TA7 Unit 7 45 Minutes Test

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Fullname: ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEST Class: ‘Time: 45 minutes 1. Listen toa traf report Tick (/) the things you can hear. There are two things that donot appear inthe rapor. You wil stan TWICE. downtown accent nur people highway county tne freeway 2 Listen tothe recording, match the extension phone number withthe correct ype of information. You will Enquiry 4 nen movies are beng shown 2. Ticket pri or young ciren 4, Buying tckets trough he phone 5. Exprossing dssatstacion 1 READING 1. Read the passage and answer the questions with NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS. Emma Watson sa Brtsh actress, model, and acts. She hasbeen widly known not only as atalented young acess, but aso @ humanitarian. She rose to ‘ame ater having heres pofess.onal acing rele as Hermione Grange in he Harty Potter sore from 2001 to 2071, Otrer successes include her actng in The Perks of Bing 2 Walflower and The Bling Rng. Besides her move career, sho has aso eamed a bachelor’s degree in Engen erature, Sne was ‘pointed tho UN Women Goodwill Ambassador in July 2074. tthe ago of 26, she has éelcatd her forts towards the empowerment cf yourg warn and promaton of gender aqualy worldwide, Emma shared, all hava se much tolearn, but a8 progress | hope to ang mer of my individual knowledge, ‘experience and awareness oti le: 1. What national is Emena Watson? 3 Wal oor Fighost qalfcaton? {1 Wratrola has she undarakan ence 20047 5 whic gonaer has Emma promaled development or? true (1 or false (F). Circle Tor 2. Read the passage and itor v's crema Dear Brother (Tol sy hos vang re co xan) was rare phenomenon nthe Viinamese fm history. As an adaptation of Nguyen Nat ‘Aniv's famous novel the rave grossed $1 million ftom 350,000 admslonsnatonwige in ts opening week. the ted Bagest opening ever in Vit Nam. Ita. ranked a8 one of the highest grossing fea fi over, ening over USS3.6 milion i ola. The fim depctod the challenges and jealousies ofa 12yoarald oy towards his younger brtrer. However, bythe end of the fm, he reaizd te ni meaning of rohernood. Oeste the fact tha Vielnamese audience ‘often pay much attention ontematonal movie rather than local one, fs wae a huge success, Ths was pay thanks tos needy poste trae ‘engaging aucience vith the beauifulandscape ofa Vietnamese province and the’ cldhood memories. 4. Vieor Vu was the wero the novel Der Brother. 2. The film earned more than USS3.5 millon ns rlease week, 2. The fim described he relationship betwean two brothers 4. Vietnamese aucionce rarely pay great attention to lca ns '5. The fln’s success was only because of is beaut wall. tn. wRTING 1 Complete each of he folowing sentences using the cues given. You can use other words and change the cues to complete the sentences. Here is an example, ©. Ngoeusuallaybscminon!Sunday! ‘Aswer 0. Ngoe usualy plays badminton on Sundays 1+ Tivos boringiiniever wate 2. Waleeisaistylendingttsimovil 5. In eplemavelgood eiteaihis invmaxeinerasappon 4. The movalboingisaiveleRhalivayt 5, Mbought Jmanyitamovalactoratne movalplovunintaresting 2, Wit a short paragraph (80-100 worde) about afm that you Ike the most, You should use the folowing cues: at fm 8 = Wthatitwas about = Why you tke IV. LANGUAGE Focus 1. Putthe words nto the correct column, according to thelr sounds ofthe underlined parts ‘able baad bala make anal 2 Declde which part ofthe sentence Is grammatically Incorrect, Circe the later A,B, or C 4-taas abouts kms tom my house & e ee 3, Hg usd lo take a bus fo work, bul now be do, NS € 4. Dig ho sad to work azarae polcoman? ‘5. Wan he ig 5 he useLio go fishing wits his father. a8 c ntence, Circle A B, or C. ‘3. Choose the best option to complete each 1 the way to schol, can eee @"No parking’ sgn, An Bin csy 2. His cr crashed int the traffic Asis B lamps ©. oh 2, Gotothe end of is eat, tu left and ak te rst. onthe right. The school son your lf. Atun B.tuming C.tumed 4. Wat does thi oad mean? =Itmeans “Serool ahead”. A light B. symbol C.sign 5. Can you seth “Speed "7 You can eve fast ints area, Alt B.decressed crecuoed ap an LusTeNNc 1. Liston toa traf report Tick (V) the things you ean hear. There are two things that de net ap ¥— dewntown injure people 7 amass Yo gbay 7 frooway Hal. Tis is Teng Anh 7. Unit 7. Listoning Tost. ‘TASK 1. Liston toa trafic rport Tick (V) the things you can hear. There ars two things that donot appear inthe report. You wil ston TWICE. is fs Betty Belarus with your S pm ae repar. Wel youre on he reads iatening to ti, you aeady know tal aici prety much mess ‘overyutar On Itorsate 7, trawl rom downtown oth county tne. ‘enieleserosing te lake on Sate Route 50 are grilocked both eastbound ad westbound, And he valle freeway is stop-and-go fiom Mayberry through Winwood, Highway 17 is slow through the cy, thon clears ut unt Overpass Road. that weren't ad enough, an injury aciéent is blocking Main Seok

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