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Horary Analysys

Lost - Found (The Early Rules of

Horary Astrology on Missing and
Stolen Objects)
A horary chart for this kind of question can be constructed both for the moment we discover
that an object is missing and for the time when an astrologer hears or reads the question
posed to him. The simplest way to predicting whether the missing or stolen object will be
found or retrieved is by delineating the luminaries. If in the chart of a question or an event
the Moon in a nocturnal or the Sun in a diurnal chart closely aspect their rulers the object will
be returned to its owner. If the Moon is found in a sign together with that signs’ruler, and the
Sun aspects the Moon or the sign’s ruler, the object will be found. The missing or stolen
object will also be found when the dodecatemorion of the Moon’s sign is found on the degree
of the ascendant or of the mid heaven. Similar situation is given if the Sun is found in the
sign of the Moon’s dodecatemorion, or in the sign where the Moon’s ruler is placed, or the
Moon in a nocturnal and the Sun in a diurnal chart closely aspect an oriental planet (the one
rising before the Sun on that day.) A positive indicator is also if the Moon or the Sun closely
aspect the lot of fortune. The object will be found as well when the Sun or the Moon are
placed on the ascending degree of a horary chart. If the Sun is located on the ascendant in
the moment one finds out the object is missing, a positive indicator that the object will be
found or retrieved is if the Moon is simultaneously transiting through a sign ruled by a
benefic in the radix chart of the owner.

That the object will not be found or retrieved is shown by the following indicators in the
chart: the full Moon in the chart of an event or a question, the Moon at the end of the 7th
house or on the cusp of the 8th without aspects with the Sun, the Moon in Via combusta,
both the luminaries under the earth, the Moon at the end of its monthly cycle, going into the
applying conjunction with the Sun.

Another way to delineate these charts is by analyzing the four cardinal points. The missing
object is signified by the ascendant in the chart of the event, the mid-heaven signifies the
owner, descendant belongs to a potential thief and the lower meridian describes the location
of the object. If the benefics are placed in the sign of the ascendant or closely aspect the
ascending degree the object will be found. The lower mid heaven will describe the location of
the missing object according to the nature of the sign: water signs will indicate the nearness
of water, moisture or water pipes, air signs will indicate altitude in some way, earth signs
show floor and lower parts of furniture, fire signs symbolize walls and the proximity of the
source of heat and light. The symbolism of a sign can be substituted by a close aspect of the
Moon or the lot of fortune with some planet so the location of the missing object can also be
sought by delineating the symbolism of a planet, not the lower mid heaven exclusively. If the
Moon is placed in the last third (face) of a sign, this indicates that the missing or stolen
object often changes its location.

That the object is stolen is shown by the following indicators:both luminaries closely
aspecting the ascending degree (the thief is someone from the household or a near relative).
If only one luminary aspects the ascendant then the thief is not a family member, but it is a
friend or an acquaintance. If both luminaries are found to be in aversion or in the sign
following the sign on the ascendant the thief is a stranger. The description of the thief is
obtained from the sign of the 7th house and the planet posited in it. If the 7th doesn’t
contain any planet, then the thief is described by the 9th because it is a house of the Moon’s
mundane detriment. As the last option, there remains the 12th house. If it is also empty,
then the thief is shown by the planet the Moon is applying to. If the Moon is void of course
(no immediate aspects) then the thief will be shown by the planet the Moon last separated
from. Jupiter symbolizes tall, robust, handsome and bright appearances, people with thin hair
or high forehead or pronounced whiskers. Saturn indicates someone with dark, thick hair
and dark skin, markedly thin or small, possibly a man of a different race or ethnic
background. Mars symbolizes slim, middle statured, muscular and very aggressive man of
rough manners. His face is markedly oval or with a prominent jaw. Venus will indicate the
thief of an attractive appearance, potentially a woman or a man of distinguished style and
polite manners. Mercury describes younger people, slender built, agile, tending to baldness.
If there’s a luminary in some of the mentioned houses, then the appearance of the thief is
delineated according to the planet in a close aspect with that luminary. If such a planet isn’t
there, then the Sun will indicate a big man of a round visage and very big, round eyes, and
the Moon shows a handsome man or a woman of a round, markedly pale face. When a
benefic closely aspects the thief’s significator, it is highly likely that he belongs to the upper
classes of society or comes from such a family background. The malefic signify the contrary,
lower social classes. Mars often signifies a younger male below the age of 40, Jupiter is a
male between 40 and 55, and Saturn is an older man. Equally, a younger person will be
described by an oriental significator, and an older person will be indicated by a retrograde,
stationary or an occidental significator. If the significator of a thief is placed in the same sign
with the Sun, it indicates a man who has already committed theft and this theft is not his
first. If the malefic do not behold the lot of fortune, the theft is committed for the first time in
his life. In the charts indicating theft, Mars in a close aspect with the Moon or the ascendant
often shows violent burglary whereas Jupiter or Venus show someone entering the house
without the intention to steal, but later succumbes to the temptation of a beautiful or costly

Author: Natasa Karalic Koprivica

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