achieve uniformity in PA system?
a) More loud speakers in listener’s area
b) 1 or 2 loudspeaker near a stage
c) 3 or 4 loudspeaker near a stage
d) More loud speakers in listener’s area

Answer: a
Explanation: Loudness of sound is contained in the low notes and the intelligibility in high notes. So in PA system,
it is required to have sound which is uniformly distributed amongst the audience. This means that instead of one or
two loudspeakers near a stage, the sound power should be distributed uniformly with more loudspeakers in listener’s

10. Which type of microphone does not pick up reflected sound as well as the sound waves from the loudspeakers in
PA system?
a) Electret
b) Moving coil
c) Ribbon
d) Cardioid

Answer: d
Explanation: Microphone should not pick up the reflected sound as well as the sound waves from the loudspeakers.
This can be made possible by the use of cardioid microphone. As the name suggests the directivity pattern is roughly
shaped like a heart.
11. The use of amplifier in a circuit is to _____________ for input signal.
a) Provide a phase shift
b) Provide strength
c) Provide frequency enhancement
d) Make circuit compatible

Answer: b
Explanation: The only use of amplifier in a circuit is to provide strength to signal. This may refer to an increase in
current, voltage or power of the output w.r.t the input being applied.

12. The unwanted characteristics of amplifier output apart from the desired output is collectively termed as
a) Inefficiency
b) Damage
c) Fault
d) Distortion

Answer: d
Explanation: The unwanted characteristics of amplifier output apart from desired output are collectively termed as
distortion. This should be avoided.

13. Unit of power rating of a transistor is expressed in ___________

a) Watts
b) KWh
c) W/s
d) Wh

Answer: a
Explanation: Power rating is the maximum power allowable to dissipate by a transistor beyond this point transistor
may behave unlikely. This is expressed in watts.

14. Which device was used for the amplification of audio signals before the invention of power amplifiers?
a) Diode
b) Op-amp
c) Vacuum tubes
d) SCR

Answer: c
Explanation: Before the invention of power amplifier vacuum tubes are used for audio signal amplification which
consumes large space and costly.

15. Power amplifier directly amplifies ___________

a) Voltage of signal
b) Current of the signal
c) Power of the signal
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d
Explanation: Power amplifier increases voltage as well as current. Increase in voltage or current is small compared
to normal amplifiers. But power amplification has occurred ie. Voltage x current is more.

16. Input stage of power amplifier is also called ___________

a) First op
b) Beginning stage
c) Front end
d) Normal stage

Answer: c
Explanation: Input stage of the power amplifier is also called the front end.

17. Transistor in power amplifier is ___________

a) An active device
b) A passive device
c) A op-amp
d) A voltage generating device

Answer: a
Explanation: Transistor is an active device since transistor contains voltage sources which are necessary for

18. For a perfect power amplifier output power rating will be ________ if the output impedance is halved.
a) Halved
b) Squared
c) Doubled
d) Square rooted

Answer: c
Explanation: In the equation of power output for the power amplifier, the power is proportional to the square of the
current and inversely proportional to the resistance. If the impedance is halved then power is doubled.

19. Which of the following audio speaker will be hard to be driven by a power amplifier?
a) 4ohm
b) 8ohm
c) 12ohm
d) 2ohm

Answer: d
Explanation: If the resistance of the audio amplifier is less, the output power of the transistor will be high since
output current is increasing. Hence to drive a 2ohm speaker amplifier needs double power that for a 4ohm speaker.

20. The power rating of the amplifier is 100watts then the transistor can only operate at ___________
a) Power higher than 100w
b) Power lower than 100w
c) Power near to 100w
d) Power lower than 200W

Answer: b
Explanation: The power rating is 100 W, and that is the maximum allowable power usage of a transistor, beyond
which it may damage. If the power is less than 100W, the circuit operates. Near to 100W, the power may also be
higher than 100W, hence that option is incorrect.

21. The most commonly used microphone for public address systems is
a) Carbon b) Crystal
c) Moving Coil d) Condenser
Unit – III
1. Which effect arises due to the difference in length of sound path lines and hence causes time delay with respect to
each other?
a) Stereophonic
b) Inductive
c) Mesomeric
d) Electromeric

Answer: a
Explanation: Stereophonic effect can be obtained by the use of two microphones at source of sound, one for each of
two ears. Stereophonic effect arises due to the difference in length of sound path lines and hence time delay with
respect to each other. In general, several microphones may be used in place of one to represent each ear.

2. Which multiplex system is used for the broadcasting of stereo sound?

a) FM-PM
b) AM-AM
c) AM-FM
d) FM-FM

Answer: d
Explanation: The broadcasting of the stereo sound is done by FM-FM stereo Multiplex system where only one FM
transmitter is used to transmit or broadcast both the left and right channel audio signals. The signal (L + R) is
obtained by combining directly the left and right signals while the (L – R) signal is obtained on frequency

3.The sound pickm up by the two Microphone in Hi fi system will be analysed as

A. 4D picture of cound
B. 2D picture of sound
C. 3D picture of sound
D. CD picture of sound

4.The simplest method of stereo recording is

A. Erosinf method
B. playback method
C. Tape recording method
D. CD manufacturing

5.A dual track tape in which the two tracks are separated by a
A. Upper track
B. Lower track
C. Guard band
D. Narrow band

6.A stereophonic tape can be played back on a

A. CD recorder
B. Monophonic tape recorder
C. Tape recorder
D. Hard disc recorder

7.The Hi-Fi system operating on the

A. Piezoelectric principle
B. Electrostatic principle
C. Dynamic principle
D. Electromagnetic principle.

8.The essential component in a disc reproducing chain is

A. : Magnetic Material
B. HF oscillator
C. Microphone
D. loudspeaker

9.The audio amplifier used in an Hi-fi equipment consist of

A. : Three stages
B. Two stages
C. Four stages
D. Six stages

10.The clarity of reproduction at the highest and lowest level at o/p is the objective for a good
A. : Microphone
B. Amplifier
C. Pick up &tone arm
D. loudspeaker

11.The audio system that can reproduce/record sound that rexmbles the original sound before erecording
reproduction is called
A. : tape recorder
B. Hi fi ssytem
C. CD recorder
D. TV Broadcasting system

12. The number of channels in a stereophonic system is


13. Which device is used to separate sound outputs picked up by separate microphones in a TV receiver or a
DVD player in surround sound stereo receiver?
a) Decoder
b) Encoder
c) Multiplexer
d) Transformer

Answer: a
Explanation: Surround sound is an extension of stereo sound. The two stereo sound signals that are obtained
due to the audio section of a TV receiver or a DVD player are processed to create different sound outputs as
picked up by separate microphones. Decoder is used for carrying out the separation. It has circuits to
distinguish between sounds of relative delay times due to different pick-up points.

14. Which is one of the main components of any home theatre system?
a) Satellite Off-Air tuners
b) Digital video recorder
c) Surround sound stereo system
d) DLP rear projection

Answer: c
Explanation: A surround sound stereo receiver act as a connection hub for a huge variety of audio/video
sources. Nowadays receivers can connect anything from over-the-air radio broadcasts to the smartphone in the
pocket. One of the main components of any home theatre is surround sound stereo receiver.

15. In which year Dolby laboratories introduced Dolby surround sound?

a) 1965
b) 1956
c) 1982
d) 1996

Answer: c
Explanation: In 1982, Dolby Laboratories introduced Dolby surround that has surround sound signal onto a
stereo source through a process called matrix encoding. After few years, Dolby came with Pro-logic surround
and since then many advanced surround sound systems are introduced to the point where as many as 11
speakers can be used to enable listeners experience a truly natural sound.

16. How many ordinary and effects channel are there in a stereo receiver with Dolby digital decoder?
a) 5, 1
b) 3, 5
c) 2, 6
d) 4, 5

Answer: a
Explanation: The most popular digital surround sound format is the Dolby digital format. For having this format
the stereo receiver must have Dolby digital decoder. It is also called as 5.1 format in which 5 indicate five
‘ordinary’ channels and 1 indicates one ‘effects’ channel. The speakers are positioned in such a way that more
precise sound can be heard to the listener i.e. right and left of the listener.

17. When DVDs came out in 1999, Dolby Digital was the default surround format.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: The above statement is false. When DVDs came out in 1997, Dolby Digital was the default
surround format. Even now, Dolby digital 5.1 is considered by many to be surrounding sound standard and is
included on most Blu-ray discs.

Unit – IV
1. Which of the following is defined as the thorough checking of equipment periodically as per the schedule
prescribed in the service manual?
a) Servicing
b) Maintenance
c) Shielding
d) Grounding

Answer: a
Explanation: The thorough checking of equipment periodically as per the schedule prescribed in the service manual
is termed as servicing. Servicing can be done by:
i) Changing the battery/cells if used or if any other change is required.
ii) By checking the operating knobs for any play or backlash and rectifying it.
iii) By keeping the equipment free of dust, grease, oil and webs.

2. Signal tracing can be done by simple diode trace or CRO in circuit tracing techniques.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: To find fault in equipment, it can be divided into 3 parts: i) Section ii) Stages and iii) Components.
Here the faulty section is isolated first. In determination of faulty stage/section signal tracing can be done by simple
diode trace or CRO. If signal is absent at output, the stage is considered faulty.
3. From where does tracing start to determine the faulty component in an isolated stage in circuit tracing techniques?
a) Section
b) Stages
c) Component
d) Pinpoints

Answer: d
Explanation: Measurements at pinpoints of active device can identify faulty component which can be traced by a
continuity tester. Tracing is started at pinpoint and goes till a component is reached and then to ground connection in
the faulty components in an isolated stage.

4. Which of the following pertains to integrating of million components on a single chip in modern electronic
a) Miniaturisation
b) Digitization
c) Reliability
d) Maintenance policy

Answer: a
Explanation: Modern electronic equipment has many characteristics like miniaturization and high reliability.
Miniaturisation refers to integrating of million components on a single chip. Digitization and optical fiber systems
are the backbone of modern electronics. This equipment is prone to various problems. They are sensitive to heat,
temperature, dust, humidity and vibrations.

5. What is the full from of MTBF?

a) Motion Transport between Frequencies
b) Mean Transport bits Failures
c) Motion Time between Frequencies
d) Mean Time between Failures

Answer: d
Explanation: MTBF stands for Mean Time between Failures. MTBF is defined as average of the time interval
between each failure. MTBF = tu-1 + tu-2 + …. + tu-n
n = Total number of failures
tu-1 = Up time before the first failure
tu-2 = Up time after the repair of the first failure
tu-n = Up time after the repair of the (n-1)th failure

6. Which of the following is defined as average of the time taken in repair work?
b) MTR
c) MAC
d) MCU

Answer: b
Explanation: MTR stands for Mean Time to Repair. MTR is defined as average of the time taken in repair work.
MTR = td-1 + td-2 + td-n / n
td-1 = Down time due to the first fault
td-2 = Down time due to the second fault
td-n = Down time due to nth fault

7. Which of the following is the equation of availability?

a) A = Totalup−time+TotaldowntimeTotaldowntime
b) A = Totalup−time+TotaldowntimeTotalup−time
c) A = Totalup−timeTotalup−time+Totaldowntime
d) A = TotaldowntimeTotalup−time+Totaldowntime

Answer: c
Explanation: Availability can be defined as A = Totalup−timeTotalup−time+Totaldowntime
The above equation indicates that for higher system stability, MTBF should be higher and MTR should be lower.

8. Faster the repair, lower should be the MTR (Mean Time to Repair) in corrective maintenance.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: Correction of the faults and maintaining the efficiency for long time is called corrective measure. The
corrective maintenance refers to the MTR. Faster the repair lower would be the MTR and higher would be the
availability of the equipment for use

9. The purpose of shielding is to increase noise currents from coupling into electrical measurements.
a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: The above statement is false. A shield is a barrier of conducting material kept in a path of unwanted
signals. The instruments which are used for measuring perimeters of components or devices should be shielded
properly so it does not get affected by noise or interference. The purpose of shielding is to reduce or eliminate noise
current from coupling into electrical measurements.

10. How many types of interfering fields are there?

a) 1
b) 3
c) 4
d) 2

Answer: d
Explanation: The interfering fields are of two types:
i) Electric field
ii) Magnetic field
Static magnetic field uses non-magnetic conductor like aluminum. Magnetic field uses ferromagnetic material like

11. How much percent of the problems are related to ground in wiring of an audio system?
a) 90
b) 50
c) 70
d) 30

Answer: a
Explanation: A ground line in the PCB is connected to an effective earth line through a cold water pipe or by an
artificial earth terminal. Probably 90% of the problems encountered in wiring an audio system are related to ground.
Indications of ground trouble include humming, weak signal, radio interference, crackling noises and electric
12. In many circuits, the current return path is designated as ground.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: If there is a wire carrying current from one device to another, there has to be a second wire for the
current to flow back. When an equipment is designed for balanced connections, there is a second wire inside the
cable for the current to flow back. In many circuits, the current’s return path is designated as ground.

13. Which of the following is not the type of circuit configuration when the stage is faulty?
a) Subsequent stage
b) Dissimilar circuits
c) Merging circuits
d) Section stage

Answer: d
Explanation: Stages are basically connected in four types of circuit configurations: a) Subsequent stages b)
Dissimilar circuits c) Merging circuits d) Feedback (Closed loop) circuits. We can identify the faulty component
using the following methods:
i) Measuring resistance, dc and ac voltage at the specified test points.
ii) Replacing the component expected to be faulty by a better one.

14. Which type of circuit has only one output but many different inputs?
a) Subsequent stage
b) Dissimilar circuits
c) Merging circuits
d) Feedback circuits

Answer: c
Explanation: Merging circuits has only one output but many different inputs. Examples of merging circuits are
mixer stage for microphone, multiplexer, logic gates and switching circuit. In this case, the fault diagnosis is done in
the same manner similar to dissimilar circuits. Each input circuit in convergent circuit is isolated to find out whether
the output stage is faulty or not.

15. Which of the following circuit block diagram is shown in the below figure?

a) Feedback circuit
b) Merging circuit
c) Dissimilar circuit
d) Subsequent circuit

Answer: a
Explanation: Closed-loop (Feedback) circuit is shown in the figure. Feedback circuits form a closed loop. In the
figure the circuit is forming a closed loop. If the fault is present at any one point it will be present in the whole
circuit. For such fault diagnosis, the best method is to isolate the feedback circuit, and then expect distorted and
higher output signal for -ve feedback and no signal for +ve feedback.
16. Which of the following is defined as the thorough checking of equipment periodically as per the schedule
prescribed in the service manual?
a) Servicing
b) Maintenance
c) Shielding
d) Grounding

Answer: a
Explanation: The thorough checking of equipment periodically as per the schedule prescribed in the service
manual is termed as servicing. Servicing can be done by:
i) Changing the battery/cells if used or if any other change is required.
ii) By checking the operating knobs for any play or backlash and rectifying it.
iii) By keeping the equipment free of dust, grease, oil and webs.

17. Signal tracing can be done by simple diode trace or CRO in circuit tracing techniques.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: To find fault in equipment, it can be divided into 3 parts: i) Section ii) Stages and iii) Components.
Here the faulty section is isolated first. In determination of faulty stage/section signal tracing can be done by
simple diode trace or CRO. If signal is absent at output, the stage is considered faulty.

18. From where does tracing start to determine the faulty component in an isolated stage in circuit tracing
a) Section
b) Stages
c) Component
d) Pinpoints

Answer: d
Explanation: Measurements at pinpoints of active device can identify faulty component which can be traced by
a continuity tester. Tracing is started at pinpoint and goes till a component is reached and then to ground
connection in the faulty components in an isolated stage.


1. What is the other name for black and white TV?

a) Monochrome TV
b) Color TV
d) Plasma

Answer: a
Explanation: The other name for black and white TV is monochrome TV. The video signals obtained from TV
camera tube are applied to a number of video amplifiers stages. For color TV transmitter, a color camera tube is

2. Which generator produces sets of pulses to operate the system at appropriate timings?
a) Induction
b) Signal
c) Synchronizing
d) Electrical
View Answer

Answer: c
Explanation: Synchronizing generator produces sets of pulses to operate the system at appropriate timings. Wave
generating and shaping circuits are included in this unit. Examples are Clipping circuit, blocking oscillator circuit,
and Multi vibrator circuit. The repetition rates of the pulse trains are controlled by frequency stabilized master

3. The carrier frequency generated from a crystal controlled oscillator is passed through a number of frequency
multiplier and amplifier stages in monochrome TV transmitter.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: In monochrome TV transmitter the carrier frequency generated from a crystal controlled oscillator is
passed through a number of frequency multiplier and amplifier stages. This results in a production of a carrier wave
of desired frequency and energy content. The level of image signals, together with synchronizing and blanking
pulses, is raised to modulate this carrier frequency.

4. Which carrier frequency is used in audio modulation in an FM transmitter for the purpose of audio signal
a) 10.5 MHz
b) 5.5 MHz
c) 7.5 MHz
d) 2.4 MHz

Answer: b
Explanation: An FM transmitter is used for the purpose of audio signal transmission. The carrier frequency used in
audio modulation is 5.5 MHz above that which is used in video modulation. Both sound and picture signals are
transmitted by the same antenna by using a diplexer called picture (sound diplexer or combining network).

5. Which antenna is preferred for aerial TV receiver in monochrome TV receiver?

a) Loop
b) Dipole
c) Yagi-Uda
d) Helix

Answer: c
Explanation: The TV signal radiated by the transmitter has to be intercepted. For this, an antenna with high gain,
broad band, highly directional characteristics is used. Yagi-Uda multi element array is preferred. Impedance of the
aerial should match the impedance of the transmission line. The aerial also selects the required signal and rejects
unwanted signals.

6. Which power supply is used in the monochrome TV receiver?

a) Linear
b) Switched
d) Battery based

Answer: c
Explanation: Power supply of monochrome TV receiver requires various levels of DC voltages for the operation. So,
230 V, 50 Hz AC is rectified, filtered and regulated to provide ripple free steady voltage to various stages. However
due to many advantages, switch mode power supplies (SMPS) are used.

7. Which three colors are used in color TV transmitter?

a) Red, green, blue
b) Orange, blue, green
c) Black, green, purple
d) Red, yellow, pink
Answer: a
Explanation: The color camera generates three different voltages corresponding to three colors red, green and blue.
These voltages are used for generating the luminance (Y) signals well as color difference signals (R-Y-B-Y) using
suitable matrix, inverter and adder circuits.

8. What is the full form of VSB?

a) Vestigial synchronous band
b) Vestigial side band
c) Vertical side band
d) Vestigial synchronous base

Answer: b
Explanation: In the color encoder, the R-Y and B-Y signals are quadrature modulated on a color subcarrier of 4.43
MHz. Then the Y signal and the C signal are added and they modulate the main video carrier using VSB (Vestigial
side band) modulation also known as AMVSB – Amplitude modulated vestigial sideband.

9. Digital television is same as HD television.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b
Explanation: The above statement is false. Digital television is not the same thing as HDTV (High Definition
Television). HDTV describes a new television format (including a new aspect ratio and pixel density), but not how
the format will be transmitted. Digital television can be either standard or high definition.

10. How many times more pixels do an HDTV have than the resolution of analog signal in a DTV?
a) 6
b) 2
c) 10
d) 4

Answer: a
Explanation: High-definition television (HDTV) is not the same as DTV (Digital Television). HDTV refers to the
resolution quality of the picture being broadcast. This is determined by the number of picture elements (pixels)
across the screen and the number of rows down the screen. HDTV can have up to six times more pixels than the
resolution of an analog signal, higher the resolution clearer the picture.

11. Which digital signal processing technique takes preventive measures to protect the transport streams from errors
caused by noise and interference in the transmission channel in DTV transmitter and receiver?
a) FEC (Forward Error Correction)
b) AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
c) VDU (Visual Display Unit)
d) RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)

Answer: a
Explanation: The FEC encoder takes preventive measures to protect the transport streams from errors caused by
noise and interference the transmission channel. Forward error correction (FEC) is a Digital Signal Processing
technique used to enhance data reliability. It does this by introducing redundant data called error correcting code,
prior to data transmission or storage. FEC includes Reed-Solomon coding, Outer interleaving, and convolutional

12. What is the other name for video monitor?

a) SSD
b) CCU
c) VSU
d) VDU

Answer: d
Explanation: A video monitor is also known as VDU (visual display unit) is a display device similar to a television
set, used to monitor the output of a video generating device, such as play-out from the video server, IRD (Integrated
receiver/decoder), video camera, VCR, or DVD player.

13. Which sync signals ensure that the scanning action of the electron beam down and across the screen is in
synchronization in video monitors?
a) Horizontal
b) Left and right
c) Vertical
d) Horizontal and vertical

Answer: d
Explanation: The 3 main input signals in a video monitor are:
i) Video signal
ii) Horizontal Synchronization
iii) Vertical Synchronization
The video signal contains the R, G and B video signals that are applied to the picture tube. The horizontal and
vertical sync signals ensure that the scanning action of the electron beam down and across the screen is in

14. If a colour TV set has weak colour, the problem is most likely to be in
A. convergence assembly
B. demodulator stage
C. chroma amplifier
D. colour detector

15. What is the full form of CVS?

a) Composite video signal
b) Composite video system
c) Color video system
d) Composite value signal

Answer: a
Explanation: CVS stands for composite video signal. As the name suggests, composite video signal is
composed of more than one information signals. It is also often designated as CVBS, where C stands for color,
V for video, B for burst and S for sync.

16. What is the period of one scanning line in composite video signal?
a) 52 μs
b) 25 μs
c) 36 μs
d) 64 μs

Answer: d
Explanation: The composite video signal consists of the luminance or brightness information of the picture,
Chroma signal or color information, color burst, horizontal blanking pulse and sync pulse. The CVS correspond
to one scanning line of a video signal which is equal to 64 μs.

17. How much cycles do the color burst (CB) in the composite video signal consists of?
a) 1 to 3
b) 4 to 6
c) 3 to 5
d) 8 to 10
Answer: d
Explanation: Color burst (CB) which consists of 8 to 10 cycles of color subcarrier signal, is used to keep the
chrominance subcarrier synchronized in a color television signal. By synchronizing an oscillator with the color
burst at the back porch of the horizontal sync pulse, a television receiver is able to restore the suppressed
carrier off the chrominance signal, and in turn decode the color information.

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