Mid Term Project Management

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Indian Institute of Information Technology, Lucknow

Mid Semester Assessment

Project Management
(Subjective Part)

General Instructions:
● The exam comprises 2 parts, part 1 as quiz and part 2 as theory. Part 1 has 10
questions 1 mark each. Part 2 has 2 questions 15 marks each.
● Marks are indicated against each question.
● Answer of each subjective question is to be written on a separate sheet.
● Mention your name and roll number on the top of each page.
● State assumptions where ever necessary, Answer to the point.
● Every of the answer will be thoroughly evaluated, write your own answer.

1. John is leading a project for establishing a production line for Build Tech corp, which is a
contract manufacturing facility for packaging material. The line laying is started and is half
done. One day while inspecting the line John meets, Altris who is the manufacturing head.
Altris advises John to change some workstations as he believes that change in sequence
will increase the operator efficiency.

Is this a general request from Altris?. What has gone wrong in your opinion? What should
John do next? (15 Marks)

Answer: When developing any project, the first thing we have to do is plan where in the
above question establishing a production line planning includes facility location, facility layout,
material requirement planning etc.

Once you have identified the location you then need to visit the side and decide how it will be
laid out.
Operation manager engaged in such planning.

In the following case the line laying has started and was half done and it was told by the
manufacturing head to change some workstations, this ain't a general request from him
because the same should have been done on the planning stage.

John should take this as a feedback and get back to analyzing the point mentioned by the
manufacturing head and then decide on implementation of any change on the predefined
scope of work.

This might be considered as a Change Request so it needs to be analyzed first.

2. You have joined as the project manager at God Grace Pvt. Limited, alliance making start up.
The promoters have been very active on the market research and recent report from a
consulting organisation reveals that people visit Godgrace’s website, take and like references
but do not return on site back for a final closure. One of the prominent reason is more time
taken up by the God Grace’s team for following up discussion closures, which needs to be
revamped. You have been designated as a project manager to manage this as a project. Plan
your project and build your WBS to address this planning. (15 Marks)

Answer: Taking my real life example in order to increase the sales and closer ration after
initial calls I will firstly prepare a data of all my past discussion and client information along
with discussion records based on that I will firstly try to find out the key notes and reasons why
client’s are not returning after initial discussion.

Along with this I will start a pattern where we share certain documents to client after their
discussion i.e.
Proposal or Scope of Work: This document will clear the flow and components we have
included in the project along with the terms and conditions.

WBS: I will make it compulsory that sales team prepare a list of functions need to be
performed by in a given project and aks operation team to fill the time required to complete
each function this document will be a Work Breakdown Sheet which will give client more clarity
on what is taking time to develop and also which function or module is taking more cost and
manpower to be completed.

Wireframes/ DFD: Wireframes will be a skeleton or whole project and give clients a feel about
how the end product will look like, DFD on the other hand will be a data flow diagram which
will represent the flow of information in the whole project.

User Journey: This document will explain the pictorial flow of the whole project to give extra
confidence to clients about our understanding and capabilities.

Here are the list of documents which contain Scope of Work, Work Breakdown Sheet,
Wireframes and User's Journey.


I feel the above document will add more weight to our discussion and present our seriousness
in front of the client.

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