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Core Subject

Class No.: _____ Date: _________________________

Name: ____________________________________ Module 5 – 2nd Quarter – SY2021-22
Grade and Section: __________________________ Teacher: ______________________

I. Title: Intersubjectivity: The Path towards Authentic Dialogue

II. Objectives:
After accomplishing this module, you must be able to:

1. realize that intersubjectivity requires accepting differences & not imposing on other;
2. explain that authentic dialogue means accepting others even if they are different
from themselves;
3. perform activities that demonstrate an appreciate for the talents of persons with
disabilities and those from underprivileged sectors of society.

III. Material/s:
For background information, watch these preparatory videos:
Martin Buber
3 Types of Speech Acts

IV. Time frame: Week 6

V. Concept:

Defining ‘intersubjectivity’ (Latin inter ‘between’ or ‘among’ + subjectum ‘person’ or ‘thing’). There is no
agreement who really coined the word intersubjectivity; even the usage can be at times not quite definite among
philosophical schools, although similar elements of these diverse definitions are reconcilable. But its etymology
gives us the basic understanding of the word as ‘relations between persons’. Here, intersubjectivity presupposes
at least two persons relating to each other. Such relationship can exist between husband and wife, parents and
children, a boy and a girl, an employee and an employer, God and man, among friends, neighbors, classmates,
etc. Thus, intersubjectivity is also referred to as ‘interpersonal relation’ – a relation that ideally respects each
other as both persons or subjects.

The I- Thou relationship of Martin Buber. According to Buber, a person can see or perceive another person
either as an “It” (subject to object) or as a “Thou” (subject to subject). The former he calls “I- It relationship” where
the other person is treated as a non-person (a non-interpersonal relation), while the latter as “I- Thou relationship”
where the other person is treated as a person (a real interpersonal relation); thus, the ideal form for human
beings to relate to one another. In general, the other person is an “It” when one’s identity is reduced to some
concepts or categories in the mind; while, the other person is a “You or Thou” when seen otherwise. In the former
relationship (“I- It”) can only be called an “experience”, while the latter can be considered as an “encounter”. The
best feature of our human existence is that we can enrich our experiences into real encounters in the ‘here and
now’ whenever we decide to be directly appreciative and respectful of someone’s unique presence before us
without inhibitions, prejudice, rules or interpretation.

Authentic Dialogue of Habermas (Greek dia ‘through’ + logos ‘word, meaning’ = conversation). According to
Jurgen Habermas, there are many forms of actions that human beings use in order to facilitate understanding
(‘theory of communicative action’); But speech acts, also known as ‘dialogue’ is predominant and most effective.
For him, those who engaged themselves in a dialogue has to do 4 things - First, use comprehensible
expressions; second, use true propositions; third, express honest intentions; and fourth, choose respectful
utterances. Thus, this dialogue become authentic whenever parties reach meaning-full agreements.

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person – Module 5 Page 1 of 2

VI. Activity: “Which is which?” – Distinguish the relational statements below

Quiz 5: Read the statements carefully. Write SUBJECT if the statement describes a subject to subject
relationship; OBJECT if the statement describes a subject to object relationship (10 points):

TREATMENT Relational Statements

1. “You can be who you want to be, my dear”
2. “My son is extra sweet if I have pasalubong.”
3. “You were just my HS teacher, no more no less.”
4. Pres. Duterte bows to the troops before his speech.
5. “That guy has no future; he will be a like that forever.”
6. “Jesus loved us completely when we were still sinners.”
7. The students did not greet the speaker when he entered.
8. “He will just be his father, a cheater; like father, like son.”
9. Some politicians become generous during election time only.
10. “You have to help me with this, Ken, you can’t say ‘no’ to me”

VII. Evaluation: “For the better” – Complete the table below

Task 5: Read the scenarios on the left column. Suggest a proper course of action for each given situation
that demonstrate appropriate interpersonal actions (10 points):

Scenarios Interpersonal Action/ Subject treatment

1. Attending a funeral
2. Asking a kid to help
3. Dining with the family
4. Someone helped you
5. Your friend lied to you
6. Losing to an opponent
7. A visitor arrives at home
8. Winning over a competitor
9. Soliciting donations for others
10. Planning a group presentation

IX. REFLECT ON THIS: Share your insight on the quote below; select one only: What can you say about
the quotation? Do you agree with this? How can people benefit from what this mean?
Explain your thoughts on the space provided.



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