Ingeniería en Energías Renovables: 2do Avance Del Proyecto Integrador

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20 DE ABRIL DE 2018

 Solar dinosaur
 The locomotive (using clean energies)
 A Bob constructor
 The solar jeep
 Wind tree

The idea chosen by the ERMA-6 group is that of the constructor Bob this character is called "pepe" he builds wind
and solar parks with the help of a solar dinosaur as well as with his two great friends called "sun" and "air". Pepe
knows how to handle all kinds of tools that will be used in the magnificent adventure that will take to design these
parks. Pepe likes to take care of the environment as well as recycle and reuse. Pepe found problems in his city since
he saw a great contamination and waste of electrical and domestic appliances, which had the idea of thinking and
looking for solutions that improve the environment in which he lives.

1. What is the subject of your book? Building wind and solar park

2. On what thematic vocabulary list will you focus? Childish

3. What is the name of the main character? Describe what to him? Pepe is a boy; he wears blue pants and an orange
shirt. Wear blue tennis shoes, sunglasses, helmet and your tool belt.

4. Are there secondary characters? Describe it? But because? A solar dinosaur, the sun and the wind.

5. What is the problem / conflict in the story? Pollution

6. How will the main character and supporting characters work to solve the problem? The main character is in charge
of designing and building projects that help the environment. The secondary characters are in charge of helping the

7. How is the problem / conflict resolved? When to operate wind farms and solar

8. How will you illustrate the book? Cartoon Colors? All colors Images? Show up working and helping.
“El sueño de Pepe”
Pepe es un niño que vive en ciudad Capital junto a su familia; su padre es un ingeniero en energías
renovables, él trabaja instalando grandes torres que le proporcionan electricidad a la ciudad. En su trabajo
le ofrecieron un trabajo en una ciudad lejana llamada Damville, por lo cual se tendrán que mudar. Al día
siguiente empacan sus maletas y salen hacia Damville, en el transcurso del viaje pasan por ciudades que
nunca había visto, algunas pequeñas y otras enormes pero todas limpias. Llegaron a Damville al atardecer,
se sorprendió mucho al ver que no todas las calles estaban iluminadas, que la gente tiraba basura por
todas partes y que había mucho humo de carros. Les tomó hasta el anochecer desempacar sus maletas, y
así poder salir de casa a dar un paseo por el resto de Damville en el cual, Pepe pudo visitar parte de lo
más importante de su nueva ciudad, como lo es el parque infantil, pero se llevó una gran desilusión ya que
el parque se encontraba en muy mal estado y sin iluminación, como el resto de la ciudad.
Más tarde Pepe llegó a su casa, se lavó los dientes y se acostó a dormir. Mientras dormía, tuvo un sueño
sobre la nueva ciudad donde viviría. Soñó que pasea con por las calles oscuras de Damville hasta llegar al
parque infantil, que seguía oscuro y triste. Vio los postes de luz sin energía, se preguntó cómo hacer para
que al parque llegaran los demás niños. Se preguntó, ¿si tuvieran luz llegarían otros niños a jugar?, un
instante después se encendieron las luces del parque. Se alegró en su sueño arregló las luces, y se le
ocurrió darle luz a las calles y otros lugares de Damville. Cuando se encontró iluminada la ciudad, Pepe se
despertó, su madre le decía que debía ir a su nueva escuela. Durante el desayuno con su familia le
preguntó a su padre, ¿si él podrían arreglar los postes de luz en el parque como en ciudad Capital?, su
padre le dijo que si estudiaba con mucho esfuerzo y dedicación podría hacerlo cuando termine de estudiar.

“Pepes’s dream”
Pepe is a child who lives in Capital City with his family, his father is a Renewable Energy engineer,
and he works installing large towers that provide electricity to the city. In his job, he was offered a job in a
distant city called Damville, for which they will have to move. The next day they pack their bags and leave
for Damville, in the course of the trip they pass through cities that I had never seen, some small and others
huge but all clean. They arrived in Damville at dusk, was very surprised to see that not all the streets were
lit, that people were throwing garbage everywhere and that there was a lot of car smoke. It took them until
nightfall to unpack their suitcases, so they could leave the house for a walk around the rest of Damville
where, Pepe was able to visit part of the most important part of his new city, like the playground, but he It
was a great disappointment since the park was in very poor condition and without lighting, like the rest of
the city. Later Pepe come to his house, brushed his teeth and went to bed. While he was sleeping, he had a
dream about the new city where he would live. He dreamed that he wandered through the dark streets of
Damville until he reached the playground, which was still dark and sad. He saw the power poles without
energy, he wondered how to make the other children come to the park. He asked himself, if they had light,
would other children come to play? The park lights came on a moment later. He was happy in his dream, he
fixed the lights, and it occurred to him to give light to the streets and other places of Damville. When the city
was illuminated, Pepe woke up, his mother told him to go to his new school. During breakfast with his family
he asked his father, if he could fix the lampposts in the park as in Capital City, his father told him that if he
studied with much effort and dedication he could do it when he finished studying.
Read up! “Children’s Books” Drafting
Teacher: Date:

Directions: What will you place on each page? this is where you should
map out the actual story in the target language.

pg 1 pg 8
Pepe is a boy, he live in the capital city. They unpacked until sunset and Pepe visited some
places in the city during the ride.

pg 2 pg 9
Pepe was disappointed to see the streets in the
His father is a Renewable Energy engineer. dark and the park too.

pg 3 pg 10
Pepe’s father works installing large towers that Later Pepe came to his house, brushed his teeth
provide electricity to the city. and went to bed.

pg 4 pg 11
Pepe and his family will move to another city for While he was sleeping, he had a dream about the
their father’s work new city where he would live.

pg 5 pg 12

The whole family packs their possessions and He dreamed that he wandered through the dark
travels to Demville. streets of Damville until he reached the
playground, which was still dark and sad.

pg 6 pg 13
During the trip they observe cities that they did He asked himself, if they had light, Would other
not know, but all were clean. children come to play?

pg 7 pg 14
When he arrived to Denville, Pepe was surprised The park lights came on a moment later.
because the city was in darkness.
pg 15
In his dream he was happy, he fixed the lights. He
could give light to the streets and other places of

pg 16
When the city was illuminated Pepe woke up; his
mother told him to go to his new school.

pg 17
During breakfast he asked his father, if he could
fix the lampposts someday in the park and in the
Capital City?

pg 18
His father told him that if he studied with effort
and dedication he could do it when he finished his

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