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Polymer Degradation and Stability xxx (2014) 1e7

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An in vitro crop plant ecotoxicity test for agricultural bioplastic

L. Martin-Closas*, R. Botet, A.M. Pelacho
Dpt. Horticulture, Botany and Gardening, University of Lleida, Avda. Alcalde Rovira Roure 191, 25198 Lleida, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Plastic mulches are widely used in agriculture to improve production, mainly in vegetable crops. Their
Received 7 December 2013 main drawback is the generation of residues that are hard to manage. Therefore the substitution of
Received in revised form traditional plastics by renewable and biodegradable polymers is an environmentally friendly improve-
12 March 2014
ment. However, compounds released during (bio)degradation of the mulches may remain in the soil.
Accepted 26 March 2014
Consequently, standard ecotoxicity tests are required to ensure the biomaterials’ ecosafety. Unfortu-
Available online xxx
nately, ecotoxicity tests for terrestrial plants, and specifically for the plant species frequently cultivated
with mulches, are poorly developed. Furthermore, most of these tests report seedling emergence and
Adipic acid
early plant growth, but germination and plant growth have different requirements, and plant growth
Succinic acid inhibition by compounds not affecting germination has been frequently reported. Other limitations of
Lactic acid;1,4-butanediol ecotoxicity tests are related to environmental variability, interactions of soils/substrates with the
Lettuce chemicals, and to the limited monitoring of plant development over time, especially for roots.
Tomato The aim of this work has been to develop an in vitro controlled system for testing the ecotoxicity of
plastic constituents putatively delivered to the soil during mulch biodegradation on crop plants.
Germination and growth of lettuce and tomato were monitored over time in response to adipic, succinic
and lactic acids, and to 1,4-butanediol, in concentrations 5e500 mg l1. Although germination was not
influenced by most treatments, significant effects were manifested later in plant development. The
sensitivity of the system was higher than in standard short-term assays. Results in lettuce and tomato
were not substantially different, but indicative of the need to test the precise species targeted. Overall,
adipic acid inhibited growth, succinic acid had no effect, and butanediol enhanced growth to some
extent. Lactic acid requires further investigation. We highlight the convenience of the system for
monitoring root development; roots were more sensitive to the chemicals than shoots and leaves. Proline
is shown as a potential marker for ecotoxicoxicity. The in vitro system is proposed as a simple and
reliable method to test for ecotoxicity in terrestrial plants.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction replacement of traditional plastics, mostly polyethylene mulches,

with renewable and biodegradable polymers has been particularly
Plastics are widely used in agriculture but produce residues. The welcome. Several approved brands of totally or partially biode-
management of the agricultural packaging and structural elements’ gradable mulches have already proven reliable in terms of agri-
residues, though costly, can be conveniently accomplished. How- cultural performance [1]. In the development of these new
ever, plastics used in the fields, with mulches as the most relevant biodegradable plastics for agriculture, the main focus has been on
ones, are exposed to climatic agents, break into pieces and mix with the potential biodegradation of the plastic.
the soil. More often than not, these agricultural plastic bits may A further required step is to determine the consequences of the
remain buried for decades in the field: they may be swept away to biodegradation processes in the field environment, where the
enter into surrounding natural ecosystems and eventually reach material will repeatedly break down and deliver their many and
the marine environment. With this far-reaching consequences, the diverse constituents to the soil. It is important to emphasize that
the molecules released from plastics may frequently play a role in
plant metabolism, or are allelochemicals themselves that regulate
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ34 973702567.
interactions between plants [2]. Equally, it is not unlikely that some
E-mail address: (L. Martin-Closas). sub-products of the mulches’ biodegradation process may be
0141-3910/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Martin-Closas L, et al., An in vitro crop plant ecotoxicity test for agricultural bioplastic constituents, Polymer
Degradation and Stability (2014),
2 L. Martin-Closas et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability xxx (2014) 1e7

absorbed by the next generation of crop plants, where they may 2. Materials and methods
have ecotoxic effects and may decrease agricultural productivity in
the long term. 2.1. Tissue culture media and treatments preparation
Different methodologies for studying ecotoxicity in biodegra-
dation processes have been developed. Usually, a soil environment A Murashige and Skoog (MS) [4] broad range culture medium
related organism (earthworms, insects, algae, bacteria, protozoa with 3% sucrose was prepared with pH adjusted to 5.7. After
or plants) is exposed to media where the plastics have been bio- autoclaving for 20 min at 121  C, when media temperature was
degraded, and growth or reproductive rate is monitored. The se- 50  C, solutions of chemicals frequently present in bioplastics were
lection of the target organism is essential. Although at field-level filter sterilized and added to final concentrations of 0, 5, 50 and
the organisms that live in the soil environment are important to 500 mg l1 in the culture media. Media were distributed into sterile
identify toxicity, the primary focus of agriculture is the crop itself culture tubes. The chemicals tested were adipic acid (Acros Or-
[3]. In the case of biodegradable mulching, target species should ganics, 99%), succinic acid (Acros Organics, 99%), 1,4-butanediol
be chosen among those in which these materials are usually (Acros Organics, 99%) and L(þ)-lactic acid (Acros Organics, 90%
applied. water solution).
The biodegradation process, and thus the deliverey of putative In a second separate experiment specifically for lettuce, an
toxic compounds to the soil, is highly dependent on soil properties additional set of adipic and succinic acid treatments were prepared.
and environmental conditions under which it takes place. There- Half of the treatments were made as above, while for the other half
fore, it is quite difficult to select a broad-range soil medium for the the pH was adjusted pH to 5.1 after autoclaving, so this pH value
agricultural mulches’ ecotoxicity bioassays. Furthermore, the corresponds to the control media pH registered after the sterilizing
polymer intermediates released along the biodegradations process process.
of the mulches may be ecotoxic or not, depending on the stage of
degradation of the material and on the developmental phase of the
plant. As a result, ecotoxicity studies are considerably complex. 2.2. Plant material and seeding
Among the tests, the OECD 208 Guideline for testing of chemicals
(Table 1) has been developed for assessing the toxicity of chemicals Seeds used as plant material for testing were commercial seeds
applied to plants by mixing them with the soil or by spraying the of tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Tres Cantos (Fitó), and let-
chemical onto the soil surface. This guideline provides the main tuce, Lactuca sativa cv. Trocadero (Vilmorin). Seeds were surface-
outlines and the general criteria to build up ecotoxicological tests, sterilized by soaking for 2 min. in a commercial sodium hypo-
and most of the current tests (Table 1) are to be taken as an chlorite (2%) solution to which a few drops of Tween-20 had been
approach, all having limitations and restrictions. added. Then they were rinsed twice in sterile distilled water and
In order to better address the current constraints, new meth- seeded under sterile conditions into the culture tubes with MS
odologies for the assessment of potential ecotoxic chemicals are media containing the different chemicals. Each treatment consisted
necessary. Ecotoxicity can be determined by exposure of the plants of 20 seeds. Prior to starting the assays, samples of the same seed
to the constituents of the materials, or to the intermediate products batches were tested for rapid and homogeneous germination under
resulting from the biodegradation process. Care should be taken to the assay conditions.
avoid variations inherent to the soil interface by using a stan-
dardized test medium. Furthermore, the methodology should allow
for simulating a broad range of environmental conditions and also 2.3. Plant culture and analysis
for monitoring germination, growth and root development over
time. In the first experiment, cultures were incubated at 20  1  C
This need has inspired us to investigate a simple and controlled under a 16 h light photoperiod. To determine the short and long-
in vitro system to demonstrate the potential effects on plant growth term effects of the chemicals, plant growth was periodically
and development that may result from the accumulation of some of monitored over time up to 90 days of culture. Germination was
these compounds in the field. The aim of the present work is to recorded for the first 7 days of culture and the relative inhibition of
develop an in vitro method to test the potential ecotoxic effects of seed germination (GI) was calculated by the following standard
selected plastic constituents that can be released as a result of a equation [5]:
biodegradation process on two widely-cultivated plants. This is a
first step in evaluating the complex and long-term effects of Relative Germination Inhibition ð%Þ
biodegradable products used in agriculture. ¼ ½ðGerminationControlTreatment Þ=GerminationControl *100

The fresh and dry weights of the plantlets were separately

Table 1 recorded for shoots with the leaves and for roots. Proline, a plant
Main tests using plants for the assessment of ecotoxic effects of chemicals in the soil. metabolite that increases under water stress conditions, i.e. in
drought, was spectrophotometrically determined at the end of the
culture in plant samples from all treatments, according to Bates
ISO 11269-1:1993 Soil quality. Determination of the effects of
et al. [6]. The second experiment was performed and monitored as
pollutants on soil flora. Part 1. Method for
the measurement of inhibition of root growth the first one, but ended earlier, after 25 days of culture.
ISO 11269-2:1995 Soil quality. Determination of the effects of
pollutants on soil flora. Part 2. Effect of chemicals
on the emergence and growth of higher plants
2.4. Statistical analysis
ISO 22030:2005 Soil quality. Biological methods. Chronic toxicity
in higher plants
ISO 17126:2005 Soil quality. Determination of the effects of pollutants Germination and growth data were analyzed by one-way anal-
on soil flora. Screening test for emergence of lettuce ysis of variance for every chemical treatment, using Statgraphics.
seedlings (Lactuca sativa L.) When significant effects were identified, LSD at P ¼ 0.05 was
OECD 208 Guideline for the testing of chemicals
applied to test for differences between the means.

Please cite this article in press as: Martin-Closas L, et al., An in vitro crop plant ecotoxicity test for agricultural bioplastic constituents, Polymer
Degradation and Stability (2014),
L. Martin-Closas et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability xxx (2014) 1e7 3

3. Results and discussion 3.2. Lettuce and tomato seed germination

3.1. Changes in the culture media Several bioassays use lettuce seeds and there is a general
agreement that this species is among the most sensitive and widely
The availability of the soil nutrients to plants is pH-dependent; available for ecotoxicity bioassays, e.g. Refs. [8,9]. Tomato, culti-
slightly acidic pH values optimize nutrient uptake by roots and thus vated with mulches and among the most important vegetable crops
do not restrict plantlet growth. The overall choice of pH for plant in the world, was also selected for the bioassay. Germination was
tissue culture is 5.7 before autoclaving; after cooling the culture previously tested in the control medium to ensure a high and ho-
medium, pH decreases to 4.7e5.3 depending on the medium mogeneous rate in this in vitro study system, and for both species it
composition. began 2 days after the initiation of the culture. In tomato, Lyco-
In our experiment, the tissue culture system monitored was persicon esculentum cv. Tres Cantos, most seeds had germinated
prepared following well-known standard procedures, and the pH in after 4e6 days in culture and the germination rate was over 95%,
the control medium decreased as expected (Table 2). The chemicals with no differences between treatments. Germination rate of let-
tested are fully soluble in water at the concentrations tested and tuce, Lactuca sativa cv. Trocadero, was over 95% at 7 days and was
can be routinely incorporated to the medium. However, since we not affected by the compounds with the exception of the
had no knowledge of prior tissue culture media preparation with 500 mg l1 adipic acid pre-adjusted pH treatment, where only 73%
these compounds, we followed the precautionary measure of seeds germinated. The GI index for this treatment was 24%.
adding them to the media after autoclaving. In this way the changes Adjusting the pH allowed all seeds to germinate irrespective of the
in the acidity of the media as affected by the nature and concen- compound and concentration, including adipic acid. When low pH
tration of the chemicals under study, i.e. the predictable situation a values were caused by succininc acid, germination was not
soil or substrate may follow after being polluted with a chemical, inhibited; thus it can be concluded that adipic acid has some effect
can be also acknowledged. on lettuce seed germination, this effect mediated only to some
Supplementing the medium with 50 or 500 mg l1 of the acids extent by pH changes.
tested, decreased the medium pH by 0.8e1.7 depending on the Germination is a highly conserved developmental process
chemical, while the 5 mg l1 concentrations, together with the three following seed imbibition that involves the mobilization of the food
butanediol treatments, had no specific effects on the medium pH reserves stored in the endosperm, and ends up with the emergence
(Table 2). The growth of the lettuce seedlings for 25 days contributed of the radicle through the seed coat. After germination, and until
to decreasing pH to 3.6e3.7 in the control medium and in the the seedling becomes photosynthetically self-sufficient and the
5 mg l1 concentrations, a usual situation for plant tissue cultures plantlet growth phase starts, seedling growth relies on the reserves
growing in MS medium. However, in the media with 500 mg l1 stored in the seed. In many standardized ecotoxicity tests carried-
adipic and succinic acids and pH pre-adjusted, the starting pH was out in pots, the underground environment of the seed cannot be
lower and did not change after culture. Equally, when the pH was monitored; the emergence of the radicle is not targeted and the
adjusted after the incorporation to the medium of 500 mg l1 adipic reports on germination rate match with a physiologically unde-
and succinic acid, it remained unchanged or decreased only slightly, fined step after the radicle emergence, when the seedling is seen to
respectively, 25 days after culture. This suggests independent effects emerge from the substrate. This reported emergence is dependent
of the chemicals and pH values on plant growth. on specific conditions of the assay, e.g. the depth of the seeds in the
In both field and in most bioassay tests for testing chemicals, the substrate. In plant tissue culture, seeds are placed on a transparent
pH component of the chemical usually goes together with the culture medium that enables close and detailed monitoring of the
compound and concentration tested. The effect of the compound is seeds and plantlets at any time along the experiment. In this me-
frequently reported in soils or substrates (or even hydroponic cul- dium the precise effect of chemicals on seed germination, i.e. in the
ture systems) where the pH may range from 3.5 to 8.1. To predict emergence of the radicle, can be observed and differentiated from
the impact of chemicals in the environment, their interactions with other developmental processes that follow.
the soil need to be considered, and pH is one of the important el- Simple bioassays have already proven useful in ecotoxicity
ements in controlling many soil processes [7]. As pH, and particu- testing. Among them the germination of seeds in Petri dishes es-
larly high pH values, may create conditions in which some minerals tablishes the inhibition in germination and early developmental
are unavailable for plant growth, the confounding effects of the stages of the plant species tested caused by soil contaminants that
chemical and pH cannot be properly identified. In vitro systems are added to the water in the plate. However, the short running
provide unique conditions where the physico-chemical properties time of the assay, the very rapid seedling growth in the limited
of the culture medium can be controlled and monitored; thus, they space of the plate, fungal or microbial contamination, and the
offer the potential to investigate the specific effects of chemicals, horizontal growth imposed to seedlings after germination are
together with the associated changes they produce in the methodological problems that result in limited information on the
environment. effects of chemicals on plant growth. Additionally, environmental

Table 2
The pH values of the MS culture media after autoclaving and after 25 days of growth of the lettuce seedlings.

pH Control Adipic Acida Succinic Acida Lactic Acida 1,4-Butanediola

5 50 500 5 50 500 5 50 500 5 50 500

After autoclaving 5.1d 4.9 4.3 3.9 5.1 4.3 3.8 5.0 4.1 3.4 5.1 5.3 5.1
pH pre-adjustedb 3.7 3.7 4.0 3.9 3.6 3.8 3.9 e e e e e e
pH post-adjustedc 3.7 3.7 3.9 5.1 3.7 3.9 4.5 e e e e e e
mg l1 in the culture medium.
Medium pH after 25 days of the lettuce seedling growth when adjusted prior to autoclaving.
Medium pH after 25 days of the lettuce seedling growth when adjusted following autoclaving and the supply of the chemicals.
Numbers are average of the pH medium in 5 culture tubes.

Please cite this article in press as: Martin-Closas L, et al., An in vitro crop plant ecotoxicity test for agricultural bioplastic constituents, Polymer
Degradation and Stability (2014),
4 L. Martin-Closas et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability xxx (2014) 1e7

requirements for seed germination and early plant metabolism are 0.3
not necessarily maintained along time but differ from those further *
required by the plant to growth. Not unexpectedly, inhibitory ef- 0.25
fects on plant growth have been reported for compounds proven to *

Shoot Dry Weight (g)

have no significance for germination [10e13]. Germination has 0.2

resulted to be a less sensitive endpoint than plantlet growth in

ecotoxicity testing [10,14]. 0.15
Germination may proceed when suitable environmental con- 50
ditions, in terms of water availability and temperature, are met. It is 0.1
basically independent from the soil composition, which is not a key *
issue until the roots become functional and contribute to the 0.05

nutrient eand pollutant- uptake. Thus, provided that the above

requirements are satisfied, germination is largely independent of 0
Control Adipic Acid Succinic Acid Butanediol Lactic Acid
soil quality. Several authors suggest that germination is easy to
determine but it may not be a useful endpoint for plant testing [8].
This is also the case for bioassays intended for vegetable crops *
growing in mulch environments; germination and early grow are 0.14
not endpoints: mulches are not used with plants emerging from *
seeds but installed together with fully photosynthetic young plants

Root Dry Weight (g)

from a seedbed. 0.1

3.3. Plantlet growth 5
0.06 50

Tomato and lettuce plantlets were cultured and their growth 500
was monitored. In tomato, growth was severely restricted by the
presence of 50 and 500 mg l1 of adipic acid in the culture medium, 0.02 *
which significantly reduced the shoot and specially the root dry
weight (Fig. 1). However, 5 mg l1 of this compound caused the Control Adipic Acid Succinic Acid Butanediol Lactic Acid
opposite effect. Without prior indication of how adipic acid could Treatment
promote growth, we may speculate on its integration in the plant
metabolism to provide acetyl-CoA [15], or on a hormesis effect Fig. 1. Shoot and root dry weight of tomato plantlets grown in MS media supple-
mented with a range of concentrations (mg l1) of adipic, succinic, or lactic acids and
which has occasionally been reported when testing very low con-
1,4-butanediol. *Treatments statistically different from controls (P ¼ 0.05).
centrations of some otherwise toxic compounds in bioassays
[8,16,17]. On the other hand, tomato plantlet growth was enhanced
by butanediol and lactic acid. For the highest lactic acid concen- leading to smaller plants with abnormal leaf development. These
tration tested, the effect was significant in the shoots, while for 5 changes may result in a decrease in the commercial value of the
and 50 mg l1 the underground part of the plantlets was promoted crop. Adipic, lactic and succinic acids have been identified in root
(Fig. 1). As a result, in all three lactic acid concentrations assayed the exudates of a variety of plant species [21] frequently grown under
final plant weight was significantly higher. All concentrations of protected cultivation in plastic environments, and are potential
butanediol were effective in increasing root development. participants of the complex plant secondary metabolism. Allelo-
Although no role for 1,4-butanediol is known in plant metabolism, pathic effects of root exudates have shown significant reduction in
an isomer of this compound produced by soil bacteria has been the root length of strawberry at very low concentration of adipic
found to promote plant growth [18,19]. While succininc acid (30 mg l1), lactic (9 mg l1) and succinic (24 mg l1) acids, but no
treatments were ineffective in modifying the tomato plantlet effects were identified on the dry weight or height of the plantlets
growth, all the other three compounds tested were more effective even at concentrations up to 60 mg l1 [2].
in modifying root rather than shoot development. Lettuce plantlets grown in a medium containing even just
Adipic acid was also strongly inhibitory of the lettuce shoot and 5 mg l1 adipic acid also had significantly reduced growth of shoots
root growth (Fig. 2). Plantlets in the MS medium with 50 mg l1 and roots (Fig. 2). This differing effect of very low adipic acid,
adipic acid grew slowly and abnormally from the beginning (Figs. 2 inhibiting lettuce and promoting tomato growth, could be related
and 3). Irrespective of the pre or post-adjustment of pH, plantlet to the more vigorous growth of tomato seeds and deserves further
growth was severely inhibited, and the increasing adipic acid research. Moreover, this effect was not as obvious as with higher
concentrations resulted in stunted leaves and progressively doses of adipic acid and remained unnoticed during the first 3e4
reduced reddish roots that could be observed only when the pH of weeks of culture (Fig. 3). Only when the plantlet weight was
the medium had been post-adjusted (Fig. 3). Other chemicals found recorded at the end of the experiment, an average reduction of over
to inhibit germination also cause short and red (in web version) 30% was found, pointing to a long term effect of this chemical.
roots [20], indicative of plant stress. Roots, the part of the plant first Studies in plant pots have shown that adipic acid limits the plant
to come into contact with the chemicals in the field, are sensitive to growth only at substantially higher concentrations, while in acute
changes in the soil environment, which may slowly modify their toxicity studies in Petri dishes germination has been sensitive to
growth and development. These changes go frequently unnoticed 30 mg l1 adipic or over [22,23]. To our knowledge, the most sen-
in routine assays that analyze the germination and early growth of sitive bioassay reported found some inhibition of root elongation at
terrestrial plants in pots or dishes, systems that do not allow a a concentration of 15 mg l1 [24].
close-up monitoring of the roots over time and that are strongly The other three chemicals tested, succinic and lactic acids, and
dependent on the changing environmental conditions during the butanediol, had no effect on final weight of the plantlet shoots
tests. However, root development is critical for plant performance; (Fig. 2). However, 500 mg l1 lactic acid negatively affected the
plants with limited root development are poorly competitive, early development of the plantlets (Fig. 4); yet later on the lettuce

Please cite this article in press as: Martin-Closas L, et al., An in vitro crop plant ecotoxicity test for agricultural bioplastic constituents, Polymer
Degradation and Stability (2014),
L. Martin-Closas et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability xxx (2014) 1e7 5

180 presence of the chemicals in the medium. Proline is known as a

marker for osmotic stress in plants, and some authors have sug-
gested proline accumulation as an indicator for a wider range of
environmental stresses on plants [25,26].
Shoot Dry Weight (mg)

120 This in vitro bioassay with crop plants has identified toxicity
risks that may emerge during the biodegradation of the mulches
when the four monomers are released. It has been used here with
80 5
* individual chemicals as it is most frequent for other standards.
However, the monomers released will mix with the soil and with
* other components of the mulches (e.g. additives) in a multifaceted
manner very dependent on the mulch composition and on a range
of soil and environmental conditions (e.g. pH); the effect of the final
0 mixture will not necessarily be additive. Mulch biodegradation
Control Adipic Acid Succinic Acid Butanediol Lactic Acid
might finally affect crop plants or not depending not only on the
individual concentration of each monomer but also on the in-
teractions between them, and with the soil environment. The
* bioassay has proven to be sensitive to very low concentrations of
chemicals and it will be of interest to investigate more complex
14 mixtures of the mulches components.
Root Dry Weight (mg)


10 * *
4. Conclusion
8 * * 5
* 500
In this paper we designed an in vitro study system advantageous
over other bioassays currently used. The plant tissue culture system
has several advantages: 1 e allows for tight control of factors that
interact with chemicals and plants, 2 e reports on short and long
0 term toxicity of the chemicals present in agricultural mulches on
Control Adipic Acid Succinic Acid Butanediol Lactic Acid
vegetable crops massively cultivated in mulch environments, and 3
e allows for close monitoring of plant development at any time
Fig. 2. Shoot and root dry weight of lettuce plantlets grown in MS media supple- along the plantlet growth, roots included. We found different but
mented with a range of concentrations (mg l1) of adipic, succinic, or lactic acids and mostly consistent sensitivities to the chemicals tested for lettuce
1,4-butanediol. *Treatments statistically different from controls (P ¼ 0.05). and tomato. Adipic and succinic acids, and to some extent buta-
nediol, caused fairly equivalent effects. The effect of lactic acid on
root development requires further investigation.
plants resumed growth and the final weight of the shoots was In summary, this in vitro assay allowed monitoring the effects of
equivalent to that of control plants (Fig. 2). On the contrary, lactic the tested compounds over time and has also proved to be more
acid proved to be the most effective in reducing root development sensitive than standard short term assays, especially noticed when
(Fig. 2). As reported in tomato, we found no effect of succinic acid, low concentrations of adipic acid were tested. We are unaware of
and for butanediol the highest concentration tested significantly long-term exposure tests to adipic acid in terrestrial plants as in the
enhanced root development (Figs. 2 and 4). present in vitro assay. Differences obtained with lettuce and tomato
Both in tomato and in lettuce, and especially in the plantlets were not substantial, but indicative of the need to test the precise
grown with the highest concentration of adipic acid, all treatments species targeted. We highlight the convenience of the system for
increased the plantlet proline by up to 15 fold (Fig. 5). This suggests detailed monitoring of root development; roots are usually more
that proline levels are related to the stress resulting from the sensitive to the chemicals in the soil than shoots and leaves, and

Fig. 3. Lettuce plantlets grown for 25 days in MS media supplemented with increasing concentrations of adipic acid. pH was adjusted before (left) or after (right) autoclaving and
adding the chemicals.

Please cite this article in press as: Martin-Closas L, et al., An in vitro crop plant ecotoxicity test for agricultural bioplastic constituents, Polymer
Degradation and Stability (2014),
6 L. Martin-Closas et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability xxx (2014) 1e7

Fig. 4. Lettuce plantlets after 28 days of culture with different concentrations (mg l1) of 1,4-butanediol and lactic acid.

limited root development may compromise crop yield. Proline that

deserves further research.

a) 90

80 The authors are grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Science and

Innovation, MICINN (Grant nr. AGL2008-03733/AGR) and to the
University of Lleida, Spain (Grant nr. UdL006197) for financial
Proline (mg/g FW)

60 support. We also thank Sandra Cervelló and Montse Roig for

50 technical assistance.
40 5
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Please cite this article in press as: Martin-Closas L, et al., An in vitro crop plant ecotoxicity test for agricultural bioplastic constituents, Polymer
Degradation and Stability (2014),
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Please cite this article in press as: Martin-Closas L, et al., An in vitro crop plant ecotoxicity test for agricultural bioplastic constituents, Polymer
Degradation and Stability (2014),

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