HRMT Assignment 1.2

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Institution Management and Employee Relations

Student Name

Institution Affiliation



Part A

Mission and Objectives

1. Does teamwork inspire employees, in general, to perform better?

Within the firm, teams are a very essential asset as well as a vast resource. It is important

for employees to feel inspired and encouraged regularly since the firm cannot perform

effectively when they are absent (Health et al., 2021).

1. Is there clarity between the employee’s work and the company’s objectives?

Workers need to be knowledgeable of the organization’s vision and the objectives of the

firm. It encourages them to work collectively to attain desirable outcomes as well as setting clear

and realistic goals occasionally highlighted by this vision.


2. As an employee, do you have a clear comprehension of the strategic goals of the


The involvement of all employees in the strategic Planning Process allows for the teams

to be at par during the implementation stage of the planning process. Additionally, Employees

can arrive at better decisions thus implementing the scheme for planning and utility purposes

(Ferenczy & A., 2021).


Working Environment

3. Is there a connection and respect between co-workers?

The most crucial component in attaining an efficient and effective work environment is

the affiliation between the employees (Vance & R., 2006). Respect is achieved when ideas and

opinions of everybody on certain issues and challenges are considered leading to more

collaborations. Bonding and feasible solutions that could benefit the firm can be reached (Deer &

M., 2020).).

4. Are you comfortable sharing your opinions at work?

Leaders who show transparency to other employees build trust as well as room for

cooperation. When workers feel trusted and respected, they are willing to share their ideas,

thoughts, or criticisms without fear or feeling to quit. (Health et al., 2021).


5. Do you get clear guidance, support, and rewards from your supervisor?

Greater engagement between the supervisors and employees can be attained by providing

them with recognition, clear guidance, and benefits. It proliferates work retention and aids in

generally developing more positivity at the workplace (Health et al., 2021).


Safety and wellbeing

6. Is the company offering the required safety measures and wellbeing?

The safety and health of the employees are core factors for all sectors to advocate for the

well-being of employers and employees (Ferenczy & A., 2021). It is the role and moral

responsibility of the company to ensure the safety of its workers hence building loyalty, trust,

and respect to the organization (Ferenczy & A., 2021).


7. Do you recommend the healthcare facilities offered by the organization?

The firm’s productivity, creativity, and satisfaction are heavily reliant on a healthy

surrounding for the workers. A work environment that feels energetic and stress-free facilitates

engagement and motivation among the workers (Ferenczy & A., 2021).

8. Does the firm encourage and lead workers to have a good balance in life and work?

Observing work-life equilibrium can aid prevent burns in the workplace and reduction of

stress (Russo et al., 2019). Mental health can be triggered by work stress since it is linked to

proliferated perils of insomnia, depression, and anxiety. These could affect the firm’s

productivity (Gragnano et al., 2020).


Benefits and Compensation

9. Do you have a competitive remuneration compared to other jobs in the same field?

An offered job opportunity needs a fair remuneration to retain and attract the workers.

Salary does not serve singularly as a tool to hold satisfied workers. It is also essential in

encouraging greater performance from the employees (Kokemuller & N., 2017).

10. Are you familiar and content with your current benefits and compensation


Employees are enthused to perform better when they are assured of decent rewards and

benefits from the company. They are able to stay and serve the firm despite difficult moments

because these packages act as security to them (Kokemuller & N., 2017).

Career Advancement

11. Do you have adequate training opportunities to develop your current professional


Enhancing the workers' skills through training promotes job satisfaction. Employees that

have acquired advanced skills can contribute to the enhancement of all-around skill-sets for the

organization (Truitt & B., 2011).


12. Do you like the current employee development schemes offered by the organization?

To ensure that the workers are motivated, the company needs to recall formal

development schemes with consistent training plans that will aid to re-evaluate workers, their

performance, and skills (Jehanzeb et al., 2013).).


Holidays and paid leave

13. Do you have a better number of personal, sick, and vacation days?

Different from other countries globally, Canadian employers opt to provide such benefits

to their workers to avoid stress brought by work. Also, it boosts the morale of the employees.

(McMaster University, 2020).


14. Do you like the firm’s policies on paid leave and time off?

Working continuously with minimal rest or time off can hinder workers and burr them

resulting in less attention to work requirements. Statistics display that close to 75% of

individuals who regularly go on vacations are ready, creative, and energetic to handle tasks

(Russo et al., 2019).


Part B

Employee Satisfaction/ Engagement Scheme

Workers’ experience involves a deeper focus on enhancing the general work experience

of the career path for these workers. This can be attained through development, learning, updated

technology, culture, and adequate physical space. The profitability, competitive benefits, and

company efficiency are directly proportional to workers' satisfaction and engagement.

Benefits and Compensation

Compensation packages from the organization need to be simple, comprehensive, and

clear to the workers (Kokemuller & N., 2017). Realistic expectations from the employer are

achievable when retention compensation is competitive in comparison to rival firms. Providing

the workers with up to 30% of the remuneration should be fair enough to retain and make them

encouraged to dedicate their time to the company. Also, the firm can provide vouchers, gifts, or

holidays as equal crucial privileges. These strategies can aid in motivating and boosting the

morale of the employees to continue working for the organization.

Career Enhancement

Workers feel more appreciated and valued as they improve their skills in the learning

process. The organization needs to offer opportunities for its workers to grow and advance in

their careers. It will help to motivate them and achieve better results as a unit (Truitt & B., 2011).

Offering skills, counseling, coaching, or training shows that investing in the employees improves

their engagement and satisfaction with their employer. Consequently, the organization retains

loyal and satisfied employees. Moreover, it gains more privileges and skills that might be offered

by them later (Jehanzeb et al., 2013).


Work Environment

Supervisors being close to their juniors at the workplace helps with employee

satisfaction. Nonetheless, offering communication facilities could further encourage the workers

to communicate and socialize easily (Deer & M., 2020). Social activities develop a stronger

corporate work surrounding. Moreover, workers need more support and attention from their

seniors to develop a healthy working environment. Ultimately, it will create a positive effect on

the organization since trust and transparency can be achieved. Employees can feel connected and

acknowledged by the firm. They will feel comfortable sharing their concepts with the seniors

(Forbes, 2021). These strategies will greatly help retain the employees in the company in the

long run.


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